w inter colds a r e I* Medford— Miss Edith Stevenson, of E. H. Crow was a huslnesi Roseburg, Who taught In the visitor In Medford from «Ash­ JERRY O'NEAL Í , -Hawthorne -school last year, was figure on yor next Job nt land today. a visitor ovfcr the week end nt plumbing. , , i the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ph. 128L. ..» • Siorton st. C. Poor on Morton street. IR M I FOOD SALE— High School Miss Margaret Dougherty;/re­ Circle P T. A. Saturday, Jan- turned to her home on Fairview uary SO. Hardy Bros. 122-1 street today after undergoing an operation at the Comasuktty hos­ Returns Fro» Vacating*— pital a short time ago. " Milton Biegel *haa retarded from a vacation spent in Port­ land and Walla Walla, Wash­ poolng, Dyeing, Facials. ington. Vanity Shoppe, McGee's Store. 88-tt Phone l i t . Hemfe made ChHi Beans and Hot Tamalee,—Nlnlngar's Foun­ 81-tf Don't make her cook all the tain Service. than. Bring her to H»e chicken Christian Endeavor Rally at dinner nt the Civic Club house, Friday, January 22. Service the Chrtetlan church at Med­ ford. Sunday, Jan.' 81, at 2:20. from C to 8. 6 Pc per plate. 123-tf Dr. Landrith, speaker. Followed by a basket dinner. 128-T. T. 8. Winner A m HU um I Girl— Word'wns received by relatives of Clara ^McDonough, a fermer Ashland girl, that she has a posi­ tion là a telephone office In San Francisco an)d is enjoying her work. s Returns frens the Hospital— FOB RENT—Wo are In the Our Buttar Toasted sandwiches are growing In pp>ularlty. Try renting business and try to one at The P l* » -, >,7-tl keep our places dean and In good condition. We have fur­ Hemstitching and Plcotlng— nished cabins, small apartment* Front Messanine Floor, McGee and honitotf^elpg rooms for Building. Mrs. Havener and Mias rent by week or month. Call IIS . ■wan. 107-1 mo. FOUND—Purse . w ith; money, Identify and yours. dlt-H arga* From M ed ford - Mrs. Albert 'iio th and Mrs. dine S t 122-1« Hull of Medford were Ashland FOR SALE CHEAP— Five visitors Monday. rooms first class furniture. Al­ so kitchen range and heating Corona typewriter, 8 3 5.—El stove.* Also canned trait. In­ hurt's. quire 112 Sherman St. 122-1« DANGEROUS The serloas diseases that de­ velop from simple coughs or colds make them dangerous and they should not te neglected. *1 here Is no hatter remedy f.,r quick relief from coughs and colds than Foley's Honey and colds than Foley's Honey and Tar Compond. “lfy grandchild could g e t . no relief whatever from a very had crpupy sough, until I gave him Foley’s Honey and Tar." writes Peter I . . . . . . Everything You Will 'Want or Need at ss# ASHLAND ’ FLOWER -. SHOP ELH ART’S waste Lithia Springs Hotel Bldg . ,»- .?* i Phone 148 Seethe “ Say it with Flowers” New WHIPPING CREAM Gallon 12.20 Pint, 30c Ashland Creamery Raggedy An$ Sweet Shop 4». ff . ”” The Park Garage Ashland, Oregon E, R. ISAAC & CO V Ilw ^ u a lt t y S to r s w M kta (, (> Pmttcf Great Monfh-End Appawl Sale Begins Tomorrow-Wednesday BUhngs Agency — í «M k