VW ¿M entí '© oTw aVve u UMoüa»w$-8wrtv imumu autat VMT ►ÍBtaJ AHUUAIOT fin j« s* u .v E A » 0 8 WO»DERKUU To w- 8 0 W314JANT —rTJk < *P***WW* ¡■’hppae. ' M W W 4 »eaeb Atto pkou joa-le ', : ire*9 wijM; kJteb««U»u> Alp> Ifcs» MM«, "CBS an» arretri. tr- Tinting a Specialty Furniture Unfinished Estimates gladly tarnished Phene 99 or 79 tlR -il Plano Instruction by experl- daoed touch«. B a n n o n praf er­ rad. Phone 441Í. Mrs. Harold xikins. 107— 1 m o? COULD NOT- SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE flfiD l _ Several J. P. Norhy. feeder Phone 111-1« EXCHANGE OR BUT— Para blood Rhode Island Red codierei. W .B . Bond. Route fi, Ashlhad. Phone iPfil'. 118-3’ MACHINE WORK done of ell cidieoa price to righ t «loves refifctrod Stores for sole. Sec tito Ifcgte Brass ahd Irak Works i l l OhsHlh a t 117-1 mo. BABY chicks — Plymouth Rock AXdS^eghorn, also cuetMÉ hatching. 8c an egg. O r« •arty. Phone 41toR. 11«W stomach (due to gaa) and could not sleep well, eepeclally on left wide. Thanks to Adlerlka I am *W* ■' (signed! Samuel S. Payne. Adlerlka re­ morse GAS in tan minntoa and brings' ottt OU waste matter you never thought * « m ydnr sys­ tem. It to such an excellent intestinal evheaant that it is wendarful io* constipation and stomach trouble. < Stops that full, hlegted feeling end makes you happy and cheerful. No matter w lu fty o u . have tried, the EAL Adlerlka action will sur­ ds« yog.— McNair Brae., Drug- S < * N f » j — Batterito to ro- OoOen Shikmeuto from Colum­ eM|r«9. fil.fip. All «leefridhl work bia Rlvsr Increased 981 per cent dogo dt pprd set prirao.’ CU» in 98 years. »M , W » I Tidewater — Crown Timber Co. will build railroad to Sius- l i l i . wftoZadimón 'catch .Wae es­ timated at 9l«;0,00,000. The state h ar1 J,B ^toh* hatcheries. Legionnaires are salting theii centimes at the rate of about 9100,990 a week, ft to estimated. “Back to France’’ savings clubs, workings on the principle of the Christmas thrift clubs, have been or^aplsed by bank£ all over the moreUSSst of tigttfifMftree to France will be a veritable sec­ ond A. E. F .” declares Jqjm I- Wieker. national chairman of tpe American Legion’s travel com­ mittee, in charge o f arrangements for the second Invasion of France. “The dregms of thousands of exaervice men to return to France and desires of ttoonsnndtoef others who didn’t get across during the war will be realised by |h e con­ vention tour, ■* ■ The trip will rammemorate the tenth ahnlveraary of the arrival of American troops In France. Thirty thousand are expected to go, making it the largest peace­ time trans-Atlantic movement in history.” \ , . The men will not go In catto«" flaged ships, guarded by canvo/s, watching always for ’subs’? In­ stead of crowded troop ebipe, .stripped of all comforts, luxurious liners will carry thè Paris-bound Legionnaires. Red tape will be slashed right, and left to permit the “boye” to go abroad without customary pass­ ports vises, effecting a large sav­ ing. In plaoe of these papera, Legion identification certificates are to he used, which will cost the veteran but a dollar. American ships will be need where available and British and French liners also will be called Into service. New York, Boston, Hampton. Roads, Houston and Montreal have been detlgnated as porta of embarkation. The railroads of the country have agreed to give Legionnatfes round trip tickets from their homes to the-port of embarkation for the regular one­ way fare. French railroads have already announced a fifty percent reduct­ ion in collective tore' froip ports of debarkation to Paris and tira battleground. Commandant Z. Pechkof.-an of­ ficer of the French Legion, is now In the United States as oficial representative of his codntry help­ ing to complete arrangements. The commandant carried a let­ ter of Invitation ¿rom the French Government and announced that a special bureau had been Install­ ed to devote Its entire tima to handling questions about “the second A. B. F.” Three weeks will be ths mini­ mum timé for the trip, * Week at sen ench trny and a week id Paris or at the battlefields. Vet­ erans may n m ata longer it they wish. Only Legion members and mem» without your knowledge, yon patient Just beeanee he has be- breathe in mors e< tbe eon -¡fu n to breathe. He la apt t e . laminated U r In an effort to J atop breathing and need artlfi^- get more oxygen. The iaereaas clal reaplratMa manipulation* -H , speeds up the rate of «atari- the physician to able to atynln-.. tten of the bleed by the gaa. toter oxygen, that will help. This in turn totenslflea the dam- Probably the moat efficient mix - age of the oxygon shortage. T o» tore la treating those affected, breathe still mere rapidly, nattl is a 5 per oent carbon dibxUe. ¿he blood habUteeeme so changed and oxygen mixture. Kecently. by the poison that It cannot Professor Henderson of Yale. coaU la er giro the necessary University and hie co-werktr,; oxy<«n to sustain Ufa. Just how Dr. Haggard, prove« Ito «Mi- much the victim' of this poison- eisucy. The carbon dioxide add-, lag suffers before death Ma not od to air. inhaled, stimalaSes. known. the breathing. , . / To revive an unconscious per- The best treatment in tb f' ^dn w ho'is the victim of tarbdn world against corbon monoxide Jnonoxlde talto him into the ’ poisoning is to prevant It. 'So »pen air and apply artificial do not run your motor in' | respiration. Do not leave the closed garage. . . . ... THRIFT OneMus “Omanto”• D m » • ’sophomore cenpsr en the Mar«, Vnlveftlty basketball team- A c •h«t and tae» etoot, h as atooot «»defense, Fridays J «uetu s torneo. •‘Red . Dun» j r s » 1« » » dren are eligible. for the trip en special Legion rates. ' The travel committee advises a mlnjmpm of 93 00 to be saved by the veto ter. the trip. ; i MERCIKR WOfWE ^ d íR tjádkM k J9B- 2L r-(U - P i —Cardinal Mercier to reported by his physicians to he weaker this mentine, J; ! i -'•«,* ; '<* - By DR. VERNON A. CHAPMAX Member Gorges Memorial Insti- tute (W ritten for the United Press); CHICAGO, Jen. 21— (U. PJ -*-“Your nose know«,’’ is an apt phrase but in every day Ilf'*, especially where life an« health are concerned, it’s not 11 way«' Safe nMqgs.fttp.fòWtììtolgnd operate for the proteot- i - r „ ... . , - ion o f those who arc w aking invest wants and. pw ftbsaee ia-vanew e ways. B a n k s , c h a m b e rs o f com m erce and o th e r o rg a n i z Frequently» p ra m o to rt oorte .to town-’to sell s to c k iu su n d ry ¿IflRnifiatiuns. I t * o u ld be wise to inv^stigaW Before any Iqv&iriment 1» rtaKs" f triv ’ ““ m eudation of your cham ber of cpraincrc''. K tfa U S io : nuksg precaution is taken. Million* of dolJMrH a^e.a nocent of the sly prpetioes whieh «re alw ays at U>e him on. t • \ ' ■-, Investing your inonsy is a form o f T H B IF T . b ile wonejr,^ . Ih riftfitl, useful purpofie is stagrfant monC1^ We do not* # n n t to discourage, b u t enoo ' guidanoc of those who make i t th e lr b us A nother form o f inveHtroent 4rhlc)i should, be pvol tions, m oney-raising efforts and other d been endorsed, aftePiavthtigatihn, by th< PACK ' ’ ’ *’• <•’> r t pJfi j ' •Invest, bu t invest carefally, an d w ith full inform uS «HUirs for savin« is t< property m ade UI Uitornled of cotdition». » 1 '< • / t C, is^thh acceptance of advartifiW L BiBdfc tff .s jtó la r n a tu r e iw h ic h j