distinction'singla* with the Tilings office. Ota. «43 «M t Mala. 184-U ill furnioh- «8 Laurei 188-tf A U C T IO N E E R MOB S d ita -Boootcrs, pure bred barred rocks. Thompson ringlets strain. E. C. Burt, 855 Bast Mala.. Phone J88-J. u •' ' ' IBM» FOR SALE— Ford touriqg car |rqulefc sale. Good condition. .36 cash or terms, i l l Cool- go. 114-4 PAIUTINO CONTRACTOR ... . ------------ Hhtaff.- Oement k. Be- MERTON B. THOMPSON Painter and Decorator - Hanging ’.Tjtrting a flitadahy n r a U u r s Reflnlshed Estimates gladly fprnlshed Phone 88 e r . f i . PBtBttK G AND TINTING UB—Ivars and Pond ï t you «approdata a fiiM clam mat new, perfect cou­ r t oak case. Price fob of potatta* <$• tinting «gare 434*43. !« •-•• D C |i € U B l M l i l i U U j L v ilT B C i Phone Slfc-B. «1-1 g r e ti Tahared Brate. Matings healed by takten e f a e t lees than l i t W U lte ta . I I b i« 0 , settles i » eggs. Will <5. Coun­ ter. Ashland. 188-tt The anpouncenraht that the flan Carlo Grand Opera Company 1" to play a « m a*«ht stand la Med* ford kt Hunt's Crstsrisn oa March l i t . la being received with much enthusiast* by opera and music lovers throughout «he valley. Biset's most famoaa opera *'Carman" will ha presented by Fortaap Gallo’s excellent artists. "Carmen la one ot the two or three tthst popular operas In mod­ ern repertory. Blast's remarkable lyric' gifts, his power ot wrttlag abort, compact numbers, toll of ’exquisite beauty. and convincing style la thoroughly demonstrated in the opera "Carmen." A great cast has been promised Medford for presenting this love­ ly Opera and 'this cast h ill be sup­ ported by a large and splendid chorus and a full symphony or­ chestra. Rhea Tonlolo, Spanish rneno- K e e F - w e c h a h « b , ovd suprsno, Is a brilliant new addi­ SCO UT. AM D 1 T H I N K tion to the flan Carlo forces and Is making her American debut this 1 ‘t.K. C o m e I N r 1 j j season. ' Mlsa Tonlolo win sing the title role of "Carmen" and h S T e A ’J i Y . her Interpretation ot this Is said < 9 to he one of the Snest on the operatic stage today. She Is a na­ ._jr fa tive of South America, and has snng In opera and Is very well- knewn and popular la that con- . Uneat. The role of "Don Jose" will be assumed hy Franco TUfuro, bril- - Jiant tenor, which Impresario ready developed Into a gigantic Gallo discovered daring his trip industry and, brought wealth to the irrigated plains. The irrlgar tlon farmers have become the envy of their fellowmen of the eastern sections raise com •n the fertile valley». . a ■ 18631732 Much discussion Is being given proposals to establish corn sugar factories in the eastern section of Nebraska where moot of the state’s corn is grown. At, the sam i time, Senator R. LINCOLN, Neb. Feb. (IP)— B. Howell, republiean, Nebraska, Nebraska, long called the Corn- husker state may Instead be has brought to the attention of known as thte Sugar state If car- congress the possibilities of man­ rent plops for extending the sugar ufacturing sugar from artichokes, regarded as an ordinary Industry are carried to realisa­ now weed. Artichokes will thrive al­ tion, • ' t .. S T D P W À R B H I ÛREN Beet sngar growing In'the west­ most anywhere. Senator Howell vlslens lilting In the Unused areas ■OSTRILS AND HEAD ern section of the state has al- of Nebraska with artichokes for stigar manufacture. »O R flk lt a - A limited u n ­ tar of batching eggs from my - W ilte ffhtaU HomnYt« May U tilla Lagtotne. i . Bott Free- fair Ave.. Portland. Oregon ~ -----TT----- 7 m tn. 11« Natter. 113-1 fra. M eno Instructor Plsrio Instruction by expert encsd tsatfror. BOgttnsrs prefer­ red. Pheas 411 J. Mrs. Harold Alklas. ■ 107— 1 mo.» »O R S A IA —! « • A k k olee- teta broedar- la perfect working a lte r , I16.8C. A. Bert Prec­ in ta . I l l Nuttley at. 111-tf FOR SALA—Save m enty on Field and Grass tahd>- O®4 onr prices aa Sweet Clover Seed. AMalfs, Red ptevte and Grass Bends. Send tar anr 1 » |« Seed Annual. MonhwA BMd Com­ pany, Bedford, Ore. l l 7 * l mo. for Chronic Coughs TeZI BnCRTT B ots WANTBD-i-Age 8 to 16» to act M Sales ftePNsentatlvev te spare time after school and on SaUrdagS, for PICTORIAL REVIEW — America’s Greatest Magasine of the Hoirie. We ’« h eh tbk bay satesmklshfp khd «tee bfM the eppertentty te *arr flteaey as well as spècial prises. PARENTS PLEAS« NOTE. Ad- •Skss;—The Pictorial Review O«., 888 Market St., flan Fran­ cisco 184,3 If your nostrils are clogged sa d *your head is stuffed Shd you can’t breathe freely because* of js cold or catarrh, Just gel a smalt bottle of Bly’s Cream Balm at any drug sfbre. Apply a 'little of this fragrant, an- Three Former Sufferers Give Full Credit for There tlseptlc cream into your nos­ to Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup trils and let It • penetrate through every air passage of The test of anv^modicine is what those say who have year bead, soothing and healing used it. For years and years Alabama people have been the inflamed, swollen muco»» membrane and you get Instant employing Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup in the relief. treatment of such ailments as constipation, indigestion, Ah! how good It feels. Tout biliousness and other sufferings resulting from a disor­ nostrils are open, .your head dered liver and impure blood. Here is how they write M clear, * no more hawking, snuffling, Mowing; no more about it: ’ ’ , . ; • headache, dryness oh struggling fn t breath. Ely’s Cream Balm "One of my neighbors told me and am never without It." la z just what sufferers from "I was actually afraid to spdak about Dr. Thacher’s Liver end Band colds and catarrh need. Blood Syrup and got me to try It, of my suffering or complain of ' It’s a delight. Oach O t h t and it Is the only thing that help­ anything for .¿say; that my mother jinotner proDicm ed my Indigestion," paid Mss. would make me take medicine Mayo Pesnell, Route 1, Bailey- which I hated," said Miss Porresl Deese, Route >. Cullman, Ala. town, Ala. <*r had asthma very bad and my "I felt like my stomach was burning up. Gas would form and health wps faUtng so* fast I just make me miserable. This brought had to do* something'about If. We on constipation and dull head­ hisvo used Dr. Thacher’s Liver aches that would hang on for and Blood Syrup for years and look -on It as a fam ily repndy, so days. .Peel all out of. softs? "My Hrst bottle o f Dr. Thacher’s I took that and It helped me mffre Tired, achy, blue, lrritablef Liver and Blood Syrup did me so than anything. I don’t M ew how Back lame and stiff? much good that I began taking It we could get along without this ' It may he the Story of weak regularly. I kdpt ea taking It till grand tonic. ”— Hast Side Pbstm- * kHteSys! ' . , J *’ 1 got completely over my troublo acy. Of toxic poisons Mrculating Shout , . . Tteeatting blood sad nerves. ’there's a way to feel right Are You All Run Down? * tth M A C T R IW B im E M Jos qf all «Basas. Prick Is ridfrt. , Slavas t*Uairad- sto w » fW »ata. ss« tate Baffi» Brata Mtt teen Woflu Oberlin 8«. -, U7-1 mo. www», ~ «Barffn, Ú .8 8 . Ajbaltatrlcal wortt Ikffs 'a t Fard .«flt Brices. olatcomb ; H btoa R ompant O V B T O*VBAL who joined Gallo’s tl yoor. A h n Carlo pttMlietlon Wot cettalaly* aot ho complete with» that popular veteran of tho aai pan? Ptatra Do Blasl. Aa "’l l lea**, Captain of tho Guard, Blast’s great bass vote« shows exceptional advantage. Carlo Pproal, masterly conda or of other flan Carlo's season w ill, conduct tho opera when oppoara la Medford. Dokbfr p ills --a stimulant ^D pan’s ate recommended hy Ashland people: Mrs. Shell Hayes, 195 Laurel Wt, Ashland, esyg: *1 have »1-, * k y . found Doan’s Pills a good .kidney remedy. I had attache ,'nf’ kidney complaint and my thek ached and pained. I felt Bull and tired, «specially morn- My kidaeys acted fr- WdnCya 'ttgs. î S V f i î tgglllarly, too. t uted , Dokb’s VlBo and It was not long befftfe they gave me relief. They strengthened my back aufl kl0 years of age and still hale and hearty. He was the first man trt -rtr**»* enter the mercantile busi­ ness In Duntfhafl*. but * disposed ot his Justness interests yeath ago. ’ ft® still owns much valuable property la Dunsmuir. obtainable The Ashland Electric Shop ICE CREAM, NATURE’S FOOD - BEST ^Uhland Creamery How? TH question of how to express our' feelings Df devotion to those who have been taken from us often seems to be of over­ whelming weight. Our years of experience have shewn us what you will want and the correct way in which the symbol of your affection should be expressed. We want you to feel that we take a sincere and J'WUy .t o t o s t in helping yon/J - to d ay m ay save you ,.oss tomorrow. X P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Direetom BLOX AWE SÙW ARRIVING FASTER Protect JPtACE YOUR ORDER EARLY Billings Agency 381 dal SI. Across R. R. Ttadw OLD FASHIONED HENRY FORD DINNER AND PANCE LITHIA’ ' HOTEL/ ■ iturday, February 13, 6 P. M. to Midnight Celebrqfing Sfc Valentine’s Day NEER FIDDLERS. MUSIC ^ I f p R D A W CLARENCE’L4NE, MAtfEER OF CEREMONIES. UOOaPlate MAKE RESEftVATIONS NOW