U usinrss V isitor— Bubinrm Visiter tai Medf o rd . Mr. Williams of Medford was a V. IX Miller spent today in business visitor In Ashland Sat­ Medford on business. urday. Have vour french doors made COMING— A Set of Turquoise at Jordan’s Bash and Cabinet Works 114— tf and The Asylum Ball. Parts by Mrs. F> D. Wagner and Mrs. W. M. Poley. Vining theater Friday afternoon Jan. 22. admission Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson returned from Grants Pape, where 50 cents, Ladles only. Tickets they spent the past'two‘days visit­ at Library, Lithia Springs Phar­ ing friends. macy and Chamber of Commerce. Fresh'Tamalea — The Roes. 115 — 2t . • 114-tf Bay lb with photographs. Studio Ashland.' On the Plaza. From Talent— Business Visitor—. , ■ M. Breese of Talent spent Ellis Hackler of Talent spent In Ashland on Business. Saturday in Ashland on business. Pop Coin bripk, crispy and C o'U n io n g the guest« at the Colombia ireçh at Candy Land. Eaat hotel are— * T. C. Bell, Glendora, California, G. C. Eksman, Klamath Falla, W. .W. Miller, Roeeburg, Edward D. Dance every Saturday • Bt 8mlth, Roseburg, F. C. Miller' and Jackson Hot Springs — wife, Seattle, Ronald R. Miller, Seattle, M. R. 'Scotti, KMrmatfc Falls. Miss Margaret Dougherty, who underwent an operatidn at the WHY PAY RUNT? Will build Community hospital last Friday, new home on well located lot. is reported as doing nicely. Easy terms. '666 Holly S t. Phono 817-L. 95-tf Hemstitching and Picotlng— Front Mezsanlne Floor, McGee Onr Bntffcr Toasted sandwiches Building. Mrs. Havener and Mias are growing in popularity. Try Ewan. 107-1 mo. one at The Plaaa. 8 7-If From T a le n t- Arthur Wilson was in Ashland Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller of Church street returned from Al­ from Talent Saturday. bany, where they have been visit­ ing their daughter, Mrs. E. E. RIG REDUCTION ON SUITS:— Umphlette, for the past two weeks. AU wool salts 818.60, 816, <|8.75 821.76 at P^nlsernd’s. lll-tl Return from A lb a n y - Visited tai Medford— Mias Clara Anderson, Miss Nora Ward, and Miss Edna Goheen ware visitors in Medford, Satur­ day. Coleman on bnal- Among the guests at the Hotel Oregon are— Howard Morrison and family, Seattle, Charles C,. Locke, Seattle, Albert G. Hayes, Spokane, John Bowman, Palo Alto, Mrs. Earl Bundy and daughters, Palo Alto, 9. A. Slider and wife, $an Fran­ cisco, Albert Ray, Los Angeles. Butterfield’s new Barber Shop Is located in the basement at 387 1-2 B. Main Street. 103-tt Madden Visiting Ia A s h la n d - Briggs and Briggs, local at- J. Moore of thia city and Naw- TOO LATE TO 0LA88ITY WASHINGTON GAS torneys, ape attorneys for the berry and Newberry of Medford, TAX .HELD RIGHT LAPTWft Wt will pay straight STATE AUTO HEAD O. L. Lefferts, wholesale rep­ 40c an hoar. Pleasant work of­ resentative of The Portland fered by reliable company. Bend Motor Car .company, state deal* self addressed, stamped envelope. era in Hudson and Bases auto­ Denison, <401 Beckel, Dayton. 11S-1’ mobiles, was in Ashland Sat­ Ohio. urday, conferring with U. 8. FOR SALE— Two young, Jer­ Armstrong, of Armstrong Motors, sey cows. One fresh In the Inc., of Medford, and George A- spring. Also milk goat, two Wilson, local representative ef dozen bene. 600 Indiana St. Armstrong Motors. 5 Phone 485-L. 114-3’ While here he arranged the FOR SALB— Ford car; good final details for the opening of the Hudson and Essex agency ia condition. Dry Fir w¿od, 13-14 this city at the Lithia Springs Inch, Tetera, $ Indiana Street. garage. They will carry a large' t 1ÍS-1’ stock of parts and with Bddl FOR e SALE—Organ, three Wyatt in charge of the mechan­ rockers, baby's folding buggy ical department, will be able te give the best of Hudson-Essex and high chair, electric iron. service to the many owners in Teters, 8 Indiana street. 118*-1* Ashland.' FOR RENT—One or two rooms The Hudson and Bssex are with kitchenette. "Also large today two of the most popular house, one acre ground, fruit, cars on the market and the lo­ berries and grapes. Garage. cal agency expects to place many Will rent for one year. s 181 more here following the open­ Laurel St. ing. BABY CHICKS — Plymouth Rock and Leghorn, also custom GAS TAX IS CLAIMED hatching, 5c an egg. Order AS CONSTITUTIONAL early. Phone 416-R. 118-3 PORTLAND, Jan. 18— (U. P.) FOB RENT—Four room hnod- — Oregon's gasoline tax la con­ ern furnished house, newly tinted stitutional. * and cleaned. Soon ready for' oc­ United States Judge, Wbhrer- cupancy. Inquire 816 Harga- ton today threw out of court dine. n |.j the suit filed by a long list of truck operators, who sought to FOR SALE—Good restaurant establish that the tax ia in feet for 8450 all fixtures, some a toll, charged against autolsts stock. Doing fair business. See using rural post roads, and s that Ashland! Realty Go. consequently it vfas a violation FOR EXCHANGE— 50 room of the federal post roada act.' hotel that gives good Income, At the same time the court for Ashland property, incomp denied the plea for the return of or ranch.’ Will pay cash dif­ 86,000,000 which the trndT ference. Price 818,000.* Ash­ drivers declared was collected land Realty Co. 118 I Illegally under the gas fan.' The decision will bear on slm- FOR S ALE— 4 1 acres, good lar gasoline tax laws in other farm near Talent, all toola, good states, which receive govern­ house, team, harness, wagons, ment funds for highway con­ own irrigating plant, 15 acres struction. ' alfalfa, if taken soon, 88,604. Ashland Realty Co. Mrs. H. H. Keck of Portland is visiting at the home of her uncle, Hugh GUllette. She is accompanied by her little son, Kenneth, and nephew, Loring Gillette, a ' brother of Virgil Gil­ lette, who ia attending the Ash­ at the Hotel land High School and making his home with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gillette. L. V. King, Metsger, Oregon, L. D. McKeen, Los Angeles, C. R. Domes. San Francisco, George All-rite butter toasted sand­ W. Read, Portland. Ralph H. wiches— very • popular—Nining- Maupin', Portland, D. K. Kirk* erie Fountain Service. 88-tf bride, Portland,. W. R. Haughey, Pqrtland. Return From M ich ig a n - Mr. and Mrs. Miles returned Freak tatted almonds.— The Saturday from a three months trip to Adrian, Michigan, be­ cause of the death of Mrs Marcelling, Trimming, Medford—Owen-Oregon Lum* Miles mother. Mrs. • Miles' poolag, Dyeing; Facials sister met them In Chicago and her Co., plans 8500,000 plant im­ Madford— Building record here Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s provements, this year. returned with them. for 1825 was 8752,840. Phone 108. Of Interest To Friends— Hear Sousa In person and Among'