A MftlDTB? 3 33VO « i IM , i n st. H«» m A H o ÿ WH* * F W ' bath, atoo garage. Gan I K n y l r . : — —. JF B J U u > ;« « M t H rg Bldg., Ashland, »»-“ furnished roaoYgúfl* Chatty., «1« l«<-tf « > » ft» » ? - Housekeeping apartmeata. 149 Bast Main. l«4*tf SELB TRANSFER CO. For Service In Coal. Wood. Packing, and Storage. Long dtot- IB BeSport Wor ld Rede ware (Bq on,y wqUoaai League clubs to do spy construe tire rebuilding daring the off gee- son. The Rods, ip buylpg Wally Plpp from the New fork. Yankees, plugged up a big hole that , the club has been carrying since J A e Daubert died and added a punch with the stick that has been, sad­ ly missing. . It is not a good bet, however, that Wally Plpp will make a pen­ nant winner for the Reds or that Jimmy Ring will get the Giants back into the .World’s scries, as long as the Pittsburgh Pirates have thp strength that that fine young ball club now possesses- The Pirates have a ppwprful offense and a Sturdy defense. They have the confidence and tha fattb in themselves that can coiqe oal> to a world’s championship team. They have ’the spirit and mat about everything that a champ ionship team needs. Trans­ motor • W > V C T IO N B E R BY HENRY L. FARRELL | (United Presa Sporta Editor, NBW' y ORH, Jan. 29. — (Up­ ? FÒR S A W — 12-lneb body fir; john McGraw 4a’ making no secret in 1-tier lota, «>.10 tier da- of the belief that he» expeets hto New Yack,Giants to .win the I f f « Hvartfl. B. B. Bhkar. Phon« National /League pennant. Mc­ Craw has been in baseball too long to become a victim of rash predlctlona. bat he khows that he can’t be ‘shot for hoping. aSfing sad tonas «1« monthly to The deal with the Philadelphia »H ablo f t t f t . Por partitale,*, Phlllfee, which brought Jfmmy writs Cline Musto. Co., 88 Front Ring, oae of the CSnfclnafitl heroes SMpet, Portland, Off. ' M fi-l« RTON E. THOMPSON la /1919 worlds serie?, in px- inter and Decorator fo n « M « H lù 'a h ia k atoo- change for Wayland Dean and Paper Hanging Jack 80011«/, glvpe MeOrnw the tfto brooder fia perfect working Tinting a Specialty pitcher he thinks will put hto orffpr, « 1 *09. -A. Bart Free- iraUut. Refinished club gack iute (he next world’s FANNING WITH FARRELL mao. II« Nuttlpy s u lll- fí nates gJadiy iuraifhed series. Phoae 98 or 76 Rinp, McGraw belleyef, will win .... By HENRY L. FARRELL A betwopn 2Q and.25. gamps fpr the (United Press' Sports Editor) NEW YORK, Jan. 89— (U.P*> oihnts and lif Be delivers that well, the Qtaatq,'ought to pive r—Tex Rickard, in making hü the PUtyburgh Pirates thq ffght baaing plana for 1988,' agpnbrs of their young lives. to be «urp that Jack Pompe")' The Glant^ probably w|ll be will defend hto world’s heavy­ strengthened by the deal as Dean weight championship in two con- f o r M t —18 a w w iQpd tRt failed to Iffe up to promise and Rentier, wfio copt the Giant bosses drained h a d . Cornar Walker Afa. Wl ,000 was out of place. I and Maig St. Afhiaaff, Oregon pap <7T R. BL ¿r phone i t l R McGraw whs forced to use Reptlpy only a« a pitcher Racaufa I f f — 1 mo P»a»o Instructor Rtouq .I^trffellqg by experi­ he had two first bpsemen in enced teacher. Beginners prefer- George Kelly and Hill Terry and there was no room for him In the Md. Phon? >41«. Mrs- Harold outfield» ' , ’’ JHktaSt- - • 187^ 1 mo.« Bentlev may Jtpra Into a great bàli player with the Phillips be­ cause he wijl *have a (harpee he Have work every day and he oughf to ' JERRY (PffEAL be able to hit in the .small Philip (igurp. OS yor aaat job park. •* -, f o r I «Iqmhia«.; Some smart baseball men think C lironic Ph, 188L. 89 Morton thaVMcGraw gavq away toq much C p u gh s . for Ring but the Giant leader ftaatf* d » knows his business and' he claims I gAOMlNB WOEÄ deno of all that for the first time in . fife elapsos. Prlco la right, ßtovas years he has a pitching staff that rvpairad. Rtovaa (or aalp- will not add any more Whitp Ute Bagla Braaa and Iran Works hair« to his Lhatc«. 14« OhorUa fft. U » - | mo. The Giants, and the Cincinnati . I WAlOTB: — Batteri« «> r#- rharga,' |( . « ì . All etoetrlcgl work done at Ford »at prtçe«. PIAYWMB MOTOR OOlfFANY Penn’s Leader 'M ulte pupilo— 0. fiadlo, 198 L M. / . Woloott lUltM Telephon« IBS ; ma < npetàlrg apt. »T-tf R îô 1 Bífífiílí Then Judge for Y qpnetf TICÌC IS UEftffBY GIVEN the npdetelgnpa has been Truriar'« Rheumatic Tablew kgve been triad and tested thirty years. trhMt need for Rheumatism, IfMrtUa. Const l- appblhtedf Admlalatratortf Setpte of Fraqk Roqley, da- a agalnat «hid estate rôff'/m; «tap ai jhaPf W ed; add wffh prfper qoaeh- f p u « ’ ato taontba from t«W to L. A- Roberto, AUpfnçj >. Oregon, la w /ll.', 1988 , 6. «* Potere, Jr.,’ * * AXlthi MÎMÈKA^Qf* Un,vanity 0» Penney ^"1 field team He* i U le keto« counted !» bring Pfll!» (• “*• ** Mue du ns. i»BU>“igii ! eltowe n door tri had been to ll to "lay off" and that ha had to do it. It Rickard 'does succeed In setting either, one of the DemR- eoy fights It does not mean necessarily that the fights will hava to be staged In New York. #he Pennsylvania Boxing Com­ mission has Invited Dempsey to meat Wills In Philadelphia and friends of Rickard say that h, would he willing to «elp the PMtadeiphld city officials and turn over his contract with the provision that Dempsey would moat Tunney next fall in New York. go 'much boloney has been printed about Dempsey and his plans that very little is belqg accepted as responsible. It Is a getferally admitted fact, how­ ever, that Dempsey’s business ventures have not been as suc­ cessful as they might have beep. He to not broke or In strained financial circumstances, byt he is property poor and to m tgs Newport — Burk Fish Co., 8t* mood to gpf some stories have bee« pplptod thgt will establish cannery herp' for Co., brlnx, be la in bad physical con^tlog, fruits and vegetables. that he hag a tumor under hto Medtord la to be regular arm, a trick nose and n rusty machine, but they must bo dis­ on 8eattle-San Francisco mail route. counted. Willie Lewis, the veteran mid­ dleweight and now one Of thp smartest managers In the gamq, returned recently fronf a trip tq California. "Don’t jet any one «id yop that Dempaey is not |n shape," Lewis said. “I saw him word­ ing out and I know that hp could go into the ring In three LET US HELP YOU weeks time and put UP a great DINNER A fight. He’s working every dap in the gym and he always kccpp himself in good shape." JP smt II aii M Hlgcirlo high power Hues here, for better service* ' ----- ------------------- Cottage Qrova — Lpcal can- »•ry will lncreaH egpjtal stock and enlarge ftaiory. VALENTINES MAKE ÏÜUU PARTY Ü » SUCCESS • K v o r y th io g Y ou W ill W a a t or N eed a t State Plane work on Philo­ math-Alsea road, thia spring. ELBABT’S « 8 « Scappoose — Strawberry bar­ reling plant offers 8 1-8 cent« a pound for 1989 fruit. You turn through a kodak album and smile at old-style clothes. Skirts cluttering the ankles . . . hats perched high up on h a ir. . . wasp wftist^ . . . awkward sleeves— odd how your taste has changed! Yet day by day your taste changes in aft you wear and do. You dop’t like the s#me books, enjoy the same movies, choose the same underwear, prefer the same soap you did a short while ago. You are so used to the better, you wonder why you liked' the old. Advertise­ ments make you know the better as soQjVas it’s proved to be better. They, tell of gppd things accepted as good taste in the best homes. The hosiery, glass-curtains, lighting fixtures other moderns use; why their use is preferred. Advertisements influence so p an y around you, sooner or later you’ll feel the ehange. Even if you never read an advertisement, you’ll Use in time some of the conveniences which advertisements urge you to use today. Advertisements form a tide of taste that Since you’ll sweeps you forwi enjoy what they ¡vertís^ anyway, W joying it now? raau|ta. Tnqer’s Tablet to * tor's Tablets come la two oiies, 88c, sad |l.|Q par package Keep h package la the home- take a tablet bow . aad then S J M l W t f y K -HUI. For .eale ’ fiend the Advertisements tq be Aient te the beet todny. - : 'V » '•l V . J . . ■ ’¡A • »