ASHLAND DAILY CTMNGB Mover— Sam J. Bailey la moving from 181 Fourth street to the Hersey house on lower Oak street. A. F. * A. M. v Stated communldbtioa Thurs­ day eveniag, January 14. Import­ ant routine business to ho' dis­ posed of. Visiting i Brethren wel­ come. | Jt. L. BURDIC, JR.. W. M. W. H. DAY, Secy. . - Parent-Teacher Notes Our Butter Toasted sandwich».' The High School Circle will are growing In popularity. Try meet Monday at the Library. Sev­ eaa at The Plesa. 87-tf eral new members will be pres­ ent whose interest we appreciate Medford Visitor»— Wry much. Plans were made for Mr. and Mrs. Garnett and son. a food sale £o be held this month Clifton, Wtee visitors in Medford to help raise money to finish (far last evening. payments on -the blankets which were purchased in the fall. Mrs. Evangelistic services. ^at. the Coombs, Mrs. Detrlck and Mrs. Church ofcjbe Nazar erie every Brommer were appointed on the evening extepting Saturday. committee to have charge of the ,, ' , ixa-2t sale. - BIG REDUCTION ON SUITS J— Education in the past, few years All wool suits 112.60, 215, 218.76. has made the discovery of the 221.76 at1 Paulserud:«,. ’ .,112-tf child. Emphasis la slowly shifting Among the gnesta at the LUhia from the method and the tool to Springs Hotel a r e — ' Busines» vhikpi— . Mrs. Walter Horne' and chil­ * Velton Haskins of Klamath the Unfolding possibilities of hu­ dren, Long Beach. M. H. Hlchols, Falla «tient yesterday In Ashland man minds, human bodies and human emotions. To follow wisely Seattle, Mt. and Mrs. W. T. lop- on business. in the trend of this new discov­ Ila, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Bur­ ery has called for great under­ ton R. Ore«*, Evanston, Illinois, Moved to Hilt— standing on the part of the teach­ H. 8. Gibbs, San Francisco, J. E. Mrs. Pine of 21 Fourth street ers. Tnrtellotte, Portland, R. R. has moved to Hilt, California. We se^, also, besides this Mitchell. Omaha. change of vision, tho horisons of WHY FAY RENT? Will build primary and secondary education Ouaraateed Hot Water Bottles new home on well located lot. steadily expanding, so that the -Elhart's. ' Easy terms, 668 Holly 8 t. whole gamut of Interests of the Phone S17-L. 95-tf child is gradually being Included in the school activities, and no Bowers left for San Confined to Home— part of the child’s life Is left last eveniag, where she W. H. Sams of the Ashland untouched by thè school’s broad­ her mother. Electric Supply company, la con­ ening program. His physical hab­ its, his personality, his amuse­ fined to his home by illness. School ments, his social contacts, his va­ There is some inquiry tor small cation activities, all of these the homes. Liat your property with broader gauged education is stead Among the guests at the Columbia Taylor, 68 N. Main. 102— 10 lly taking account of and link­ hotel ar e ■ ing up with his scholastic achieve­ C. L. McCaslin, Portland. B. 8.^ From Neil Cree k ments. Schools begin to reckon Kramer, Portland, Mrs. F. W. Mrs. M. J. McCallister was in upon the life of the child as a NewelU, Seat tile, F. F. Cavanaugh Ashland on business yesterday whole and to meet it at every and wife, Seattle, J. H. Young, from her ranch on Nell Creek, vital poiat. >- Roeeburg. In a successful school in Ohio, there has been worked out a Pop Corp brick, erigpy School Books ' at Elharts. oourse of general science with the fresh at Candy Land. aim of acquainting the .students with life processes end giving an Returns from Visit— understanding of the fundamental Mrs. Mary Abbott retnrned last reasons for health and habits as evening from Applegate, Grants Pass and Medford,. where she has a preparation for life and parent­ been visiting for some time with hood. The course is considered such an Inseparable part of the School Supplies at Elhart’s. relatives. school that It begins la the kind­ 118-It ergarten and contlnuM through Home made Chill Beans and the primary classes and Is the Returns From Portland , Hot Tamalea.—Nlnlnger’s Foun­ foundation for the more'extend­ W. R. Clapp of Palm Avenue tain Service. Il-tf ed courses in the freshman and retnrned yesterday from Portland where he has spent the last few Am|»ng the guests a t the Hotel sophomore high school years. Nothing more vividly emphas­ day« on bualnees. i( n Ashland am — ises the newer note In education ,«$. X drimes, Portland, Mr. and Danes every Saturday alta at Mrs. G. B. Bonghton, Vancouver, than the effort to sift and sort Jackson dot Springs 'Í66— tt B. O., C. D. Streeter, Chicago, T. children according to their men­ tal stature and aptitudes, to seek D. Yean, Loo Angeles. N. O. out causes hack of inattention' Nicholson, Portland. P. B. Em­ W. H. Crawford of the Califor­ mons. Portland, H. Kipe, San and failure, to dect behavior quirks and trace them back to nia Oregon Power company and Francisco, W. Lloyd Graver, Port­ their meatal and emotional as well party, of Medford, were business land.) as physical causes. It Is a part visitors In Ashland yesterday. of that saner tendency to see the See the new patent clothes child as a whole and to educate reel at the Jordan Sash and Cab­ him as such. inet Works. 107-tf at Hotel Ore. All-rite butter toasted sand- vtlchee—very popular—Nlnlng- ei*a Fountain Service. 99-tl George O. Brookmlller returned Max Leonard and wife, Port­ from Los Angeles last evening, laad, B. M. Morris and wife, Port­ where he has been spending the The joys of today can he stored land, Mrs. M. Teuscher. Portland, pant week visiting relatives. up to bring pleasure In the years W. 8. Sock, Klamhth Falls, J. A. to come.— Photographs. Studio Sackstt and wtfs, Sacremento. Ashland. 110-tf Hemstitching .and Plcotlng— Front Mesaanias Floor, MoGee RBIMER 8AY8 SOIL NEED­ ING BASIC ELEMENT Mrs. Harvey Clift; an employee Building. Mrs. Havener and Mlu of McGee’s store, Is confined to Bwan. 107-1 mo. her home by Illness. (Continued from page One) Marcelling, Trimming, Sham- These vegetables are peas, beans, Walk upstairs to Orree TaUor Poolng, Dyeing. Facials The cabbage, turnips, kale and cauli­ mp sad eave 216.60. 71-tI Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store. flower. Perhaps the beet form Phone 108. 88-tt In which to supply tho sulfur to these vegetables is either as Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen ^Porter superphosphate or gypeum. For Boetneee Visitor— announce the birth of a n 'I 1-2 these vegetables I would use one- Ormand Rankin, who Is special pound aw . this morning at the half sulphate of ammonia and agent for the Phoenix Assurance homo of Mrs. Porter’s aunt. Mrs. one-half superphosphate or land company of London, was a busi­ P. O. Swennlag, oa Church street. ness visitor la Ashland yesterday, plaster. These materials should on hie way to Portland from not be mixed but should be ap­ plied separately. Klamath Falla. "Of course we have found su­ perphosphate, land plaster and telfur highly heneflcMl to al­ falfa, clover and vetch In the Ashland district.” (Continued from Page One) One of the party vouched for the faet that the pussy willow* were not In bloom in the valley and probably would not be for many weeks. Th|* was tho first victory for those who were ad­ vocating that It was not necessar­ ily dangerous to make an auto­ mobile trip over the Slsklyoug, for “if pussy willows are bloom­ ing, surely the weather eouti not have been very severe.” The snn was shining brightly and the members pt the party soon took1 off ' their overcoats," a compliment' to the sprink-like weather which) prevailed along the highway yesterday afternoon. From 1:80 to 2:80 P. M., as the party made Its way toward the top, 84 automobiles paaaed, etthef coming down or going np. Thlf was considered a splendid average for this season of the year—and none of them were using chain» on their. tires. It was only a short dlstaneq from the top before k real, slsabl» patch of snow along.side the high­ way was seen. At this spot therg had been a thin coating of Ice oy snow on the road, bnt the atat| highway crew had sprinkled the road with tend or crushed gravel with the result that it was not dangerous, except to the foolish, speeding driver, who would un­ doubtedly encounter many places in the valley where the danger would be as apt to throw him Into the ditch. The turn In th< highway Just north of Jackson Hot Springs was voted to be mord dangerous by the members of thd party than any spot on the Sis­ kiyou highway was yesterday. After basglng In the spring* like weather at the summit, which Is more than 4200 feet altitude and; commenting on the soft, rich texture of the dirt, In the garden at the summit which had just been plowed, the ¿arty returned to Siskiyou station, where a chedg of the weather was made. U. 8. Ragland, who is the of-; flclal weather observer at Sis­ kiyou station stated they had not trnen bothered by the fog at all. A few times the fog had drifted over the mountains from Califor­ nia, but It had always remained high In (he air, he stated. At this point they had had only 8 inches of snow, whereas he said the average at this period ie four L E E D O M’S SUDDEN SERVICE PISTONS AND PINS * RINGS I , GEARS ■ AXLES SPRINGS or five (Mt, and oarer, eloee 1914, bad the precipitation been so little aa It baa so Car this winter. Recently tourists coming to Ashland bad been told before their arrival here that the Siskiyou highway was* vsty dangerous, which reports local people esti­ mate bare kept many tourists from coming south. The local peo­ ple do not wgnt to mislead peo­ ple Into believing ' the Siskiyou highway is not sometime coated at places with snow