Returns from Hospital— Mrs. O. W. Long, who under­ Arthur De Rush, BI Monte, California, L. V. King, Metxger, Oregon, L. M» Whitfield, Duns­ muir, W. S. Deaver, Portland, J. Campbell, San Francisco, Ray L- Autrlm, Aloha, Oregon, J. E. Hinton and wife, Bhanlka. Return to Ho m e ’ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Putman Roma mada Chill Beane and returned to their home at. Brown­ Hot Tamalee:—Hlnlsger's Foun­ ville last week, after spending the tain Service. 91-tf holiday season with relatives here. Business VtoMm F. 8. Giovar of Portland spent Quite Hl— yesterday ’ In Ashland on busi­ R. H. Cline of 156 Van Ness ness. Avenue is quite ill. ' Ashland Post No. 14 wlU meet at the armory to-night at 7:30 o’clock for the installation of officers and for other business. Visiting With Friends— ljl-lt Mrs. V. K. A llison and small daughter are visiting at present Arrived Last Night— with relativsa in the Willamette Bill McMillan of Whittier. VaR^y. ■ ’’ lfornls, arrived in Ashland evening to visit his parents, and Mrs. A. McMillan. EMfar Palmer, Fresno, E. O. Dickinson and wife, Wenatchee, Washington, A. C. Kirk and wife, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Adame, Shelton, . Washington, Arch Adams, Shelton, Mrs. C. S. Holman. Shelton. Irene Holman, Shelton. j < . 1 A C went an operation at the Com­ munity hospital recently, return­ ed to her home on Bast Main street last Week. Z Music, good singing at the Church of the Nqsarene tonight 110— It There is some inquiry for small homes. List your property with Taylor, CS N. Main. 108— 10 Pop Corn brick, crispy fresh at Candy Land. Visiting la A sh la n d - Mrs. Glean Young of visiting Hr. and Mrs. Payne on Granite street, eral days. All-rite butter toasted sand­ wiches— very popular— Nlnlng- eWs Fountain, Service. 99*-tf NEW SEMESTER OF See the new patent clothes SCHOOLS TO OTEN MONDA reel at the Jordan Sash and Cab­ (Continued from Page One) inet Works. 107.-tf WHY FAY RENT? Will build new home on well located lot. Installation of Offic e r e. . Easy terms. (58 Holly 8t.. The Hope Rebekah Lodge No, Phone 317-1*. 95-tf 14, will have Installation of their new officers this evening. Confined to H o m e - Miss Lucille Taylor, who is Our Butter 'Toasted sandwiches employed nt thé Telephone Office are growing In popularity. Try is confined to her home by Ill­ one at The Plata. 87-tf ness. Hemstitching sad Plcoting— FOR SALE Front Messanlne Floor, McGee Springs hotel are— New Bungalow Home in South­ E. R. Hoffman, Portland, O. Building. Mrs. Havener and Miss ern Calif., city for trade for Ash­ J. Mesploy, Joplin, Missouri, Bwsn. 107-1 mo. land Home. , James E. Smith, Portland. A. Loan Wanted by client on good J. Ness, Portland, Georg« W. Marcelling Trimming, Shgm- realty. Hill and wife, Long Beach, Wash­ poolng, Dyaing Facials. The Sixty Acres Irrigated near town, ington, John J. Cosgrove. Peoria, Vanity Shoppe, McGee's Store. 82500, small down payment. Illinois, J. W. Elliott, ’ Eugene. Phone 108. 98-tf An Orchard with buildings in Bellview for rent. The Joys of todsy cnn be stored From Portland— E. T. Staples, . Ashland Hotel ap to brlng pleasnrein the years 1 Halsey Pierson of Portland was Bldg. 111-Xt to corne.— Photographe. Studio in Ashland yesterday on business. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants to Ashland. ‘ ' ïlO -tf Uncalled for suits for half- give music lessons, tutor child, or help with house work in ex­ price, all wool. Paulserud’s. 101*51 change for room and board neat W. MyMn, Baa Francisco, F. high school. Address A B C care V. Roeenbraugh, Charles A. Dunn, Visitors from Medford— Tidings. lll-l Portland, J. H. Young. Roseburg. Mrs. Jennie Coleman and Ds. FOR RENT-—Cosy winter cab- H. P. Coleman of Medford, moth­ er and brother of T. P. Coleman la, |1 0 , larger one with garage, CARD OF THANKS . 815. Lights and water paid. Call We wish to thank oar many of this city, spent Sunday visit­ 111-n friends for * A»efr Witness to hs ing. with Mr. and Mm T. P. 158. Coleman at their home on North and sympathy extended during WANTED—Second hand re­ onr reeant bereavement, also for Malg clining or easy chair. Good condi­ the beautiful flowers. tion. H. M. Peabody, 891 Palm . George Irwin and "family. I ll-« ” FOR SALE-—Barred rock cocx- The Claycomb Motor Co. re­ ereto. W. L. Moore. Phone -10 F 4 ports the sale of a need touring 111-6* car to Mr. Frank Lyon, man­ FOR RENT—Horses for next ager of the Sohthern Oregon Oas three months. Box 851, Ashland. company office in Ashland. 111-3 Danos every Saturday WANTED— Work of all kinds. Jackson Hot Springs Septic tanks, chimneys, etc., a specialty. J. D. Paffly 148-4th. Leaves for Booth— 111-1* Rev. and Mra. J. C. Mergler FOR S d li E — Jersey milk and aad daughter.. Betty, and Mrs. H. B. Plummer and daughter, cream. Come and get it. Bring Pauline, will leave Wednesday bottle. Milk 80 cents gallon-eight morning for Los Angeles, for a cents quart—-cream 78 cents a two weeks vtol^. Miss Plummer quart-40 eefats a pint. Cottage will remain la Loa Angalea to cheese, 16 cents a pint. Mrs. W. continue her studies at the Los D. Booth, Phone 867Y. 364 Angalea Conservatory of Music. Welghtmsn Street. I l l — tnesfrl. Wanted 100 white leghorn hens. W. M. Alllngham, route 3 Ashland. I ll — 4 Wanted— experienced marf to set up sawmill aad contract saw­ Mrs. B. C. Payne and Mrs. ing. Box 861 Ashland, 111-3 Clyde Yonng were visitors in Hilt yesterday. Visitors la Hilt— Leaves for Eugene "V/rittm míDincted try f U A M IP v n /w L A c •'* ■ , ' < zn iA lM Ik T v n rtru n / ,. * i ‘ «Thia is M m pichara Maat I want ta ka remembered kaj* Sapa Ckartia Chaplin • f *Tka Gold R«askM Children 25c Adults 50c Dana, Miller end Jordan. M in Alleen Reniaon, the guest of Mr. end Mrs. P . K. Hammond end provincial secre­ tary of the Girls* Friendly So­ ciety, told of the extensive work which her organisation was do­ ing. Shumate, representa­ tive of a book pablishing con­ cern and the guest of City Sup­ erintendent of Schools, George Briscoe, stated he had Just re­ turned from an European trip, ’and that he found temperance more pronounced on the Contin­ ent than In this country, although much more evidence of liquor was found in England. if Other guests were, D. C. Fish­ er, Klamath Falls teacher. Mrs. P. K. - Hhmmond, and L. E. Smith, of Tillamook. W h e n th e y 4 r y it once, they alwayi want it again. Ashland Creamery Subscribe For The Tie Briscoe stated. The beginners, living wejt of this Tine, will go . • " . i •' - ' ' to the Junior High school, while KLAMATH MAN SPEAKER Tonring ......----- ---------gOOS.C AT CHAMBER MEET those living east o( the line will Roadster .............. ,.....g«e8.C attend the Hawthorne school. (Continued from Page Oae) Coupe ........... . Any grade sohool graduates, or any former high school pupils Mr. Dunn, reporting for the 'Coach............. ... who are not now attending Sedan ...... .**. ..... B908.00 high school, but who wish to start at the opening of the n e v Half-Ton Truck semester» should see B. C. For» Chassis Only sythe, principal of the high school One-Ton Truck some timé this week and St­ - Chassis Only.wjth 5x30 Tires range for entrance on next Mon«* day. It was stated. All Prices ’ F. ’ a, • O. . • B. Ashland WE HAVE THE High Qualify * Chevrolet Prices tow Price It is not necessary to pay high prices for your meats. We always have the best quality meats at low prices. No matter what car Tire» and Tubes Do You Need a Painter or a Paperhanger? If So, Phone Phone Us For Suggestions . « Automotive Shop THE EAGLE MARKET Brake Relinifig Done by Phone 107 We Deliver Machinery ' LEEDOM’S J. O.RIGG Replacement Service Best Workers and Beat Paints DAFFODIL FARMS TRAPNESTED, S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS TANCRED FOUNDATION STOCK BABY CHICKS H A TC H IN G EGGS E. S. MORRISON }u¿a£Tonring.. Buck 'Tooting.. S IG H T W E E K OLD PU LLETS BOX 22 ASHLAND, OREGON Lexington (Ansted ; Motor) . . . . . : » . : tSOO Lexington ............. '..>150 Dort .......................... >100 Dodge Roadster * ....> 75 Ohev. Coupe .......> 4 5 0 Oldsmobile Eight Liberty Six — Oakland Six . . . Now Comes Our Clearance On All Ladies Winter Where Quality is and Misses Coals and Dresses JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES OFFERS BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Silk and Woolens Reduced Domestics Reduced The Adlvoe of This Ashland R es­ ident Help Yon to Get W ell Do yon suffer nagging back­ Raymond McGee left last even­ ing for Eugene Where he will ache f Feel dissy, nervous and de­ take a special course at the Uni­ pressed ? versity of Oregon. Are the kidney secretions Ir­ Walk npetalrs te Orres Taller regular; breaking your reetf Likely yonr kidneys are at Shop and save 119.99. 78-tf fault > Weak kidneys give ‘ warning. Visiting ha Ashland— Yon have backache; rhdumqtlc Miss Allsen Renlson of Loe Ángeles, who to Provincial Sec­ You feel weak, tired, all worn- retary of the Girls Friendly So­ ou t ciety, to spending several days Heed the warning. Don’t delay t In Ashland In connection with Use Doan’s Pills—a stimulant the Girls Friendly Work kero. diuretic ts the kidneys. Your neighbor« recommend OUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH Here to aa Ashland case. MONEY Mrs. A. Sharard, 881 E. Main Send tbto afi and ten rente to Foley A Co., 3836 Sheffield Ava., S t, says: *T had a- lame achtnr Chicago, III., writing yonr name back that kept ma feeling miser­ and addroas clearly. You will re­ able all tha time. My work tired ceive a tan sent bottle of Foley's ma easily aad I had frequent Honey and Tar Compound for headaches. My kidneys acted too eougha, eoMs had haarseaeee, also frequently, toe. Dean’s Pills re- free sample packages of Foley Fills, a diaretto stim uloit for the ad my kidnsya.” Pries 99a, at all dealers. Don’t kMaaya, aad Foley Cathartic Tab­ lets for’constipation aad Bllllous- simply ask far a kidney remedy- aasa. These waadarful remedies gat Doan's Pilla—the same that have helped mlllieas of people. Mrs. Sherard had. Foster-Mil­ Try them! Said everywhere. burn Co., Mfrs., Bnffslo, N. T. chamber committee, recommend­ ed that the chamber opposq this resolution. A vote of the mem­ (Continued from page ône) bers present approved' the recom­ mendation. . B ment and codification of interna- r tioqal law, as soon as any subject See. Fuller announced that the ¿ i s considered sufficiently ripe an annual stata . ohamher of . com­ . international conference la sum- merce nyeeting would be held , inoned and' en international January 37-88 In Portland and treaty launched on the subject. recommended that as tnany Ash­ To date the league has launched land cljlpens as possible attend, nearly a score of such trestles especially since an Ashland man, » covering white sieve traffic, I. B. Vining, Is president of the f opium traffic, obsene literature, state organisation. i customs formalities, latsrnatlon- f al regime in maritime ports,- etc., , Hs also announced that the etc., while the International forum Tuesday, January 19 would I Labor Bureau has prepared discuss the subject of natural resources In ' Southern Oregon regulating labor conditions. AU of these, subject to the Jn- and that Superintendent Thomp­ L (erpretetlon and enforcement by son of Crater *Nattpnal Park and the League’s ^Permanent Court George Sabin, manager of the * of International Justice at the Oregon Caved resort, would- be * Hague constitute the foundation the special speakers. The com­ * of the new code on International mittee to arrange this meeting Is law which la being gradually» composed of O. H. Johnson, chair­ man. and Messrs. Green, Milton, built up by tha League. Curtain Materials Reduced Any coat ordress you select here will be a bargain. We reserve nothing. I . » Everything in the line marked in plain figures. No guessing, no sparring. The bars are down. Out goes the dresses and coats. les Reduced COATS BEGIN AT $5.00 Comforts and Blankets Reduced DRESSES BEGIN AT $5.00 Cretonnes an' Wonderful Bargains in Wash Goods —• See Special Display on Tables, to Close Out in This Janu ary Sale. READY TO WEAR * ■ at a saving of 1-3 to 1-2. Coat? Dresses Skirts Blouses find Sweaters All Go in This Clearance Sale VALUES THAT WILL SHA ASHLAND COME AND BUY NOW AT