/ T idings malasia germs Cannot survive three months in the r ift oaone at As&aad. Pure domestio water helps. The Tidings Has Been 'Ashland's Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine eures nine oases out of ten of This is a proven fact Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON,/TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1926 Mère Man Scores Hit in Fashion Show Although announced a few days ago that the hearing of testimony in the case of the Ashland Baptist church vs- the First Baptist Church of Ashland, Inc., would start this week, It was learned this morning that It will prob­ ably be Monday of next week be­ fore the case Is reached on the court calendar. The local church case was the second on the court calendar for the present session of the cir­ cuit court, preceded only by the Millionaire Mine case. ' It was thought that the latter case would be disposed of In a very short time, and the local case reached. It was learned yesterday, how­ ever, according to B. D. Briggs, member of the law firm of Briggs and Brigg* of this city, attorneys for the plaintiffs In the church action, that it will take at least aU of this week In which to com­ plete the mine case. Both side* of the ^ a l church controversy have been ready for some time for the hearing, Brigg* stated. It is not known however, how long the hearing of the tes­ timony will take, Briggs 'declar­ ing that the length of the trial would depend upon the i rulings of the court in connection with certain testimony which well bo W. J. Mooye of this city an l Newberry and Newberry of Med­ ford are attorneys for the defend, ents. The case grew out of the reviv­ al services held at the local Bap­ tist church several years ago by Rev. Price. The membership of the church has been split on the Four '(Square Gospel teacHlnv« which were adopted by Rev. u. C. Miller and a part of his congre­ gation. The remainder of the congregation refused to accept the teachings promulgated by Price, and are now' suing to ob­ tain title to the church property on Hargadlne street and other property on Oak street. Oppon­ ents of the Four Square Gospel teachings are now In possession of the church property. ANOTHER TREMBLOR HITS SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, Jan. 12— (LP)—A light earthquake shock was felt here at 2:32 a. m. It «res a,mild tremor, lasting only three seconds. "Aha, Watsqp! there’s scandal here.” "What Is It Sherlock 7” . ’ "The bootlegging preacher, my dear Watson. The man who starts you on his way with a drink of ihoonshlne.” "You’re wrong, Sherlock, he Isn’t a bootlegging preacher, tor he himself reported to the police the presence of the still in his beck yard. No self respecting bootlegger or moonshiner would do thet.” , Such was the conversation be­ tween Chief of Police McNabb and one of kls staff yesterday after­ noon, following the discovery of a still in a woodshed on the Boulevard. The home was that of Rev. V. K. Allison, pastor of the Church 'of Ch/lat. Allison moved into the housg only yesterday morning.'Starting o n a n exploring expedition through the woodshed, he found The Wreck of the C » BERLIN, Jan. 12. — 22 Male mannequin* are the It latent thing in the Berlin 22 ■' wofld ot fashion. At ene tt ;>f the’ k U f known cab- 22'! aaAs,' a ndmber ot aim tt and vaudeville' artist* are tt displaying up-to-(date tt creation* in z dress suit*, tt dinner Jacket*, morning tt coat*, lounge suit* and tt topcoat*, including all tt other essential accessories tt like top hats, debries, tt scarfB, shoes aftd fancy It handkerchief*. Judging by tt the applause these ex- 22 hibtts have - evoked, this tt method of displaying what tt is new in men’s fashions tt has met with popular ap- 22 proval. Dream of Pacifists for Past . Half Century to. ’ Come True Envoy Instructed to Oppote New Mexican Land Law UNDER LEAGUE JOIN Court at Hague to lx- Tri for KnfOrcement anil Ini preterirti for all Time Mexico War Office Hays Eight Bandits of Train Robbing Gang, Killed WITH AMERICA By HENRY WOOD LONDON, Jan. 12—(LP)—Great United Press Staff Correspondent Britain has instructed her envoy GENEVA, Jon. 12.— (LP>~ at Mexico city to make represent­ Codification of International La«?, ations against the new Mexican one o’f the* dream* of pacific oil and land laws, insofar a* they and International statosnien for affect foreigners, It was learned this morning. ‘ the past half century, became a step nearer when a commission The instructions sent the envoy When the fifth section of the Twentieth Century Liinl ;ed, crack flyer of the New of experts met hero today under call for a protest similar to the American note, which was sent to York Central, was being backed out of the Chicago d ¡pot yards the inbound sixth the auspices of the League, of Nations for the furtherance of the Mexican state department yes­ > it. Three persons were in- section, traveling at a high rate of speed, crashed im Patrolman O. B. Flaherty .of that task. terday, Britain,like America has jured, one probably fatally, and scores of passengers i pre shaken up. Debris was Kansas City, Mo., went into the The immediate program of tho vast oil land interests In Mexloo. scattered over four tracks. At the right of this pictu e can be seen the engine of commission, which Is under th4 Argyle State bank, and stopped three bandits who had taken the sixth section jammed into the rear Piillman of J le fifth section. presidency of Monsieur Hammar­ $20,000 and locked the clerks in MEXICO. Jan. 12 — (IP)—Eight skjöld, governor of Upsala, the vault. One of the bandits of the rebel band, which held up 1 Sweden, Is to prepare a fist of shot at him and the bullet pierc­ the Guadalajara-Mexico City ex­ | those international questions and ed his cap just above the badge, press at Negert station yesterd«» , subjects that have already reached parting his hair but leaving him burning the Pullman cars and I a stage where It is possible to In- unharmed. The hole In the cap killing several passengers, have ' corporoate them into an Interna­ can be see In the picture. been killed by federal forces, O. A. 0. Instructor Will be tional treaty. under General Torres, the war Featured on office announced thle morning. This treaty would then become Program , at once a codified International Part of the loot which the SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. JB ' law on the subject, with the bandits took from the Mexican Instructors at the Oregon Ag­ l i — The practice of , 21 League’s Permanent Court of In­ passengers has been recovered. ricultural College will appear here broadcasting church eer- It Apparently eleven dead la the ternational Justice at the Hague under the auspices of the Ash­ vices was attacked from- tt as the permanent tribunal for *♦- total of the death toll In the land chamber of commerce, at the the pulpit of the Calvary tt holdup. Presbyterian charch Sun- tt All Officers of Company Interpretation and enforcement. forum luncheon to be held on Aged Map Sustains Fracture Again in Office. Taylor day by Dr. Cortland tt The holdup was one of the most January 36, It was announced of Hip When He Slips Since the creation of the court is Manager Myers, former head of the tt daring In the history of Mexico. on Frosty Walk at thé Hague, the task of the this morning by officials of the Tremont Temple of Boa- tt chamber. It was staged by fifteen men. who progressive codlficalotn of Inter­ The entire set of officers who Slipping on the frosty walk at ton. tt traveled In disguise aboard the national law, which the League The forum will be given espec­ ‘‘You can’t worship tt guided the destinies of the Ash­ has now undertaken,, constitutes express. ially for the farmers of this sect­ his home, corner of Fpnrth and God by listening to the -tt land Preserving company during perhaps the League’s second most Instructions Given for En ion, In aa effort to interest them East M a in streets. Chart«* r a d 1 a,*’ declared Dr. tt the past year, were reelected to Important step fop. establishing Ul JTftlflillA, lAfi grnw. Haight, 87, father of Mrs. C. J. tnn çe of Beginning Myers. “God ska ' n o f T f » their offices kt th e «mut*» « « s t­ «ffd international feral and Jud- OUT-OF-STATE Tng o f snSafrtrtifts. ing of the stockholders of the worshiped In any form of tt INCREASING ] a serotus fracture of the hip Sun­ clal system for the peaceful The loading Instructor* In entertainment or In pic- tt organization, held last night. settlement of 'disputes. poultry raising and small fruit day morning. Because of his ad- Those who will remain in office Registrations at the out of The work of the commission culture at the college wll appear vdneed years, the fracture Is tt ture shows. for another year are: Dr. F. G. state registration bureau here so considered very sertons, bat this on the program. R. G. Fowler, Swedenburg, president, C. W. which met here today, will In no far this month total almost seven county clnb leader, is in charge morning Mr. Haight was resting Banta, secretary and E. E. Phipps way conflict with the work of the tim es. as many this season as > of the arranging of the program. eafeily. and his physicians believe and Thornton Wiley, directors. commission of American Jurists compared to January 1926, ae- , Grants Pass will unite with the he will recover. S. D. Taylor was again chosen that will meet in Rio de Janiero cordlng to Mrs. J. H. Puller, According to C. J. Baughman, Ashland chamber In conducting as manager of the company. ( later In the yeyr under the aus­ registrar. the forum next Tuesday, at Which fire, chief, son-in-law of the In­ Manager Taylor’s annual re­ pices of the Pan-American Union, So far this month, 99 out of time the scenic attractions of jured man, Mr. Haight, who re­ port showed that the condition for the codification of Interna- 1 state cars have been registered Southern Oregon, and the beet sides with the Baughman famllv. of the plant and other proper­ tional Law as regards the Ainerl- 1 here while during January 192», methods for advertising them, has been In the habit of taking an 1 ties of the company Were in a can continent. but fourten cars were registered early morning walk every morn­ will be discussed. Medford and very satisfactory condition. The The commission which met here during the same period. report Indicated that the assets today. Is composed of interna- 1 Klamath Fall* will have represent ing. Sunday morning he left the house by the back door, but had of the company have been in­ tional legal experts, representing 1 stives here, It was stated today, creased considerably during the not only the principal nations of ' and It Is planned to make the taken but a few steps from the Jackson, Principal past yedr, TELLER NEW MEMBER and the 24,500 has the world, but all of the world’s meeting an all afternoon seesion, door when he slipped and fell. F. High School, OF SHIPPING BOARD been spent on permanent Im­ leading legal and jurldlclal sys- 1 with the chamber delegates meet­ He arose again, walked into the program Here provements to^, the plant, thus terns. ing Immediately after the Forum. house and continued to move WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. —(IF) about, complaining however of a The commission will have be- ' Higher social education will enabling the Bagley Canning — President Coolidge today non!-' severe pain In his leg. make /h e greatest contribution company, lessees, to more than for It reports from all the lead, Inatcd Phillip Teller, Californlahi A few minutes later he was to society, according to Paul T. double the 1924 pack. lng international law acadamies, ' RUSSIA WILL JOIN to succeed Commissioner Meyer forced to return to his bed, and Jackson, principal of Uie Klanu A comparative statement, pre­ societies and associations, which , 1 ARMS CONFERENCE a physician called. An X-Ray dis­ LIssner, resigned, as a member ath Falls high school, who was pared by Taylor, showed • that were asked for at the committee’s 1 ot the United States Shipping in 1923, 221,000 was expended closed a fracture of the hip last session, as to various sub­ BERLIN, Jan. 12.— (IP)— The the main speaker at the cham­ (Continued on Page Four) Board. •" Soviet government today decided joint. ber of commerce Forum lunch­ for labor and produce, in 1924, jects which are ripe for codifi­ 239.000 arfd In 1925, 288.000, Members of Mr/ Haight’s fam­ eon Tuesday. cation Into lnternatolnal law. Re­ definitely to participate in the nearly doubling each successive preliminary disarmament con­ ily, residing In California, arrived Biological selection and gov­ ports to date have been received ' year. Taylor explained that the ference at Geneva, providing here last night ernment Interference are two expenditures for labor and pro­ from the American Institute of settlement of the Russo-Swiss re­ other agencies which might be duce were approximately one International Law, The American , lations are achieved In the mean­ used for the betterment of so­ half the Income from the pack, Society of International Law, time. ciety, Mr. Jackson stated. The and that this year the pack was the International Maritime Com­ first is a matter of the future, valued at about 2160,000. mittee, The Institute of Interna­ while the second is objection­ R. E. Kozer, manager of the tional Law, the Institute Ibérique able, for liberty-loving Americans Bagley Canning company, ex­ de droit Comparée. The Interna- want as little government Inter­ pressed himself “hs well satisfied and the International Legal campaign carried on during re­ ference with their liberty as Is with general conditions, although tional Lew Association, the So- | cent years. "It Is safer to travel than stay possible, he explained. he declared that he was greatly clete de Legislation Comparée Reports Indicated that moat of , Jackson urged the necessity of disappointed because growers did Union. at home" said R. J. Clancy, the fires were caused by defect­ Under the system which b«» ] assistant to the general manager responsibility, to society and ad­ not show more interest in the ive or Overheated flues. Approxi­ of the Southern Pacific company vocated thia syatem rather than growing of berries, declaring been adopted by the League of 1 mately 16 per cent were classlfl** in announcing today that the Individualism. Every person owes that the cannery needbd large Nations for the gradual develon- « as of an undetermined origin.. an old still. It was quite a shock’ Pacific linee of the company are it to himself and to society to quantities of lorries to round Fire losse In each county dar­ to the man of the gospel, who Is entering their seventh consecu­ accept thei reaponslbilitles of out the pack. (Continued On Page Four) ing 1926 follow: known her aa one of Mr. Vol­ tive year without fatality to a social Intercourse and Jackson Kooser also reported that new stead'* strongest admirers and passenger In a steam train ac­ commended the efforts of the markets had been opened up dur­ Baker, 216,650; Benton, 2149.- supporters. , cident. Since November 30, 1919 chamber of commerce and other ing the past year, and that the »78; Clackamas, 2116,376; Clat- Rev. Altlsun at once notified more than 200 million passengers soctsi onptanmtnnnr wmen h r 1 toss, 28171.26, was In Tillamook sop, f ï IV, fié. VI; son were very good. the poll«» of his- find, end within have been carried safely nearly described as educational. Cooe, 211! county. Hood River county had 260,000; It was not decided whether Mr. Jackson brought the greet­ a few minutes, another still had nine billion passenger miles over the second heaviest loss, 2380,- Crook. 21T.2OO; Curry, been added to the long list of these lines. This is equivalent ings of the Klamath Falls coun­ further additions will be made 050. Marlon county, with the Deschutes, 219,310: confiscated "cans” held by the to carrying more than twice the ty chamber of commerce and to the plant at once, but It was second largest population in the 226,888.86; Gilliam, 2*! total population of the United stated lie was glad that such a shown that the plant was oper­ local Officers. ttate, had fire losses totaling Harney, 217,700; Hoo I. D. McCoy of Portland, ar­ States a distance of forty miles. ated to capacity during the past 2280,060; Jackson, 2« It is believed the man who op­ It establishes a factor of safety warm feeling of friendship exist­ season, and that it will be Im­ rested yesterday afternoon by 2261.028. J erated the Mill has crossed the Indicating that one may travel ed between the two cities. He possible to increase the output State Traffic Officer O. D. For December, 1926, the'fire Jefferson, 27.600; River Styx, for the “can” was the equivalent distance of 886,- said his community welcomed the this year unless an enlargement Hayes, was yesterday afternoon looses In Oregon outside of Port­ 213.300; KlansMth 2 eenatrneted of an old lard pall, 000 times around the world with­ establishment Of the Southern to made. fined 216 when he ptead guilty land. aggregated 2174.303. There Lake, 234.000; Lane. Lincoln. 224,166; Linn, sdme lead tubing, and a tea out danger of lees of life In a Oregon normal here and that tt It 1s possible that a third to the charge before Justice’ of were 48 fires, thrde of which would be very beneficial to their Malheur, 213.7641; Marta kettle, making It abont as condu­ steam train accident. were classified . as incendiary. unit will he added before the the Peace L.-A. Roberts here. section. 038; Morrow, |7 0 ; Me cive to life as a strychnine cock­ The most disastrous fire during McCoy was chargd with driv­ O . W. Dunn reported relative opening ot the nejt canning sea­ ing through Talent at more than the month was at Corvallis, 2621.613.41; Folk, tail. It was a very small outfit, In­ to the rssolntion on whether son, la order, that still more 30 miles per hour, and admitted where Science hall at the Oregon Sherman, 238.100; T tended the police declare, to the manufacturer or prodiicèr fruit may be bandied through that he was traveling at the rate Agricultural college burned with 22173.66; Umatilla. matoufacture (ftquqf for family the plant. should have the legal right to use. i Unton, 263,626; Wallet of 36 miles per hour when he a loss of 276,000. Oregon and Washington control the resale price of bis 600; WaeCtJ. 216.616; 1 The decrease in fire losees dur­ went through the town. Judge ' Medford — Rogue fttver Val­ Aa for Rev. Allison, Chief of —Fair. Not much change article. A national referendum to ing 1026 when compared with ton, 266.728; Wheeler, Roberts assessed him one dollar ley raised 27,000,000 worth of In temperature. Moderate Police McNabb stated, "yon may being t^ken on this subject and produce In 1925, 22.000,000 go­ per mile for each mile In excess prevtoutt years was attributed by Yamhill. 242.868 total easterly winds along the say that we released Rev. Allison Dr. Moore to the Mra prevention 164.97. of the legal 20. ing to wage workers. coast. because of Insufficient evidence," Says God Cati’t Be Worshipped Over Radio’ Safer to Travel Than Stay Home Says S. P. Head Moves Too Fast Through Talent, Pays $1 Per Mile THÈ WEATHER