Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 10, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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__________ « d it «
Bart R. G reer-----
Bonin «s» M anag«
....... Newa BdltQr
Qeorge Madden Gi
W. H. P a r tin » ...
« f e t k e t o w n . k f AUmaokdrdo
Iooka forward to la m * ' wiped
okt SB« yonra from now. ’
Telephone St
The srtkt w u t a «dA a. which
One Month . . .
Three Months
Six Months ..
One Year -— ..
p u i
p u m
M ebpy * portion ‘ot ana ot tbs
rlvarleaa valleys o f southern
N ew Mexico, » r e moving steadily
toward «to tow n a t t k e rate Of
a m ite eatfh 10 y a i n .
»aods cover an «rea of 270
square mfjea en d som e of the
duna» rise SO feat to th e air.
The W hite Sank» arq really
crystallized''gypsum , blown from
*n fcneient la k e bad to A e 'w e s t­
ward by the unchangng winds
o f countless cantarles.
aandj h a te th e 'appearance of
vast h ills a t drifted snow.
A t the present, roads which
som e 36 years ago weTe marked
on mapa, « re now hndor tbfe
h ills of p a r e w hite typenfh.
Nach subsequent Insertion,
C ird a t T h a n k s__________
Obituaries, p d r l l n s
—- ,
N o donations to charities or otherw ise w ill be made In advertis­
ing « l ob printing — par contributions wtfl ba to cash.
RedWeotz btfltoee the ttOvc-
ments of send Will prove 1 p -
"AB future events, where aa adm ission charge la m«e Or a
collection taken hi Advertising.**
No discount wlH be allowed R eligious or B enevolent Orders.
reatlble t o all efforts o fn r ito to
•to p them.
THE LORD IN PRISON— "And the keeper of ih e prison com ­
mitted to Joseph's hand all the prisoners. • • • The keeper looked
net to anything that w as under his band» because the Lord was
with him .”
Oen. 32.22-23.
PRAYER — Truly, Lord, Thou dost work in a m ysterious way
Thy wonders to perform.
• The barrier, which a few years ago separated Port­
land from other sections o f the state, is slowly but surely
being removed. A friendly spirit is being fostered. There
apjHjars to be a well defined desire for each to help the
Concrete proof of Portland’s willingness to aid the
rest of Oregon to grow and develop is given in the
work of the land settlement bureau of the Portland
chamber of commerce. It is in this work that Portland
business and commercial interests are raising annually
a substantial sum for the purpose of attracting home-
seekers to Oregon.
In Medford Monday the citizens of Jackson county
tpok the initial step toward procuring their quota of
home-seekers '«nder the guidance,and financial assistance
of the Portland chamber of bommeree. A simple, work­
able plan of campaign was mapped out and agreed upon.
It is a plan which should bear fruit as spring mergesi
into summer, and summer into fall.
It is not enough to broadcast faVorable publicity urg­
ing farmers and home-seekers to come to Oregon and to
Jackson county. Pacts, honestly and wisely compiled,
rnu6t be in readiness for those who are drawn here. Lists
of farm lands, with fair valuations and other pertinent
data’ must be available. Jackson county must be pre­
pared to sell her advantages to those who come to barter.
The land settlement committee of Jackson county
has started its work with flying colore. There is every
reason to believe that it will so continue throughout the
NBA Service W riter
thought It m » l seem a» If
there’d be nothing very severe
in a rule lim iting senators to
N obody;
In. hour' apiece to discuss any
New York
•given ’ subject before the upper
house of Congress for ’ consid­
flrZt lew.
It- speeds up business, of
Yes: A word composed of six
But there’s another
fem inine “noes.”
principle involved, which most
Mormon : A man with a much folk w ho favor gag-rule appear
to overlook. ‘
exaggerated idea o f capacity.
It’s the princip^ that the
aa originally created, W
Modesty: Blushing at what
to act as a brake on
yflh hear, but not at what you
of R epresentatives—
to prevent half-baked legislation.
Sham e; Au em otion that comes Gag-rule keeps it from acting
to the surface only after we that way.
are caught.
Hex Heck says: "While you
are Brin' you can go to a lot
o ’ places, but after yon are dead
your choice Is lim ited to tw o.”
It is to be hoped that the Ashland chamber of com­
merce will be successful in its plan to have the corner­
stone of the new Southern Oregon state normal schoo)
fashioned from the enduring granite of Ashland.
It was the determination, the foresight and the fight- '
ing spirit of Ashland’s people that made possible the
rearing of the new normal school edifice in this city. It
was a hand battle, and a dean one, which the people of
Nice thing about working In
this conuiiuiuty waged in the legislative halls at Salem, a bank Is half the tim e when
and they won because of the justice of their claims and by you gat down there you find it
reason of the able manner in which they were presented.) Is
I a holiday.
It is not much which Ashland' askspnot much so farj
as the board of regents or the contractor are concerned? Of course you may Blip and
break a leg. but oho danger les-
But for Ashland and her people it is a fair request and an; sened by winter Is swallowing
important one.
waterinollon seeds.
Our normal school belongs to the state; but the liot>es
IB Pittsburgh, P a., seven autos
and vision which made it jiossihle are Ashland’s and her’s
collided, making those who saw
alone. It would be fitting, indeed, that the cornerstone
the crash thlhk they Were In
should be as Ashland and her people may want it. And New York.
to our mind nothing would be more fitting thaw to have
it caned from the famed Ashland granite.
■ very henpecked man needs
’ ’
It is a worthy movement which the
vf e“m i ■ d o* to criticize. __ '''
uierce has undertaken. It should win united support and
three If yoe do save money
ultimate success.
It’s perfectly true th at a Sen­
ate m inority frequently has kept
the m ajority from doing what It
wanted to do, b y talking ever­
lastingly, and tying things up,
until fin a lly the maj’ortty bed
to give up and drop som e m eas­
ure It had had Its heart Bet on.
m inorities
have thWr rights, or ought to.
At any rate.
“ founding
fathers” thought so.
j That’s why they stood for
unlimited debate. In the Senate.
Limitation’» e ll right Ih fh e
House of R epresentatives. That’s
the popular body— supposed to
fee responsive to national fads
4nd w hites, and to go oft at
half-cock occasionally. Its creat-
r»’ theory w a s xthsA “Stop, Look,
1st«».” Was the eorrect motto
'to r th e Senate.
And unlim ited , debate there
Is the m inorities' one White al­
ley. It's obstructive, certainly.
It was m eant to be.
Winter in almost over, even in the east. Very short­
ly new We Will be told that the anthracite strike is at an
Cheer *np. The eomnpondeuts will soon forgot all
about the Stilhnans nod their disgusting marital
t ,
V -
MO'N ONCLfc ACrf, '
IF T w o e t B o s s »
H t t p s o o A v a r ie
v sirfH T h e ir
T rP dE R iieG amo
V . . ME t
Ashland-Portland, $8.20
Direct Oequectlona at Roseburg, ;for O oopB qy Points
n t & W B t MOtOR STAGS
Tòkyo Welcomes
Soviet Attache
TOKYO. Teb. tO -r -(tfp .)—
Unusual officiai coùrtestes have.
M en shown to J a c o b y ). Yanson,
the first commercial attache or
th e S o v ie t E m b a ssy , here.
was met by hllfh officials at
Shlmonocekl sud given a private
car to travel td Tokyo, ¡kAnfe-
thing more than wag accorded
-the reo ea tlf arrived American
The Soviet request to M able!
to station 'seventy commerciai
Agents throughout Japan, Korea’
and Form osa, w ith diplomatic
status. Is still being refused hri
the Foreign Office.
By Williams
r M -M -M -BC H ’ i
Ai MT T H I S . 1
' o h .T hes / \
wont © other ' -sv q ti_ v 1 ú v f c
M E ’ 1 t o b t O ! L1FÆ C A M Pisf,
B L E E P »M >
i A a tlN O M
'TUFRO- ' i f TÍM ES Bt-TTÍRsl'
< A « to ! J
f* À * O M Î V
’ W IG H T
UO Cowit
. M <STW
.’ ê \A e J» w
V m ig h t , j
’ i "'¿ k ■
A ,curious thing ebout this
world Is people wjio have' no-
riab t to be cheerful are onr
cbtorful people.
The first accounting was done
by cutting notches tri a stick.
Then- came two atlckb called
'‘ta lly ,” for both creditor khd
detrtai. When th e day of setj
d em en t came both sticks had
1e' have the sam e numM r Of
notbbee. Tellers to banka were
first known as tally officers.
vn CD L iki
HOti4»fe,' F ull of n
«ACM êk M
C ate was a prohibitionist
drank nothing b et water.
TOKYO, Feb. 10— (U. P ) —
baroness Kujo, a sister-in-law of
the Em press and, aa wall, a rela­
tive of the Emepror, has startled
Japan by appearing in the role
of a dram atist, her first play
tN orth of Kyoto In Autum n,”
now appearing on the boards
at the Im perial Theater. It deals
with the Ute of a Buddhist nun
and is draw ing good houses.
The Baronnees, who Is a poet
and ' th e president of the Shta-
■hu W om en’s Buddhist Associa­
Contracts to r concshtlng Na­
tion, 1C devoting her - p lay roy­
alties to charity and Is dally tron Cut-oft tunnels on 8. P. Line
require Bob men.
visiting the Tokyo alums.
on to o th brashes and tooth paolo*
It Won’t be enough to buy false
The normal school contractor tells us he never saw!
such a fine body of workmen as lie has here in Ashlfttid.
Before be has completed the building lie will lie just as
ready to tell us he never Raw such a fine little city ns
Ashland. Because after all, it ’s the folks who make'
the city what it is.
», ~
W ashington , Teh. r e — < u .
P.1— The fe d e r a l d tl Cohserta-
tlon Board, appointed b y P resi­
dent Codlltfge to kbrfey (he ha-
tlon’s petroleum resources and
m ake recom m endations for pro­
longing their life , opened hear­
ings today prelim inary to ’ ¿raft­
ing a final report.
The kehringa w ill continue to ­
day nnd tomorrow, before Sec­
retaries Work. Hoover, D avis of
the W ar Departm ent; «fcd w ii-
Leaders 'Of fhe Oil in­
dustry have boon Ihvited to give
th eft general vtowa a t kite A f o -
tlon oonfrohttbg the country and
pass on (he opinions of th is«
close to the h eart of the -n-
.7 Y-ÍC . Z
SB-- ■