Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 18, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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Junior Ito g n e Botortaigwto".
Thu Junior Louche of the
Methodist church was entertained
Tuesday evening a t . the chnroh
by their leaders, Miss May Van
Hardenburg and Miss Nadine
gwenning. They wore - aaflstod
by Mrs. ‘ Van lUrdonherg and
Mrs. Hartly.
Under the direction ,o f their
Ashland «
attractive a n t a
m ade
Neighbors of Woodcraft
H ave P a rty —
Neighbors of Woodcraft and
their friends bad g very de­
lightful evening at carda, Mon­
day, February J 8, after the
regular business -session.
Tables of five hundred proved
most entertaining with’ . Mr. H.
L. *Moore securing first honers,
the prise a lovely, hyacinth, and
Mrs. boland, receiving the con­
solation prise.
There were at least seventy
members ahd guests present' to
On February I I , the Blks enjdy the pleasant hfiurs and
Ladies’ will give a card party, the bountiful • feast which was
Tgsfr friend! k b invited-ahd i f served at ils clbse.
g t o l time M sheared every one
The Neighbors of Woodcraft
meet at tlje J. o . o. F. hall.
No pains are spared In making the first and third Mondays of
these sooiai affairs a success.
-each month. •
Those who wish to attend pre
M phohe M h. M o t a .a b lette
i •
1er table reservations. J
Alpha Chapear Mrttoa*i?'
. e *
Alpha Chapter fío. ¿ O? AS.
¿'1?'?',. A
11 ^ ^ t o wtawah G itoP
I Mhmtained—
dMterday, February * I I , was
H màâw memorable tU the angais
I j M , írém sh a w ta w a h
Group of
heíd its regalar m it in s Mon-
gay evening. A program of b -
teyestiag nam,bers with cards and
dancing, of the old fashioned
figure«, ending With the llvgjy
Virginia Reel, made a social
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brisboe E n tertain —
The members of ike debating
teams Were complimented guests
at a delightful' dinner party
Tuesday evening, given by Mr.
'and Mra. 0 . A. Mrlseoe.
Covsbs were laid for eleven
i t the.' prettily appointed tabic,
WHS Rg dainty place cirds giv­
{ The
t i l s ing a note bf color.
gftop SlWj Kkbbil Leedom . h i s 1 After dinner all gathered about
Afterbury, Basel Hudnell. Ardts the Plano and sanr tor a time.
toKArtkUBd, EtBkhetb Joy. to rt The inter evanint waa spent in
Goetss, Audrey Dodge, June Wol­
this pleasant
cott, Oladva Crosby, HelOn B ir ­
keegitaHty Wire: Mr. |
c ia HMoe Kdunasto. Leeh Be
uakg, cáastanee Willard, Der- AHrtoa, Dirk Jey. Ellen Galgy,
Mtora Bartlett, Lermtne BrtXV
Veda b id et«,
Their , guardian to Mias Helen1 m tlltr,
ÜauBaslly cleveP dtoi|M Juid opior-
^TBig’iJngiiBh'Firin «•nUola the
fw eiftoé propew ¿rights for
U0B. Nothing ia prettìer for Spring
and en ow * drapfcrito th«rf twtonaä.
»' * i
e. to M eato
M < <<
ito -tolMM'-toMrt* M» * * *
& Itoli*.
4 - <‘ r
•Camp Pire "
I <"WaMoktye"
.TB toe » H eb « »o . en rtf . »
W*A: « t o <*«*, ® *M
* L e<±
N«1 » H * > W rtto ;rIto Ä BIP
UB«h, ' W ahrt« < fis»*’ Ciarte«
High, Viel«
< W » , * tth *M * » * • *
H . A. Clark, »ad
H ttttk
Mtf » n D è to tto 'I* * 1*
W *£*
tun until delicious refreshments
were served by the hostesses.
Those present to enjoy the
Jelly time were: Beulah HerVvy,
Anna 'Jean Van Hardenberg,
Wayne Van Hardenberg,. Velma
Brower, Loye Banutrd, Sarah
Perris, H erbert' Darts, tWtothy
George Perris, Gale Hamaker,
Dorothy Bryant and Prank Pem­
Mrs. O. Q, BuMdfcs was in
charge of the entertainment fea­
ture, and games atotopttate to
4he occasion, which deserve more
U e afternoon.
. A sack o f eeady hearts, given
"each guest, played «dlte A part
n f hiindBeou sad ,lats» in a
g tm a
Valentines . and mlttenl
to r e much In demand dnring oft«
game. An animated heart-hunt
said mtelligeabe testa kept guests
eU rt during their progress.'
gam es
* » « « » « > « » * « » >eeOO«W e V e g e to K » H < h Af è « « l | l M t H » 1
-A s m e s t o s » t o t o » » » * ■ « » < » » i
k e f members w ert considered
apd unaaltnodMy toted into the
krone. . .It was pllaued to' iu -
kite tptoe tir ls to t&e next n i -
knife Cettp »Im masting.
Indian names, symbols, and
Camp Fire health charts w eri
also discussed, to wpre fUns>
for a Wawoklyu party?'
il0dr&wg, Editor
These groups have appelated
a reported, whose w ort R to to
lAnong the • historical records of prepare the reports which top'
, the Chapter and a copy sent to of much interest to everyone.
the stale historian.
Following, thia, Mrs. <5. W.
Ranson read *n article wrltted
by the President General of thd
AUxlliaary to Trinity pulld I
D. A. R-, .lib .' Anthony Wayn« entertained the membership and
Cook, "Berviee ' tS Home and friends at an elaborately plan-
This • deoeived closd hod card party Monday evening
, attention from the listeners.
at the Parish Honse.
F Mrs. P. 8. Provost sand'
Patriotic decomtionk
"Love Sent a Little Gift of tically disposed made the rooms
Ifebees,* by Leslie Cook and John Very attractive. Tally Cards, in
Qpenshaw; to appreciative ap­ the shape of little hatchet* Wenc
'■ .» * .
plause, responding with "The Used.
Lilac Tree.’
’• There were 11 tables played
s k Mrs. Chard’ Beebe, in pianò In bridge and five hundred. The
Iplo, played "Prelude" by Rach- prises for the ladies were hand
' jbaninoff, graciously responding, embroidered gifts and very love-
With "Dancing Doll" by Poldini. )
Miss Chamberlain then de^
The fortúnete **»* Ik bridge
lighted the listeners, with an Wirt« Mrs.
Wagner in d
"Lecture Mr. T. H. Bimpaoi. >Aw scores
Heard by lire. Flanhigan, Mother cam e to MM. J. H. McGeh1 and
Of Eight before the Mother's *1 Mr. t . k t CtotfbA
. -,
' ■'
To in sisten t demand,.
In five ktandTed. Mrb, Ctadde
Miss Chamberlain gave “Fluffy.", Babcock and Mr. W. A. «eben
' In celebration of. the birthday scored
highetl dtad the eebrtftu-
of Mrs. MacCracken, president
óf the Civic Club, Miss Hicks
presented her with a beautiful j
Basket of flowers, a gift from »
the Daughters of the. American
Revolution and the Civic Club.
Although a complete surprise,
Mrs MacCracken thanked the *
'' ladies, in fitting phrase for their •
thoughtfulness In remembering
her in se delightful a fashtog.
Just at this point, Mrs. Dodgl
L moved that the club give the D.
A. It. a rising vote of thanks fot
( the splendid program which oH
had enjoyed so thoroughly.
During the social hour, tea
was poured by Mrs. Hammond
and Miss Chamberlain. Just here
another happy surprise was Hi
store fdt the ladle» vfeèh twO
finn birthday cakes made by
’ Mrs. Provoet and Mrs. Maxey
' w e n served with tm tea.
"Mrs. MnHon HtoPsr tortrtgid-
} a £ u * to* partorì- et
S t a h t o r t f « c n t a ì to M
«M to
thn fchAHr ***** #*•**
»otoutoy l i / t o t o « t o h m »
« tu o’cloA .
* The yPutostert worn y t o g e e
different .
meat . Wal-
'»• *>• W W M M M 'i
' ' •
rs Claude
w ®°
■ k* rt’
« U tefta ttM ' ¿t Mg hobse
l l i % . « * * aad
: i , °* r : Andtoked
were used. TBeM «mW telfbw to
' by aa inrtrtoUnp M toM ls. AA
QhnftM* »'ftkttH to
Meekrs. *
Mrttlr, Y. D.
î *. MHimr/'H.'tlfle’Aidsrtrfn tog'W r.
entertaitoa H«LalA, ‘pfrotot* tb Id dtoy t t a ii- 1
if girts at lnK
, V : ,
Itrttoti to t-
er MJt; Andwson ’ was
« girt» of ntenptlBnaHy t o l l rM M rto. ' A
w* er- * *
A tableau eodslsting «t ftor
be"><*_w*w Proposal’s done lh . HMothtney
E lk s’ V alen th rt D a n e s— ■'
This ev to t had btota u ntici-
patgd- for seme time. Elaborate
pimm had been made a id the
result Whs ‘ohe Of the mbst at-
U-asttve parties ef the season.
The Valentine thought was
carrleg out In all the decorates
torfehcis that enhanced the beauty
of .< the aarroundiegs.
Heart shaped shields were
used fer the lights, and Ita
the <WpUr w a s .a dome-llke ar-l
raggertents «ef vslsntlne*. Red
popgfee and .Valentlhge eem-
pletrtl tto decorative scheme.
Ulte nWtrth'bH» were drteued
a* valentiaps to d certainly lnek-
ed gnd acted their parts. ,
TWb' Jeatu$es were .especially
id ttte A lb e r t; Mb-
Cuae and Betty Kearney brought
into the room a small decorated
In it, were dainty
rs o every
m i/ w
snm yiwew«».
favor« aq
present .
Anqther wa* the gnblMt qf
the Charleston given by Dot Mil­
ler and Al Prentice. Punch was
served throgghout the evening.
Tim kpn<il»W room was dmgg-
tlfully decorated.
Pussy wH-
wore surtir springlike and gnyfy
lecorgtsd kgwpirt Merited the
tables. , ’
• .*> .
Three hpn«9ed- geests wrtk
seated, g l ‘ih* f«hUi tonto' tod
enjoyed the elaborate baffgggt
whieh added the «rtWBWW tf-
fator *«
Tko "Who Dg" d»*S nf the
Metkndlet ehgigh w l# h»M a
covered dish luncheon at t|)e
home bt Mrs- Ralph fetUtnps
Fridgy, February l » v
All members who w »k to go
are* atogd t o / gather a t the
church' at
o'clock. It to planned to have
euawr e e that «M a t y rtto tb
the place of meeting.
’ tn‘lU M,lt‘
This, indeed, is a pleasant
-^■and if utaatty is to every
wotnan who first tries it.
* T ' H 1 rtrtdto w io fa d d real joy in cake making
JL f M s a «tin toeatdr jo» the first day she begins ..