Ill— G. W. Benedict is confined to his home by Illness. Radio Sermon Causes Suit sulla protected tires. Leave For New Home— Mr. and Mfs. Rodman of C street have moved to Eugene. Hrom Talent— -^W. C. Spltier was a business Mr. Rodman was pastor of the visitor in Ashland from Talent Nasarepe church. today. Marcelling. . Trimmtet, Sham- Can Blackwell give reference? pooing, Dyeing. Facials. The 1 sav! 12»-1 “ 0- Vanity Shoppe, MeOee’s 8tore. 98-tf Phone 10S. Read books from our rental Ill— library.—Elhart’s. Mrs. Anna Ghihb of Moun­ tain Avenne, who has been 111 From L u Angeles— A. R. Borton of Los Angeles for the past week, is reported was a business visitor in Ash­ as improving. land yesterday. Fresh chewing vanlla Walk upstairs to Orres Tailor caramels at Candy Land. Shop and u va *10.00. 78-tf Ansco Cameras.—Elhart’s. Htopped In Ashland— E. L- Thompson of Vancouver '«topped in Ashland to visit old .friends on bis way to Florida. Among the gu ests nt th e Hotel Ashland a r e — Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Douglas. Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. An­ derson, L u Angeles; Ban Hart­ ley, and family, Chico; Bert Tates, Vancouver; W. R. Mc­ Carthy, Bishop; C. B. Jones, Bishop; Victor Dickey, Portland; Charlyes A. Bartaln. Los An­ geles; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mc­ Gregor, L u Angeles. , - Baby grows older day by day .—Photographs never..— Stadio Returned To Home— Ashland. < Miss Mary Louise Murphy of Redding, California, who was n Purchases New C a r ■ wdsk-ehd visitor with Nancy The Clayeomb Motor Co,, re­ ports the sale of a 1930 Ford Loh GUI. *«5 Scenle Drive, re­ touring car to Norris Olle of turned to her home Bunday evening. » Medford. ' , , Fresh home-made cream ear Among the gueute a t the Hotel amele at the Plasa. 118-tl Oregon are— L. V.Stockner, Klamath Falls; Cliff Payne makes French doors. T. R. Daw, Klamath Falla; John! Hafpe, Freewater; F. A. Brown, Newark; Alford E. Tutt, Wood­ In PortlaaA— land. Mrs. Alex Lillngston and Mrs C. D. Wtnelaad left for Port­ land Sunday to he gone deveral Among the guests at the Llthla Springs hotel are— days. Arthur Foster. Portland; A. R. Graham, Spokane; Mrs. 0. W. Evans, Seattle; Miss B. Evans, Seattle; G. R. Smith. Se­ Phon« Paulsernd’s,- 119 attle;’ L. Hulbert. Eugene; A. call for yonr cleaning and A. Ferns, Portland; R. Ham- lug. mond, Seattle; R. L. Finlayson. Eugene. , B orn- Mr. and Mrs. George E. Pope announce the birth of a uven pound baby girl Sunday morning at the Convalescent Home on Granite street. A sermon broadcast from the first Baptist church of Okla­ homa City, Okla., by the Rev. Lincoln McConnell (right/, < ontractor Here— is thQ basis for a $20-000 slander suit filed «gainst the J. J. Tranchall of Portland, radio ^station, KFJF, Oklahoma City by Under Sheriff general' eontrkctor for'the Ash­ C. W. Frias (loft). Fries charges Rev. McConnell’s criti­ land state normal, school, ar­ cisms of his. law enforcement methods was too virulent. rived In the city last evening Army and Navy Teams Will Play in Windy • - . City BY HENRY L. FARRELL (United Press Sports Editor) NEW YORK. Feb. 9.— (IP)— Some eastern critics are viewing with alarm the future of Army- Navy football relations since it was announced that the annual Inter-service classic would be played In Chicago in the fall. The danger of bad precedent— the most ancient of alarms— Is being. held as the most serious mistake that Navy athletic offic­ ials made In accepting the invi­ tation of Chicago. If Chicago is able to get one of the most colorful classics of fbotball, why can’t Atlanta, Los Angeles, Denver, Seattle or Shel­ by, Mont., have an equal claim to the distribution of the game, to Inspect the progress of con­ struction work on the new ponses was overcome in this pres­ school building. He is a guest ent case when the Chicago com­ at the Llthla Springs hotel. mittee agreed to pay the tran»- portation and hotel bills of every­ one in the official party. The committee hopes to raise this money by the sale of 40,000 tickets that have been promised tor the public market. It should be a sum sufficient to pay all ex­ penses and remove any complaint that Chicago was after the game for commercial reasons. ', Then the complaint was raised that the trip to a distant city would take the cadet and midship­ men sudents away from their classes too long. ,Thls objection was amusing because no concern about national defense was evef felt In the past because the heyj were away from their books fos a few days. If the cadets and the midship* men want to spend their Thanks­ Effective anxfPloasont to Ihka' giving time leave travelling with 25c and 50c their teams and if it doesn’t cost the government anything, It’s no* body’s business but the general and the admiral in charge of policy at the two academies. The question can be answered with the same words— Why shouldn’t they? The first objection was to the money that it would cost to send two teams, a corps of cadets and a regiment of midshipmen to a city far removed from West Point and Annapolis. Navy and Army athletic offic­ ials were Justified In considering the financial angle because the maintenance of the athletic scheme at the two service aca­ demies depends almost entirely upon football profits. The gov­ ernment appropriates so little for athletics that It would he Im­ possible to enter service teams In Intercollegiate competition WANTED—Experienced wood without some assistance from the cutters for donkey* engine, *1,59 per rick, thirty employment.; AU tools furnished. Employment Department, Coos Bay Lumber Co., Powers, Oregon. 185-5 TOMORROW, THURSDAY From Eugene—* ' C. L. Hulbert, district traffic superintendent- of Eugene, who was a visitor In Ashland yester­ day and a guest at the Llthla Springs hotel last evening, left thia morning for Klamath Falls. switchboard mea (rom Portland, are ia Ashland cola* pver the entire board at the locàl Tele­ phone office. left last night for 8eattle to attend a Gfaeral Meeting of Sec­ retaries from Washington and Oregon. < -• ’ Left For S e a t t le - 1 Bend ** uuraoer output here duriiif 1935 wp4 more than 1,- 000,000 feet a day. Payroll in two Mg pine b ills js *4,500,000 a year. ■ ‘ ' Mies Beule McMillan, secro-. tary of the Employees Plan of Representation, which meets Gonlg Over Switchboard— Mr. Hill and Mr. Moore, once every month at ■ Eugene, I-eft For HlWUe Earl Wilshlre, who 'ha: spending the winter wK mother, Mrs. Mary W left Monday for his ranch in Eastern Oregon Mrs. Len McDonald of Klam­ ath Falla Is visiting in Ashland for several days. . .. OH Friday eVMlhf of this week « an old-fashioned social Ndw Spring atylee to suite and will be held in the parlors of Top Coats at Paulsernd’a. the Presbyterian church. A splendid program and fine music from the "Jubilee Sing­ ers’* will be heard. All friends B. g. Kramer, Portland; ,W- of the church and strangers In F. Perry, Portland; Ó. F. Bel bel, the city are cordially invited Xoveburg; H. V. Smith, Rose­ to come and enjoy It. burg: fF. 21. Robinson and wfff, Placer, Oregon; Mrs. E M. Jacobson and eon. San Pedro; TOO LATB TO CLASSIFY C. R. Walker. Dunsmuir; À. FOR RENT—Three room Hllty ,and wife, Dnnsmulr; Garden privilege. Chartes ■. Thompson, Portland,- apartment.* Inquire 388 High St. Phone D. Smith, Roaebnrg. 413-J. 18«-« TODAY The youngsters in the two academies get very few oppor­ tunities for recreation In their four , hard yean of training and instead at loosening discipline a trip of this kind ought to add to thé moral of the young men. Well, anyway, it was concluded, the Innovation will make foot­ ball a political football and the answpr again ls-*- What-of It? . New Spring C O A T IN G S • • * « On Display for the First Time Today Smart in Color, Rich in Spring Patterns, Beautiful shades. ' All 54 inch widths. No Two Alike PRICED 'AT $6.95 AND $7.50 THE PATTERN See the New Satirized Fabrics for the Two Piece Street Frocks. Trimmings, Too The New McCall Printed Patterns Make Sewing Easy. They’j-e Here. VALENTINES Flowers suitably express the. Spirit of Valentines. If yon would really please her, send her flowers. Only In’* their :harm and fragrance can you sonvey to her your love and Mteem. Distance is no barrier to the Joy yonr flowers bring to her. Telegraph them, anywhere, anytime. Ask Us. Valentines Day is This Sunday, Fehruary 14th SALE E. R. IS A A C & CO. __________ The Quality Store , ' ” ’ * * ' *■ 1 - '5. ! Happy Home” Apron Frocks Sale Wednesday "Say It with Flowers’* ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Phone« 148 or 120 Free Delivery gaoo WILL BUY a nice clean business, stock and fixtures. P. O. Box 656. 185-8 Made of Amoskeg Gingham in Check and FOR RENT— 3-room fuvUsbert apartment Private bath and Bleeping porch. Phone 268-R. Plaids. Guaranteed Fast Colors, Sizes 36 to 52. 116-f Wednesday Special WANTED—Woman to work mornings. Park Hotel. 185-3 FOR SALE CHEAP— 16-gauge double barrel L. C. Smith shot gun. A-l condition. C. M. Skelton. R.F.D. 1, Ashland. 181-4« PONGEE BLOOMERS Twelve Styles to Choose From Neater and more serviceable will A Good Bloomer made be your clothes if yoa of 12 Momrae Pongee See them in our Show Window. Be here have them pifcperly clean­ and a good seller at the early, tomorrow morning, as the lot will ed and pressed. We call regular $2.45 price. not last long at this low price. for and deliver your or­ ders. . AehianA Gleaning and ■ Dyeing Werks 85 P in t S t Phone 63 STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING. NO GARMENTS WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THIS TIME. /