KOnÇB, OP FIJAJ, mjbahing m .. IN T^E COUNTY CQUgT OJ THE JSTAT» OP PREGON FOB JACKSON .COUNTY. . . . In Ih« Mkttér o f tjm Betete ot A M. Gratoter. Dtaeeeta: Nqtlóo J» Hereby kW»» that the understgaad, Administratrix k f t b » aBbvfe ta n ta estate baa AMtaBAAMtaAkAl KXWlaXvo* O P E R A T O R S T A II» A G & E IM R ffT ,, BToU. we mlseed that tr the breadth of # hair, to,# Just wgat It wap g a | aothlng ¡1 though only pne voice fui to do with the story. I didn’t un­ K) o t / ’Port! Parjj o’ pori derstand It anyway. J y*r helium !” and landed a „ The point la that the admiral la verjr tnucb Interested In It and wanted to stir up a little publicity in its behalf, with a view to ex ­ tracting enough money Cromi Congress to develop it still far-1 NEW YORK, Jan. II , — (IK — The conference which has boon in sooolon hero for three weak*, attemptipff-te settle the anthra­ cite coal strike, adjourned alne die, soon after noon today, un­ able to reach an aataoment. ther. é • • BO W* took a street ear. We rode and we rode and finally we came to the end of the line. “Now we got to get a gasópc- wagon,’ said the admiral. “May!” .he called, to an African youth, standing alongside a venerable flivver nearby the street car ter­ mina*. “Can yon take na to the naval laboratory You know where it la donchaf” "Yassuh, yassuh.” said . the Benegamblan. This flivver was of the model of the early 80’s, it was fastened | together with wire. A number of the parte were missing entirely. The wheels wabbled— threatened to come off. In fact. It had asth­ ma. It had the blind staggers. It had paresis. It had everything. POR EALE— Newtown Apple», fio and 7fic per box. Cider Bfie per gel. O. R. Anderson. POR SALE: cubator— 180 MM. Herndon, FOR AAUfe — Wood— body gir ln fonr tier lote— IS lack, 8J.76 delivered. Caah on deliv­ ery. Baker and Weir, Phone W tH or f t j 109-it* BUZZARDS STRIKES HOME Coughs and colda era a natural sequence to an unexpected bllsxarl end should bo treated promptly to offset complications. Foley’s Honey sJ^d.Tar Compound la ,* pleaaadt and effective remedy for coughs and colda. Keep a bottle on hand for any emergency. “Thè children and I bad colda and the first dose of Foley’s Honey ani! Tar helped na right away.” writrei Mrs. Mather, Richwood, Ghia. Foley’s Honey and Tar la a good èbugh remedy for the whole tarar Uy. It contains no opiates. Sold The efficient Mid thorough service that we give will bring restful qui«t and freedom from try­ ing responsibility. Yo|pr burden of details can be easily shifted td Yme who knows how to correctly do the many things necessary. Skill that comes from long experience, the finest of equipment, .and genuine, friendly help, are the things We offer. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOB JACKSON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Batata cT Charles W. Ntms, Deceased. Notice Ik hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of fflefi above named estate bee ftthd Me» final account la saM county court of Jackson County. Oregon, And that Monday the ISth day Of Pwbtasry, MSB, at ten A’chfct A. M. and tha courtroom of said corn* as tha ttma and pRee for the hearing of any objection* there may bo to the said report and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication, Jan. Itfc, 1BBB. MARY NTMS, Bdecntrfe. 101-S Twee. For Your Party Dinner we have many varieties of cut flowers and potted plants which will make the home more beautiful and more inviting. High Test GAS gee's Shoe Shop ASHLAND FLOWBR SHOP 339 E. Main Street- “ Say it with Flow ers’’ Phone 148 Lubricating Directors Day Phone BIB. Mrs. Louis ' Jlafe&ebtlee Owned by f , B . Pftteuge» of this city ta d Glenn A. Nichols of Phoenix, were slight ly damaged thia morning as tho result of a collision on North Main street, near the Intersection of North Main and Van Nes*' avenue. " No blame for the accident hag been fixed by the local police. • OILS ght Phone« SSl-L— ÍB1-J ie, Indy assistent GOAL General greasing and Oil ing service. GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING PRODUCT Wltltens Service HAVE GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR WE WILD TAKE BACK UNUSED PART. FOR WINTER DRIVING Phone 20 984 Oak. St. Across R. R. Tracks Our garage service will please you, Quick Pressing T he overland garage Back of The Werten» Auto Supply Co. Phone îïïÆ Î r â g tt r i S S t a d « eitle n » wB. cleared bring your olothes add ander Irrigation. Terme like rent it dealred. Owner J. A. Young, 7 f ' P ita btrfiet I t t lt a d . 18fi — tf ■ : —■ 18 kend milk freak. BBS Róñatela BI1Y. iU —-IB* Carefully Ä , A sh la n d thirty years. When uaea xor Rheumatism. Neuritis. Consti­ pation and Nervousness they prove satisfactory and bring results. Traslar’i Tablet la a vegetable compound sold and guaranteed by Druggist. Traw­ ler's Tablets come In two slsee, 80c and 81.00 per package. Keep a package In the home, take a tablet now and then hnd they will ward off fever* and many Ills that may profe fatal. For tale by MERTON M. THOMPSON Painter ta d Decorator a SpeeRl^: Furniture Reflulahed Estimates glndiy furnished Phone IB or 7K Phone 63 A R .V U A Sfc M o to r O il />/ I Is Your House * Wired For McNAIR BROS. a* bnttods, hooka or Maps. Ic * pound nt the Tidings office. Corvallis — N*w. Cress S-story WANTED sewing by the day. MjS> L. B. Crosby, XS| North building wUl eqtl 4100.000. Edin. Pkoae tie -B . , 101— tf I— Forest Lumber [el mill, to cut Steady wofk for experienced per­ eda. Brigg» R Briggs, Attorneys. i len e o iti -v 1 1 1 'G ratto. Telephone IBB NuwYmar 180-1 mo, WATER THE FAMOUS “Miller Black Beauty” - f »h. \ . has our confidence and will receive your hearty endorsement for hard use and service at W hatever it is, it’s Ihrking somewhere about the house— dark. Murphy Electric Shop Switch 6n the tights! And you can make them sunny days in your home if you send your weekly bundle to • 4 U U8. .r ‘ W e will refc»B it aA fresh and clean as it would be done under your personal super­ vision. . Wet wash, rough dry or everything ironed. The only real washday ecoir omy. HOT BOTTLES Possibly a few 'dollars spent in re-wiring your house would be a sound investment. Sometimes it’s the chair by the telephone; sometimes a kitchen stool, or an unsuspected plaything the youngsters have left in the hall. 'plan ò Instructor Plano5 Instruction by experi­ WANTED— Assaying. ^eHning. enced teacher. Beginner» prefer­ rara minerals wanted. T. W. red. Phone 4 U J . Mrs. Harpld Ófcmttor, opposite Courier»,O rasti AtkiriS. Î07— 1 mo.* ÜM . 18B — » ' GUARANTEED Protection? Every hom e has on«. WAR U r t i — Bsfteries to ra- elkarge, |1 .0 0 . AU electrical work dene at Ford set prices. Ctey- tamb Motor Company. 10B-tf T o u r car’s chatter van* ish.es w hen P a r a -4 « l goes in . F ill up w ith the perfect lubricant. Light roofing-light ’h a lls -lig h t stairways never harbor these dangers to careful grownups and ru noting children. □ r ! J "i i ?cfctc4«biiy. 4iS OREGON POWER COMPANY . V z ìM M A Jk ■ 11 » i ASHLAND LAUNDRY GO» SIWttorSVw» • k » i w »> ■ ..-*i 7 YtW ' ’ •*** J.,* ' * ;' • ‘ 8 ‘A ■ ‘ P *, is »r '¡¿1, «•ó*»«’- ‘ I j b I » 1 ‘ X X *• * vT* V ’, - ■ ■ .’ ••'.i-t • .1* ¿■À- ; ■ '-i ....... .............. , ' ri e XE m „ ? A. .. 'A _