dieted with ulcer of the stomach. Cardinal Mercier will be bur­ Fred Rapp was a business Mrs. Ines Ferguson of Cen led in the Archlepescopal of visitor from Talent yesterday. tral Point • is vieitlng Mrs, Strombau and Machlln, seat of the George 'Robison at her home at Prove it for yourself. Studio Cardinal primate In Belgium. 78 Second street. ABhland Photography is right BUYER WANTED FOR SLAY. Butterfield’s new Barber Shop IXG IN YREKA, TAKEN DEATH TAKES GREAT is located in the basement at ' BELGIAN WAR CARDINAL 397 1-2 E. Main Street. 103-tf (Continued from page One) (Colntinnea from page 1.) Visitor From Talent— the trouble.” Mrs. N. 8. Oatman of Talent Schuler, however, is understood LONDON, Jan. 23-r-(U. P ) degrees and other tributes in la visiting for a few days with —Declaring that the United his Journey. Upon leaving, he to have told Calkins and others her sister, Mrs. J. T. Patterson States should not be admitted to expressed himself as willing, In that Coffman was responsible for at 247 Second street any I/eague of Nations “until it his old age, to settle in America the death df the stranger, strang­ can stand up to its liquor” an if circumstances should so turn. ling him in a dispute over money. While Schuler is in the San Fran­ Fresh Tamales.— The Rose. EngliBh liquor trade journal h&s Cardinal Mercier was born cisco hospital in precarious con­ launched the bitterest attack November 22, 1851, in a little dition, it is said that he will be ever made in this country on town near Waterloo. He was brought here as principal wit­ From Talent— American prohibition. ordained to the priesthood in ness for the state. * S. Hnckler was an Ash- The attack is being discussed 1874 and three years later was laud visltor from Talent yea- (pday in England. made a professor In the Mallnes KIWANIS CLUB HAS BIRTH­ terday. Commenting edifbrially “Rid­ University. In 1886 he was ap­ DAY CELEBRATION ley’s Wine & Trade Circular”— pointed domestic prelate and in Have your furniture repaired the most powerful organ of the 1907 became cardinal. (Continued from Page One) for Spring at Jordan’s Sash and liquor interests in England— In the years since the war, Cabinet works. 119-tf the cardinal had suffered two ,nnd have no gems in their brains; “The attempt to enforce com­ Illnesses. The first was in 1922 too many people today ar© danc­ A m ong th e g u ests at the Hotel pulsory Teetotalism in 110,000,-' when he was tpken with in­ ing the Charleston rather than Oregon nro— 000 citizens, mostly white, is fluenza and the next In Decem­ the minuet. The dictates of rea­ L. A. Andrews and wife, San not only causing the United son demand a return to funda­ ber, 1925, when he was af- Diego; P. E. Elliott, Portland; mentals,” th e . president’s mes­ States hundreds of millions of sage stated. 8. O. Scott, Portland dollars in loss of revenue from “Too many people today prate alcoholic beverages, but is cost­ of yea even babble about, the All-rite butter toasted sand­ ing at least fifty million dol­ romance of commerce and the wiches—very popular—Nlnlng- lars a year for extra adminis­ poetry of science, while their eWs Fountain Service. 99-tf trative expenses. hearts are romantically dead and “The principal loss however, their souls poetically starved. To Make Home In Ashland— This is indeed, a peculiarly per­ Mrs. Nora Walrad who has is in the ‘morale’ of the nation, which Is being badly shaken by plexing period, and it becoides been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Prohibition. At the same time our urgent duty Vs members of Gene Homes In Weed, California this wonderful organization, with American citizens have become for the past three months, has all of its possibilities and oppor­ the laughing stock of the world. returned fo Ashland to make tunities to translate those possib­ “The American Nation, mostly her home with her daughter, TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 23— (U. ilities into realties, to metamor­ of European extraction, have Mrs. W. H. Frulan, 661 B St. solemnly announced to the civ­ P .)— Yankee ingepnlty has been phose our hopes into facts. Our brcc^ht into play to solve thu obligations are all on-a par with Hemstitching and Plcoting— ilized world that they in Amer • shortage of hotel quarters here. our possibilities,” the message Front ^Mezzanine Floor, McGoe lea have become such American­ The problem was to put up continued. Building. Mra Havener and Miss ised beasts that they cannot be a hotel qujckly. This was lmT Kiwanis this week is celebrat­ Ewan. 107-1 mo. trusted even with so little as ing its Eleventh Anniversary, hav­ a glass of ale, became of the possible, because ol the em­ ing been organized January 21, certainty that the mark of the bargo which h is been holding 1915. From only one club, 11 Beavers Win— up building materials. Also sites The Beaver Pioneers of th< American beast would show years ago with a membership of were expensive. At t-rt a hotol Methodist chnrch won from the forth in them, and'under the 30, Kiwanis has developed into project apparently .equired sev- an organization of more than Bear Pioneers of the Christi« influence of Alcohol they would eial months time. 1,450 clubs, with a membership church by a score of 60-3 run out and commit some crime. But Captain John McCaffrey of more than 95,000. From the “Such people have placed Thursday evening in the Hlgl of New York C” ’ accomplished limits of a single cit> it has School giynuiasium. Raymond themselves outside the pale of the apparently impossible. He spread throughout the United Btennett is eaptain qf the Beav­ civilization, and under no cir­ put in a hotel at Tampa in less States and the Dominion of Can­ ers , and Glenn Head is Cap cumstances should, the Ameri­ than two weeks. ada, it was brought out. can State be admitted to any tain of the Bears. It was a floating hotel. The The program, which was ar­ league of civilized nations until new hostelry once was the Mis­ ranged by the committee of which it can stand up' to its liquor r Our Butter Toasted sandwiches sissippi River side-wheeler “Har­ R. J. Woods is chairman, includ­ are growing ta popularity. Try with decency and self ‘control. ed several musical numbers. V. one at The Plata. 87-tf For a State of cltiseus who can­ ry G. Drees.” The old steam­ D. Miller gave two solos, with er had put In many years of not control themselves in the William Briggs at the piano, both faithful service on the Missis­ Visitor From M ed fo rd - moral sphere ought not to be of which were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. O. R. Satchwell and »arty placed in the position of admin­ sippi River. It was bnilt when Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickey, as the of friends of Medford, were in istering the affairs of other na­ ships were made to last and after a painting and varnishing, Ashland yesterday afternoon to tions.’ the Harry G. Drees was as "ship attend the Civic Club benefit at shape” as any hotel. the Vining Theatre. GUNMEN MURDER McCaffrey had one big ob­ KELSO POLICEMAN stacle to overcome. That was Marcelling, Trimming, Sham- KELSO, Jan. 23. — (IP) — Two to get the “floating hotel” to i pooing, Dyeing, Facials. The unidentified gunmen shot and Tampa frpm New Orleans. Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store. perhaps fatally wounded D. L. Built for the quiet waters of the Phone 108. 98-tf Bailey, west side patrolman here Mississippi, the boat, river men early today. The desperadoes From Portland— predicted, would -be swamped In escaped in the darkness toward A. Breyman of Portland was Lofigvlew. One is believed to be a fair sea. The new floating hotel 1« a business visitor * in Ashland wounded. yesterday. Bailey and C. L. Huntington, 200-feet long and contains 78 night sergeant, saw them in a staterooms, a spacious dining Paper Hangers. doorway of a west side pool hall,, room and lounging and. sun 109— Spt- Wed and when they stopped their au­ rooms on both the fore and af tomobile to question them, were ter decks. The ship is steam-1 greeted with a fussllade of gun­ heated and lighted by electricity I The Ladies Relief Corps will fire. Bailey was shot through thf from a power plant in the en-' gine room. hold their social meeting Mon­ chest and leg. Lithia Springs Hotel Bldg day afternoon at 2 o’clock in The demand for hotel rooms here is sufficient to a i r the the I, O. O. F. hail. Phone 148 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Henry G. Drees rmniedlately SALESMAN— We desire a which opens the way for McCaf­ “ Say it with Flowers” Madden soils protected tires. 68-tl salesman to represent us in frey to collect dividends on calling on schools, libraries and his Ingenious investment. Dance every Saturday selected individuals. Whole or Jackson Hot Springs part time. Leads furnished.— Dodd Mead & Co., Pacific Build­ Amoi(( the guest« at the Lithia ing, San Francisco. 121-1 In Ashland From Talent«— Visiting In A s h la n d - In Medford— Miss Laura Olsen spent today visiting ijg Medford/ Walk upstairs to Orres Tallor 78-tf Shop and save 310.00. Left For Portland— R. W. Price left for land last evening, to be gone several days on business. Cliff Payne makes chair rockers. MG REDUCTION ON SUITS:— All wool suits 112.60, 315, 118.75, 321.76 at Paulserud’s. 112-tf Among the guests At the Hotel Ashland ar e J. L. Gray, Portland; Albert Feller, Salem; J. A. Mead. Portland; D. H. Smith and wife, Seattle; N. Dunlap and wife, Redding; Roy F. Burns and family, Seattle; Edwin G. Cur­ tis, Portland; George M. Read, Portland. Nut cups— party favors.—El hart’s. Home made Chill Beans and Hot Tataales.—Nintnger's Foun­ tain Service. 91-tf Return From S o u t h - Mrs. George O. Brooktnlller and daughter, Betty, returned last evening from Los Angeles, where they have been visiting friends and relatives for the past two weeks. Clothes pressed wait. Phone 108 Cleaners. Purchased New tile yon Standard 120-2 Oar— The Claycomb Motor Co. reports the sale of a 1926 Ford roadster to R. E. White of Ash land. Swennlng-Gear, expert' tintera. 109—Sat- Wed From Talent — Mrs. L. O. Penland was a business visitor in Ashland yes­ terday from Talent. Clothes pressed while wait. Phone 108. Sts Cleaners. R. Dlnsdale of Portland moved into the house at Boulevard for the winter. Madden retreads tires. Today Only “PEACOCK FEATHERS” with JACQUELINE LOGAN and CULLE LANDIS Sunday — Monday Flower Baskets We have just receiv­ ed a shipment of beautiful f l o w e r baskets, which will m a k e any home brighter. ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Springs hotel are— I W. Paris, Portland; A. B. Brown, Portland; Thomas A. Veach, Portland; H. O. Paulson, Seattle; Mrs. Clifford Brown. Salem; Mrs. K. G. Brinkman, San Francisco; Mrs. C. K. El­ lingson, Hawkney, Wisconsin; W. Valentine, Chicago; Edyth Stevenson, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradflnd, Sheridan, WANTED—Te rent Phone 20 or 467-R. piand. 121-3« FOR SALE— 12-lnch body fir; in 3-tier lots, 13.75 tier de­ livered, B. E. Baker, Phone 365J4. 121-4« FOR SALE— 260 chick elec­ tric brooder in perfect working order, 315.00. A. Bert Free- mu 111 Nutt lav fit. When they try it once, want it again.. Ashland Creamery Butter 121-tf yll'MOMTHi'OFk opening of the program, played several selections of old-time music. Sumner Parker and Leon­ ard Petttt, with Mrs. Pdtltt at the piano, featured in violin duets and tbelr music was enjoyed so muck that they were forced to give the third selection. Barnard Joy, who recently won signal honors in a state essay contest on the subject of market­ ing, accompanied by his mother, was a guest of the clu b y_H e told of his trip to Portland and other Northern Oregon points, where |»e was royally entertained. President J. H. Hardy acted as chairman of the meeting, which was one of the most enjoyable social affairs of the season. The evening was intersperced with Peppy Kiwanis ' club songs. H. O. Enders, Jr„ led the sing­ ing. ASHLAND AGAIN LEADS REGISTRATIONS Ashland, ( 4 « ) » ,> 0 3 ; Astoria. (11) 416; Baker, (80) 2,00»; Bend, (7) 74«; Corvallis, (40) •61; Eugene, (118) 2,431; Oold Beach, (6) 28«; Grants Pass. (249) 6,876; Hood River, 703: Klamath Falls, (87) 3.67»; La Grande, (69) 1,386; Lakeview, 161; Marshfield,' 257; Medford, (278), 11,838; Milton-Freewater (33) 1,289; Newport, (9) 28; North Bend, (8$ 90; Nyssa, (98) 1,144; Ontario, 3,944; Oregon City, (19) 810; Pendleton, (77) 8.334; Portland, (228) 9,031; Roseburg. (102) 2,188; Salem, (212) 4,666; Seaside, 186; The Dalles,. (210) 8,878; Vale, (1) 55; Inspectors, 86. Totals (2,894) 92,713. A ll Kinds-Of BATTERY ELECTRICAL Lubricating OILS General greasing and Oil ing service. work. We also have an expert auto mechanic. If yon neqpl battery, gen­ erator, ignition, startpr repairing, bring your car (.Continued from Page One) (6) 33; Virginia, (2) 65.- Wash ington, (829) 18,076; Washing­ ton, D. C., 46; Wisconsin, (9) 355; Wyoming, (17) 423; Al­ aska, 35; Canada, (44) 1,081; Canal Zone, 7; China, 1; Hawaii, (5) 88; New Zealand 3; Aus­ tralia,. 1. Totals (2,394) 82.- 713. Registrations by stations for December, and the year 1926, follows; Albany, (90) 1.496; The Ashland Electric Shop Williams Service Station 3/6 E. Main Street BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Entertain your friends without the fuss and work of cooking at home. ’h Bring Them Here For Our Sunday Evening STOCK TONIC Dinner Poultry Pan-a-cea ARE GUARANTEED $1.00 A PLATE Many persons and clubs who are enter­ taining are finding our dining room and parlors an ideal place for their parties. Lithia Springs Hotel SOMEBODY is going to win a membership in the new golf club by sending in the best name. Anybody anywhere who would enjoy the playing privileges of the links is eligible to compete. Remember, this membership is worth $100. Come out to the course tomorrow and let us show you about and explain the plans. Follow the arrows west from Talent or Phoenix. Decide on the most appropriate name and place it in a sealed envelope labeled “Proposed name for golf course and in another sealed envelope put your own name and address. This that the judging may be perfectly fair. The envelope containing your Own name will not be opened until after the judging. Send them or hand them to iaughttj ^ lnjan MOUKAND AHALft' viA'Monov ncruMOP ♦JOHN GOLDEN'S1 >4TAOUtTAlUMnt JUST ARRIVED — CARLOAD OF Briquettes Splendid for heater, orchard, furnace and fireplace. .Give hot, steady heat. Let ub talk over with you about our fireplace offer. CARSON-FOWLER LBR. GO In the Heart of Town 85 Cents 85 Cents SpeciallReal Home Cooked CHICKEN DINNER I The Plaza Sunday 12 Noon to 8 P. M. 85 Cents 85 Cents J. L, Ketch ASHLAND HOTEL BULBING, ASHLAND, BEFORE FEBRUARY 10TH