Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 04, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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i n fit L a nd im i dy ti ü i n g s
a Bitter PHI
b r a c i Al, CITY PAPER
Mhtl Matt,
«lx Months .
pne Year ___
tine Month ...
Three Month«
. . .
Singla Insertion; par inch
" 1
D m insertion n weak ......
iTw0 insertions a w eak ___
Daily insertion
insertion, g point lino
io donations to charities or otherwise will be made la advertls-
r job p r i n t i n g o u t contributions vfjll be In cash.
'All future «vents, where an admission charge Is mads or a
M n n taken
tflltAYi la
A r l v n r t k l n r ••
is Advertising.”
No discount will be allowed Religions or Benefolent Orders
FEBRUARY 4, 1030
GENTLE LEADING— “Left my Lord, I pray thee, pads over
*^wfore his servant, and I will lead on softly.” Gen. 33:14.
PRAYER— Do Thon, Lord, even thus lead us, and wo shall
’gireisb Thee, because Thy gentleness hath made ns grout.
The mogt beautiful thing in Oregon to^av is tin*
Nb flowers that could possibly bloom, in this. Febtu-
<irv or any other month, can be as satisfying to the soul
¡jas the snow that is falling in the mountains.. ‘
• !
No kindness that heaven could confer oil earth/ now
«or at any other time, is of such practicial value, as the
i¡giving of tliis good and great gift. I t is life and health
¡amd prosperity. I t is the joy of family and friends, the
A N O .S
■pielp for parents, and children. I t is the sustenance and the
SJndomineBt of life. I t is the opportlnity for us to be mote
; «helpful citizen«.
For of What avail is it to try to live well; if we can
• Jiot live at all. Better than to live badly it may have to be
jSlo die nobly. But the foundation of all goodness is life.
Prokreia Incrtaslnf the po
,;And for us, life is the light and the soil and the clean
Ileo torce.
¡Jhir and above all, the Water and the power that it brings
i |o us.
; ’?
Passion: An intense feeling
created both by mosquitoes and
I *
. Real estate men of Grants Pass have decided to ert-
¡Jpage, enmasse, in a finish fight With the “ knocker^’ whom
{Jliey regard as one of the greatest drawbacks to apjr
¡^community. The realtors have even gone so far as to
•Jpame a committee of their members who will call upon.
J«ny offenders brought to their notice and attem pt to
jjioisit out their error. Failing in a conversation, the com-
' Suit tee will supply information as to the departure of
|icftins and stages.
A t the meeting this week of the Grants Pass Realty
Board, several letters were read in which complaints
•'WTl'e made of activity of several persons in the city, who
are* doing their best to discredit the community. One
letter was from a woman in Washington who told of the
. activity of one maft in this city, who has effectually pre­
vented a number of settlers from locating here, (hie
'failure, bemoaning his inability to make a living, may
cause a newcomer to feel that the whole community is a
'fSTThre, despite the many scenes of prosperity around him,
man is being investigated, and action will be taken.
{Complaints on others were also received and will bo
On the other hand, we do not expect our people to
knnke excessive claims th at a man can come here and
tnake a million Without labor. We don’t want people who
(come here with that expectation. W hat we want and
<ieed are nien wt>o are willing to come here to locate
(with the full realization thht their efforts will be fully
kejtdid. They should be given the knowledge that ojipor-.
lunities exist here for men who can tak<? advantage of
them , men who do not expect fortune to be dropped into
Jheir laps from a kindly sky.
I t ’g not the country which makes the “ knocker,” i t ’s
jiis>/>WB failure and his inability to see the, prosperity of
jiis heigfibbrs. We agree with the realty board that those
tneU must be educated.—Grants Pass Courier.
who promoted and managed tho faraiers’ con­
gress hero last* week are to l»e congratulated upon tho
guccess of the venture, The Tidings reporter sat in
Qie city council chamber, where the meetings were held, he
^oqdered what impression the visitor would gain if his
i t tent ion should stray from the s h a k e rs toward the walls,
Aliich need kalsomining, or the shelf-like arrangement
ijack of the council’s-table, which is anything except a
beautiful display of lioarde and other articles.
♦ The hall is used Frequently for gatherings and at
¿ g u la f intervals the City council holds its meetings there,
th a , Tidings feels certain the city council would be c o fir
i^en^ed for any small expenditures which would he neces-
A ry to brighten up the wplls-and make other necewary
Tbctw may be safety in numbers, hut not in num
Biplana tloh: Telling a lie when
the truth would answer much
Stinginess: A trait that Nature
shows when distributing common
An emotion with a
“There was a lot ot Jokin’
voltage so high that it blows
Magnus Johnson's sus­
opt its
Advtce : Something the wise do
not .need find the foolish will
not take.
Has Heck says: ’’Statesman­
ship is the fine art o* takin’ one
problem and spllttin’ it up Into
a doten or more wuss ones.”
attitude of the parent forward
school life. Children have not
fitytys beef ofcrfetttoo«. find fal-
ents that might bato jttficed «He
possessors of them among the
W « W brfftlMf fW iíe f» find
doers were often negldéwd. Un­
developed sa4 ovfiríoólfiA At
thfi tfresdnt (M a « « S ’ 0*«t 1«,-
fio« pafent-teaehes eirtfes ifi
the eofifitry, with the mfissfcers
taking -a keen Interest In odd-
catlph, health and morals a mis­
understood child la only to be
found in those rare places where
schools and children are regard­
Wide >awake parent Of today
studies the child, ministers to
his needs, develops his talents
and sends out Into the world a
good eltisen and • patriot.
We are a nation of builders,
poets and . artists.
We have
learned to build well with stone
and wood, but let uS learn to
build with hearts better.
Ruskin says, “Temples not made
with hands hut rivifed with
hearts, and that kind of marble,
crimson-veined, is. Indeed, eter­
nal, We can write books fihd
poems, hut after the last book
is written we are forced to
agree with him who says:
“Children are better than all
the songs,
That ever ware sung or said,
For they are living poems,
And all the rest are dead.”
can paint beautiful pic­
hut none can compare
the VR*1 Manty that
gleams hi golden fresses
shines from loving eyes.
can compose music, but whst
music can compare with the first
Raping of the word “Mother."
Ahd thus the vision unfolds,
not like the one seen by St
John with golden cities and
streets of pearl, but the vision
of .a childhood* that will make au
Indestructible foundation for tho
greatest republic on earth.—
The High School Circle ap­ Child Welfare Magasine.
preciates very much the loyal
oc-operatlon of all who helped
make the food »ale * success;
so w« have finished paying tor
the blankets
PASADENA, Calif., Feb. 4—
(IF)— The Lincoln club of Pasa­
(Continued from last week) dena today Withdrew Its lavlta-
A parent who visits any ol tlOn 10‘Jfidge Wallace Mcfcemant
onr well-equipped schools, who of Oregon to be the speaker of
sees th* comfortable and sensi­ the day here February 13th, be­
ble arjangemefets. the depart­ cause McCamant told the senate
ments of manual training and committee investigating bis quali­
fications to t appointment that
science, the
“Roosevelt waa not fi good
rooms and gymnasiums, cannot
fail to compare the opportunities
of today With those of past ( ailed Meeting M D. A. «•—
years. Fifty years ago manual
A called meeting of Mount
training and domestic science Ashland Chapter of the D. A.
were unheard.of. There wasn’t R. is scheduled for Wednesday,
a piece of play apparatus on February 1« at 3:30 p. n»., at
any school ground. Art and mn- the library.
■ slc were not taught and the
Important burinees will claim
only knowledge that could be the attention of the Chapter,
gained waa that gleaned from not tbe least of whtch is the
¡books,. not from practical In­ naming of the delegates to at­
But If thia age is tend the State -Conference, at
superior to the ages that have Portland.
preceded it, It la all the more
A full attendance of the
incumbent on ua that we pro­ Daughters it urged.
duce a race that will he superior
over all preceding
health, spiritual development,
higher ideala, purity of speech
and in progress of welfare per­
taining to the young.
In the past decade more has
been accomplished than can be
recorded. The Congress of Par­
ents and Teachers has been con­
sistently working for the bet­
terment of conditions surround­
ing child life, tor co-operation
with Juvenile 'Courts for pro­
bation systems throughout the
world, for mothers’ pensions,
and for humane education.
The vision «head IS a parent­
hood that realizes responsibil­
ities, that «ypteciates oppor-*
penders. Gosh! If folks did but
know! He ain’t the only one by
any manner o' means. When ho
was out speech-makln’ Magnus
had a habit of peelin’ off his
coat and vest. That's how he
happened to get found out.
“But If you could look under
neath the whole Senate’s coats
and vests, I’ll bet you'd find
suspenders on 30 per cent.”
“Haven’t you noticed,” quer­
ied the haberdasher, “how many
senators wear those old style
straight collars, rolled ovor a
hit at the corners and open in
front, to give their adam’s ap­
ple* free play?
"And black string ties?
Don't be so silly. Develop a
They ain’t been good styles
little will power by wearing yoffr since I been in the business,
Christmas neckties.
hut those old bozos won’t stand
for nothin’ else. Why, j 8nw
Environment Is crazy stuff * Picture of Daniel Webster
Enough of it will make yov once that had on one of those
think anything la right or wroug.
Portland — Pacific-Argentine-
State Highway Commission will
open bids oil 10 killed of Bend- Brazll line of six freighters sold
L^va Butte highpr»Y, 4140,000 to 'McCormick Line At t i l , 000
Siletz RiveT bridge, and 0.3> miles each, with bond for flve7year
BAker-Unity road,
North Pacific service.
uri Mito U i i d
e v e n e T T , cc ? t m
A .N y e .ip e T
c —f
T iu v T o -
is wrong about everything,
we kaow we are wrong
You could build yourself a pr!
Vafe atreet car line with what
It takes to keep up an old ante
In winter..
Eighty million clgarets
smoked in 133S. ’ . The n
wife helps her husbnnd in
Way*. •
A ofinscieflee lfi a handy thing.
Ytor (Mm ihlitk the fear of being
Uwfitf out I« yoflr cofiaeience
The old fashioned dance fur­
nished much amusement Tuesday
night in the ballfoom at the
Lithia Springs hotel for about
25 Bellview community cltl-
«ens who met there to practice
for the big old-fashioned dance
Vhlch they will give at th« ar­
mory February 1 |.
The Organ and other musical
instruments, which have been
relegated to tbe background by
present-day Jazs musicians, were
used in furnishing music for
fhe dancers. Arthur Foster, who
is said to be an expert as mas­
ter of ceremonies. Instructed the
dancers. They wlH meet again
at the hotel on Thursday flight
and then at th« araoty next
Monday evening to practice.
TMe ôRoKtN siLfcuee
WW 111 til«'
H fivW
By Williams
OO m T
T ’N iô K T îT h E s k /e
E»TA«1tO U P TH'