Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 18, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Iheew was am sweUeet alien-
Sa n » i add lnteveaL At the beai-
"REÀ !1 B W
1 1 6 -0
FOR t e t t a CÄBAF— 14 acres
and good buildings on East Main,
1 l « | -mlisd o u t Mrs. Rosa Petit.
Pluto» l t r t l . .
I l l —,<•
’ FOR SAUR — Household goods
and light gfcrden Implements for
limitad tinto m ir. T. F- Doran.
«60 Aahtond » .
ita — u
with edile. Pries 33.66. I K Har-
113— 81
' Thu annual dtnhur AmT '••* *
aeus ysenUna •< to » CowgrtB®-
tloagi -edweb wag .h » K D H *
i evening «
Mat »eek.? TMM
> ¿repeat ware ¿he members and
Mias Garter to affiliated with friends of the congregation.
the M Matt F b f Mr. Bluett is
The covered dlSh supper «Rich
* graduate of the University of proved a regular feast df moat
Arlaona, and has been doing delicious thing«. wAs aeWed A
graduate work a t V. Of O. for 6:34, In eafetoria RMiioa. after
the hahi two yean .
His fra- which a short social h o w p a s
tomdty Is the Sigma Alpha Kp- ■ enjoyed. -
. . ,A
silom .
The regular bnslnem m a a tteg
Miss Carter to r«nexnbered waa. then called, with lta Inter­
pleasantly In Ashland, having esting reports from all the d e ­
spent her early girlhood here. partments and the election ef
Her parents lived here for years officers.
before their -removal to Bugene.]
Those to serve the addling
year as trustees, ard: Mrs. M il
Missionary Society Meet*-»
Spencer, Mrs. H. B. Carte* ♦
The w om en’s Missionary So­ Mr. 8. B. Davla; Deaee&s, 3B>.
ciety of the First Presbyterian S. W. Shaw, Mr. 8. B. Davla, gad
church will hold its January Mrs. Sarah Stratton; Ushers, Mr.
meeting at the home of Mrs. George Carey, Mr. Weeley ta a b .
Van Dyke at 116 North Main on Mr. H. C. Galey was elected as
Wedneeday afternoon of this Sunday School * Superintendent
Mr. D. M. Spencer, assistant
This to the “Literature Meet­ superintendent, Mr. V. V. Mills,
ing" and to in charge of Mrs. C. treasurer, aijd Mrs. H. C. OalW
W. Ntms. The devotlonals will as clerk and organist. -
be led by Mrs. Hattie SItoby.
All the membership are urged
to make a special effort to be
a t this meeting. The program Entertain»—
Mtou Lorraine Sparr waa boa-
promises to be a very lnterestr
toss to a group of girl friends
Friday evening.
Games, lntereettog aad varied,
Wanlyato Troop Moots—
ware played and music also 'was
Job of painting or tinting figure
Waxiytta Troop ( I ) o f Camp­
With fW SN N IN O A GEAR, tho
fire Girls met last week at the a part of th e entertainm ent
Lovely refreshments were sort­
home of Charlotte Leedom at 181
ed by th e young hoetoes. "
Gresham street.
Those enjoying the evening
On January 10, the Campfire
Mlsu Sparr were the Misses
Girls went on a hike up to the
Galey, Adena Joy1, Lethe
Big Rocks. They examined the
.- V . i Pap«r Hanging
.Dorothy Stevens, Calls
< -Mating a Specialty
Lnclle Voss, Emily Tay­
Fornitore Roflntohed
their arrival at Big Recks, they lor, Phillis Sparr and Mrs.
; Bsttmatee gladly fnrplteed
cooked their supper.
George 8tevens, Mrs. Norris sad.
Phone 98tor 76
Mra. Sparr.
neee '«anting i|h e present e(-
d cew were rpelaeted. »
T h m serving «nether year
■'«: P*!»Megt,
Mrs. -Jackson
Qygtoj v lee preataent. M n. A.
P. Abbott; seeretary. Mrs. Anaa
Preeeottj Measurer, Mrs. Cora
. ; O w ing th e pleasant social
how , Mrs. Carter, assisted by
Mrs. Oldfield, served delightful
Thia organisation (meets every
second Thursday ef each rioaOh.
Tke government ha/n;t be»»
doing any betiding to Speak bt*
or even repairing, since Artmrlea
went into the war, and k certain
amount of this sort of work
really la needed, ns the presi­
dent himself admits.
Tke president wanted to egemd
Just ns little ne pearibto a « t
thought he'd figured M t « trap
I1-' Hta ptgfa waa to kakt Oon-
gr«M appropriate U * ' mftltoa
ItolfcM and leave It to Beawtoey
of the Treaenry Mallon and Poat-
maator General N ek 'to epend
aa lh»y dtfaari beet, their depart-
Wants te la « toe ones «neat of
the new building» are Bedded
Congress taatantty tot out a
loud howl, and aa aoon aa It
convened tta meribere loet no
U n a In Introducing a few more
than 760 htlle for Individual
Public bnltdlnga In their farioua
dletrict^ which waa pretty good
considering that there era only
SSI oongrasamen, counting sen­
ators and representatives both.
One . building
apiece wasn't
enough for seme.
And whereas the preaidant’s
estimate was ISO millions. Con­
gress’ bills call for approxi­
mately SCO.
Sim pson’s
“ The Winchester Store”
MBA Service Writer
WASHINGTON — Sach a row
Is developing In Congress over
the appropriation of money for I
new federal buildings, here,
there and everywhere through­
out the land, that It seems qnlte
likely none will be appropriated
at ell.
Government buildings class as
District Superintendent R«V. 8.
J. Chaney of Bugene waa a visit­
or In Ashland today. Chaney was
formerly pastor of Cha Ashland
Methodist ehnrch.
Classified Ada Bring Results.
World’s Largest
Stage Line
It is better for
From Ashland
Weed .......
Redding ...
San F«en<
Los Angeles
Round Trip
We Have Many Different
Kinds ’
teacher. Bastonera prefer*
■hone 4 4 V ‘ Mrs. Harold
107— 1 mo.*
ROME, Jan. 13. — (IP) — Ne­
gotiations are proceeding nt the
WAMTKD-Fbung t«»m, weight royal courts of Bucharest and
abont ltO fc Box 46. 364 Weight- Sofia, looking toward the engage­
116-3 ment of Priasses Ileana, the beau­
tiful daughter of Qnéen Marie and
Being Ferdinand of Roumanla, to
King Bòrie, yeutofa! MOnnfreh of
WANVRD: — Batterle« to re­
charge. I1Í06. AB electrjcal Wort
d«na nt Ford net prtcee. Clay-
:to»b Motor Company.
W a jr r tto MwtSR W tba Aay.
Mrs. L. B. Oroeby, 136 North
Mato. H m A p *31S*** - 1M— **
that sealed bids «111, bo roooivbd . T h e Ladles Aid of toe Cew-
(by the. nadoralg«od aatu the gtogational chflfeh had Its meet-
hour of t:6 0 o ’clock p, a«, qn
the '’4th day Of February, 4 9 (6 ,
and. immediately thereafter pub.
Rely opened by the District
School Board of School District
No. 6, of Jackson County, Ore­
gon, at «The Cttisens Bank to
the city of Ashland, Oregon,
an Issue of bonds of said
school district*in the amount of
fifty thousand dollars (860,000),
said bonds to be dated February
1, 1928, and to mature serially
That’i lomethirig for parents
In numerteal order as follows*?
three thousand dollars (83,000)
to think about—-and think
on the first day of February in
each of the years 1983 to
1988 inclusive; four thousand
dollars (84,000) on the,first day
Dark rooms are peopled with
of February In each of the years
fearsome ghosts,. Real ghosts!
1939 to 1946 inclusive; said
bonds to bear Interest at the
Dark corners arc hiding places
rate of not to exceed six per
cent (8 % ) per annum, payable
for shadowy apparitions..
setnl-annually, principal and Ut-
They’re real—to any normal
terest payable at the Fiscal
Agency of the State of Oregon.
Bids' must be unconditional
and accompanied by a certified
check In the amount of 31.004.
The approving legal opinion of
Mesa». Teal, Win free, Johnson
Banish these spectres of the
A McCulloch will he furnished
dark. Electricity it plentiful,
the luecesaful bidder.
The Board reserves the right
and so reasonable, here in our
to reject any and all bids.
F. 8, ENGLE, Clerk.
town, that no orte need count
Address, Ashland, Oregon.
the cost o f a chyery, well-
116-3 Mod.
Qhildren scream
when they play in the dark
Switch on the lights! \
lighted home vhere children
love to play. 1
“ ^TCarefully
m ^ ^ boi|td M fr
w àak î,. aora *or-Aotratyed eyae,
Atunrfnunrteye.cnp free.—-McNair
« » t . . VJM -AÌUaq» « r t ajto. » « -
gm jZ v A lltf-' « R '»«»ratot tor
BtowuavlQe. .Mr». JAlllwn. who
htje ibeenlvtottjag herm other at
' T rm let’a Rheumatic T ablets;
hate . heeh tried agd tooted >
thirty yenra. Nvhen need for
Rheqmattam, Naarttia, Congtl*
tetiqa atok Narvouaneaa they
Dtbvb Mtiofactory and bring
retolta. Ttotler’i Tablet to n ’
tpgetobie .compound «old and
guaranteed bf Drugglat. Trua-
ler> t i l i a t . come lg two alsee,
60c and 31.00 per paoknge.
Kaep a package in th» home,
take a tablet now and then
hnd they will ward off fever»
and many t|ta that may prove
fy a t. Foe gale by
. ,
H u d soiu E ssex owners, present and future, in A sh­
land w ill be pleased w ith the arrangem ent here an*
nonneed by w hich Arm strong Motors Inc. in the fu ­
ture is to represent these cars.
fB ip 'Tfto'ur"
. ? '
The gaH tog policy of the new dealer will be to give Hud-
son-Essex owners throughout the territory the sort of
service that will represent a real value in the ownership
of thèse cars.
“Our sales and service program is built around the prin­
ciple of satisfied ownership, ahead of every other con­
sideration/* said Mr. Armstrong.
“We are.thoroughly in aooord with the high standard of
responsibility towards the owner, which the company re­
quires of its representation, and believe that Hudson and
Essex owners will find advantages of genuine value in
the Service our unuenid facililties afford. In all ways we
intend to render wwnars of Ashland and, vicinity the
nition for Buago«^a»ex oerviec everywhere.”
Then Ju4<s for Yonrsslf
io q o p > FDR W fA te
.,Tbe.»tqnlck :'action m » almpto
dWBhor/ lUdrsstls,
UftìMtte V e
w ish *, aatontohtoT
. W
A nnouncing the A ppointm ent of
0 7 ¿ ¿ B èE X
$1165.00 f. o. b. Factory
• *
3765.00 f .o. h. Fi
' * » ,,*,*’
’ ( »
Pa -A « 4 tot > *
Hudson Brougham $1400.00
• .> . . «9. p .’B r f a s lN f ' » 1
(W m $ 0 H sN >
F ’ fjM gfetaad Tax Extra