4* Thosti who use our greas­ ing, ‘ Htorago, tire work, repairing service ! r* 7 t 2« HOTO MfcVIOÈ L ith ia Springs Garage *«>»•', to -«►«< the I 40 .< •vertM Un, ; We h» I 1« how .being mads read/- I » 1!? ^ W t t : C ° s r text « * ”“ 'd Jn I'* u t « ¡ I * ! Muroob. «O through ^ .t h m - w s , ’ o l the people; c o t «p, .cast up < &• highway; j gather ,«ut the 1 stones; lift up a standard f o r i 1 thd J eep le.’’ * 8? , * i W*y *■ • r S r i« ; ra Mthf i b „¿ X )tf i f t > j |we young dd. Phone -----------— The advent o f th e autqmohHfe | *“ ~ *»* “•ff- ** order* * * 1 ■•"■S* ta furnished . ioh 1 Phone 46 atimMongllt with it the aupecb concrete "surfaced boulevards ,whl*h now trahOrse t i e country from end , to end. The states rle . with one - another to - see Which shell here tbd best hjgh- ,ways and thus attract /the moes f tourists. Hence, we live in a nt day 'When the construction of ‘superior highway. i - a verj- ROYAL 1 I ’ i i diamond briquettes HARD AND SOFT WOOD *~rw* «.ti.— c iti- - * _ fc * PS S fe y tr^ y 7» - n r ‘ to t/** * Ifraill^d. asSn tanr of batching eggs from g»y i ^ U d l ve iw Ashland, ., I , DJtJ>. * T Fhene I** lo t* —1 '* W* i t a m * f-^ v T - 104-U rr>— d. Packlnc b o n ? dirt- ->•»«/1 » . w CARSON-FOWLER LBR. GO. . ... . IuthB Heart of Town ..... x ........ con- snmmate skill, the. highway msn- tloned In our text Is of sttU greater importance. It is th e highway ofviMe, that»way over whiah myriads bt»-tbe**-humeA family, 'after . being awakened |4 ■sutasigsa, sZ r .y } |e . 4" b u ilt, with ft Order Early to Insure Prompt Delivery familiar sight. - 12 3-If *‘>flhnr highway» Which.men are -a___ 1- constructing for purposes of lone n d ROCK SPRING COAL Shoe Shop M en's >Sh oee A nd R epairing from the.t sleep o | ‘death, mgy cease.'heck In to fg ll harmony wtth-')God, a»d obtain the Seward of that hargabny in the Messing Of,' everlasting life here on earth.- i < 'vv ' ’‘ »< » » Notice r the/.- wgjy th e earns prophet piste* this m atter to the same chapter. In twhlch. ha tell* ns that "the wilderness, and the solitary place,. shall he -clad for them; an d ’-the desert sh a ll r*i«lce. and* blossom as a roseC' and '"In the wilderness shsH waters, break Jont, and streams 1A the d esert.isad the .parched -nuujnd sHUil become a pool, and th* th,rstjr ,and »brings Of water.’’— Isaiah > , After setting forth these co»* dttlons which . will prevail In Nine years experience In State Senate.' Six years experience law ‘ enforcing officer as United States Attorney. Raised oh firm and uh-* W ill -faithfully represent every derbtands agy>vtfnural problems, Oregon* World A far Veteran. A tfÖ f K O ltB » * j 40 AGfcm AIDALTA, Talent, MO buildings; |5 6 b 0 , terms i 5 AOIUH. near New Normal: I2M , |M down, |1 0 per month TA Y LO R , ' 00;. M. M ab . the way of l^olinesa^ T h* w ise man. designates n ifj highway somewhat similarly when he calls It' .Mthe? highway on th e upright" (Proverbs 18:17>,J and» Indicates . that |hyda- to Mj uaod rtm-~40P*vh- frog» -evit.fc This highway, the pre*'." verse suggests, la not a liters!! highway but It la the path of] • {» Mabsatlta, green o t. dry, 11.5 F ir., cut IS inches, |> .f tied-. Addrsss D. B. CgmlR Taldpt 110-0 - ....r f lu » |fer. im accord in f to teisooftJ f u l l y r t o a f t o T** 3 N ^ r i W l .r N t t t l f y . Lgmher I* seres HWdware certainty to Stop any earn o f WUW» >«4 in* Woo, and in the ■fcorttttjtiaM p a e e l t t M Phyofciaao end Drng*iete to tf y tfd Stgtee and Few PAZO ÔINT1ŒOT in 4 4 with W o Plpo'i ■p«»t /a' e , i