ASHLAND DAILY TIDING official city paper ccr?' * Bdrrowdfl trOufclfe dktttea » M *.. Forwarding the knowledge and practice of economic forestry throughout the country is one o f the best out* growths of the national conservation policy. ; Secretarle» Melloh ahd hoover, are consplcnomly wtoe. Hoover to wise all ’«tendi Mttfca k «toe «te A fihWetw. Tòta ttty not Itke «11 Sto 14««« « t M*8 M«M y Flue. Child «SMtedlÿ « M a t takM HT THE NAME OF THE FARMER It is predicted that the so-called Farm Bloc in the com ing session of Congress will include an attack on the tariff schedules in its program unless the Bloc catfseenre passage o f a measure to assure some form of price fixin g an farm products by the federal gevernment and estab­ lishment by the government of an agency that shall buy the farm ers’ export surplns. The whole program is carried o n in the'name, of the farnfer when, as a matter of fa ct,-th e rank and file of American fanners are not today asking for petting and coddling a t the hands of the government. The disguisting part of the situation is that tlie far­ mer Is used as a dummy.around which political schemes «re cooked 'up and foisted onto an uninformed public. The tariff question which should be considered purely from a •eieutific, business stand)»oint, is used as a jiolitical foot hall and the public pays a terrifif price for watching ils nee in the political game. W H E R E ’S that old jim m y-pipe that you laid awfty with a sigh o f discouragement? D ig it up! Y ou cun' smoke a pipe! I t ’s just a matter o f ditcoverihg the right tobacco. Load up with Prince A lbert and 'Bgte ÿ with the smile thet Vott’t ■me tWe BNvlkte. WoHi frit- tarn MM'NS w , SB» Miri «• as moat folks. ' Attòrta^ TMUA1 bdram t at w 1«.__; —* T . W * ■■ * ■ ~ . W J inter w a [he ««< ¿oíd« ate à naturar U >ta d t t W bltoaard W « w te d . «»»«iiify K tofnplieatiön«. Foley’s and H r ÒofapòhM I* a rt atad BÏte&tVa remedy h r kni eoldta, k W » « bóttfó. »n hand. 1er any emetgteiey. “The eklfdfen and* I had «old« and tfis «txt do«h of F eier» Hhkkf AH Tathiùped ha ritht aW«T,’’ « tfrie Mra. Mkther, RIbBVtaod, Ohl«. -F ou r» :H«ñey and f w M « Food «omW M nedy (of the * W t bsfll- llyr, It CdAUHlto ho pyteteA m m AfêrfFheve.