« * K ASHLAND DAILY «D IN O S JRetara to Usher Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macey and John Simon, who have been .visiting w ith M r. and Mrs. J. D. Mars and M r. and Mrs. B. H . Nelson (o r.th e past tqn days, re­ turned to thair home in Baker, Oregon. ^■Mslama* the a t H otel Ash* Dance every Saturday nite at H. C. Foot, Tacoma, Charles Jackson Hot Springs 105— tt 11. Landis, K lam ath Falls, M r. and Mrs. E. s. W aller, Vancou­ Left (or Visit— ver, F . G. W eller, Mrs. T. R. Jackson le ft this ’ —-» B. C., » E. — — V Van- • “ -------- -------- ---------------- couver, B. C., M. Springer, O ak-»m orning (o r Eugene and Lebgn- land, Robert McKee, Portland, J on, where she w ill visit for sever- Carl G. G rill, Portland, Thomas Sal days w ith her .mother, Mrs. L . Davidson, Portland. | Joanna Davis. Among the guests a t the Hotel Oregon a re , Albert Ray, Los Angeles, Brooks, Bros, Portland, Albert G. Hayes, Spokane, Allan Davies, Charles C. Locke, Seattle, How­ ard Morrison, and tamily, Seattle. S IX T Y E IG H T P U P IL S H A V E P E R F E C T RECORDS (Cóntineed frotan Page Gnu) B utterfield’s new Barber Shop is located in the basement ai 197 1-2 E. Main Street. 103-ti Swennlng-Gear, expert tintera Z ' 109— Sat- Wed Junior-Senior Prom— The Junior-Senior'High School Prom was held at the Lithia Springs hotel last evening. Thia C liff Payne wlndowl Hemstitching and Picotlpg— is an affair that the students look makes Front Messanine Floor, McGee forward to each year. frames. Building. Mrs. Havener and Miss- Swan. • 107-1 mo The joys of today can be stored Headquarters up to bring pleasure in the yean C. H . W hite of Portland, rep­ to come.— Photographs. Studio resentative of the F rye Co., w ill Mach Improved— llQ,-tf Mrs. Charles M artin of Helman Ashland. make his headquarters in Ash­ street, who has been seriously ill land. for the past few weeks, is able Madden retreads tires. 63-tl to be up. Quality Sationery — E l h a rt’s.' COMING— A Set of Turquoise Madden soils protected tires and The Asylum Ball. Parts bj Have your french doors made 51-ti Mrs. F. D. Wagner and Mrs. W at Jordan’s Sash and Cabinet M. Poley. Vining theater F rida) Works 114— t f Return from D u n s m u ir - afternoon Jan. 22. admission Mr. and Mrs. W a lter O’ Donaug- 60 cents, Ladies only. Ticketi New Victor records each week. The Rose. 114— St hue returned Thursday to their at Library, L ith ia Springs Phar­ home on Sixth street from Duns­ macy and Chamber of Commerce M r. and Mrs. George T. Parsley muir, where they have been liv ­ 115 — 2t of Hornbrook, were business visi­ ing for the past six mlnths. tors in Ashland today. W alk upstairs tu Orres Talloi Shop and save 110.00. 78-tf Mahogany Camp, Ne «808 M. W . of A. From Talent— i Joint Installation w ith Icy Mrs. W. F , Sullinger and Mrs. Camp, Royal Neighbors, Mon­ A. E. Goade of Talent spent yes­ day evening. January IS , 1928, W ASHING TO N— An Am ericai terday in Ashland on business. at Moose H all. Supper a t seven has boon given command of th< o'clock, preliminary at instal­ School Text Books -E lh a rt’s. Liberian army. An Afro-Am erl lation. A ll Woodmen and Royal 1 1 3 -lt can at that. Neighbors and their fa m lle s W hat’s more, he’s a good sol cordially invited. BIG R ED U C TIO N ON S U IT S :— d|pr. The W a r Department ii A ll wool suite 111.50, 115, 118.75, Washington testifies to it an and W a r Dopai __ a. — - t n m vs 4 ( « I I . ________ ____ . . . new homo on w ell located lot meat folk were a lot interest» School Supplies at E lh a rt’s. Easy terms. *6 8 H olly 8L. as they were at the Departmei 1 1 1 -lt Phone 217-L. 95-tf of State, too. Outlay has a first class mil Viettor from F n g m ; tary record and. bis superioi Rev. Morgan of Eugene is a J. W . Shattuck and R. 8. Derick were glad to fix matters to ei guest of Rev. V . 1^ Allison for w ill spend several days in Sheri­ abls him to accept his Liberia a few days. dan, Oregon on business. offer, though w r r y to see hi go. Marcelling. Trim m ing, Sham­ Pop Corn brick, crispy and • • • pooing, Dyeing. Facials. The fresh at Candy Land. Originally Genera] (form er V a n ity Shoppe. McGee’s Store Sergeant) Outlay is from Hou !•» . »S-tf Among the guests at the Colum­ ton. Texas. H e worked as bia hotel are— chauffeur and electrician befoi Central Point— B. D. Sm ith, Roseburg, M r. and Howard Geer of Sweanlng and Mrs. M. Schofield, San Francisco, enlisting In ’the 349th Field A Gear Is visiting w ith his parents Ronald F. Cameron, (Chandler, tlllery a t Jefferson Barracks, Me M r. and Mrs. Geer in Central Oregon, M r. and Mrs. 0 . E. Brown. In September. 1916, when 1 was 83 years old. .» Point. Las Angeles. D uring Am erica’s p artid p i tion In the W orld W a r he had’ A ll-rite butter toasted sand­ Homs made C hill Beans and wiches— very .popular— Ninlng- Hot Tamales.— N lnlnger’s Fonn- hand in all the righting on tl erte Fountain Service. 99-tf taln Servlos. 91-ti St. Die sector and the fact th etter /F îsï „ •«»»»» ’ GLORIA SWANSON M THE PARAMOUNT PiCTURC* ‘ STAGE STRUCK* A T T H E V IN IN G SUNDAY A N D M O N D A Y he won his way to a sergesntcy speaks for itself. A fte r the w ar he was shifted, to the c av alry arm and was sta­ tioned at F t. Riley, Kas., when he received L iberia’s call. Bert W rig h t, Hom er W alkup. Twenty five students were exempt from a ll examinations, the report shows. Sevan B had the largest total, 10, w ith 8D and 7A tied fo r second w ith six and 8A fourth w ith 8, Kenneth Shiffer was the only boy Included in the exempt list, being outnumbered by the girls, 24 to 1. A list of those exempt fo l­ lows: 7 B— June A ikin», Opal B lair, Ruth Billings, Jean Cadkow, Carrol C lark, R uth Ragland, Esther Childers, Kenneth Shiffer, Maxine Gearhart, Iris Patterson. 7A— Maxine Em ery. Ellen Franco, Frances Hardy, W tlm a Hall, W ilm a N u tter, Geraldine Scott. ' ’-i ~’3SiWr 8 B— C lara A tterbury, Eleanor Coombe, Bernice Leer, Mabel Stennett, B arbara Taylor, Beat­ rice W erth. • 8A— Alm a Ebert, Louise H an ­ son, V irg in ia Rose. Saturday, January 1«, 1P20 F O B S A W — New 5-tube batteries, -W A N T E D — Woman to do.light wet A and B speaker, recharger, 386 housework. 243 Litare! street. píete. 389 4th s t Phone E X C H A N G E — House and 3 lots in Fresno, C alif., for small acre­ F O R S A L E —A good spin of age or city, property in Southern Oregon. V. E. Bushnell, Talent, mares, 4 and 6 years old, half- Oregon. 115-1*. sisters. Cheap. Oqe 1924 Chev­ rolet touring car, well equipped, F O B SA LE— Four very good disc wheels, several extras, nicely Leghorn ’ cockerels for breeding finished, fe r 8376, 48» Rhode purposes. 83 and 33.50 each. Island Red laying pullets, 31.2? Ph. 873J1. 115-3t« each. One 1931 Chevrolet ear, W A N TED -Yonng team, weight a ll in runnig shape, 875. G. W- about 1300. Box 48. 284 W eight- Hlnes, on Highway, 1-4 utile, man. 116-2 southeast of overhead crosetng at w in d m ill.' 115-1« F O R S A L E — Remington No. 13 Typewriter, good as new. Phone 385J3. 116-8« GENERAL OHANG MAY OPPOSE PEKING HEAD P E K IN G , Jan. 18.— (IP)— Muk­ den advices credit ; General T *o Lin, master of Manchuria, as threatening to sever relations w ith the Peking government If the regime beeomes more Bolshe- vised. TO K IO . Jan. 18— (U .P .)— A tram car, filled w ith excursion­ ists, toppled over a c liff a t M l- yanoshlta, a health resort near here today, and plunged down forty yards. Eight persons were killed and twelve seriously In ­ jured. O. C. Fields, San Franolsco, F. F. Smith, McMinnville, C. C. La- sellel, Denver, M r. and Mrs. C. DeMar, Los Angolés, C. V. Bess. Dunsmuir, M r. and Mrs. F J. Kub. Cleveland, Oblo, W . H. r Acorn Circle No. 54 Neigh­ Hayes, Seattle. F . B. W lnchell, bors of Woodcraft w ill hold a Roseburg. Special Meeting. Tuesday, Jan, IP , for the purpose of transact­ S. and O. Paper Hangers. ing General Business. 108— Sat- Wed. of night is mutually sn the Acorn Circle and Ineampment No. 18, I. o. O. F . by Acorn Circle meeting Tuesday, January 19, and In ­ eampment Monday. Jan. 18, for WfitttafieOOfi Of regular business The modora way of oUaa- and visit of grand Ineampment mg all fabrics, is the meth­ The Modem Way of Cleaning • Officers. B y order of the Guardian Neighbor, /( a r y R. Prescott. A lm a 'C. Stennett. Clerk. Repairs That Will V Í / Please Agee’s Shoe Shop $39 E. Main Street od we follow. Safe, harm­ less and careful processes are applied by experientr ed cleaners and every job, large or small, is given the most careful attention. We invite you to visit our plant any time and see for yourself the fine results we obtmn. Call 63 for quick sem ce. AnhiemA oieegtag and Dyeing Worici SSHnfSt Phone 63 , DECORATING SUDDEN SEKVIOE Re-enamel the furniture. Kalsomjne the rooms, when you can’t do outside work. PISTONS AND PINS RINGS GEARS AXLES SPRINGS We will estimate your work. We have a complete stock of paints, oils gnd varnish. CARSON-FOWLER LBR. GO. In the Heart of Town Recondition Your Motor Now Ask Your Garage Man Entertain your friends without the fuss and work of cooking at home. 85 Cents 85 Cents Special Real Rome Cooked C H IC K E N D IN N E R a t T h e P la z a S u n d a y Bring Them Here For Our Sunday, Evening Dinner 12 Noon to 8 P. M. ■ Cents 85 Cents $1.00 A PLATE •' : Have You Thought of that name far the new golf course? Don’t turn it in until you have seen the course and satisfied V . " 'A Many persons and clubs who are enter­ taining are finding our dining room and parlors an ideal place for their parties. L ith ia S p rin g s Bujok T ouring.. Buck Touring.. ildsmobile Eight Liberty S i x ---- Oakland Six . . . 1924 Star . . $200 $250 $150 ,$200 . $150 .$375 H o te l Lexington (Ansted Motor) ............... Lexington .............. Dort ........................ Dodge Roadster . . . Chev. Coupe .......... yourself that it is appropriate. Follow the arrows Sunday. at the L itáis INSIDE PAINTING L E E D O M ’S a to H W . E. Moor returned Friday evening from an extended trip through the east. Enroute home he visited friends and relatives in Denver. M r. Moor is improved in health. Palmer Piano House- and 8 DIE IN TRAMCAR SMASH IN JAPAN much o f-th e structures. "Th e power w ill be used In unwatering old tunnel* and clearing the debris from the old works. I t is possible that new work w ill also be undertaken.’’ I t was understood at ths time that the option was taken fo r a period of a year and ttiat, as the work progressed, payments were to increase until the mips was taken over by the syndicate or the development work aban­ doned. The tentative program for the firs t seven months ln-i dlcates that the syndicate is very well Satisfied w ith condi­ tion». the. only one ; that will play all makes of Records without injury to the record ' Now ig the Time to do Your .FO R HALE— Manxanlta wood. W . Taverner, Phone 1TF2. * 115-8« COAL M IN E IN S IS K IY O U ‘ IS D E V E L O P IN G (Continued from page Ona) New Edison. Phonograph There will be someone on the ground all'day to show’ydu about and explain the plans. A re reaiiq protected br are you Anyone anywhere who would enjoy the playing privileges of this Club is eligible to compete. Some­ one is going to turn in the right name. Why not you? A full charter membership worth $100.00 is the prize. Place the name you submit in a sealed envelope. In another sealed envelope, ¿nclose your own name. They will be numbered alike and the one containing your own name will not be opened until after the judging. Send them or hand them before February 10th to . \ Protect J. L. Ketch Billings Agency ASHLAND HOTEL BOLDING, ASHLAND, Betab. 1838 at 41 E. M ala St. Real Batate A Real Insù: Bll . 1Z TMC THEATER BEAUTIFUL TOD^LY ONLY “THE BANDITS BABY” . WITH FRED THOMPSON AND SILVER KING A lawless cowboy regenerated by the smiles of a cooing babe. »STAGE , STRJUCK À RDRAKWXJIU PtCTUM Love, laughs, gowns, gasps, gayety and novelty. Wov en into a fascinating story of a girl’s bid for fame be hind the footlights. • • ADMISSION . Matinee, 25c; Evening, 35c; Children 10c