• F «5 / DAILY TTOPKW Carload o f .Tew Car»— 1 From Talent— Mr». C. E. Borg was in Ashland The Claycomb Motor Co. re- reived a carload of 1828 Ford yesterday on budines». cars and tractors yesterday. Dance Saturday night, Jaekson Hot Springs. Paramount Orches- Madden wile protected 125-3t tra. Semple McPherson, a noted Why Golfers Lost So Many Balls FOR RENT—Modern furnish­ ed flat, one block off of Main St,' Has reception hall, 3 rooms, bath, also' garage. Call 18f Pioneer Av«. 125-tf night.' From Talent— Mr% and Mrs. A. W. I-âcy òf 124-tf Mr. and Mrs. Herold Renolds of Talent spent 4 today in Ashland Table Rock »re in Ashland visit* An tong the guests *t th e H otel on business. ing with Mr. Renolds’ sister, Mrs. Ashland arc — W. H. Dark. Dance Saturdty^night. Jackson A. Stockton, Portland, W. C. Hot Springs. Pargmpunt Orches- McCord, Seattle, Oliver Kiag, bo» Our Butter Toasted sandwiches 126-3t Angela». W. C. Barney, Walla tra. are growing in popularity. Try Walla, Thomas Lawson, Hurrar, one at Thé Plata. 87-tf Alabama, Mr. and Mrs. „ M. J. Initiation at De Molays— Gunchat, Saa Franclsoo, G. L. ' Aftef the regular business Quick lunch service.—Mining­ Rice, Roseburg, Alonso Morrison/ meeting of the De Molays last 's. 125-tf Portland, L. V. King, Metsger, evening, three new members were initiated. The ones Initiat­ Oregon. From Jacksonville— ed were, “Bump" Franklin, Les­ . Mrs. Susaane Homes Carter Cl|ff Payne taskas Ironing lie Ketch, and Gordon Claycomb. was a business visitor in Ashland board». from Jacksonville today, • Dance Saturday night, Jackson Hot Springs. Paramount Orches­ Madden rutrugds Uros. Prove it for yourself. Studio tra. 125-3t Ashland Photography is right Don’t make her cook all the Tub baths ' day Jackson .Hot Springs. V isiting in Ashland w - FOR RENT—Furnished 4- room apartment. Entire first floor of house. All conven­ iences, including shelter for car? Call at 163 Granite street. 125-1 Ix*ft for Ran ' Francisco— After spending a month in Ash­ land with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Florence Martin, Los Angeles. Donald'Wells left for San Fran­ Mrs. -Wattes, Los Angeles, Miss cisco today,* where they will make Wattes, Los Angeles, Mrs. H. O. their home. Burke, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Moore, San Francisco. Fresh Pig ’n Whistle chooo* MOSCOW, Jan. 28— (U P .)— tea Just arrived at NinInger’jL The Soviet Government is carry­ It pays to have your cleaning > , 125-tf ing on a vigorous health ana and pressing done at Pauiserud’s. education campaign among the two hundred thousand primitive Dance I. O. O. F. hall, Thurs aborigines who inhabit the vast day, Jan. 28, for Odd Fellows ice-bound forest and marsh re Los Angelas golfers, af(er trying out Society girls as caddies, declare boys Rebekahs, their families and In bea(. The girls forget to watch the belle end spend too much time From R estile— 4 gions which stretch f r o m th e are vlted friends. lil-3 powdering their noses, the players’ say. Above are shown Misses Alyce Carl Loveldnd, well known Ash­ White Sea to the peninsula of Mills and Margaret Morrla, acting as oaddMe. land musician, is in Ashland-for Kamchatka, in Eastern Siberia. Return to Doris, C ellfom ta— a few days from Seattle, where The All-Union Soviet Execu­ F. C. High will return to Doris, he has been playing and singing tive Committee has created a California, tomorrow, after spend­ at Warner Brothers* Egyptian ing several days with hie family Theatre. He expects to také his sp^lal “Far Northern Commit­ at 7<7 Oak street. son, Carl, Jr., to Seattle with him' tee’’ to look after the needs of the Tonguses Olrats, Samoyede for several weeks before return? (cannibals) and other tribes Valentine dinner favors.— El ing to Ashland to stay. hart’s: which live in this territory. Like many primitive races Spring styles— New ¿Continued From Page One) The Medford Fluff Rug ant for mens suits, on d these Far Northern tribes are Rug Cleaner will be In Ash­ Pauiserud’s. very susceptible to disease. They name, so there shall bo no land Friday until noon of this are ravaged, with syphilis, which future confusion with the Ash­ week. Phone your orders to Hemstitching and Plcotlng— spreads very fast because of the land Baptist church. The concluding paragraph of 118 or 240. Old schopl theologians are Front Mestatane Floor, McGee native habits of «leeping In one the Stipulation reads: “This la paying homage here to the new­ room, eating from one pot. Building. Mrs. Havener and Mias Among the g e n i i nt the Colnhi- S*«n. 107-1 mo. drinking from one mug. Ma­ not a determination of law, nor est ecclesiastical prodigy-—12 bla hotel nee— ' laria and the eye disease known a conclusion as to right „or year old, Dolores Dudley. y t . W. Harvey. Klamath Falls, -¿I ,«i vs» „» > as trachoma, which often leads wrong, of „the issues Involved, Ljttle Dolores, who learned Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Schubbe, Rah Am q»g Ihn guests at the Llthia to complete blindness, are al­ but made in the interests of1 re 1 (he goepel on her mother’s knee, Diego, John Joschlnlak, Belling­ Springe hotel are— so common among the tribes. llglon, peace and harmony.’’ H. H. Reed, Chicago, Thomas Alcohol has a very bad effect • The followers of Rev. Mil­ was invited to occupy the pul­ ham, Mrs. E. L. Barry. San Diego, pit of the Four Square Goepel Mrs. Wildt, San Diego. 3R f t A. Veach. Oregon City, Georgg on them, Just as It had on the ler’s teachings will continue, mission at Cleveland during the 8. Norris, Portland, Fred G.’ Young, Roeebnrg, F. V. Roe- American Indians. In former probably under the name of holidays. ’ . White, San Francisco, Rev. and braugh, Portland, O. F. Riebel. The child’s sermons, all ex­ Mrs. 8. H. Miller, Berkeley, L. day« “firewater’ was the surest the “St. Paul’s Baptist Church Roaeburg. F. Little, Vancouver, B. C., Mr. means of persuading the tribes­ of Ashland.’’ - temporaneous and some times of men to part with their furs and more than an hour’s , duration, Upper Valley club house bene­ and Mrs. J. H. Bradflnd, Sheri­ «kins. ' arte being hailed as veritable fit Chicken Dinner, 80. Jitney dan, Wyoming, L. V. Perry, Lynn, In pre-revolutionary times the masterpiece«, with seemingly di­ dancing, cards. Ashland Ladies Massachusetts, H. Patience, Oak­ northern tribes were quite neg­ land. vine inspiration. Civic Club. Friday evening, lected and received only a mini­ This little girl who astounds Jaa. 28. Dinner served 8 to8 Christian Endeavor Rally at mum of medical attention. Now her audiences and hqlds them 114-S the Christian church at Mad­ the Health Commissariat is es­ spellbound with her eloquence ford, Sunday, Jan. 81 at 2:80. tablishing medical bases at var­ apd power, heard her first sim­ Dr. Landrlth, speaker, Followed ious points and traveling Red (Continued From Page ple excerpts from the scriptures Cross detachments carry a cer­ by a basket dinner. are filled with confidence, after when she was an infant. tain amount of relief to the their good showing up north, tribes. • and are ready to give the Eu­ The Far Northern Commltto«. Masters of harmony and jasz— . gene tossers the battle of their Paramount Orchestra — Jackson has also worked out a plan of lives. Hot Springs, Saturday night. setting up “cultural bases’’ all Finishing Tonight 125— It over the territory. Each of these bases will be manned TOTAL .22 INCH OF RAIN FELL HERE when you drive up a t our Walk upstairs to Orres Tailor with fifteen t social workers, in­ station, we have an a t­ Shop and save 810.00. 78-tf cluding' a teacher, a doctor, a Rain which fell for about! tendant waiting to serve veterinary, an expert in co-op­ three hours last night, totaled! you. I f you are in a hurry, eration, etc. Schools are being .22 of an inch, according tol Very Mach Improved— .Benefit American Legion you will not have to lose y ■ 11 ■ — — Mrs. Merritt Randles of Liberty built in the Far Northern re­ Louis Dodge, official weather, time here. street, who has been seriously 111 gion and a number of bread observer. Tomorrow «— Saturday General and Shell . established. at the Community hospital in stores are being Gasoline Medford. Is reported at very much These'stores will also provide improved. ’ . the naWVee with other common- And other products CARD OP THANKS itlaa; We wish to extend our si Satterfield’s aew Barber Shop WllLWl The trikes «re freed from the cerest thanks to our friends f located in the basement at fox obligations of paying taxes and sympati 7 1-2 B. Main Street. 103-tf supplying recruits for military their kindness and A"'*** during our recent bereaveroci service. An Interesting expert - MRS. ROSA PETIT Purchased New Car— i ment Is being tried In bringing AND FAMILy. The Automotive Shop report« a certain number of the aborig­ the sale Of a 1828 Chevrolet tour ines to one of the workers’ high Ing car to Randle Woods. schools In Leningrad, where they will receive a preliminary Mrs. S. K. Barnes of B street, education at the expense of th« who has been very 111 for several state and may go on to a uni­ To know the dangers to which days, Is reported as improving. versity course. The natives who Pact Signed Peace Reigns With Baptists Eugene High Five to Play Here Tonight Quick Service “AS NO MAN HAS LOVED” Williams Service Sation Neater oW/TONY. the wnlerkirje F6llow the crowd to Jackson Hot 8prings Saturday night. Come early and stay late. Paramount Orchestra. 125-1 pose arq bound t» return home gt the end of their studies with a view to fpreadlng culture among their fellows. and more gervicenliie"will he your clothes if you have them properly clean ed and pressed. We call ‘^YANKEE for and deliver your or­ ders. , T neatness Interests are exposed _to protoc» yourself from the .ffecU of ’.hose dangers through In^jrauce, secured through an agency, such -as this, that will carefully serve your interest«», and placed In companio” noted for prompt settlements *nh