Suddsnly the activities of the b«»4tM M ^ed and .Itaough % reaswft e< their qrerfc W wUM Uta M t.n t of eel« westk.r it felled to matartsliie. Many of the old gangsters ere dolhg tim e for their robberies. WÀSHINGTON, JM. U —R?) ^ •r e b s ll/ p a g a , Portland Othdre here deserted the p ro fo - Democret» v u recommended to sioa Mr the leee ,daq1.50 wells* Mam a eon p lata ship's 4 L >«nid be brary. , • U N IV E R S IT Y OR ORBOON, Eugene, Jan. 16. (Special) “ I f I were cast away on a desert island and had a chance to select twelve volumes from a complete lib rary,” said W a lte r Snydet, ae- sistant professor o t English at the Univeralty ot Oregon. " I would look at the situation from • practical standpoint. “ F irst, I would select a B&y Scout Manual.* "This would con­ tain much of the needed in fo r­ m ation, . and practlosl knowledge on how to live “in such a place. ‘ “Next, I would take a diction­ ary: It would be the nearest thing to a complete encyclopedia in one volume. One could get a ll sorts of Ideas from I V an« the Illustrations, in the volume would help a great deal In a place like a desert island. “ Ppr the third book I would select a good book on botany. I m ight w ant to grow something on the Island and would want to distinguish the poisonous plants from the non-poisonous. •‘A good book on birds would on all cars be my next choice. I . could find a great deal - of amusement in Washing1 studying the little creatures and this avocation would help to HOUR SERVICE occupy a lot of my time. “Now,, how many does that m a k e !” . "F o u r,” said the reporter, “ you have time to grab eight Phone 46 (Continued from Pago a dead o r alive, and In most cases the rewards were larger for the dead bandit than for one taken alive. AJRMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little dtoreia Vews Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings WHERE COLONIAL •, S U U . 1 BUT . SCHOOL BOOKS PIPELESS FURNACE ANSWER: Simpson’s AT E M ART'S amntx Of dran,i book Expert Repairing ing for the boats and the liquor • f * » to 5, moved « • retailers under cover , l n , b . , 1 , . « r . r t . U , but M b . on darkness without p articular the wierd spectacle o f a hundred danger uadeea land office« are o r more persons viciously lash- 4 .. 1,--------- "tipped" of the arrival of the ing their bare backs, stomachs i , n ra « ■hlpmea'ts. ahd limbs, breaks into pandem- P O L IC E K IL L E R D I E S J About forty state troops« and 'onium as the penitents, abandon 'IN UTAH FRISO1 federal land agents patrol the them »elves tq the fu ll sway of ; shot« between Part Huron and temporary madaeta. They laab .g A L T L A K E C IT V f Utah. Ja: Moarae a t the present time and themselves and atty one ' who IS / — (IP) — Ralph W : Seybol Straight believes It would take happens to got ia their way antll M, convicted of killin g * a Sa f t least 100 men to deter th« their bodies arc a mass of bleed- Ldke policeman in 1*21,' wi fmagghge to any exteat. Three tag flesh and they collapse un- executed b y 1 a filin g squs State polios posts are maintained conscious from exhaust ion. at the Utah Stale prison at 8:1 f t Intervals along the border and J *T b e rsMon to r thegovernm ent ** - a flying pquadrou. operates -aft Fag&an lisa In thy fact U u rtU m .p>..& ‘^1 f ’’!li'J iy , IT ,-------- ...••! [ordeal leaves maay pf tke ^ p aq -lv hgbqdrihq F q r Tho.TW ing». p a l Information of smuggling I x ‘ ffftempts. * In spite of Straight's statameut g ist the border patrol was virtu-' 6 ally Inoftovtlve la eombattag r im fanner« during the winter, report at the state pdUoe department fa r 1926 «hows almost 60.000 I m M, of whiskey sad more than t'lSO.OOO bottles of b«sr were 24 Lithia Springs Garage The Worker WILD TO CO The OitisenrBank of Ashland is. A sincere friend of the worker. We are proving it every day in the little h e lp f u I things which we try to do for them. • r They appreciate ths good service ahd right treatmentfehieh we have given them. Tfiey haVe told us iq , . ,.z We still have those Extra Heavy . CONVERSE RUBBERS OVERLAND Mrs- Jacks has bulbs for sale, ¡See them at the Fix-it Shop or at residence, 519 WIN But best of all, they are telling their friends so. ■ - - -7 ' Palm Avenue. Shoe Shop The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Tally And Place Cards • Y. < ’ » < FOR THE -PARTY. ALSO FAVORS MADE TO YOUR ORDER OR I^i STOCK. , Darling iludió & Art Store Lithia Springs Hotel Bldg. HT W IL L IA M KUHNS »d Preee Staff Correspondent kN IL A . Jon- 16.— (Uh— 1 annual orgy of eelf-punleh- ladulged la by the Ftatsol- 1 or fanatical adherents of potent FUlpIno religious rite, ta strictly regulated hence- i.h v officials ot the Phlllp- Oovprnment. This order has Issued as a timely warning rêvent excesses which hgve ft« ^hta extraordinary ritual The origin of M e whtppera la liOaff 1« th e remote past. Some am la the early part of each iar. «anally about Goad Friday, g ta 'n - * slnnem assemble In etata loeattHaa which have oerv- WINTER DULE for Every Need in Yoor BusJnets FORD THOMÓONUn; A T T H E Y IN B tG H A TU R D AT O N L Y To Portland, leaving Ashland at 7:00 A. M. aad / 10:50 A. M. A pleaaant one day trip. W e take paaaenken tor all way potilta. F or farth er Information and tickets call Aihlu^g X o ts l— Pheas 47 INVITATIO N BY BECOMING A itien you open yoor leads to broader b Direct Connections at Roseburg for c8os Bay Points T B Ä V U BY MOTOB S T M B raiTOR of ;th|ff in­ to many prlvUeges The Tldiigs Print Shop CAN HANDLE ANY FORM YOU MAY N E ED AT AS REASONABLE A PRICE AS YOU CAN BUY of spoetato« ara IF YOU ARB NOT A D E B I T O R here we ANYPLACE. will be pleased to have yen^with us so that you may find out by actual expettaue udut it to be affiliated with a-real bank. ' n ew s1 type new available for your Ashland iSdk, h r So»» « A M AND REMEMBER THAT Fare Ashland-Portland^ >8J0 To To To To h M FIRST NATH A shland Weed .......... Redding fd* * «^nen^oqq^ta*k Sacramento Baa Francisco ...... H M M « Tri» Phone 39 « AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL