A supper will be held s t the Lthtia Springs hotel at 3:36 this evening for the Kiwanls and their ladles. This la to celebrate the eleventh anni­ versary of the Kiwanls club. Butterfield’s new Barber Shop Is located In the basement at 397 1-3 E. Main Street. 103-tt Funeral services of the late George A. Gardner, of Jackson­ ville, will be held at the Pres­ byterian church. Medford. Sun­ day afternoon, Jan. 24, at 2:30 o'clock, interment at the Mau­ soleum, Medford, with Masonic honors. Members of Malta Com- mandery are hereby notified to be present, a : good attendance being desired. Full uniform. Including sword. Meet at Med­ ford Masonic hall, 1:45 o'clock. By order of the E. C. O. i>. FRAZEE. Geaeraitssimo. > 120-2 RriMro To Bcfkch-j— Miffs Minnie Foley returned to Berkeley the first of the week, after spending a month In Ashland visiting relatives and friends. Walk upstairs t j Orras Tb II oi Shop and aava I1S.0S. 78-tf Fresh Tamales.— The Rose. 118-tf AmOng the gueeta at the Hotel Ashland arc . Bessie Palmer, Talent; F. C. House, Cottage Grove; A. F. Nye. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. G.. A. Page, Fort Klamath; Wil­ liam s. Deaver, Portland; Alvin G. Heumlnger, Oakland; L. W. Hogan, Oakland; Theodore Wilts and wife, Seattl«. « Fashion Magasines. Ouf Baiter Toasted sandwiches are growing' in popularity. Try one at The Plaxa. , 87-tf From Klamath F a l l a - Mrs. V. E. Vollman ol Ashland ath Falls has taken a h< Clothes pressed while yon B street, and expects t< wait. Phone 101. Standard her home in Ashland ui Cleaners. 120-2 close of the school - year “Woman Handled” with RICHARD DIX Saturday Only From Talent— Merle Bradley of Talent was a bualncsa visitor In Ashland today. The roster of Burnside Post No. 23, G. A. R., was depleted again- gunday, when Comrade Clsyton of Talent - passed away. After an illness of two y^ars, the former wearer of the Union blue, passed on at his home in Talent. Funeral services were held in Medford Wednesday. Interment was in the mausoleum in that city. Don’t miss the funniest farce of the season. Vining Theatre. Friday, 1:30 p. tn. Admission SO cent«. Ladies only. 118-2 Madden retreads tires. 63-tt Correction— In yesterdays Tidings it w«6 reported that Mrs. Merritt Ran- dals was 111 at the Sacred Heart hospital in Medford. This Was a mistake a« Mrs. Randal« is at the Community hospital in Med­ ford. Dance every Saturday nite at Jackson Hot Springs 105— tf Mrs. R. K. Hall Hill, who has been time, is Improving able to sit up. Vlatting la Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. R. E. White of Missoula, Montana, are In Ash­ land visiting Mrs. White's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrá. R. H. Coffin. • • ..i W o n d erfu l For Children's Clothe^ c ( v ) «' . « Does N o t Fade (Colnunued from page 1.) the tourist in the city more than ovey night, was stressed by Jaeger. “Take myself for in­ stance," he said. "I came hero, -intending to get ovdr the Siski- yous last night. Then Mr. Price Informed me that we could play a little golf at Medford and after .leaving the remainder of my party here, we went 13 miles back over our course, to play golf. Most tdurists won’t do that more than once. And while I was playing golf, the rest of my party were viewing the city, and spending a little money here,’’ he continued. Exploitation of the ’ lithia springs and the lithia water in this section were also recom­ mended by Jaeger, as one means of stopping the tourist for two or three days. “We have had the same prob­ lem in Portland, only on a larger scale. It has been the problem of the state for years, -but I believe we are on the road to successfully solving It,” Jaeger concluded. When You Start School Sewing Remember, Everfast .Suiting f Because T t Wild Life is Increasing in Crater Park dians, who were later arrested. Prefatory animals Include 640 coyotes, 485 wildcats, 35 moun­ tain lions, and 24 wolves. Bounties for the extermination oi the above are offered. Fur bearing animals are made up as follows: Beaver, 240; fox, 442; martin, 900; mink, 740; badgers, 6 7 ; ' ermine, 270; skunk, 150; muskrat, 10. Hunters are estimated to have killed 350 blacktall deer and 12 bear during the past open season. j) total of 89 coyotes, five mountain lions, 49 'bobcats and five wolves are also said to have been killed, t TOO LATE TO C LASSIFY FOR SALK— Portable Victrola and records. Call 1166 Ashland St. ’ 120-2 EXCHANGE—House and three lots in Fresno, California, to ex­ change for small acreage or city property in Southern Oregon. V. E. Bushnell, Gen. Delivery, Ash­ land. < 120-1* N o botheksomb “setting” of color be* iorehand. N o disappointments aftet a few launderings. Everfast Suiting, like all Everfast fabrics, can be washed again and again in the Strongest soaps and washing powders— it will not fade. It is also fast to boiling, to blaming sunshine, to uric acid, perspiration— to everything that a wash fabric encounters. 'Do you dress your children in w ish clothes the year around be­ cause wash clothes can always be kept sweet and clean? This is the ideal and sensible material for you. T he little dress or suit of Everfast comes out of the tub time after time as fresh in color as new. Other Everfast Wash Fabrics— all marvelously fast color— are also here in c o lo r s a n d p a t te r n s t o m a k e delightful school clothes. G uarantee : / / any Everfast fab­ ric fades for any reason whatsoever, we will refund not only the purchase price of the material, but making-up costs as well. Everfast Wash Fabrics Eliminating' All Winter Coats and Dresses Means Selling at Less Than Cost If Necessary to Clear 0|ir Racks ' E. R. ISAAC & CO The Quality Store January Clearance The very coat or the exact dress you have been wanting to get inav be here in your ex­ act size and, when you hear the price, The Low Price, we quote you on any of ^ e s e dresses or coats, you’ll simply look at- them in amazement. ains ' Lingerie Materials Yard 35c This is not Special Sale Merchandise we are selling. It is of our regular high grade stock of Palmer garments and the best lines we carry. Clearance of all Lingerie Materials in Values up to 48c yard, come in all the wanted colors. We will give you the best buy you ever got anywhere at any price, Value against price, we list. . bRESSES WE LIST $ 6.95 $ 9.25 $11.00 $20.00 Values at $25.00 Values at $30.00 Values Kt .$14.95 418.50 All Winter Hats Co at 1-2 OFF V isifO ur Ready To Wear D ept and Yoitf Savings Will Be Worth While. L A D IE S HEAVY COTTON HOSE Silk Cepes, Yard $2.48 F lat ( ’ropes and Satin Crepe in a won derful assortment of new colors. Reg ular values up to $3.25 yard. 115.00 Values at i ...................... .$11.95 $25.00 Values at . $18.00 Values a t ..............................$13.50 $30.00 Values at $22.00 Values at ..............$16.95 $35.00 Values at $40.00 Values at ...........,.....$ 2 9 .9 5 $10.00 Values at $12.50 Values ah Values at Values at Sale Saturday Shoppers Will Find Every Table and Coun­ ter in this Great Store Crowded With Worth While Madden soils protected tires. It-ti From Hornbrook— A. R, Squires of Hornbrook was in Ashland today on busi- Caught in the snowstorm Mountains of snow hurtliqg^ down upon him, engulfing’ him, sm othering him! Would his distress signal be heeded in tim et Her husband was In danger. Torn between con­ flictin g d e n r e ^ -lo v e against luxury and ease! Which of the Pacific Coast. This Is the first time such a map has been available for general dis­ tribution and it is predicted that there will be a big demand for extra copies of the January Volt on this account. , Here you can choose from lines that are full of style, full oi pep, high in color and wonderfully made. Marcelling, Trimming, Sliam- poolng. Dyeing Facial«. The Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store. Phone 101. . 98-tf Finishing Today (Continued From Page One} That a goit course Is absolute­ HEADLESS BODY IS FOUND BY POLICE ly necessary in order to keep was cut'dobrn by poaching In­ Eugene — City laid 198,348 square yards of paving in 1925, Junior Endeavor cooked food costing 3492,586. tale. Hardy Bros., Sat., Jan. 23. • 119-2* Say it with photographs. Studio Ashland. On the Plata Jaeger Says Cities Must Help Selves Volt Giving Publicity To Southern Ore. (Continued From Page One) CALLED TO REST From Wagner Creek— Mr. and Mra. A. W. Lacey of Purchased Home— W. E. Gould purchased Wagner Creek were in Ashland through the Ashland Raalty Co. today on business. a bourn and «lot on Leonard street. ‘ Clothes pressed w ait Phone 108 Cleaners. ’ Visiting A s h la n d - Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Vorns of Baker, Oregon, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. George P. King of eBach avenue will leave Ashland for thetr home this evening and will stop at Portland and Seattle. Have your furniture repaired for Spring at Jordan’s Sash and MEDIA, Penn., Jan. p22— (U. Cabinet works. 119-tf P.)— The headless and legless torso of a young Woman, found Visitor From Taleat— in the woods near here ilate Laurence Burnett was a busi- yesterday afternoon, was iden­ ness visitor in Ashland from tified today as that of Mias May Talent today. - Dietrich, 34, of Norwood, by the state police. All-rite butter - toasted sand­ wiches— very popular— Ninlng- COMRADE CLAYTON eris Fountain Service. 99-tf Among the guests at the Li thin Cliff Payne makes door frames. Springs hotel arW J. M. Baird, Chicago; N. Among the guests et the Hôtel Spenker, Medford; H. E. Hearne, Oregon a r e - Portland; Mrs. Blunn, Portland; Alex McDonald, Long Beach; Lloyd E. Maes, Portland; Ralph Frank Muir, Long Beach; A. Mptcalf, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. R. Reevee and wife. Ban Diego; Barter, Long eBach; Mrs. Elsie L. C. Manor, San Francisco; H. Woods and daughters,. Oak­ O. S. Bacon and wife, Denver, land; J. Ingle and wife, Seattle. Colorado. Hemstitching and Picotlng— Front Metzanine Floor/ McGee Building. Mrs. Havener and Miss Ewan. 167-1 mo. Ladies Kl hart's. h'roiii I’ortbmd— DRY AGENT SA Y S W. G. Chandler, chief special B R IB E S O FFE R ED agent for the Shasta division of the Southern Pacific, was in SEATTLE, Jan. S S -tU -P .)-— Ashland Wedne»day evening on Huge bribes were held out to business. • ' government prohibition agents by JerrJ Pinch, attorney fqr From Grants I’ase— ’ Roy Olmstead, In a final effort Mrs. W. E. Newcomb of to “fix" the last branch of .law Grants Pass arrived in Ashland enforcement that menaced the last evening, |o he the guest operations of the alleged Olm­ of Mrs. Lewis Dodge for a few stead. liquor ring, Gprdon O’Hara former dry agent testified In day*- federal court here today. CLEARANCE ON FABRIC GLOVES AT Childrens Ribbed Hose Pair 22c Come in black and brown. Sizes up to Fine Ginghams, Voiles and Tissue Ginghams, all go at this low Price. Values to 59c Yard. Wool Dress Goods Yard $1.95 54 inches wide in fancy borders and strijied Woolens .come Tans, Browns, Green and Blue. Regular Values to $3.98. Rayon Silk” Wash Goods Yard 69c • Here is a special lot of Wash Goods to close out in a good assortment of Wonderful Savings on Ready-to-Wear Coats and Dresses in This Great Clearance Sale at 1-2 Regular Prices. EXTKA SIZE GARMENTS INCLUDED p i T H IS B A L I.-, B U T NOW! Mfa. J. H. Phlllpott Wednesday la Meáford on I