taf »’ DAILY squad i,qf sera» at 2:66 o’clock w ife and two .daughters «active Bl'evius w u dyihg In the PNEORO for la hour«, preventing them room/ .McOowan wtweked ikU morning*. .r , . Myron » , Woodworth, Paetor « Sabbath school, 8:48; preach­ A* was convicted of mur from getting medical aid. While o f, thfe women, ing. 11:0«, thaoM: *rhe Judg­ SALT L A K K C rfa , Utah, Poh. dering another negro, Robert ments”; Junior B. Y. P.* U., 6— (U .P .)— Bdwnrd McOowan, Blevins, U sfy b a r . After shoot­ 4:00; Senior g . J . P- U., 6:30; a negro; met death at the hanta ing Bievtns, who dW not die Im­ >f preaching',. 7:10. Rev. A. Sega- of the state penitentiary rifle mediately; ho held hie victim’s S: worth will preach at thia ser­ ie vloe. Prayer meeting each Wed- ST. HELENS, Ore., Peb. 5— A gang of two or three men 10 nesday at 7:10. Life fo a long bau] nu a # « got. the Hand and the stonili to “ inAto* the ig Methodiet Episcopal Church lumbia county jail and liberated grade.’’ ) . •<.*r meets at 0:46 a. m., classes for stood as lookout < the hank is like another pound of steam in the ,g all ages. Competent teachers In boiler. It piits “ pash.” behind yon. H charge. ’jhe Epworth League RANOHER’S CAR 13 meeting at 6:15. All young peo­ A stfviiigti account in the Citizens Bank will BURNED; INJU ple are welcome. A live and in­ help you to “ make the grade.” S tili’ wow./3gt spiring prayer meeting, Wed­ C. P. Moon, foreman of the up steam for Success. nesday evening at 7:30. Strang- Berkeley orchard, Medford, sus­ )r erg and visitors especially wel- tained severe burns about the come at. all these meetings. This hands and arms Wednesday eve­ is a homelike church. Wa ning at 8 o’clock when his car I., shall be glad to great you on backfired while he was repairing, ’ Ashland, Oregon l(j Sunday. Make thia your church. It and Ignited his clothing that 33 33 33 had become partially soaked w Lutheran Services with gasoline from a leaking « H. H. Young, Pastor. 638 Blvd. feed pipe. The car was des­ Services In Adventist church. troyed, in addition to a small lt No services Sunday morning. bunk house. Mr. .Moon’s in­ w h eeze! ,. Evening services at 7:30 o’clock. juries are reported not to* be Theme: "Whom Do Men Say serious. The Medford fire de­ g That I the Son af Man Am.” partment was calied to the t The public is cordially Invited. scene, but was unable to save r . Confirmation instruction every the situation, and in addition tt Saturday morning In the pastor's were summoned three tlms with­ study. in the city limits; one to , a 33 33 33 flue fire, once to a burning trod w e e d ........... .................................................................; .; z ’ The Salvation Army and by a false alafm. Redding .-............ ........!......... .............................. Salvation meetings Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Prlday San Francisco .......................................... ELECTRIC C Round Trip ..... v .„ ,.....................,.............. ..... at 7:30 p. m. Young people at GETS Los A ngeles ..........................................................*.>..1. alx on Sunday and 7:80 on Round Trip .....— 4..,.;............................. Monday. Sunday school at 3:30 OSSINING, N. Y., Peb. 5— (U. '» TWO SCHEDULES DAILY*. ' p. m. A special apaaker at the P .)— Matthew Wasser, a partlcj. * 1 2 :3 0 Noon — « :4 3 1». M. Sunday evening service will be pant in a fatal- holdup, and Er- & Get y ea r ticket from liîr l.u b k RtSfçe Ag<-iit Rev. James, visiting missionary nest Mimms, negr^ slayer of X I Tavern Cafe—^1Î57 Cast Main St. l ’honé 114 and colporteur. policeman, were electrocuted last .. Envoy Schwindel. night at Sing Sing: ' , • < . 33 33 33 First ftiurch at Christ, Scientist . NOTICE TO CREDITOR« 1; Pionepr Av«., South. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , Sunday morning service at that the undersigned has been I l o’clock. Subject: "Spirit.’’ duly appointed Administrator of Sunday school at 10 o'clock. the Estate of Frank Oooley, de-* Wednesday, evening service at 8 ceased, and all peiwons having o’clock. Reading Room open claims against said estate ar<7 ‘ daily irom 3 to 6 except Sun­ required to presen^- them, duly days and holidays. The public verified, tend with proptek- vouch- * is cordially Welcomed. > - -* ere, within six months from Ahis date to L. A. Roberts, Attorney * ' Silverton* — Linen mill, for raid Estate, at hit office y factory and piekle factory over the Citizens Bank of Ash­ prospective new Industries. land Ashland, Oregon. Dated January 16, 1926. ’ Klamath County will spend S. A. Peters, Jr., 875,900 this year on rural pri­ Adminlstratoi' mary school program. 114 t Fri. Are You “Making The Grade” 'ta C. M ili*. Pastor taa |h e P in t Baptist churah dtfrfiy 'eurr^kdewd . IJ« to tke Aahlkad BMjtiet ik it waa undecided by name w« should ba h - upon the name at ,'U F of this annoaneamadt: P in t P all Ooapal Temple dead.” W a » in «till coo- ta warship in the B aiga- «U pas«*: * A ‘ Wew th in g ta the Wbrld,” wHl be & e subject. Popular questions and answers nt the evening ser- ñlce. Bunday school at 1:11 ¿ t a ; Prayer meting, deeper experience, Tuesday; regular Weekly »rajar meeting Wednes­ day evening; an eyangeltetlc ser­ vice by Christ’« Messengers of Msfct, Friday esenta» nt 7:30 ► », „ The Citizens Bank of Ashbfnd W orlds Largest ' Stage Liiie 33 33 « Navy Silk and Wool Underwear Won derful Value. The Garment $1.50 * B iggest I itti» Sto®» in to w n Opposite N ew Hotel — Open Evenings WINTER SCHEDULE or staobs Two Thr««ddi' Stares Dsilv Portland, laavinc AaUaad at 7:00 A. U. and l e d A. B . A fkaaaat ana day trip. tab* M o n i m fftr altw ny pdtata. Por further Infermatlon and tickets call Ashland Hotel— Phone 67 Varí AaUand-Vattl^d, IB JO Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coon Bay Points NCHITIS Dividend» Regularly for 40 Years NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY STATE OF OREGON. IN THE MATTER OF THE B8TATB OP MARTHA A. BARRON, Deceased. TO WHOM IT MAY ' CON­ CERN: I, George W. Barron, have filed in the said court my final account as the Executor of the estate of Martha A. Barron, de­ ceased, and the Honorable W. J. Hartzell, judge, of said court, has designated February 27, <1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house at Jacksonville, said county as the time anil place for a hearing thereon. Anyone having an objection to said account will be zequired to file such objection on qr before the time of said hearing. Dated this 29th day of W. BARRON,. Executor. 126-4 Fri “•»•m — IteHldcnce building here during 1926, totalled |l,O22 860. PRUNING TOOLS fh« comtant seareh W improved i minimam. They h ave also enabled of year meat. . , ttea h a w made it poaiible to pay 40 yean , Although oar profits have SAWS » * and CUPPERS Hardware The Winchester Store” ■—as different as a-nor’east gale from a summer zephyr. There’s stu# in this gas­ o lin e-a ctio n that takes hills like a hawk, response that gets you away like a rab­ bit at your slightest touch. Every day, General has everything that real gasoline should have. It’s always the same—always the best that we know how to make it. General never has &n off day. Stop at the.Green and W hite Sign and say "G eneral” to the Independent Dealer.TJien you’ll know what we mean by "different” The dealer is a man worth while.' He owns his own station. He has to give you the best o f gasolines to keep you coming back for more. That’s w hy'he serves General. "FilJ up your tank and let your engine deeide.” Ju d y and Frobacb, Distributors, Medford, Oregon.