• î'i ï? '**4' t 1. MBS FATO FOTO Visiting from Portland— Mr. Anderson of Medford^ spent ’ Harry Moore of Portland Is Saturday in Ashland visiting bis visiting for a few days with his daughter, Mlee Clans Anderson. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moore 'at Bellview. Battery B and Elks tangle at Returned to the Armory Tuesday night. Friends of Mrs. Lons Channel 128-2 are welcoming her home after several months spent In the mid­ Visitors from South— No. ft; Charles Clary, who is attend­ dle west with relatives and for­ » 1 ing school in Grass Valley and mer friends. Joe Ferry of Auburn, were week­ {Rated Communicatio* of At end visitors in lAshland. Clary Visitor from Klamath F a lla - pka Captar No. J, O. B. 8.,' t o was visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Mrs. Lee Berleake, of Dunsmuir, xzprrow (Tueedap) Feb. 2. 7:80 A. Clary of Church s tr e e t.^ Is visiting Mrs. Mary Wilshlre at ■ * . m. Initiation. Visitón voi* her home on Granite street. i nnuMmmmm calne. • s It pays to have your cleaning B f ©Mer ot tita Worthy and pressing done at Pauteerud's. Here Over Week-end— R. O. Regel, of near Klamath Matron. Falls, spent the week-end In Ash­ LEAH H. CALDWELL, Pried Return»— • land with his family on North •„* Secretary. It. W. Price returned to Ash­ land' Saturday after a business Main street. ■dsBaaawamsm Week Bad Vtafcw— trip to Portland. Among the Hotel Ashland guests «mm— • Kim MaU. Carter spent the Waste -end -wi>h relatives in’ Cen­ Jack the Hattef— A. J. Steiner, Los Angeles, Earl t a l P Ó ln tjt’* • Ladies and gents hats cleaned Alsop and wife, Los Angeles, L. * ■ d add reblocked in any style. If V. King, Metzger, Oregon, Wil­ Elks ice. Feb. 11. they are not like new, don't liam L. Deaver, Portland, B. D. for ladies. pay me, you keep the hat. Westfall, Portland, Ray L. An­ 127-3 Hotel Ashland Dining room. trim, Aloha, Oregon, G. L. Ed- mandson, Seattle, Earl G.F Grill, well known hat-| Weather for Week ■ Portland. The San Francisco weather ter. H in Ashland at the Hotel bureau forecasts as follows for From H i l t - Ashland. ' this week: “Pacific Coast states: Jess Jowler, of Hilt, was a busi­ Normal Temperatures, consider­ ness visitor in Ashland Saturday. Takes Position— 8. W. Baugh has taken the able cloudiness, occasional rains." Among the gneete at the Colom­ position as cook in the Good Eats Madden retreads Urea. BS-tl bia hotel a » Cafe. J. F. O’Day, Eugene, G. F. Marcelling, Trimming, Sham­ Bradshaw, Portland, William Hemstitching and Picoting— The Jacksoa and Wife, Portland, A. Front Mezzanine Floor, McGee pooing, Dyeing, Facials. Building. Mrs. Havener and Mias Vanity Sho»»o, McGee’s Store. Johnson, Portland, F. V.. Rose- Phone 108. 88-tf braugh, Aloha, Oregon, Fines Ewan. 107-1 m Nuel, Portland, J. H. Young, Roseburg, J. A. Plercey, Seattle. Don’t miss the Bike-Battery sterns from Hospital ■ R. W. Hash returned Thursday B. game at the Armory Tuesday alght. i f H from San ¿Francisco, where he Returned from B e r k e ley - has been receiving treatment in Mrs. Jackson Gyer returned the Railroad hospital for a frac­ from Berkeley, {where she has Left for Florida. tured hip which was caused by Mr. and Mrs. Louderback and his falling from an engine in the been for the past month for medi­ little daughter, who have been local yards here last fall. Mr. cal treatment. living at IBS Sherman street, left Hach is still on crutches, but Is Ashland Visitor— {today for Florida, where they greatly improved. Leo Huff of Butte Falls spent will make their ft future'home. the weak end la Ashland visiting aansnoaa» Cliff Payne makes forms. his family. Elke vs. Battery B. basketball at Armory, Tuesday night. n i— Few Days to Mrs. Fred Hitchcock Is report­ Clareaoe Markcott returned to Business Visitor— ed very ill with intestinal flu at Ashland from Northern Califor. Ralph Cowgill of Medford was her home on Oak street. Ma for a tew days before going in Ashland Saturday on business. dapmsmonmemi to Pprftend. AUCTION, Saturday, Fob. «, Walk upstairs to Orras Tall« at the old Lithla Oarage. If Vlsito«wia Ashland— > 1" " !- < ' Shop and save 910.00. 7«-« m l l t t a a y thing to ooH, see «Widen, Mrs. John Ire. Herbert braves the Auctioneer or loave list at Leave for Portland— or Grants Pass, aqd their guest, Dr. C. A. Haines will leave the Tidings office, at ones. Mrs. Sherman Brook of Hobson, L. GIDEON. this evening for Portland to be Montaha, ware vlalters in Ash, Auctioneer. gone several days on business. land Saturday. Tub baths day or night. Madden suite protected tires. Jackson Hot Springs. l»4-tf at the Lithla Left for Mlaa Anna Hargrove left Sat­ Visitor from K lam ath____ H. C. Banka, Chicago, C. O. urday eveàtng for San Francisco Mrs. Chester DaLap of Klam­ Lembke, St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. where she will purchase her new ath Falla, was a week-end visitor and Mrg. George O. Getset, Port­ spring stock of millinery. with her mother. Mrs. Robert land, Z. N. Agee, Bugene, Mrs. Casey on Allison street. J. F. Boothe, Portend, J. F. It with photographs., O’Day, Bügele, ME and Mn. Stùdio Ashland. On the p i — Spring styles—New wollons James R. Hughes, Junction City, for mens suits, on .display at A- J. Paddock, Oakridge, Oregon. Paulaerud’a. 119-tf Visitor from Medford— LAST TIMES TODAY “Lovers in ' Quarantine” with QEBE DANIELS - h., 1M_____________________ Tomorrow — Wednesday Visitor* in M edford- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 'Turner spent Oar crystal Mae gray is an- Saturday in Medford with rela­ eaoeltod. Leave your orders for tives, combining business with spriag delivery. pleasure, . S . PENNISTON, ITS Bast ft Freeh home-made cream car­ amels at the Plata. 900 LATI TO WANTED—One Of two calves, heifprs preferred. Phone 18-F-31. < 1 2 8 -8 1 .................. ■* —1 FOR BENT—Three room fur­ nished apartment, 997 B street 128-« FOB BENT—Nicely 'furnWtM sleeping room. Close in. Phonh 418-J. 199-9* FOB 8ALB—One turkey bier and two turkey hi Phone 8.F-6. 18ff-8 FOB BENT—4-room house, pantry. . Partly furnished, BOB Indiana. Phone 48B-L. 138-3* WANTED — Woman to < do house work and take care of children. Gall evenings 8BE-J-1. _______________________ i i i S FOB 8ALB—BOO Wlhlts Leff- horn baby chicks—%M of Marek' hatch. Mrs. W. D. Booth, phone «T V - 129-2 BEAL SNAPS SEVEN BOOM HOUSE, East Maia, two blocks from Ltbaayy; 99' •• •* • Annual Bany et "The Jackson County Medical society hold its annual banquet at the Lithla springs hotel Wed* nesdey evening with the’ write of the physicians as compliment ed guests of the drganizatlon. "Dr. J. *]. Bmmeus of,-Med­ ford was toastmaster at the five course turkey dinner nt which covers had been laid for fifty guests. A very pleasing program whs presented during the banquet hour, with 'the toastmaster eh- tertaintag the-guests with a very cleter Mt df legerdemain. Thqge who contributed to the pleasure of the occasion were Mrs. W. W. Vinson, heard in delightful piano selections. Dr. Matti» B. Shaw in two entertain­ ing readings and Mrs. J. C. Hayes in a group of beautiful songs. Short talks were given by Dr. E. B. . Picket, Dr. B., A. Woods, Dr. F. O. Swedenburg, Dr. J. C. Hayes, Dr. W. H. Heckman. They were largely intefeating remin­ iscences of' work in the valley. This was the fifth annnal ban­ quet, and. all present voted it one of the most successful so­ cial events in the history of the society. The attendance was large. All Ashland members were present and a fine spirit of sociability seemed to he es­ pecially noticeable at the gath­ ering." • * * Past M atrons’ C l u b - Miss Lydia McCall was hostess Thursday evening at the meet­ ing of the Past Matrons* Club, at her home on Oak street. She was assisted by Mrs. Leah Cald- welL* After the usual business aeg- slon, Mrs. F. F. Whittle, Junior Past Matron Was initiated into the club. In entertainment, the »em ­ ber» were provided with pictures and were instructed to each pre- New Shipment Hardeman Hats Just In pnrk a valentine, with the ap­ propriate verse descriptive of tha subject chosen. In the amusing conttet, the results of which «rare some very clever valentines, Mrs. C. W. Nlms re­ ceived the prize. Dainty refreshments Mere served by tha hostesses, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Wagner. Thoee present to enjoy the delightful evening were the Meedames F. O. Swedenburg, C. W. Nlms, A. B. kinney, Elisabeth Van Sant, Sackatt, Jor­ dan, Walter Bvertow, August 8chuerman, F. F. .Whittle, Leah Caldwell, W. H. McNair. L. A. Roberta, Briggs. Mias Georgia oftee and Lydia McCall. Surprise Mrs. Jesse Nail was involun­ tary'hostess at a most delightful party, which a group of her friends had planned, in celebra­ tion of bhr birthday. . A lovely birthday cake, with the appropriate numbef of can­ dles was the center of attraction of the two course, luncheon whldh hvtoght to a close the happy occasion. Wednesday afternoon saw the group of friends assembled, with fancy work and the avowed purpose to enjoy another of their merry afternoons together. Those enjoying it with the hestess, Mrs. Neil, were the Mesdameq^ C. 0. Crowson, Good­ man, Chalmers Strange of Med­ ford. Carl GoeUhe, and Mark True. ' • Small change carried around j s a constant temp­ tation to foolish spending. A savings account in the Citizens Bank of Ash­ land will enable -you to put theáe small sipns at J w ! work earning interest for you. Many people find it hard, to meet fixed at a certain time and find that a savings j which permits them to save a little an< is the best way for them to get ahead. It would be a good plan for you. Why : an account at this hankf F ratern al Brotherhood— — /' Save it Now. It may be gone (tomorrow Community Club Meeh— The Upper Valley Community Club will meet at the borne of Mrs. Edwin Dnnn, the second Tuesday in February. It is planned as a millinery meeting with Miss Brewster present to afford assistance and advice. Further plana will he an­ nounced later. * • • The Fraternal Brotherhood will have its social meeting on Friday night at the Parish House. The usual business meeting will be held but the evening will be given over large­ ly to the social hour with re­ freshments a satisfying close. - The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon ♦ ♦ •♦ i •-•1 > -FUEL- BE UP c u m •I0 W cm» BANK Car Load B lo x - , IF you have never had a checking a c count, have one here. . " * > ! ' ' •' * •' - * Car Load Hard Wood, Oak and Ash. 2 Car Loads Very, Best Rock Springs and Utah Fancy Lump Coal. B A N K books, eheck books, etc., are free and . it costs nothing to do btislttfesii with us. Dry 12-Inch Slabwood. •THE. BANK’S entire equipment is at your disposal. PRICES, SAME AS USUAL First Natioanl Bank Whittle Transfer Co. Ashland, Oregon The H IG H W A Y MILLER'S TOGGERY T O LIFE “Hab-a-iiath Inn” Millions Now Living Will Never Die Not in any past ages was the Highway to Life opened up; for in all past ages men have con­ tinued to die. The Highway to Life means what the words imply; namely, a way by which the people can get eternal life here, now. • HI — *. Mrs. Mary Day of Ashland S t. is suffering from a heart attack. Fresh Tam ales.-The Rose. 119-U The casting up of this highway and the gath­ ering out of its stones is in progress before our eyes. Visitor in Portland __ O. F. Carson is a business visit­ or In Portland for a few days. The way of the people, a way they hn/ve never hitherto had, is being made ready for them— the way by which they will gain everlasting life on. earth. hear Elks Ladles dance, Feb. for Blks and their ladles. Ashland Floral Boririy— A meeting of the Ashland Floral Society will be held at the Public Library at I o’clock thia even«. AH interested in flowers are welcome. Winter Garden or Memorial Hall Ashland, Oregon ' CARD o r THANKS Ws wish through the news, j papers of the county, to express to nearly ns words can convey, our heartfelt thanks for ktud deeds which friends havo enacted, and for .the slncer« sympathy which they have ex­ pressed by word and by roopoadenee. These deeds, word •ad letters have aot been solved ladittoroatly; words bare aot boon expreeeed in vala, hv have made as stronger in try. lag to hoar the great low hashaaq and father. MRS. OBOROB A. GARDNER. OBRALDINB OARDNBR. Tuesday, February - 8:00 p. m. • ? 1 , . . . ■* .*.• 6 1 ■. Seats Free International » X A • Bible ?No Collection Students Association W. J. THORN qf New York, N. Y. (a associated with the Headquarters office of the I. B. S. A- He brings a' view of world sed by associates in the work, one that reflects the m o d e r nlsation that counsel of­ fers. The lecturer uses specific events ef our day that ful­ fil prophecy. The general theme is covered in the book “Harp of God** 48c post­ paid. Address I. B. 8. A. 5. 200 Harrison St., Ashland, Oregon