i MATiARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich osone a t Ashland. Pure dom estic w atei; helps. A shland D aily T idings ■a.,ni.^a a jifo Tjdings Has. Been 'Ashton# 8 Leading Newspaper, For, Nearly Fifty. Years _ _ _ VOL. XLIX • , Snee«M r to the Semi-Weekly Tldlnga. Volume 42 EXPERT TO AID GOLF BOOSTERS CHOOSING SITE Ashland Leading • All of Oregon for Car Registrations (United >*•»» Wire Service) ASHLAND. O R E G O N ^S S m A Y FEBRUARY 8. 1926 ASH LA N D , OREGON, >AY FEBRUARY 8, 1926 SU PR E M E «! B R E D TO HALT KELLOG’S FLAN Honeymoon In Clouds ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use o f medicine nine cases out o f ten of This is a proven fact. , f ■' . ’ DISABELED SHIP SINKS; ENTIRE CREW IS SAVED Foster Will Lead Practice Session For Square l}a> 1 J* HEAVY STORMS OVER; FLOODS NOW RECEDING and " J o in e march!” *'*’ Intd^ In ihe revival 8 of thè old fashioned 8 square dances in Ash- 8 Steam Schooner Y osem ite Western Oregon Nearly Back .lnnd will be strengthen­ 8 W orld Court Adherence D e­ to Normal After Hi nge Goes on Rocks Off Point clared Violation of ed tonight when the pro­ 8 -Reyes, Cal. Rainfall Constitution ponents of these popular 8 dances of a few decades 8 HAD DYNAMITE CARGO SCHOOL GIRL DROW NS ago will gather at the 8 LEGAL BATTLE STARTS Lithla Springs hotel bali 8 W ashington Lawyer W ants Tri­ Sinks to Bottom While Three Father Falls to Have Daughter; room for another prac­ 8 Springfield Mill Shuts Miles Outside the Golden bunal to Pass on Peace tice session under the 8 Down Gate Question ' , Tourist« tutelage of Arthur II. 8 8 Foster, of the land set­ 8 8 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. WASHINGTON, Feb., 8— (U. Ashland's golf enthusiasts to­ tlement department of 8 8 P.)-—The 3— (U .P .)— Within three miles PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. United States su­ day could vision the bag ot the Portland chamber of 8 8 preme court today was asked to of the Golden Gate, the atoam (U. P .)— Western Oregon was gold at the end of the golf commerce. 8 8 restrain Secretary of State Kel- „schooner Yosemite which went nearly back to normal today course rainbow. - The dancing will start 8 8 log from carrying out steps to on the rocks off Point Reyes, after several days of hectic ex­ With five tracts under con­ 8 'at 7:30, and all persons 8 8 complete tearing a big hole in her hull, periences with heavy rains and. American adherence sideration, and with interest In 8 Interested are invited to 8 8 to the world court. sank today while under tow by wind storms. Railway and wire the golf club mounting dally, attend and to take part. 8 8 the tug Sea Runger. communication was generally on Benjamin Catchings, a Wash­ members of the site committee It was Mr. Foster who 8 8 ington lawyer, filed a petition The schooner, loaded with schedule in every part of the announced that some day this 8 helped to revive these 8 with the court asking that Sec­ dynamite and percussion caps, state, although high water la week a golf expert will be dances in Portland a few 8 8 retary Kellog be restrained be­ and destined for Point Ludlow, still causing some Inconvenience. brought to Ashland to aid the 8 «veekj ago, and he has 8 cause the world court protocol, Wash., went on the rocks early committee in the selection of 8 consented to aid the men 8 if adhered to, will create a tri­ Selo Flooded Sunday morning five hours ont the best possible site. Members 8 and women of Ashland 8- bunal higher than the United from San Francisco. She be­ 8CIO, Ore., Feb. 8— (U .P .)— of this committee are Harry 8 to bring them back to 8 States supreme court itself, and gan filling immediately. Thomas cretpc overflowed its Tomlinson, chairman; Henry 8 popular favor in this 8 will delegate the sovereign pow­ banks early today, flooding Scio Crow Rescued Galey and Will Dodge. city. 8 8 ers of this country to the world and many neighboring farms. The schooner Willamette, All of the sites are located 8 Another practice ses­ 8 court In violation of the consti­ four miles away, picked up an Although the property damage south of the city, and are either 8 sion for these same a tution of the United States. S. O. 8. call and rushed Im­ was considerable, there was uo on the Pacific highway or ris­ dances will be held at the 8 8 loss of life reported. mediately to the aid qf the The petition will be formally ible from the highway. The site 8 Ashland armory tomor­ 8 submitted to the court at its stricken steamer. The Wil­ committee and others interested 8 row night, starting at 9 8 next Girl Drowns open session, Monday, When Irl Beach (inset got married he took his wife with lamette picked up the crew of In the formation of a golf and 8 o'clock. 8 Maroh 1. MILTON, Ore., Feb. 8— (U. 28 men of the Yosemite with­ country club feel that the golf 8 him on his business trips. Since he is an aviator, fly­ out injury or loss of life. 8 P .)— Gladys Massie, aged 19, course should be located south 8 ing from town to town taking passengers up for short The Yosemite was almost sub­ 8 was drowned Sunday night when of the city by reason of the 8 rides, this was easy, so the two are honeymooning by 8 she slipped from a foot bridgo merged when taken In tow by fact that much of the auto tour­ 8 8 Into the swollen waters of the airplane. He lives in Arkansas City, Kas. the 8ea Ranger. The tow line ist travel comes to Ashland from 8 Little Walla Walla river. The 8 was 1,000 feet long as the Sea .—A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the south, and a good golf 8 girl and hen father, Georg* 8 Ranger feared to get closer course greeting the tourists as 8 Massie, were on their way to 8 because of the ever constant they entered the city would 8 church at the time of the trag­ 8 menace of the Yosemite's cargo. cause many of them to remain < edy. The father caught hold of 8 Sinks From Hight •over here and take advantage Ashland’s American Legion thé girl’s clothing aa she fell Mrs. Rosa Ellen Sloan, aged 8 The disabled ship proved h of Ashland's numerous attrac­ 8 88, for 30 years a resident of troublesome captive as only her post was well represented at the from the bridge, but the swift tions. 8 Ashland, died at the family masts and a part of her stack district convention of the legion waters tore her from hia grasp. The site committee will con­ home. 440 Helman street, at 1 8 and rail were above water. The In Medford, which eoncluded with The body was recovered less fer during the early part of t h U « »’«lock - Bunday AmCUng. 'F e - William A. Carter, former rofc- Waak., Feb. A— tug made but three knots ■ an the annual banquet at the. Med­ than two hours later. 8 week and select an experienced 8 floral services were held this af­ (U .P .)— Bribes and "splits” took hour all day yesterday on the ford hotel Saturday night. John dent of Jackson connty, and now 8 golf expert to advise with It in 8 . Mill Hhets Dawn 8 ternoon from the H. C. Stock a well known attorney of Port­ the bulk of his huge profits in wearisome trip back to San Enders of this city was one of the selection of the beet possible 8 chapel wifh a Christian Science land, will seek the the banquet speakers, urging un­ the liquor business, Roy Olm­ Francisco. republican SPRINGFIELD, Ore.. Feb. 8 8 Almost hourly the site. 8 water today 8 service. She was laid to rest nomination for governor. Formal stead, alleged king of the Pa­ disabled schooner sank lower ited support In the membership — (U.'P.)— High 8 caused a partial shutdown of 8 beside the body of her husband, announcement of his candidacy cific coast rum runners, told and lower until this morning. drive. M. L. Sloan, In Mountain View was made by Mr. Carter in Port­ Patrolman R. F. Baerman in a Just outside the Golden Gate, The chief address was given by the big sawmill of the Booth- SEA TTLE FISH ERM AN cemetery. Mr. Sloan died in land Saturday afternoon. Dr. E. B. Stewart of Roseburg, Kelly Lumber company here. It conversation which E. F. Car- she sank completely from sight KILLS H IS PA R TN ER 1914. state commander of the legion, will be several days before the ruthers, federal,' ag^|it, over­ Mr. Carter la a native of Tenn­ ABOARD TH EIR BOAT Mrs. Sloan was a native of essee, where he wab born in 1874. heard, according to Carruther's who urged strong cooperation of plant will be operating at nor­ Kentucky, having been born at He came to Jackson county in testimony all local posts in the work of the mal capacity, It is believed. from the witness 8EATTLE, Wash., Feb. 8— (U. Bronston, Ky., Sept., 17, 1838. 1892 and read law In the pffice stand today. Olmstead and more state organization P .)— Shooting and killing hi* She Is survived by five children. of J. L. Hammersely at Gold Hill. than a score of his reputed em­ Other speakers included George DAYTON, Wash., Feb. 8— (U. partner on their fishing- boat in They are Miss Mary Sloan and During his residence In this coun­ ployes and agents are on trail Love of Eugene, Kennpth Cooper F .)— Flood waters Sunday car­ Lake Union early today, Leon­ Mrs. Louis Boslar, both ot Ash­ ard T^yree, 42, sped off in the of Portland, Carl Moser, of Port­ ried away out buildings and ty he took a prominent part in in federal court here for al­ land, Dr. G. 8. Newsom of Klam­ caused some loss of life among Ashland high school’s speedy land; Mrs. S. S. Hill or Cali­ political affaire and represented leged conspiracy to violate the launch with the „dead man ath Falls, Jack Cleary of Port­ livestock. One family narrowly aboard. He led the lake patrol basketball quintet continued Its fornia, and Allen and Robert this county in the state legisla­ national prohibition law. land, Leland Cowan, Colonel escaped death by drowning wh4n Carruthers testified that the a hard chase until he voluntarily winning streak again Saturday Sloan, both of Klamath Falls. tor© In 1891. J. P. Hollmeyer Passes Payne of Medford, and W. Count- their house was shut off by ris­ landed and surrendered him­ night when it defeated Yreka, He moved to Portland in 1908 conversation occurred after Baer­ Away Sunday at Fam ily ant of Grants Paas. Paul Leonard ing water. self to the police. £alif„ high school, 66 to 13, on BA NK S TO BE CLOSED and has since been continuously man and another officer had Home LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY of Medford presided as toast- The dead man is Charles Shel­ the local floor. Ashland outplay­ engaged In the practice of law "knocked over” one of Olm­ stead’s then and Olmstead was horn of Medicine Hat, Alberta. ed the Siskiyou county boys ir FILM A OTOR RUSHES in that city. J. P. Hollmeyer, widely All Ashland banks and public him released known Ashland grocer and Tyree was placed In Jail on a every department of the game. SOUTH W HEN MOTHER In announcing hia candidacy trying to get MANY W ILL ATTEND The local boys line up as fol­ offices generally will be closed for the governorship, Mr. Carter Olmstead is a former lieutenant man who had taken an active charge of murder. He said he IN LAW IS KILLED LINCOLN DAY FEED and his partner had been quar­ lows: Marske and Parr, forwards; all day Friday, which is Lincoln’s declared that all of the leading on the Seattle police force. part in numerous civic affairs birthday. . KLAMATH FALL8, Ore., Feb. reling and that Shelhorn struck Moore, center; Gosnell and Hill, Ashland la expected to contri­ passed away, at the fmlly home Although a non-judicial day, state offices are now held by men 8. — Kenneth Harlan, film actor, guards. Substitutions, Tilton for him during the argument. bute quite a group of Republi­ 110 North Main street, at outside of Portland, and his cam­ left here by auto yesterday foe Parr; Katzer for Marske; Roy Lincoln's birthday anniversary Is paign will be based somewhat j ,—»■ —— — — cans to the annual Lincoln Day o'clock last evening. He had Parr for Moore; Bryant for Gos- not a school holtdtiy, and the on the claim of Portland and banquet to be staged by the Jack- Hollywood on receipt of word been in 1 1 1 health for several public schools will remain open FL U EPIDEM IC H ITS nel. months. Funeral arrangements son County Republican club at that Mrs. H. Provost, his mother- Multnomah county to representa­ STATE PE N IT EN TIA R Y Central Point high school will as usual, It was announced today tion In the state capltol. are in charge of J. P. Dodge and the Medford hotel Friday even­ in-law, had been killed In an UNIVERSITY ' OF OREGON, automobile accident* In the South. be here Saturday evening for a by George Briacoe, city superin­ Eugene, Ore., Feb. 8— (Special) Sons, and the funeral service ing, starting at 7 o'clock. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 8— (U.P.) game with the local high, while tendent of schools. The film actor’s wife, Marie Pro­ will bo announced later. Paul McDonald of Medford was — Three men of Ashland, mem­ All of the schools, Including — More than forty convicts were the boya plan a game earlier la­ vost, noted film actress, wired Mr. Hollmeyer was 62 years In the city this morning and left bers of the freshmun class, have In the state prisoj hospital to­ the w«ek with a local battery the high school, will hold a Lin­ him to rush home at once. been pledged to To-Ko-Lo; men's old and a native of West Vir­ 100 banquet tickets with T. H. day suffering from Intestinal team, probably on Friday even­ coln day program of from 30 The remainder of the Universal honorary sophomore society, ac­ ginia where he was born in Simpson, who will have charge of minutes to one hour’s duration, flu, which has swept throngh the ing. . Pictures players will remain here 1874. He came to Ashland with the sales In Ashland. There will cording to nnrfouncements to­ he said. On Washington’s birth­ gray walls of the penitentiary, until Harlan returns to complete his family from Chicago four be 800 reservations for the ban­ day, Feb. 22, the schools will SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 8— (U. day. The men are chosen from according to announcement by the filming of "Crashing Timber*" living organizations on the cam­ years ago and at once identi­ quet, so those who desire to at­ meet In the morning for an hour P .)— Charges of conduct unbe­ J. W, Lillie, warded. M ISS CHAMBERLAIN 'a Universal feature which to ho* fied himself with the city's civic tend are asked to get In touch As yet there are no serious TO A D D R E S S F O R U M for a patriotic program and will coming officers which were fil­ pus. Eighteen, ten of whom builders. Ing produced in the pine woods with Mr. Simpson as soon as pos­ then be dismissed for the remain­ ed recently against Lieutenant are from Portland, took the cases and many of the men are of Klamath county. He is Survived by his wife sible. Commander W. P. WIshaaK pledge. der of the day. Miss Grace Chamberlain^ who on the road to recovery, the Edgar B. Piper, editor of The The Ashland men are: John and daughter, Florence, both of master of the coast guard cut­ warden said. The epidemic, haa Just returned from a visit Galey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, thig city. Other surviving rela­ Oregonian, will be the chief speak­ ter Algonquin, and Lieutenant N E W PASTOR COMES of alx months in the dast, will however, has cut down the pro­ PARKING LIMIT SET TO LOCAL OHUROH C. P. Smith, chief executive of­ Ken Coldwell, Theta Chi, and tives are a brother, Arthur Holl­ er. Leading republicans from be the chief speaker at the cham­ duction of the various plants. AT COLORADO SCHOOL meyer of Englemine, Cal., and every section of tho state, in­ ficer, were brought to. trial by George Barron, Lambda Psi. ber of commerce forum luncheon a brother-in-law, 8. Stanley of cluding many candidates for state Rev. Rodman, pastor of the court martial tfifiay aboard the at the Llthla Springs hotel to­ GREELEY. Colo., Feb. 8—, Santa Barbara. and national officers, will be (U .P.)— A new parking* rale. COAL ‘BOOTLEGGING* M ANY LAW YERS^ARE morrow noon. Miss Chamberlain Church of the Nasarene, haa re­ cuttnr. 8 8 8 8 8 F ive Courses South o f City 8 Are N ow Under 8 Consideration 8 8 E N T H U SIASM IS HIGH 8 8 Com m ittee to Further Plan» Till» 8 W eek— To Attract 8 A s h l a n d - registered more non-resident cars in December than any other city In the state, accord «ng to figures received here today from Secre­ tary of State Sam A. Kozer. During the final month of the past year. 44C cars from other states or countries were registered in this city, his report shows. The total non-resident registrations for the en­ tire state in December amounted to 2394, with a total of 82,713 for the entire year. The figures show that Medford bad the second highest registration with 278 during December. Grants Pass was third with 249. Registrations by sta­ tions for December and the year 1925 follow: Albany, (9 0 ), 1495: Ashland (4 4 6 ), 22,908; Astoria. (1 1 ), 415; Bak-‘ er,(30) 2009; Bend, (7 ), 746; Corvallis, (6 0 ), •51; Eugene. (118), 2431; Gold Beach, (6 ), 288; Grants Pass, (249), 6376; Hood River, 703; Klamath Falls, (8 7 ), 3679; La Grande, (5 9 ), 1386; Lakeview, 161; Marshfield, 257; Med­ ford. (278), 11,838; Milton-Freewater, (3 3 ), 1289; Newport, (9 ), 23; - North Bend,' (8 ), 90; Nyssa, (6 8 ), 1144; On-* tario, 3944; Oregon City, (1 6 ), 310; Pendleton, (7 7 ). 2234; Portland. (2 2 8 ). 9031; Roseburg, (1 0 2 ), 2188; Salem, ' (2 1 2 ), 456«; Seaside, 186; The Dalles, (210), 2276; Viale, (1 ), 56; Inspectors, 36; totals, (2394 ). 82,713. 8 8 PIONEER WOMAN PASSES SUNDAY William A. Carter Will be Candidate For Governorship LEGIONNAIRES HOLD BANQUET Too Many Bribes Cut Profits For CoRst Rum Head ASHLAND HIGH DEFEAISYREKA . WIDELY KNOW CITIZEN DIES Ashland Collegians Honored at Oregon Revenue Officers Placed on Trial WILKES BARRE, Pa. Feb. 8. — (LP)— Anthracite ''bootlegging” operations claimed another vic­ tim today. Adam Jankoskl» 60 a striking miner, was killed Just before he started on the day’s operations when dynamite he was thawing over a storq exploded. The man's wifb and 16 year old daughter Helen were badly burn­ ed, while a aon, Joseph, 12, es­ caped unhurt, although blown through the window of an ad­ joining room. < . With anthracite selling at >14 a ton, the operation of old aban­ doned claims haa proved profit­ able to miners engaged la the "bootlegging.” National Federation of Women’s moved to Grants Paas. Evangelist R. B. Griffith, who club In Washington and will have recently closed a successful re­ an interesting and entertaining message for her Ashland hearers. vival meeting here, has been procured by the church to fill out the remaining months of the assembly year, which ends LEGION BANQ UET TO B E H ELD TOMORROW May 16. A very extensive pro­ gram is planned nnder the min­ Vlo Mills, captain oF the los- istry of R. B. Griffith, R was nlg American Legionf team in stated today. the membership drive last year, The new pastor has had suc­ haa announced that everything cess in the pastorate, having to In readiness for the banquet built two new church buildings He J s also a which h lste a m will give to the in California. winners at the armory tomorrow leader among the young people, evening at <:80 o’clock. It the announcement stated. was stated that all ‘ex-servlco men ot the community will be Corvallis — Rapid progress be­ welcome to Join In on this ban­ ing made on 3360,000 woman’s gymnasium. quet ant Smith are being considered first. He and Wishaar are ac­ cused of manipulating bids for the repair of the Algonquin a year ago by a Portland concern. It Is charged a ‘ Seattle firm submitted the lowest bid. GLASS HOLDS it f s A N N UA L E LECTION The Berian Class ot the First Baptist church held Its annual election of officers at the Morn- house home oa Third sireet, Mlse Carlbel Morehouse and Mrs. S. A. Peter*, Sr., as hostesses for the evening. Officers elected, were: president, Mrs. Denton; vice president, Mr*. peters; see- rotary and treaaurer, Mrs. Boyd, IN PORTLAND COURT H E R E ’S ONE RECORD THAT SHOULD STAND FOR SE VERAL YEARS KING GEORGE SELECTS PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8— (U .P .)— There Is a wild scramble among local attorneys for the post of Judge of the court of domestic relations, made vacant by the resignation last week of Judge Jacob Kanzter, who has presided since the judgeship wan first created. Judge Kanzler is leaving; public service to entor the banking business. John Van Zante is said to have the inside track on • the place, as he has the backing of* social welfare t worker* throughout the city. Joseph L. Hammersley, chief deputy dis­ trict attorney, is said to ba an­ other strong candidate. OWN PRIVATE RKltlRTER HAMBERG, Germany, Feb. 8.—■ Nicolas Kohn, chief of the local LONDON, Feb. 8— (U.P.)— fire department, claims the world Major George Richmond Jamea record for family Increases in one Hennessy has been appointed day. King George Vth's "private re­ Within 13 hour* Mrs. Kohn porter.” gave birth to twins, Kohn's gnat When Parliament Is In ses­ had two kids, and thp family sion, It will be Major Hennessy’s watchdog had. 12 puppies. duty to file every night at eight All are doing well. o’clock a 200 to 300 word tele- fram to the King advising him Return From Portland— succinctly ot the proceedings In Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Wolf, and Parliament since the latest edi­ Mr. and Mr*. A. H. Pracht re- tions of the evening pApers went turned last evening from Port­ to pros*. land, where they have been spending the past few days. In Itoe time five minutes if men stu­ dents return with their co-ed friends inter than 11:20 o'clock at night, has been pat Into ef­ fect by the Householder* elation nt the Colorado Teachers college. The sero hour on dates” ha* also been set Ay th* association at 11:20 p. m. THE WEAr Oregon — Fair clondy settled ton. EM f . $