Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 05, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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ttdïn . cs
lacro*«« fr e tin b«»t. ^ U to wm .b«_»»M‘vW
' .■?•. ' '..
•«• .L»:¿ » Lw'¿—
George Madden Oreen
Telephone 39
official city PApan
be tort? t e l pwlofteths
• te <11 tight. rrasgaatlr
Three Months
Six Months ..
One Tear — ...
•ter *ua níe t í gfeat liick. ahtf
In «pite of their ’ captivity but
aetnpUy beeanee 6t i t
So Bollhter altetfML
New Books Just Received
Bead a Book for the Price of a Magazine,
Salem — f . W. Leaâbettcr buys
control of local paper mill. Plant
tttaV be enlarged t o r n it a s e v i
e insertion a week
-------------- ï --------
’o Intentona a week __________
Hy insertion .........................— 4................
ELIIA IT’S w a i t
Rates for Legal and Mteceilan
net Assertion, per 8 point line -------------
eh subséquent Insertion, 8 point line
rd of T h a n k s -------------- .------ :__________
ItBprlea, par line ........—........- .......... ...
No donation« to charities or otherwise w ill be made in advertis­
er job printing — onr contributions w ill be in cash.
“All future events, where an admission charge is made or a
leïtfon taken Is Advertising."
No discount Will be aHowed Religions or Benevolent Orders.
AAm Judge for Yourself
•hfteûer’s Rbanmatte tablets
have (step triad a¿4 featM
thirty , reara Whun deed ter
Rheumatism, Nanritte.^Obnatl-
pation ano Narvouanwe. they
prove satisfactory a p bring
FEBRUARY ft, 1020
BUILDING AN A L T E R — “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go
to Bethel, and dwell there; and make there an altar unto God."
j 35:1.
PRAYER — May every home In onr land, Lord, build a family
ir unto Thee.
of the sanest situations which has developed in
'■asi political circles recently is the statement that the
« t e board of regents desires J. A. Churchill, state sup-
[‘pntendcnt o f education, who was selected to assume the
líesidency of the Ashland normal at the beginning o f the
[Aeuióus month, to retain both positions until the opeh
¡ t g j j / the local school.
• „There has been a persistent, under-current demand
t f c f Mr.. Churchill resign as superintendent of education,
nltcnsibly in order that the political pie would be made
rwher by one more appointm ent being available. W hile
IBs has been expkéssdd jnAinly in “ guesses” as to what
W .-C hurchill would do, to one who read between the
iBes the politicians Undoubtedly wanted him to resign
¡■mediately so thát somebody else could be appointed.
J í f , he had resigned J a n u a ry ^ ,; therwiwoujd have ina-
liili^ t e ly been, two positions, e M u W « g salary and
iwth eAfh cáúsidg necessary expense for stenographers
;ild other incidentals, with. Of course the nbrmal school
ifcid depleted to the tune of several hundted dollars a
íw n th . A s it stands now, Mr. Churchill is doing the
T ’t of both positions rather eoinjnitently, without any
isWHional expense.
¿’■’’"ThÓre hrt sb Many Situations where hysteria and dis-
ifc a r d of the public’s welfare — and money — are ex ­
im a ted that when au incident based on economy ante
clficioncy does come io .ligh t wp feel like crowing
a out it and congratulating the official or officials who
e e handling i t
h A b o rd s what y<
money t à n buy ts
lÆ x the
S s ta
ttd S oats
d s . t
j É T T É K f ‘M í SÍ
• ■
NBA Service W riter
W ASHINGTON— There’s son»«- tested
thing pathetic In the sight of |niprif
one of the big cats— a lion or
igfc tiger, say— pacing his cage
'terra sob', to and fro, to and (rd a" d ,,
monotonously to and fro,
>. r (
When you don’t knbw
to do snppoae you don't.
Lookit ’em.
The eagle!
emblem of our freedom! Sitting
on a dummy tree In a big coop
In enjoy- made out of chicken dire, out
enjoylng at the Smithsonian Institution's
Rock Creek park zoological gar-
4 hug
contains at least twjpe
as many thrills as an embrace.
Faith Is
Ing hash
W hat is right and win
Yon w ill know
from t ’other the next day.
Is there any man who thinks
imtbovements profitable
^lie writer has not personally made any investigation
t0 the advisability of the gutter, sidewalk and curb
prbvements which were suggested in a petition to the
!y Council this week and therefore cannot make a state-
>nt that all of these specific improvements are justified.
However, it is rare that sidewalk, gutter and curb im-
ovem ents are not justified and profitable Investments,
¡©party w ithout these in a m ajority of cases is slow
»ving in the real estate market as long as there is prop-
ty with these improvements fay Rale. As a comparison
e property without alw ays has a value lower than that
[th the improvements.
F ro m a casual acquaintance with the streets men-
med in the petition, the writer knows that there are
b few sidewalks, gutters and curbs m the section which
e petition included and th a t,’.therefore, the petition de*
rves the earnest attention of the eouncilmcu and the
tojierty owners who would he affected.
i ^fhile all sections of Ashland should take a pride in
b laying o f sidewalks, curbs and gutters, the property
taiers in the immediate vicinify o f the new normal and
tanimar schools should especially feel a deep pride in
kkiag these improvements and m aking their property
f 1 -»«atr J»“"“-»* the best appearance possible. .
A local man who appealed W o r e th e’ comity court
gently is reported to have complained that he “ didu't
int to go to jail, as he was a hard working man and
is afraid he would get soft if he was sent to ja ik ”
dge Hartzell promptly eliminated this danger by sepd-
f him io the K elly Butte rockpile for six months.
Most o f as kicking about where we arc should lie glad
aren’t where We are n o t
fome people wohder why they do not get bn, when
are merely trying to get by.
Yoa will make a poor job o f growing old unless you
your time abdtft it.
, ] 1 1A >« 4»H I • i. ■ i f'
W e cion’t know w hy girts teave home, but sometime«
"leave home because they c a n ’t pay the taxes.
> c e r s ¡ «aw mw
W hat T» sacrilege!
he gets his money's worth out
of the taxes he pays?
W hile we eunnot choose our
relative« we have the hlesecu
privilege of picking out
enemlM, and friend«.
Hex Hock «ay«: "W ith all the
advantage^ of our school« and
collage«, there 1« still ’one born
every minute.’ **
of th
San Carlo
America's Greatest T
Our H aixlrrd People,* DlBtlnguinhe.
Hymphony Orrhentra
Brilliant ('
Helo elimínete tea , »trata—
break the « lire of the s u n -
add to the car’s appearance.
Several models from White to
“Durable“ VUors . , | 1 A U »
“Alt-M etal” Visors . . . . . . . 12.95
Pyralin Vlsort
Cteatihe Awtá
Bulb Chet
Pays for R
nation of bi
A TW*?
inclu d ed )
Hunt’s Ci
^ Y .M A ftC B 1ST
“C A R M E N”
Bizet's Most Popular and B eloved Opera
A Good Place
to buy
Good Shoes
Shoe Shop
M en’s Shoes And'
R epairing
R lira Tonfalo, nirzzo-Koprn no
Olga Kargan, ropruno ........
Franco Tafnro, tenor ...........
Mitrlo Valle, baritone .........
Pietro Dc Hhtsi, h yaso .........
P R it’FS: IN C H
Floor, S2.TB; Balrohy, 1« 2 rows.
Mail Orders How — Seat Safe Open
H unt’s Oratarian — Phonw
Management: M wyn Concert Bi
I f you want bakings
feet in taste and ti
that are pure and w h
Vrtvte, torti I
ecnlionany at
—fiaixhWj in