to* spgalattqas .1er the * toreeto to tea year, ilta the fa ll tore« aad effect B inde Jnaartloa, per One Insertion a weak Two Insertions a week Daily Insertion ______ i t o r L e g a l aad Miscellaneous Advertising par 8 point l i n e ______ ____ _____________ kt Insertion, 8 point line .......— - _______ Oreeijr said « « a a the belief od tkS t e n e t eervtoe th a t the chances " w ill —r t - r ^ V " 1 aM to stabilising the western livestock Industry aad that they w ill meet largely the criticisms directed against -graslttg administration Ko donations to charities or otherwise will be made la advertla- ag Joh printing — our contributions will be In cash.____________ on the national fotests.” Under the regnlatlona.the ten year gracing permits « previously siaaoccgrgi reRmny. re­ authorised cannot he revoked the Chiseee R*1* except for violation " o f" -th e ir • m in d wttn three Raaaian dimes- o n at H arty». terms. » Chamber of Commerce Leaders, . Ashland, Grants Paas, Medford, Klamath Falls, Gentlelmen: At your meeting here Tuesday, I. E. Vinjng, a man well versed in the matter of state publicity, brought out the most salient fact of the meeting; that something must be done other than talking, before any good could be accomplished. There were over fifty ô i yop fellows here, and you did a lolt of talking. A number of really feasible and beneficial plans were submitted. Don’t lot them end in plans. See them through' to completion. A hundred meetings, such as were held here, will do no good unless some action follows them. There has been a lot ef tallk in Southern < iregoa, for some time past, but very little concerted action. With all you fellows polling together, you should be able to do a lot of good. W ill you? > Yours truly, Auntie Ashland. Colonel 0 . G. ThoiuaOn, Superintendent, Crater Park, Dear Colonel: Your talk before the Forum luncheon of the Ashland chamber of commerce here Tuesday, hit the nail squarely on the head. There lias been too little concerted aetioti on the part of the communities of Southern Oregon, to aid themselves. Wo cannot de|>end upon Portland, upon the Willam­ ette alley, upon Eafftem Orcg<«n oT upon any other section to boont us. They have enough to do to booef themselves. We must help ourseTvei. W'e have everjthlng here any man could wish. All required is to tell Mr. Average Man about i t We must display ourselves in a manner which iriU bo attrac­ tive. Unless we do, they are going to g iv e ns the “ go, by ” and we will have no one to blame bufc ourselves. I certwialy hope those present took a little heed of your worda, for they were certainly loaded with truth. • Yours sincerely, Auntie Ashland. R a 2 H h m m m a = r-a v — ■— - ^^m r a w— a . r — ..............- ------- -v-------— w hen you go out to briug home the bacon W sure and let the butcher know you got it. Week-end fun means no funds. Ifc takes bat ode stepping atone to reach the altar— It s a diamond; -, B> C H A R LE S P. STE W A R T N E A Service W riter W A S H IN G TO N — One thing this season’s W h ite House so­ cial functions have proven Is that* the ping tile Is far from obsolete. ' T h at Is to say, It’s still af­ fected by ah overwhelming ma­ jo rity of the president’s civilian callers. Of coarse the arhiy and navy men wear their uni­ form headgear. W ith few ex­ ceptions the members of the diplomatic corps are uniformed, tpo. mostly with cocked hats and some w ith waving plumes Ilka an old-fashioned hearse. B at for ordinary people— or­ dinary people of conaeqaence, not the hot polloi, who attend tl>e public receptions— the stove­ pipe’s. the role among all who care a cent ; for appearances. • RhPrsnsntaUv« H- SL qaorgs Tjtohpr, « V irg in ia had ht^ blown o f l a to « days ago, gp- lug doap Pennsylvania svenne. Io It was a speech Tucker had prepared, denouncing the ao- proprtnWoa of money to egahlo- prohiUttoa agepto , to bog liqnon. Tha wind broadcast that speech a ll ovar northwest Wash­ ington.* , H ight ihoa Tucker delivered a speech a ll right, bat It vae lapronspta- . The doctrine that the Philippines will lie given in- “idencc when the Filipinos income fitted for it bus id Hew elasticity since we began, cultivating tubber . — Columbia Record. , be M-yoar-oldf child in II whan buying a railroad an<(lfi when driving a car.-Florence (Ala.) Her- Wayae ». Wheeler grinned fiendishly, when he heard ahoni Col, Cheney, chief m ilitary aide St the W hite House, need to be oae of the ■ principal or- OUT OUR WAY (NOW BO /S A. 'NAAf AM Ì ( OFFERED FOR i-TUis B o x /T ied UP ini TH a L PRtïtfi BUIE. ) Y R iB eó w ? F iF teA M CEWflb- A UH* M O * o s 1 s e s s W A S 1* 1 'i11* s s e » au : Wonder What the men who names Pullman cars calls his ehlMcent J « l' , About the only Christmas presents that haven't been ex- changed are photographs. the school of agrieultane, spoke f 0< "the need of trained mien the Sgld of agriculture J a Z ^ Mtoo of 7 farm depression. I)r.' I.’ H -Jonea, assistant professor ip 4s try hus­ bandry explained thp principle« of the fraternity. A lp fc Beta came .to Q? 4- C. in 1818. I f is the oldest national honqgary fratern ity la agriculture. M s It's about time the leading glrla' colleges were Including pistol shooting In their, home economics courses. aamenta at a ll function* there. Now ■ there’s a scandal about hip». Chief of Police McNabb AU "daring the New,. Y ear’s re­ Was noticed this morning ception*,one of the front "buttons Wearing a now chief o f police on his fu ll dress uniform coat cap, with a sperklllng ea- was unbuttoned. Nobody no­ algmu at the front of* the ticed ■ it at the time, but a cap, which w ill properly des­ photograph of him, standing in ignate the chief. the receiving line aloagsidA tha Coolidges, subsequently revealed It. The president has decided against a court m artial, hut M E D IA , Penn*., Jan, 83— (U. life never can be the same again P .)— A fte r * two day search, the. to Sherwood Cheney. misahig M a d of Miss Anne May D is trict, Norwood m illiner, whose dismembered body was FIRST NATIONAL found In a wood at Rosetree, EMPLOY!» Cfc was recovered today by Dela­ county detectives, who The officials and employee of ware The First National Bank held dragged a small creek at fra il­ th e ir regular monthly meeting at e r^ Run. the bank last night .enjoying an interesting discussion 6f various MISS EDITH DODO« ON banking questions, as well as re­ EMERALD NEWS STAFF freshments a t the end of the U N IV E R S IT Y O F OREGON, meeting. Eugene. Ore,, Jan. 2 X .r — (Special) — Miss Edith Dodge of Ashland has been appointed aa a member PORTLANDER FA of the general news stall of tile FINE FOR SP I Oregon D ally Emerald, student Robert E. Smith of Portland, publication of the University. An­ arrested yesterday by State T ra f­ nouncement of the appointment fic Officer C., P. Talent, paid a was made yesterday by 6ol fine of 210 when he plead guHty Abramsoa, managing editor. yesterday afternoon to a charge Fourteen changes were made of speeding. Smith was arraigned in the personnel of the staff on before, Justice of the Peace L. A. Un, basis of efficiency shown dur­ ing this'term ’s tryouts. Roberts' here. rom A L LE N TO W N , Penpf,, /a n . 28. — ooo I qr « salt ^tastes same as other i P tK lN O , Jan IÏ. — opj — cooking Balts. The amount ,Tha foreign orfica today telegraph­ of iodine in Nu-Sftlt will ed that Chdng Teo .U n was or- prevent simple goiter, a« of r, Immedlete » S release I *« as well aa decreases goit­ rous enlargements, dne to lack of iodine. Oregon farm and range yield far 1926, eatimatmt a t M 4 0 ,- 882,000, 188,000,08« above fccg- est previous yield. Protect e I JA N U A R Y 3 8. 1090 A PER FEC T G U ID E— "And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the Lord. And he m id . Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath * led me to the* house of my master’s brethren.” Gen. 24: 24-27. LEE DO MS w W Ä A T CONSTITUTES advertising " A ll future events, where an admission charge is made or a etfoa taken ta Advertising." Ko dlsconnt w ill ho allowed Religious or Benevolent Ordere. SUDDBjr SERviCfE »ere men M l* kw» * » f U f c t o make « « « A « N*d«e m e .