t»' «N: V 9 * MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. * VOL. XLIX A shland D aily T idings ■ » -r t ». filin g s Has Been 'Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years Successor to the Beni-Weekly TidSnga, Volume 48 " - debaters lose ¡spahi« ** ____ .___ L.._ .1', TO C. PASS IN BOTH MEETINGS Two to One Decisions For Josephine Teams Given Last Night ON TAX About SO Attondcd Splendid De­ bate Here in HJrh H• conceded to lx the poRtofflce had been described th e greut'-Ni .if a ll tim e , may PLANS FOR THE after the family had partaken be m a n y y e a rs beyond th e com pel! as the place where the Scotch­ LINCOLN BANQUET of a banquet. A fifth child, liv e uge. but he Im su't lost interest Jeano, was also made 111, and man filled his fountain pen; in horse racing Not a b it. I l , , s till President Paul McDonald and follow s 'em closely us Is shown by chemists found traces of poison but that In the more serious the iic c o n iita iiyin ••. ¡.icture taken re­ the other officers of the Jack- In her mouth. A murder plot vein, the department was a c e n tly a t the ' l l J u a n a tra c k . great service organisation. Five son County Lincoln club assure Is suspected. years from now, the expenses the public that a splendid pro­ f of the postoffice d/*pu*tment gram will be given at the reg­ operation will probably' reach ular banquet to be held In the the billion mark, he said. Hotel Medford Friday evening, February 12. In the last two years the lo­ cal office has shown a 25 per The principal speaker will tie cent Increase in postal receipts, Editor E. B. Piper of the Ore­ Sudden illness revealed that Dr. M. V. Mayfield, who had practiced which is usually a good baro­ gonian. There will be other in Mena, Ark., for over a quartet* of a century, was a woman Instead meter of conditions In a city. short talks by prominent men of a man. Dr. Mayfield had mad«* her rounds constantly and no LOS ANGELES. Feb. In money orders alone, the lo­ from'different parts of the state, one had suspected the secret. When a little girl'in England, her par­ SAN PEDRO, Cal., ents needod a boy to protect certain property rights, and she was 5— (U. P .)—C a 1 ifornla cal office handles approximately also good music. Fell. 3— (U.P.)—A trio brought up as a son. She kept tip the deception as she grew older, may be host to both the $20,000 a month and $30,000 is There will be large delega­ going to medical school and moving to America as a m u tt. She is of adventurers have left Republican and Demo­ the goal for 1926. tions from neighboring cities, 76, and It is feared her present Illness will be fatal. this port on a G.000 cratic national conven­ He gave an Interesting ac­ several befog candlflateW ..foe mile sea-voyage in 226- tions in 1928, according count of the air mall service nominations to state and national foot catboat. to local political prognos­ which will soon be started on offices at the coming primaries. W. Fred Kohler, auth­ ticators. the coaRt, saying one conld then or, with his 20-yenr-old ' Republican chieftains. mall a letter here this morn* daughter, Virginia, and LOCAL MEN NAMED Ineluding United States ft ing and that it would reach James Wallace, camera­ ON KIWANIS LIST Senator 8amuel Short- 8 New York thei morning of the man, comprise the party. ridge, Mark L. neqna M seaond day. Among the im­ In the first bulletin by Ken­ They left here recent­ and Ralph Arnold have 8 provements which hav|B been neth Ferguapn, new Pacific ly, bound for Mfoml, conferred here concern- 8 made in this office la the new northwest district governor of Fla., In tbe “Iris," built ing* possibility of bring- 8 rural route bringing 100 fam­ approval. The Federation of tine Kiwanis club, January 13 By MINOTT SAUNDERS in 1881 at Buzzards Ing their next party con- 8 ilies Into the local service, more British Industries became ac he outlines the work for the (United Press Staff Correspon­ H. D. Mortenson, president of Bay, Mass. Tho vessel Is clave to Los Angeles. 8 the Pelican Bay Lumber com­ extensive city delivery and par­ tlve several months ago on the year and names tho district com­ dent) noted along the Atlantic If staged here. It is 8 pany, and one of cel post delivery. mittees. principle, that “Trade Follows the best coast for her speed, hav­ LONDON, Feb.' 5— (U.P.) — likely the new $3.500,- 8 Relative to the federal build­ the Film." Industrialists main­ Members on these committees known lumbermen of the Klam ing won trophies in many 000 mammoth Shrine 8 ath country, was a guest at tho A government subsidy for the tain that every American film from Southern Oregon are: Un­ ing prospects for Ashland, he races. First Half Close Playing, Temple will be the scene 8 Lithia Springs hotel last nlglit British film Industry to enable shown in the colonies and de der privileged child. Dr. G. A. said Congressman Hawley had Stops are to be mado more successful compettition But Visitors Outclass B of the gathering. 8 recently written that nothing • MaRsey. Klamath Falls; public pendencies is subtle propa enroute to San Francisco on at Mexican and Central Tean, in Last Half Democratic leaders, ac- 8 one of his frequent business with American pictures Is now ganda for American goods. The affairs. T. H. Ness, Roseburg; definite could be forecast now. . American ports and at cording to advices here, 8 trips. Mr. Mortenson expressed a possibility after months of movement has further been education, B. L. Eddy, Roseburg; Homer Billings, chairman of Yucatan. The Battery B basketball team { headed by National Com- 8 belief that the pine millR of feverish study of their tlifCI- quickened by the unfavorable good will and grievance, V. O. the program today, announced The Iris has a free­ again weakened after the flratj mitteeman Isadore B. 8 Southern Oregon would experi­ oultlea by makers and produc­ characterization of the English­ N. Smith, Ashland; lnter-club that W. M . Wright had been se­ board of but 16 Inches ers in this country half, following a good exhibition, Dockweller, are prepar- 8 lected to give the vocal part of man In most American pictures. relations, W. A. Weist, Klamath ence one of the best years of and only one mast, but of basket-tossing, and lost dur-1 Charles Tennyson, director of Ing a campaign to have 8 the entertainment, which Mr Falls; agricultural, C. C. Leni- He Is usually shown, as one their history during the present Kohler, a veteran marin­ Ing the last two quarters to the! the Federation of British In critic said, “as a cane-carrying, on, Medford; publicity, 8. Sump­ their next convention 8 year. Wright did In two solos that er, expects no trouble In Battery A team of Medford, the] dustrles, has announced the pro staged in San Francisco. 8 were greatly enjoyed. monocled nlnnv, compared with ter Smith, Medford; music, Carl negotiating the roughest final score being 52 to 25, last* posai to Introduce a bill Into The bay city is under- 8 Dr. Crandall, another member his red-blooded, heroic American Loveland, chairman. Ashland. . seas. night at the armory. Parliament providing for govern­ stood to be prepared to 8 ECOLA TOW IS of the committee making the BROKEN AGAIN ment support of the film trade. cousin, with a consequent low­ The Ashland Pony team de­ make a generous finan- 8 program today, said while In ering of British prestige abroad. feated the Bedford All-Star team Such a measure Would stand a cial inducement to the 8 California last year he noticed The Federation, co-opernttng SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. after a whirlwind finish, the good chance of success because with other bodies, drew itp a party, as It did In 1920 8 that the Kiwanis clubs provided 5— (U.P.)— The crippled lumber score being 13 to 12. and 1924. it schooner, . Ecola, which broke of the growing feeling against plan for the resuscitation of their members with large badges The first half of the game the preponderance of Amerlmn upon which was printed thé’ British films and presented it from tow during the night, between the two batteries re­ films in British picture houses. nickname, classification, etc,, of to the Board of Trade last July was picked up again today by sulted in a 25 to 18 score In The proportion of . English to the member. He also told of Details of the plan were never Tanker Captain A. F. Lucas, the favor of Medford, with each team foreign made pictures now be­ made public. Later the Cinema­ other things which the Califor­ Standard Oil company was noti­ “Any motorist who persists a possible winner. The third ing shown here is estimated as nia clubs did. fied this morning. tograph Exhibitors' Association in running his automobile on quarter ended 40 to 20, however, low a s one per cent. Walter Hughes was drawn to drafted a scheme whereby rent­ The Ecola drifted nine hours last year's license without hav­ Fifty thousand dollars wbrth and In the fourth quarter the Propaganda against the for­ er» and exhibitors would be ing applied this year. Is sub­ contribute toward the child wel­ during a heavy tog while the of School District No. 5 bondri visitors Increased this lead to eign films is Increasing steadily. compelled to hire and show a fare fund. ^Harold Moore, pro­ Lucas and a tug ranger searched ject to arrest,” says Sergeant were sold last night by the 52 to 25, outplaying the locals. for her. It Is expqfted the ves­ It Is apparent chiefly In criti­ quota, beginning at ten per cent, J. J. McMahon, of the state school board at a meeting held prietor of the East Side Grocery The former encounter between cism'in the press of the Importa«! and the “baby member*' of the Wells-Dickey com­ these two teams resulted iu a Gale Passing Out to Sea sels will reach San Francisco productions, and is mainly dl. of British films. Also a cen­ traffic department, who return­ last night, club was Introduced. Miss tral studio was advocated. The this afternoon. ed from Marshfield and other pany and A. B. Wakbman of 24 to 22 victory for the Med­ rected against American and quota Idea was finally rejected, Imogene Wallace played dur- After Whipping • Coos Bay points, where he had Portland were the purchasers, ford guards. German makers. The critics are but a special committee Is work­ * Seaboard Rpent two days on an Inspec­ paying a premium of $llop. STORM IN OOOS (Continued On Page Six) becoming more .and more diffi­ ing on a substitute. tion tour. The bonds will draw 5 per cent BAY QUIETING NEW YORK, Feb. 5— (U.P.) cult to please and their TedC- The plan for a central studio Interest. — Terrific storms, which for 24 S. P. .TRAINS ARE MARSHFIELD, Ore., Feb. 5— tions seem to be persuaded by is in process of development. LAND SETTLEMENT This sum Is to be used In HELD BY WASHOUT hours have whipped the eastern (U.P.)— The terrific gales which a persistent bitterness. In I be It has been suggested thnt it payments on the new Grammar SUBJECT MEETING seaboard from Georgia to Maine, have racked the Coos Bay section meantime American fllniR con­ British Hollywood be built at school. The remainder of the Local Southern Pacific of­ are passing out to sea. since Tuesday, accompanied by tinue to draw the largest houses, Brighton, but nothing has been Quite n number of realtors, Issue of $105,000 will not be ficials report, that a bridge at Close to 30 deaths are at­ driving rain and hall storms, but producers explain this by done to realize this. officials and business men were sold until the improvements are Brant and 260 feet of track were tributed to the storm. Eight quieted down today to a steady the fact that the British indus­ The Government Is also active In Medford this afternoon at­ made on the Hawthorne school, washed out this morning about of these drowned at sea when drizzle. Wire and train service try, as now organized, cannot and Is reported to have a scheme June, nine o’clock by flood waters, barges broke from their tows. to the outside world was again supply the market with films of Its own to offer if the pro­ tending the land settlement probably not until in meeting which was scheduled to member» of the board stated. caused by a heavy storm in Eight others were killed when established after being disrupted sufficiently elaborate and In such moters and producers fall to the Cow Creek Canyon moan a building collapsed under snow for more or less during the foot numbers as to fheet the co;n?«» solve their own difficulties. be held at the Hotel Medford in •vder te—davlas rains me lis t Hdtira. Freight at New Brltlan, "Conn. HHoST three days. Politicians are strong for the whereby more settlers could be ORDER SAL& OF and passenger service was mark­ Many remedies have been home Industry bt^auso of what attracted to Jackson county land. 4 AUTOS TAKEN ed up as Indefinitely delayed. suggested, but the subsidy plan ha» been called the “oppressive This meeting was suggested by LEGION UNITS IN LIQUOR RAIDS Go From Wampus Ball to REP. MADDEN OF The Shasta Limited and Train Is meeting With the most general Americanism In films.” Funeral of Barbara La- TO HOLD MEETINGS Arthur Falster, of the stnto ILLINOIS FALLS No. 53 were tied up as a result. Judgment against four auto Marr, “ Gayest of All” MEDFORD SATURDAY ON HOUSE FLOOR chamber of commerce, who lins These trains arrived during the mobiles confiscated for the done considerable work along OLMSTEAD TOLD night. •. • STATE OAUOHT LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 1 Ashland Legionnaires and transportation of liquor in this WASHINGTON^ -Feb. 5— (U. HIM TO FIX JT this line. A washout on the approach of members of the Ashland Legion P.)— Representative Martin Mad­ UP ON ISSUING county, were filed late Wednes­ — (U.P.)—Filmdom. paused ht the new bridge and overhead Auxiliary will attend the district den, Republican and chairman day In circuit «court and their the realm of make-believe today 1926 LICENSES at Oakland has effectively stop­ conventions of tfce Legion and of the house appropriations com­ SEATTLE, Wash,, Feb. 5— ASTORIA AOAIN sale by the sheriff, at a date un to render a last great applause ped all passenger busses, freight Auxiliary at the armory In Med­ mittee, collapsed today and was to Barbara La Marr. (U.P.)— Roy Qlmstead at one IN TOUCH WORLD fixed ordered. trucks and heavy touring cars, ford, Saturday afternoon. The carried from the capitol 'build­ The final strains of tho Secretary of State Sam Ifozer time called a Victoria, B. C. A Packard «Twin Six, belong­ according to word received. The meetings of the two allied or­ ing. His temperature was 103. hag notified alt police and traf­ man, after a rum runner had ASTORIA, Ore., Feb. 6— ( I f . ing to John Richard, and a nnal Wampus hall and highway crews opened the high­ ganizations start at 1:30 p. m. fic officer» that hl» department been seized, and told him “to P.)—Astoria restored communi­ Studehaker six belonging to Wal­ scrsenland’s gayest social way to llgtjt cars, but It* may This will be followed by a ban­ 1» now handling the applica­ go ahead and fix it up." “I cation with the outlsde world ter Dyreborg, both charged with had barely died when t b e j be several days before the big quet at tlfe Hotel Medford at tion» for 1926 licensee wlthont am sending up two or three early today, after having been Volstead law violations, and eral begun. The same busses and trucks can get 6:30 p. m. any delay and that the officer» thousand dollar^ In the morning. cut off for more than 12 hours residents of California, and two film folk, who had da through. The highway Is under State official^ of the two or­ Oregon — Unsettled: are Juatlfted in demanding that You know the ropes." This tes­ as a result of an 84 mile gaio Ford touring cars belonging to night In tlnael aad gold water near Yoncalla and traffic ganisations will be present, as rain in the west portion; everybody either have a 1f>6 timony was given by Racebo'-so Thursday afternoon.' All wire Ì Jonas Spltser and W. C. Barker, to somber black to Is also being held up at that well as delegates from the var­ fresh southerly and strong license or kn application receipt Ruaeell, a dry agent who topped communications fAlled east of'serving terms for liquor vlola- paaolng of “the gays point. Astorla at $:80 p. m. yesterday? Gbps, comprise the lot all,** as Barbera wai ious units fo Southern ' Oregon. winds on the coast. th» wire». for the aame. Both Parties May Meet in California LOCAL TOSSERS WEAKEN, LOST GAME 3 2 TO 23 Lumberman Sure Industry to fla v e Splendid Year BRITISH PLAN FILM SUBSIDY OBJECTING M D. S. MOVIES Must Apply for New License or Subject to Arrest 3D DEATHS DUE EASTERN STORM Cat boat is Vehicle for Long Voyage SELL BONDS AT GOOD PREMIUM LAST TRIBUTES PAID ACTRESS IBY FILM FOLKS THE WEATHER ,1