* , sà& jtâo nWiL Three Months Six Month« ... One Year ------ gpnrtmi Phone BWJMI» Meath over. rture you at w fta ty ix A * forth its rolling One insertion a Taro Insertions a * «» admission charge ia wed Religious or Benevol - A PROSPEROUS WAY— “And he said unto me, The Lofd before whom I walk, will send His angel with the«, and prospei thy way.” (tea. 24:4«. PRAYER — We rejoiee, O Lord, of all who observe Thy soln mandment, Thou dost make the way prosperous. »tori : - Al T A X IS FOB HIOBWATS * This is the season of ideas, theories and promises as. applies to government, with inn «merable candidates W the field, each advocating some cause, which he hopes w ill win the voters. j Between now and the primary they will reform, re­ vise and improve, or repeal, almost every conceivable law tfhich is now on the statute books. For the candidates ipust have some plaything, some toy |o dangle in front of the voters to attract their attention, , • One of the most popular subjects relates to automo­ biles, which is almost an universal article about the homes today, whether an expensive ljfnousine or a rattler. Every- Iwdy seems to have one—statistics say one to every fam­ ily to Oregon—and almost everybody has to pay a yearly tax in the form of a license and also a tax every time • gallon of gas is siphoned into his tank. ; Thus, in certain political circles it is the favorite sport m making a platform to ihetode m narfgrw A.fav­ oring a induction in autynioblle,'JidbisdbAsd^i loWea gas over came svore ■ •w •w ' t ' 1 H w a C a m ii(ï c/ipicetf tmesfk lohnco».' T b tC W fl & a r r tt p e p r if tí v/ amoretti J w 9 h -, ■" ‘W kJ l(W " V > ■' It is a recognized fact that when we, as individuals, Have to pay from $15 to $60 tor'a IkfenSe, which èan be duplicated jast across the state line to the south for $3,00 Linn coeaty balte 4 4 Î tarife«» SALEM FIVE TRIMS 30L0N8 QUESTS AT per, regardless of the size, weight or make of pleasure Would Change and >g ZUtos.ÿMuM»«» Surte» LOCAL TO88EBS Z8-XIÍ 0Ô0UDGB ttC U K I i^r, there is just a little resentment and possibly a feel­ IM S. - M .-m ttk r ÿ n « * t:sM Ñame of War ing that the license should be lower. - ■ * (Contlnnsd from Page On«) • However, we pay the tax and ride majestically to the ‘ WASHJNOTOrt, 24— (U. Department fishing, hunting or camping grounds over paved high­ P.)— President Coolidge held an ways, macademized roads or pospibty over rather rough unexpected breakfast conference byways if our wandering takes us to distant points. When M .WASHINGTON.- wtth j l l RepubMcsa Haase lend­ ft— A bill “to minimise tt * ers- today. The (heats for the toother year rolls around, remembering the pleasure of a ti th«,, probability of war”. # sansdges, buckwheat. cakes sad • The United 8tst4px- ■ fto the past motor-year, we pay the higher license fees, and tt by changing the name of tt , maple syrup included Speaker resumed recruiting wort. after again start another year of pleasure. te the ' war department " to a t Longworth, Maddsh- pf lUtnais, being eloedd for the past seres As we drive about in western Oregon, mostly on pav­ M department of the .VMI-. M J sinnott of Oregon and Hawley months, J. N.; Cochran, chfaf ed highway«, we might think the priee of licenses or the a hafe been prepared by a J water tender, will h < .a t «fed of Oregon. Bloom, « / gas tax is too high, unless we realize that a sinking fund M R b reseK U tlre tt ‘ must be maintained to pay for the very highways which a b im ociat. New York. “ I dp , not know of V , we have been using. If we happen to go to Eastern Ore­ any quicker way of pro- a gon, we realize that the task is not yet completed—and nibting and establishing a might see more clearly the need for the higher license ttj . untyersary peace than to tt . fees. Also, if we happen to make a comparison of the tt eliminate everything pos- t t _ number of automobiles in this state and in the state to a sthle suggestive of war,” a , the south of us where the lower license fee is charged, we tt| Mr. Bloom said today- a W e Sell Ouly Nationally Advertised can easily figure that, if we are to have as good roads holding that the present tt - title Is a , misnomer. ■ a as the lower-lioense, but more-automobile stages, we must Tires and Parts have a higher license fee. The Modern Way o f Th» cost to the connuter is snMfr tore to «wlofigru». We must judge a* candidate by his policies and prom­ ■lira;.or. B. Jacobson of Coush- Cleaning ises, unless we happen to know him personally or by his msa. Oregon, .arMved in Ashland works, but The Tidings would suggest that it might be today: to vlkft for several days The modern way of dean- a well to consider the needs of the future, as well as the with Aer" Stotet; Mrs. T. R. Jack- tog all fabrics, is themeth- - od we foHowi Safe, harm- present and past, before placing too much credence in tow awl careful processes the tow-license, small gas-tax theories. toe applied by experienc­ HAVE YOUR CAR ed cleailers and every job, l | FACTIONS ABOUT THE POLB 1« who sjrtfered frote feteeeoes that started large or small, is given Tlu- qucstkin as to whether Dr. Cook evor reached the * , «Heple eosgh or 0014 ‘ the most careful attention. North Pole seems to be reduced, in discussion, to one of * the Importance of check­ W e invito you to visit our -character. If yon believe that Cook was always a liar, u in tight at the stati. W. naturally you will believe that he lied when he said he g ? F or WINTBB DRIVING i^^re/kli4* b© BO demonstrable facta to - ot gusrsoteed Sold support or to convict the C’ook claim. The figures that J Cook reported could have been faked. The Eskimos who \ afterwards cast doubt on his achievement could have l»een inooUShining., . From this far-off point at view^-all regarding the Polar exploration would appear to be either cold, scienti­ fic truth« or hot untruth. Possibly much of it is neither, T hen are factions and interests and prejudiced groups af those Who concern themselves in Polar affairs. Kouald Amundsen umene to have associated himself iu some of tip ftuMtonaf fccliftg, fend to have seized a dramatic u p ., {ortunity to fervfve this issue, after 15 year«. Dr. Cook, Immured in a federal prison for oil stock faking, was a convenient hook on which to hang the new sensation. ' U i’ ' 3 3 be easily s] correctly d< that comes; eijaipme>t< v p f t^X O W ^ C W d U iM H :