Friday, ASBXiAiro DAILY TlMMOB S, 1« Saturday Shopping proof" for Oregon. For the past two years the "Land Settlement Department of the Portland Chamber of Com­ merce, coordinating with the Oregon State Chamber of Com­ merce, has proclaimed the op­ portunities and resources of Oregon. It has received over Electrical Storms Visit the 24,000 direct agricultural in­ Northern Cities; Rain quiries and followed up with Causes Floods over 35,000 live agricultural PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 6— letters, accompanied by ' over (Ü.P.)— Reports continued to 100,000 pieces of Oregon llteru come in today describing the ture. damage done by the heavy wind­ The results of this work arc storms and rain in the Pacific over 1,400 new settlers, who Northwest. have so far been reported, and Shipping was delayed. South­ probabilities of a great many ern Pacific trains from Califor­ more. Three times as many have nia were arriving hours late as stated definitely In correspon­ a result of the washout in Cow dence that they Intended coming Creek Canyon In Southern Ore­ to Oregon to locate. gon. The «heavy rains in that A snappy* little "proof" of vicinity also blocked the Pacific land settlement is reported this highway with landslides. week In the experience Of one Portland, Kelso and Longview new settler. ......... experienced severe electrical F. COAST HAS LOW PRICESON GROCERIES At HARDY BROTHERS HEAVY DAMAGE EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK Quaker Puffed Wheat, Pkg. 12c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 fo r 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Pkg. 11c 3 1-2 lb. Crackers Cheaper thanbulk 55c Campbell’s Soups All Kinds, Can 10c Large Quick Q uaker Oats 26c 15c Premier Catsup None Better 25c H-0 Oats Either Kind, Pkg. 4 Pound Pail Snow Drift, Only .......... '•.........9&c 8 Pound Pail Snowdrift, Only ........................61.85 Cheaper Than Bulk — More Samitary i ................................ storms. Communication was In­ terrupted for a time with Marshfield, Bend, Klamath Falls and Astoria. Heavy rains caus ed floods at Eugene and In Southern Oregon. ALWAYS THE BEST FRESH VEGETABLES IN TOWN — PRICES THE LOWEST HARDY John Ross came to Oregon last* summer from Alaska. For several months he resided in Portland, casting about for a place to make his home. He saw an article in the paper of the work of the Land Settle­ ment Department and an account of a fellow Alaskan, who was coming here to locate. Follow­ ing his Impressions, Mr. Roes sought out the office of the Land Settlement Department for his own benefit and informa­ tion-. At this time the Tumalo Irrigation project was being opened near Bend, Deschutes county, and the proposition ap­ pealed to him. The ultimate re­ sult was that Mr. Ross took his "Carey Act 40" and now Mrs. Ross, delighted in her new Ore­ gon home writes: “You were so kind to help us locate in Oregon, on this lovely Tumalo. "We are now in our lovelv BROTHERS Larger tax cut Is agreed up­ on. Cut this out. It may be the last you ever hear of It. THE EAGLE MARKET Phone 107 We Deliver . ........ '' • 0 EXPECTS MANY : * - > WE Saturday and Monday Specials Good Winter Spuds OC □ r U I / O j i o Pounds 61.69; 100 Pounds * w . C W Prunes Dates Fancy Pressed Dates, 2 Lbs. Corn 4 E ft ■ * ** " tw ls Tomatoes No. 2 1-2 Standard Toma­ Com RR' toes, 3 for 40 c 4-4 ER . Sweet Sugar 3 Cans 40c 12 Cans * ■ " * * mViONQ V I NI V i l o AO A Fancy Italian Prunes, 5 Lbs. 12 Cans for * ■ Fancy Winter Onions Cheap at Stones, 8 Pounds B utter ■ 9R a twV Eggs Large Fresh Ranch Eggs Fresh Creamery B utter 2 P ozen 5 9 c 1 Lb. 49c ■ n g . 2 Lbs. , • • • ___ * Bacon Back Best Core Bftcon W W ft Back, Per Lb. www . Beans B e a n s ,T ib s . ? 242 East Main Street—Next to Citizens Bank A LARGE STOCK H. B. PLUMMER, GROCER The "Proof of the Pudding” Is generally a pretty good Indi­ cator. So the New Settler, after he has been settled, Is a sure PEAS — “ ROYAL CITY’’ No. 4 Sieve — Fancy Quality — Regular 20c Value. Extra Special — 2 Cans 28c Market Day Raisins 4 Lb. Package 38c Kelloggs Corn Flakes 3 Packages 28c Fisher’s Blend Flour 49 Lb. Sack, 62.33 Bars P and G Naptha Soap, Reg. 5 c ..................... 20c Bars Guest Ivory Soap, Reg. 5c ............................. 10c Bars 10c site Ivory Soap, Reg. 8 l-3c .....................17c Pkge. Ivory Soap Flakes, Reg. 10c .........................10c Pkge. Large Chipso, Reg............................................ 25c Paneled Aluminum Preserving Kettle 5 Quart, Special ....................... ... ..98c 61.80 VALUE FOR ONLY Groner’s Walnuts Large Budded Franquettes—Lb. 39o Crisco—3 Lb. C a n ........ .................79c 1 Handy French F r y e r ................. 75c Crisco—8 Lb. Can ................... 6 1 ® I Handy French F r y e r .............. .75 Total Reg. Value ....................... 61.54 Total Reg. V a lu e .........................62 ® Both For Only 99c Both For Only $153 Karo Syrup — Red Label 5 Lb. Can 39c; 10 Lb. Can 75c Palm Olive Soap 3 Bars 23c Cream Rolled Oats 9 Lb. 8k. 49c 20th Century Coffee — Save 10c a pound (the cost of the tin) and buy this splen­ did Coffee — Direct from our Roaster to yott^AlWWys Fresh—lb. 47c; 3 lbs. 61.® 20th CFNTURY GROCERY 374 X. Hain S t ASHLAND a Extra Low Prices For Saturday and Monday at the PLAZA GROCERY Picnic Hams. While 200 Pounds Last, Per Pound 22c SATURDAY SPECIAL COOKIES ANY KIND WE HAVE 2 Dozen for 25c FRANKLIN BAKERY BULK COCOA 3 Pounds 25c BULK MACARONI 3 Pounds for 25c Citrus Washing Powder, Per Pkg. P & O W hite Naptha Soap 26c 10 Bars 39c 28c NUTS OF ALL KINDS CHEAP ^California Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 Pounds ........ . ..................... .....3 9 c California Soft Shell Almonds, 2 Pounds ..............' ........................ 55c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Per Pound ................................. „..............1 5 c Cocoanuts — Fresh! — 2 F o r ................................................................ 25c — *— Sun Maid Seedless Raisins Fresh «Stock—15 oz. Package ■ — 4 ftp I _ Globe Pop Corn— That Will Pop—2 Pounds _ 9R a >«>* Story Book Standard Corn, 2 cans 2 8 C Meat Bargains lor Saturday upon. It discusses reasons and causes of bankruptcy, and In­ cludes material from more than 1300 persons. SETTLERS SAY SATISFIED IN OREGON HOMES Tall Cans—3 for 29c Standard Pack, 2 cans 25c Quart Can 49c Opposite The P lu a 45C ITT A T TP Crown Hard Wheat Flour £O y c t L U U I 1 4 9 Lb. Sack 62.25; • P et B a r r e l* 0 - ■ * KEEP in order that when you step into our .store you can find practically anytlring in the grocery line you may w an t Our Prices Are the Lowest—Our Store and Stock The Best in Town UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 6— (Special)—A big attendance from all parts of the state is expected at the annual Retail Merchants Con­ vention and short course to 4>e held In Eugene February 14-17, at which Robert C. Line, presi­ dent of the Line chain stores In Montana, will speak, according to Dean E. C. Robbins, of the school of business administra­ tion which is handling arrange­ ments. Line, who will make three talks as part of the course, is a Harvard graduate, and taught economics and commerce in east­ ern colleges. He "was with the New York chamber of commerce for one year, and has been very successful in conducting a chain of stores in .Montana. For sonie time he was field man for the school of business at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota. Since he has been on national programs of trade associations for a num­ ber of years, he is expected to make a valuable contribution to the meeting here this month. Other speakers will be, Mar­ shall Dana, associate editor of the Oregon Journal, and Irving E. Vining, president of the state chamber of commerce. Startling results are to bo presented the business men when the survey of installments Offerings Saturday and Monday February 6th and 8th Carnation w Wesson Oil Empress Corn Memorie Layer Figs, 10 os. Sanitary Dust Proof Packages, only ..................17o PLACE AN ORDER with us—either personally or by phone—and find out the i satisfaction of buying from a carefully selected and large stock. TRADE FOR CASH AT STONES These stores feature nationally advertised brands of Known Value. 20th Century* merchandising methods bring these items to you at prices that still further ex­ emplifies our truism: “ I t’s the year around saving on every item , in the 20th Century Stores that counts. Broken Sliced Pineapple Dates — Delicious Golden Rich Mellow — Slices — Hallowi—In Bulk—Fresh Large Cans — 3 For 65c Shipment — 2 Lbs. 25c A Texas wolf escaped from the zoo in Boston, but you could hardly criticise him for doing »o. we will have chickens, rabbits, and all the choicest cuts of meats of all kinds. not one complelnt has ceived from the 1400 who havd'j been reported to the Land Set­ tlement Department. The Ore­ gon Land seems to he "Th«r_ Land ,of their Dreams”—fttf-- filled. Known Value 4 2 2 1 1 1 Representative Little of Kan­ sas has a bill to aid the farm­ ers. Let’s head the thing, “Little Help for Farmers.” For Your Sunday Dinner I* think that we are getting along pretty nicely. We have nearly anacre cleared tor our lawn." The same report of content­ ment is being received from all parts of Oregon where the new settler has built his home, end P & G SOAP DEAL — A WHIZ BANG The Butcher and Your Meals No one works more to make your meals enjoyable, different and agreeable to all the family than does the butcher. new bungeolw which has been admired by everybody. Today Mr. McLellan came up ant} took some pictures of It for the new reports on the Tumalo. You will remember that we have only been here about six weeks, so Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, Halves or Wholes, A Pound ........ '................................................85c Bacon, Pound ..................... ............................... 82c Lard, 5 Pound P ail-Pure Kettle Rendered— 61.10 , YES, WE HAVE SMELT! • <4 * Phone 50 Plaza Meat Market Bottled Bluing Ber BotBo 1 0C Hoody’s Peanut Butter B e r 20C LOWEST PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF FEED! SPERRY8 CRACKED CORN, PER CWT. ..................................... 62.50 3PBRRYS WHOLE CORN, PER CWT.......................................... 62.40 CROWN MILL RUN, 80 POUND# ..................................... ........6 1 ® ROGUE VALLEY EGG MASH, 100 POUNDS............................... 62.75 SCRATCH FEED - 100 POUNDS ............................... ..............62.96 POLLED BARLEY - 70 POUNDS ............ ........................... 6145 CLEAN WHEAT — PER OWT. ........ ............................ ..................6175 ■Mb WE CARRY A LINE OF DRIED FRUITS CONSISTING OF PR1 PEACHES, APRICOTS, WHITE FIGS, BLACK FIGS, DATES, ETC, TPB LOWEST PRICES PLAZA THOMAS HILL, Prop. , nun GROCERY