taAtt» 8 6 0 4 1 |g M. J. Murphy was a business visitor in Medford today. LOST—Brown pocket book, containing about *22.00 in cash and some papers. ^N otify 735 Oak Street for lateral reward. 124-3* From ? ’ FOR RRjtiT — Housekeeping Mrs. Ken Forbes of Gold Hill apartments. 34» Bast Main. Medford Visitor— H. C .O a le y was a business Is visiting friends* In Ashland for - '? 124-tf a few days. • , . . visitor fn Medford today. FOR SALR—White leghorn HsmsUtchlng and Piloting-— baby chicks, 16c each. Mrs, W It pyys to have your cleaning and pressing done at Paalserud’a. Front Messnntate flo o r, IfcG ee D. Booth, 2 «4 Welghtman St. Building. Mre, ngvenpr and Miss Phono 267-Y. ? 134-3 107-1 mo, Dance T-’ O. O. F. MU, Thurs- Ewan. WANTED— Girl to help with dayj Jan. 33, for Odd Fellows, housework mornings. Phone Rebekahs, }he!r families-SS»d in ­ Kllk. Ladies Card d a b to Wee»— 206-L. . 124-2 The talks ladies card elitff to ll vited friendo. ' 123-1 meet Thursday afternoon at f .o ’- -'F O R RENT—A b o u t^ lib . 1, dock th the--dab room la th e Modern four-roopj furbished ■ Ostrasder end family of Ik s building^ Hosttewea tyf. the house. thoroughly renovated. were visitors in Ashland iE lki bulldiag. Hostesses for the Close in. See Mrs. Ohattin, 21« and Mrs; George Stevenson. Hargadlne. 124-tf Christian Endeavor the Christian church Upper Valley club bouse bene­ ford, Sunday, Jan. 21 fit CbtaSten.'Dinner, 60. Jitney Dr. Landrith, speaker, dancing, cards. Ashland Ladles by a basket dinner. Civic data. •' Friday evening, Jaa. 2 » ., Dinner served I toS. *' V ' ' 114-i An eight and three pound baby boy to Mr. J. W. Pettus of San Francisco W. R. Williams bf Creek, January 23. was a business visitor in Ashland today. Cliff Payne thakes track bodies. Rally nt at Med­ iVom Talent-— * et t : 3 0 ’ Dr. C. M. McFadden of Tal­ Followed ent was in Ashland yesterday on bualnees. Business Visitor»— Mr.' Morse of Salem, and (Ren quarters Arnsplger of Talent, spent ^yes­ and Mrs. terday , In Ashland on business. Emigrant From Talent— C. B. Lamkln was in Ashland from Talent yesterday, attending Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Simpson the Farmers meeting. were visitors in Medford yester­ day Visitóse In M e d f o r d - BIG REDUCTION ON SUITS:__ AU wool suits *13.60. *16, *16.76. Spring styles—New wollens (21.76 at Paulserud’s. 113-tf for meas salte, on display at Pastoetud’à 113-tf Vaieatine goods party.— Bikart's. Moving to Medford— iVWteve from Central F e l t Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walters Arthur Lewis and family warn of Talent ara moving to Medford. Visitors in Ashland from Central Feint today. AU-ri|e butter toasted sand, wichee—very popular—Nlnlag gl-tl H a v ey o u r furniture repaired er’s Fountain Service. r Spring at Jerdaa’s Sash and lainees telnet work«. - llS -4 f Carl H. SlggUta representing the * 3 ÏSïSr»»<* Cp. of sap Fran, gift that create« he •do, vUlted hi« agents la Aah- obligation than th< , ttenghtfalnese that k 1»—tou r photograph. NOTICE »O GROWERS W f ary ready te oontraet for »ninaeh. beets, Among «tan gnaate at the Columbia hotel are . Arthar^Bowea, Portland, G. T. Bradshaw, Portland, W. W. Mil­ iar. Portiaad, J . . A. Mtaard, Klamath Fails. Theodora, Argerts, J. M. Meeker of the Maes Smel­ Gregory. E. p. Smith, Rokehurg ter Co. e f Deaver. Colorado, stop­ Mr. and Mrs. Lateurell, Selma per la Ashland today on his w«y A. J. Allahoff, Portland. • M. B. Scotti, Klamath Falls. * to Cnlifornla. Our Butter Toasted sandwich«* Don’t make her cook all the srs growing tol popularity. Try M. Bring her to the chickou oat at The Plaaa. 27-iy nner at the Civic Club house, riday. January 2«. Service Marcelling, Trimming, 8hsm- mp 6 to 8. 40c per plate. Poothg, Dyeing. Facials The 128-tf Vanity Stoppa, McGee’s Store. Phone 1*8. y * »»-tf in -order to raise money for aptlTitiee,. "raided’* the Legion den and greatly inc^eas- ed their ealee for the evening, In I M I the Meal post h«d a membership drive ia w b to h two teams, captained by. Vic Mills and John Enders, competed for honors, the agreement being that the losers ' would act as hosts at a banquet to the win- ner«. Members of thè Winning side, Bader's ' team, reminded ‘he losers t h < the b a n k e t had never materialised and the fjret Tuesday evening in February, regular Legion meeting night, 'WM to* for the feed at the or­ m«ry. . to their itary mìo» ilted iooe 1 -a Wta sfcf the lièta! f. . the see- Op- ep e, then ient, buslnsss man or lawyer. Bat 'g s the yepr« Tolled paat, the Hohegaollerns realised that the chaaeea of monarchist restora­ tion* tai Oemnanjr‘dwindled. They All in ali, It is a far cry from are sagionaly and profitably try­ the velvety life of a ruling dy­ ing tÿ make the bhst of a bad nastic family to that, of farmer. Job. . " Bible officer la a German bank after the overthrow of the mon- arfchjjT He soon abandoned this career. His latest venture was to apply-Tor a Job as assistant, supervisor ofr a targe Berlin mu- aeum. \ ' His brother, Prinoe Oskar/ also a. resident in Potsdam, basks in the leisure of a coun­ try gentleman an his small es­ ADVICE ON GROWING tate. / OF GARDENS GIVEN The ex-kaieer*s fifth sob.] Prinoe Adalbert, livee . in Hom- bourg, near Frankton, auu dwells mostly in reminiscences W 1 the farmers of this sec­ T. J. Butcher of Fourth street tion Should demand that the Unit­ of his debonair past as naval o f­ ' died at a local hospital last ed State« department of agricul­ ficer. night after an illness of several ture asaist in working ont a rem­ weeks. Funeral v arrangement« edy for watermeMbp wilt in South­ are In charge-of Stock UUdertak. ern Oregon, waa Bouquet’« opin­ ion. >. lag Parldrs. '♦ Professor Bouqtot advised spec­ ialisation, hut declared that It. should not he ovjlrdpne, that there always be present the safety valve of diversification, in order that if After offers had heen receiv­ one crpp falto," th e ehtire com- ed for coaching positions at th« Washington State College and the University o f'K a n sa s, the athletic board of the University of Hawaii recently increased the •alary of Otto Klum, former Ashland hoy, Who to nbw e o a f i From Yrekw— x at Hawaii, to $6.000 qy» ye*? Harpey McBride of Yreka was according to word received here , », in Ashland yesterday on busi­ today. ness. Klum has enjoyed wonderful success daring his period a« coach at Hawaii, and Ws repu­ From Talent— Mrs. C. Abott of Talent Wes tation- thtas built 'up hfas secured an Ashland visitor yesterday. for him offers from many main­ land SChOOlS. .1 ,i / Confined To Ho»PB J. H. Hardy to confined *to his home on Fifth street by 111- Central Point High» school boys defeated the Grants P umi High school hoys team 22-4 nt Central Point High school gym­ nasium last night. The Central Point boys played a fine game. (Continued from Page One) . When Red meets Red— they shake hands. s This time it was Big Red ang Little Rad who m e t Rig Red to Rpd Orange. “ Galloping .Oto«» of the Gridiron,** whose feat» on the football field have net­ ted him a fortune. . Little Bed was Geprge Lowe, newaboy. Yesterday evening, Grange ahd his Chicago B ea n were passing through Ashland, en route to Portland. A ‘crowd of more than 104 had- assembled at the Benthern PaoKic elation, hoping to secure a glimpse of the man who has made more football history than any man liviag. ' Little Rod was especially voeKerons la his cries for Big Red. Finally, the “Ghost” ap­ peared. ' Walking up to Little Red. he gripped the youagsten’s hand, and thanked him far the reception. Today, Little Red is walking on air. For didn’t ’ he shake hands with the wonderfdl Orange? .' mugity may be saved from fatture Both sons of the former crown by other crops- prince ere studying lsw and economics in Berlin, preparatory to entering a professional ca- SAWS CLIPPERS • H ardw are THIS IS, true in more Mt^ys than the interest receive on your de­ posits. YG tf'ENJO Y the full benefit of the experi- enoe, organization, abil­ ity and energy of a Strong end completely equipped institution. ALL transactions hand­ led in a business ? like ÁJíatiaíifyfe^urf COATS PRICED NOW SIZES 40 TO 46 ■ SIZES 41 TO 47 SIZES 40 1-2 TO 46 1-2 All for Different Type Figy Also special prices on large sizes in knit-and Silk underwear and dresses, for this week. ,