4 m u i * X > A L . .«til Renew Old • a r W fcw r & P arrbll (United Press BporU B d lto f) • NEW) YORK. Jan, i f — (U. P .)—Joha McGraw'» recent »wap in which he gave more tia n 1 100,008 worth of ball player» lo r one pitcher, bring» up the question— how much is a P»n- nant worth to a club owner T In trading Jack Bentley, who coat th e ’club « 0 ,0 0 0 and Way­ land Data. Who was purchased lor | to, 00b, to the Philadelphia Club lor Jimmy Ring, a tktrty- ydar-old veteran, the Giant lead- e l obviously thought that thb d«U Wetld help him win the of getting into, the wojld’s. » « ; ten there must be more profit in thb. post-season game» that the Magneton have wanted the pub­ lic- to believe. In recent .year», slime the playsta forced themselves into a more generous share Of the receipts, the magnates J»ve boenpUibed that thdir shark con­ sisted mostly Of glory, hard work and ahttoe from those dis­ appointed fens who couldn't get rlngald^ seats. After that last aeries in which the Olanta participated, Charley * The ony tlnakelai return the Stoneham, owner of the New Otehts wjll gat Uhm Ring will York club, said , the profit > was be derived fróte the profits of trivial- . - ■ ; - - Yet the Washington., club de- Leads Greeft Get: Acquainted ■ » ; • lb May B e Advantageous NEW R ESIDEN TS and new enterprises are wei« ximed at this bank. WE W ANT your deposits aa much as you need ohr advice, protection, accom­ modation and service. MO MATTER how small y»ur operatiohs, we are interested in having your account # First Natioanl It pul see Harper and Knuts Rochne,* known to football rana ■ hi Jotra Dama* Unlvertoty to particular.» cached even year» ago when Rockne was a starPteyer a t t h a l r i £ lockpe. ea you doubtless know, to the ***»{ ds of the bast to the country. 0 Photo enows Rockne and ate m latter’» ranch to Kansas. whera Hgoter toapjpgilnssri clared a twenty per cent divi­ dend after the Senators had won the 1024 series. Washington o i course, hasn’t • CHICAGO, Jan. 20— (U. P.) the payroll or the overhead that — Eddie Long, veteran fight the Giants must carry bat the manager who controls the busi­ difference is hardly enough to ness engagements, of Bud Taylof, anwunt to that percentage. the “Terre HautO Terror,” a t- Beveral years ago when Mc­ nounces that his . charge is read? Graw needed a shortstop he to advanoe his . claims for the stamped oat and bought Dave world’s bantamweight champion­ Bancroft. He said recently-that Plans ate being made, be figured Bancroft cost him ship. Long said, for Taylor to set up <107,000 and that he was a such ra record of wins that the good Investment. reigning champion will be forced Bancroft, howOver.;was a big to meet Taylor. ' * factor ip the winning of several LMng was not very definite championships but Ripg hardly about j what kind of a program will be that serviceable. he is arranging «or Taylor, but Many of the ranking second indicated that he would be gnessers figure that McGraw got inatched against all the leader» all thy worst of the deal and htladelphia tans felt that for in tbs bantam division during the spring KUd eprly summer, io fUrst^ttme under the .eaisVns starting »Ht'b Jitbmy Mct^rnta* ownership ¿be Phillies had made to whom he recently lost on a 4 trad» that helped the el«b. Second guessing against Mc­ feui. “Taylor can licit any of them,’’ Graw is a dangerous venture be­ Long asserted. Long apparently cause It ,1s Impossible to tell has analyzed Taylor’s greatest what he has' la his shrewd mind. Ring ttay .never pitch a game fault. Always a flashy boxer, for the Giants. He might be the Terre HAUte boy has been popular throughout his five need in another trade before years in the ring. He has spring. ‘ ‘ shown enough «lass In every fight to earn him a right to Myrtle Point - r Holt-Chase meet champions, hut some vital Canning Co., paid <26,000 -for spark has been mlssldg. He'has produce and <8,000 tU wages' in had u habit of swarmlpg all over 1826; Production to be much his opponents In the early rounds and then settling back larger Ih 1811. to defensive tactics when a lit­ bring NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT * Building operations in Bend tle more drive would I N • THE COUNTY COURT OF knockouts. during 1811 totaled <414486. THE STATE. OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY, In the Matter of the Estate ot Nora Reatnes, Deceased. ^NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t' the undersigned, Adminis­ tratrix of the above named estate has filed her final aceoant* of said estate In said county court of Jackson County, Oregon, and said court has fixed Monday, the 1st day ot March, 102S, at ten o’clock a. m., and the court room of said court as the time and place for the hearing of any objections there may be to said report and the settlement there- i Bank Ashland, Oregon Now is the Time to do Your INSIDE PAINTING , • tai ' •' v->5-* >.'■ ■ and DECORATING Re-tenamel the furniture. Kalsomine the rooms, when you can’t do outside work, W e w ill estimate your work. W e have a complete stock of paints, oils and varnish. CARSON-FOWLER LBR. GO. In tite Heart of Tiown To Portland, leaving Ashland at 7:00 A. M. and 10:00 A .M . A p M u f t «ns f e y trip. its neW ones Wa take passengers tor iH way points. For further Information sad tickets call Ashland'Betel— Phone 47 LsaasTTAMT.s.Tn MELLON ALUM IN U M - FIRM SA ID CHARGED ¡WASHINGTON, Jan* . 10— (IP) —The Mellon oontroltefl Alumin­ um Company, of American will come to trial next month before the federal trade commission, for alleged anti-trust practices, John F. Nugent, chairman ot the trade commission told the Renato Judi­ ciary committee today. Nugent said the commission voted unanimously to issue a com­ plaint against the company. Date of first publication,* Jan­ uary 20. 1816J Pare Ashland-Pdrtifed, ’ ' * I , 4"*' ' a Direct Connections nt Roseburg (or Coos Bay t’ôtais NELLIE DICKEY. Administratrix. T S ÏH B R RALSTON n A SC-EN5 MT PICTURE •W O M W tïÀ N D U D ' , , 118-6 Wed Klgmath Falls — Nsw town- « tor South Klamath Palls. TRAVEL BY MOTOR STAGI — th is s] six mils» south, being laid ont for Weyerhaeuser milling opera­ ti* * , * . itapdlAd usiC. for fohiag. for Julu luiMÍiijiikthirrrbti"— mt fovtofto recreation—filwr there thsfl yoUhsvt ever knowpjt to*». f e l.ö O kouadtribw New Edison Phonograph From Ashland STANDARD OIL COMPANY , the only one th at w ill p la y aM m akes of Records w ithout injury to the record Hotue t* Log ANCUA* «k *** *Vy*’ ” Í; «Mo i trtins.