MALARIA GERMS Cannot fforvive three month« in the rich osone at Ashland, i ’ure domestio water hqjps. * uAND CMMATB / The Tidings Has Been Ashland's (he nse of medicine eure» ¿ses out of ten of asthma; hs a proven fact. Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years is Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, Heck, They Both Arrived Here Last Night Martin 11 USD AY, JAN. 28, 1926 Benefactor s Second SAN r R»A NCISCO,, Jan. 28— The United Prosecution in Olmsted Case Given Severe Blow WHITLEY ON STAND Tells o f “AHeged" Fixing o f J lice Officers by Members of Liquor Ring SEATTLE, Jan. 28— (U.P.)— The prosecution in the federal trial of more than two score defendants, who are charged by the federal government of a liqnor conspiracy, received a blow here today when Judge Jerimiah Neterer, hearing the case, ruled that the prosecution attorneys could not use the huge book of notes, containing wire tapped conversations, which op­ eratives of the federal depart­ ment are alleged to have ob­ tained. Chief Prohibition Agent W. M. Whitney, resuming the stand to­ day, was forced to talk from memory. Whitney told how members of the alleged 01m ste a d liquor organisation. States weather bureau headquarters here report-' ed a, big disturbance forming In the north Pacific, which is expected to bring winds and rains to the Pacific ; coast < within the next three days? High . winds are already buffeting ship­ ping o.u the northern steamer lanes, and heavy rains are falling on the sea paths between San' Francisco' and the Ha­ waiian Islands. The bureau warned all shipping by navy radio that high winds may be expected for the next few days. The bureau said that the storm is bound straight for the coast and holds a definite promise of heavy rains for California points where moisture is badly needed. Former Yreka Boxer Says H e Was Witness to Quiet Action Being Taken in Senate to Push Solon Two Members of Body Axe Absent Prom Meeting NAME STANFIELD ID E A W illing TWO SLAYERS One o f W itnesses in Case Disap­ pears Prom Hospital in Han bVaneiseo BACKING Oregon Senator in Member of Powerful Committees lu Upper House IS DISCUSSED Members Favor YREKA, Cal., Jan. 28— Co­ WASHINGTON, D. O., Jan. 28. Although the city council, at a —According to an announcement incident with the return Tues­ special meeting last night, ro- made yesterday by Senator Rob­ day night of Jqe Coffman, in aolved Itself Into a committee aa ert N. Stanfield of Oregon, there custody of a deputy sheriff. a whole, to discuss plans for the is a concerted movement on foot Ponca City, Okie., will have one purchase of new fire equipment, Sheriff Calkins announced the in Senatorial circles In Washing­ of the- finest museums in the no definate action was taken by arrest of T. If. Kennedy of Weed, ton for the purpose of Including southwest as a result of the gen­ the body. on a charge of murder. Ken­ the name of Senator Charles L. erosity of E. W. Marland, presi­ Two members of the council, nedy is held as a co-defendant McNary, falso of JOregoa, as a dent of tlfe Marland Oil Co. He Counctlmen Hardy and Burdic, with Coffman for the alaying ol Republican candidate for Vice is donating a $350,000 bundling wore absent when the council met, an unidentified logger at Weed President in 1928. His name was that will house relics and mem­ and for that reason, the remain­ last August. brought to the attention of prom­ entoes of the pioneer days. ing members failed to take ac­ Coffman, well known light­ inent members of the Upper tion. They declared that they weight boxer, who came here Houao, by Senator Stanfield, aftc wished a further discussion of from Klamath Falla, is under­ there had been much comment the matter, with every member stood to have furnished the in­ concerning the boom for Nicholas of the council present. formation which resulted in Ken­ Longworth, present Speaker of the' During the discussioq» Fire nedy’s arrest. It la said that House of Representatives, for Chief Clinton Baughman and This is Martin D urkin’s 'second wife — Ruth Fieback ol presidential honors. Coffman told Sheriff Calkins City Water Superintendent Earl Chicago, whom he m arried in 192A As he ban never oh Senator McNary entered the and Prosecuting Attorney John­ Hosier were called upon to give their views on the need of new son that he witnessed the alay­ tained a d iw rce from her, it is believed that his most re Senate in 1917 land has served < continuously since that time, be- equipment. Both’ ^rere unani­ ing of the logger, and named cent marriage, to Irm a SnJlivan, is illegal. nlg re-elected for another six year mous in their declaration that Kennedy and Oacar Schuler an term at the last general election the city was badly in need of this ex-service man, aa the principals. In November 1924. He is a mem­ equipment. Coffman it is said, Insists that ber of a large number of'com ­ The members of the council, he was an innocent bystander. mittees which are beneficial to Miller Followers File Stipu who were present last night, Both Coffman and Kennedy Oregon's interests; chief among lation, Final Echo of seemed favorable to the proposi­ are being held In communicado them Is his holding of the Chair­ Split tion of purchasing the new equip­ GAME WARDENS TAG in the county Jail here pending manship of the Irrigation and Re­ ment. 1100 PIECES OP GAME further Investigation into the af­ A stipulation, the last chap­ clamation Committee, which Is Before discussion the fire Northern Tossers Rated One fair. Coffman waa apprehended CHICAGO, Jan. 28— During 1925, in Jackson coun­ of Strongest Teams ” at his former home in Jackson Quit work if you yearn xt (all powerful in the West, Senator ter in the schism between re­ equipment question, the council ty, employes of the game com­ in State for aelf culture,- is the u McNary was born and raised in ligious factions of the Ashland transacted several matters nt Tenn., about 10 days ago and y Salem, Oregon. Baptist church, followers of the mission tagged .760 pieces of advice of John Cowper waived extradition to this state Senator Stanfield, In making True Baptist faith, and the First With every man on' the squad game and 350 game fish, ac­ Powys, English critic, , Kennedy is 48 years old anc 0 . A. 0. Poultry Authorities his formal announcement, said, Baptist church of Ashland, ad­ cording to figures made public in fine shape, even though they novelist, dramatist and "For some time rumors have per- herents of the "Aimee McPher­ went through a tough barn- a laborer. ,He has lived in Speak at Panu j . thia morning. jthilosopher. ** slatently been circulated in Waah- These ftgwran tndMnfe that rtormtag trip which took them Weed for Ute past 10 y e a n and But do not expect to C Ington to the effect that a quiet son Four Square Gpepel, New is well known throughout this more than 1.000 pieces of fish as far North as galem over become rich or famous H movement was on foot for the Movement," was Hied In the part of the state. circuit court late Tuesday. It and game nave been taken Into the week end, 'the Ashland , high or a success, he warns. U purpose of nominating Speaker Oscar Schuler, who first gave concludes a church row, that public places, or have been basketeers tonight will Jangle "Work * is the worst U Nicholas Longworth of the House, Coffman, with its many angles, occupied shipped by those who originally with the powerful Eugene high information ' against thing in the world for U for the presidency in 19i8. Hark- and who la said to have admit­ f,ve* at the Armory. » took them. self culture," is his be­ 8 Ing back to the Republican Con­ the local courts for 18 months, Eugene is rated aa one of ted partial participation in the Each piece of game or fish, lief. ti ventlon held in Cleveland in 1924, and dramatically ended a week the strongest teams in the state crime, ha» dropped from sight, taken into a restaurant or other “The only way to get 8 I am reminded that the Repub- ago, when the Rev. B. C. Miller, public place for use. or shipped, this year, and will be strong and 81aklyou county authorities self culture is to sit 8 llcan nomination for vice presi- leader of the ’‘McPhersonltes,”1 have been unable to locate him. contenders for the state cham­ and each hide, taken for tan­ alone by yourself and w dency was tendered four fndivld- withdrew the case. Suffering from tuberculosis, pionship. With a bunch of reg­ The stipulation, which is ning, is tagged by % game war­ think. It is the art of y uals before It was finally accept- ulars from last year’s squad Schuler was admitted to the Let- signed by the attorneys for both den. y ed by General Charles G. Dawes, becoming more and more sides, provides that the church, MERCIER FUNERAL y I have been intlmateliy associat- Thia work of tagging was hack in uniform this season, the t^rdlan hospital at San Francisco , sensitively and imagina­ the parsonage, the records, and y ed with my colleague. Senator WAS HELD TODAY done by Deputy District Game university city boys are pointing after he was released here last , tively aware of what it winter. A day or two after , 8 McNary, for many years and have $2*5.40 In cash shall be turned Warden Roy M. Parr and W. L. toward the title. is to be born on the BRUSSELS, Jan. 28— (U P .) seen much of his ability. I there­ over to the Ashland Baptist Eugene has defeated Albany, Coffman was captured in Ten- ( Coleman, screen and ladder man planet earth." — Belgium honored today with nessee, Schuler suddenly left I fore feel constrained to now sub - while the Albany outfit won church, without delay. for the commission. nilt his name to a group of Re- from Ashland by a narrow the hospital and cannot be lo- The McPherson followers fur­ a national funeral, Its loved publican leaders as a possible can- i ther agree "to either dissolve, Cardinal Mercier. The body score. Sakhn, another team cated. It is understood that his ' didate for the vice presidency. , or Incorporate under another was taken to Malines, to He In which defeated the locals or testimony is vital in the prose- I ¡This will do away with the situa­ THE PRINCE IS HURT their northern trip, dropped a cutlon of both Kennedy and a crypt beneath the altar of tion that existed In Cleveland In Coffinan. < the medieval cathedral. (Continued On Page Six) contest to Corvallis, while Eu­ I 1924. Many prominent members LONDON, Jan. 28— (U.P.)__ gene took the Corvallis hoon- ’ of Congress, among them being The Prince of Wales sustained Senators Watson, Gooding. Short- ' a fractured right collar bone 1 ridge and a number of others, aa I today, while hunting in Lei­ k well as the large number of mem- J cestershire, and was taken to J hers of the bower House, have London for treatment. The expressed their approval concern­ fracture was a clean one, with ing Senator McNary’s Impending no complications. After the fall 1 candidacy, and I trust it will be the Prince sat up and talked NEW YORK, Jan. 28. — (IP) received with equ^I favor through­ with friends, who rushed him —Captain George Fried of the out the country." PORTLAND, Jan. 28.^— Look­ of the State Wide Department to a doctor. American steamship President U. OP 0 . COEDS HELD ing forward to the opening of plan for new settlers. Interest la ON THEFT CHARGES SALEM, Ore., Jan. 28-—For Roosevelt, won his - battle with Northeastern Oregon to new set­ also being taken in Baker and the first time since the close Classified Ads Bring Results. Atlantic storms,’ and rescued the (Continued On Page Six) EUGENE, Jan., 28— (U.P i — Of th e"World Whr all training tlers, an enlivened interest is be­ Union counties for the formation officers and crew of the Water­ Eleanor D. Burtchaell, 21, and ing, taken at the present time by of new Irrigation districts in that logged British freighter Antinoe, camps for Oregon troops will be Laura Pauline Breske, 19, pretty the Blue Mountain Region coun­ section. accqrding to a radiogram 'receiv­ within the state this year, ac "More than ever before the University of Oregon co-eds. are ties In Land Settlement work for ed by the United States lines to­ cording to Brigadier General Land Settlement idea has hit at liberty today under $2,»09 the ensuing year. day. George A. White, udjutant gen­ Arthur Foster, manager of the Eastern Oregon," said Foster. The rescue was completed soon ball each, awaiting the action eral of the state, who returned Funeral sorvlees were held this after midnight laat night, the of the Lane county grand jury Tuesday from Washington, D.’C. afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Land Settlement Department of "Incredible perhaps that a Miami the Portland chamber of com­ brease has wafted its way to the message said, and when the final on the charge of shoplifting. Where he attended a conference Dodge chapel for James F. Creigh­ merce has Juat returned from a Pacific Northwest, yet the great The girls are known on the thirteen men were transferred ton, who died at Baker, Oregon, three day trip into this section land East of the Cascades to of Military officials. They from the wallowlqg, disabled campus aa ‘‘moderns.” Instead of going to Fort Bar­ January 22. as*a result of shock of the state and reports a lively awakening to the fact that there An excellent example of the termlned that the duck hud freighter, to the liner. drive expensive cars and aro "ell ry, San Francisco, the Oregon following an accidental gun interest, particularly in Wallowa are millions of acres of wonder­ Twelve men were taken off ear­ known in literary ’and art < Ir- great distance« traveled by wild been banded at Irvington, Ala- ful soil within its borders to. be artillery will train at Fort Bte- wound in the left leg and abdrv- and Union counties. ducks In their flight was given medh county. California, on Jan- lier In the night. Lloyds m essage huudrod dunajg, Off TTCflTiyTast. Mr rograr received in London, from the worth of silks were fouii'l in here yesterday, with the ar- uary 24, 1925. for the purpose. Camp Jackson, nesday evening from Baker. In­ met with the Union county cham­ looking forward to a great year Roosevelt, said, "rescued the their apartments. rival of information, requested Steel declared that it wai near Medford, will again b<* used terment was In Ashland cemetery. ber of commerce at La Grande, for Oregon.” • by Deputy State Game Warden his belief that the bird had entire crew of the Antinoe. Pro­ Mr. Creighton was a fanner and In the evening of the same On Saturday, D. J. McLellan, by the infantry troops. A force Roy Parr from Ray Steel, been wintering in California, ceeded at 4:16 a. m. Antinoe in RRE0ON0ILABLES and was 4 4 years of age nt the day attended a meeting with the project manager and secretary of of regular army infantry will United States game warden. and had been banded Just be- sinking condition, very dangerous CARRY ON FIGHT be sent to Camp Jackson and time of hia death. A sister. Mr«. Unton county Agricultural Com­ the Tumalo irrigation district of R. E. Hale, live« at Dunsmuir. mittee at Hot Lake. • Last November, during the fore It started on its annual to navigation." Deschutes county, a n d -> . M. a •small artillery force to Fort The rescue cost the lives of two Other members of the family are WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. — tip) height of the fUght of Northern flight north. After spending Wright, president, were In Port­ On Wednesday, January 20, the of the Roosevelt’s sailors, who — Although overwhelmingly de­ Stevens in addition to tho Ore­ hurled at the Ashland cemetery. land for a conference with the were drowned trying to launch feated when the Senate adopted gon troops. It is estimated that He Is survived by hia wife and regional meeting of the secre­ local Land Settlement committee. taries and directors of the cham­ boats. resolutions for American piirtl- 3,000 officers and men will train one brother, George Creighton of bers of commerce of Union. Bak­ They report a wonderful prd- at Camp Jackson. Both camp« Loa Angel««. pation in the World Cdurt. the er, Umatilla, Wiallowa and Mal­ greas In that recently opened dll* Rev. V. K. Allison, pastor of heur counties waa held at Baker trlct of Central Oregon and stale irreconcilable« promised today to will be opened the latter part of the Christian church, was In City. Mr. Foster was speaker at that they have Just secured .A carry the fight to the people im«t June. An Increase In National Guard charge of the funeral services. November. the noon luncheon, and talked great deal more land having Oregon and Washing­ Twenty eight of. the thirty thrte units for Oregon was author­ contract titlee, and that there a te on Land Settlement work. ton— Rain in the west, whoee seats are soon to be de­ ised at the Washington meet­ On Thursday, January 21, a 'available now to settlers UMMF with rain and snow In cided upon again, voted In fa’vgir ing, the first to be allowed In In Portland— meeting waa held with (he Wal­ choice tracts of Carey Aet land pt tho east portion. Strong of the Swanson .court resolution two years on account of short­ J. W. McCoy is attending tho lowa chamber, at Enterprise. one dollar per acre, an weM * south and southwest yesterday. Seven are t>emo' rats age of federal funds for the Oregon Bankers association inodt* Mr. Foster report« that Wal­ more improved tenets at fra», winds along the ' coast. 8 and 21 Republicans. Ing at Portland. purpose. lowa county la greatly in favor five to twenty dollar* aa aesn. • i * Just Sit Alone, Think And Get Self-Culture i American Ship Saves Crew of British Freight Funeral Services Are Held For Gunshot Victim THE WEATHER