J k » jC"•' j» Y-jTTt PAGE THREE Marathon King In the Sport World Here’S Chance to Win $5000 Step this w a y all iJT o U wrestling wizard«! That la, iff you’re Inter­ ested In winning SO00 smackers. •For • money be longs to you— p ro v id in g you can throw Mr. J o e Malcewlcx, m ighty matman Of U tic a , N , T , . M U lcew Icz has this sum posted prominent Boston promo­ ters. I t has been posted for sev­ eral months, and though the big Pole has taken on some tough grapplers of late, he still has the ' iwlth $5000. -There a re no strings to Maloewlcs’s of­ fer, either. H e bars no one, not. even the stellar fitecher or the Mon-like Lewis. ) Maloewics I s the exponent ¡the terrible ig e r so flying mare, a hold de-j nreloped a p a .break and coon (ter for the head- lock. I t consists, o f allowing an1 o pp on en t you smoke A . J. Newm an, of Dallas claims the ' championship In two marathon , events—dar.clftg and automobile * 'hâd In the rear seat of the car, Mrg. Courtney; with most of their "brood," makes her "neete** Marian, nine, the eldest child, has a “bedroom" of her own In the front seat. Meals are cooked over a camp fire and during the day when Courtney la away taking orders or doing other odd J°bs, the children, Katherine, Louise Rachel, Robert, William, Jr„ and Marian play* In the big pan» ture where the oamp le located. Rent for the camp site costa Courtney f l a week; wood is free and there are no winter clothes to bny for the children. When It mine; wall, like all campers, they expect a wetting occasionally. av The Courtneys lived In New are parked in a circle reminis­ Jersey. Business was fair, but cent of the days of '49 when the urge to come to Florida was the covered wagons carried the great. Ten dollars was all the pioneers into the west. family treasury contained but there was the flivver and so BELLVIEW CLUB WILL the family started out. GIVE CHICKEN DINNER When the modest store of funds ran low during the jour­ In yesterday's issue of The Tid­ ney, the family stopped at a ings, it was erroneously stated convenient tourist camp while that a chicken dinner would be Courtney took orders for his served by the members of the company or did odd Jobs to pro­ Upper Valley Community club, at vide food and gasoline. Thus In the Ashland Ladles Civic Club short stage», the trip was ne­ house this evening. The dinner gotiated. will be served tomorrow evening Arriving here, the Courtneys In the clubhouse. Following the dinner, which selected a camping site and went will be served from 6 to 8 p. m., into "winter quarters." It is estimated that there are a jitney dance will be held, con­ thousands of families in Florid; tinuing until twelve. The dinner and dance are to today that have migrated under be given in an effort to increase much the sama circumstances. the building fund of the club. Tourists camps dot the state. They are located near every town in Florida, BUENOS AIRES 8WEAT8 Sometimes the tourists— are IN SUMMER HEAT WAVS provided with tents. Thus little tourist cities spring up. Of BUENOS AIRES. Jan. 28— 7 tnefs are no "city" taws (U.P.)— Jammer hM settled and custom alone rules the com­ down in earnest to the buslnei munities. of making things hot for Buenos Many, like the Courtney’s Aires. sleep in the automobiles which A damp clinging heat descend- ed upon the etty, filled tho 'streets, and even threatened to penetrate into the deepest cor­ ners of the "Cervesarias,” where a parched and sweltering eltlsenry sought solace in foam­ ing stejns. Thanks to the kindly nature, and plenty of be«r, Buenos Aire? will survive the present heat The humidity la usually brok­ en after three or four days by violent thunder .atorma, and the beer never rune out. r to* We Have I Used Cars Park Garage DRY BLOX «W TONY..