f MATARIA T idings GERMS Cannot survive thrça months in the rich osone at Ashlan< id. Pure domestic .water helps. The Tidings Has Been 'Ashland's Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years a «a Wire Service) (Uni VOL. XLIX Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 48 TWELVE KILLED BY STORM IN EAST STATES Heaviest Storm of Winter Hits Entire la s t NEW YORK HARD HIT Four Die at Newport, Mirti., While Cold ( ’Ialine Age Mtwly Elected A tale Of real fortitude was p r e 8 id e n ti T a k e g Chair> At Steubenville, one man was controlled by the Aluminum Com­ autonioblle dealers here that the no Substitute for was arrested on complaint ft found frozen to death in a shack told here yesterday afternoon Committees Named pany of America, is violating present certificate of title law Space of a Denver girl Wed­ ft on the outskirts of the clt/, while with the arrival at the Communl anti-trust laws. Assistant Attor­ would bo simplified by accept­ ft nesday. at Pittsburgh, an aged woman, ty hospital of E. I. Perkins. 25.’ TACOMA, Wash, Jan. 9— ney General Donavan revealed at ance of an affidavit In lieu of The first meeting of the Ash- ¿becom i ng l oft, <66 found dying Grant street, who w ag Ztinaring land Kiwanls club, with the new „ A companion of Ward; Speaking on community adver- the Senate Inquiry today. signatures in the case of reposs from a broken leg. from exposure. Rosala Nleolettl, however, » , i8ing before the Rotary Club officers functioning* was as en- „ eased cars. Perkins was driving a truck Two men were killed when was sentenced to 30 days 8 | of Tacoma Thursday , Herbert thusiastlc one with all predict­ A .certificate will also be grant they ware run over by a motor near Ager, in northern California in jail. He is 67^ Judge 8 Cuthbert, publicity manager af ing even greater accomplishments ed on proof ot ownership since a t during ~a hard , snotrstortn Wednesday. WYienone of the Orahood ruled that Ward’s 8 tbe Portland Chamber of Cora- 1924, he said. near Warren, in 'Nortbsresthrn rear wheals of tMetrnek dropped for the preepqj, year than la 1JI5. » age W m sufficient g r o n d e declared the/» no J. H. Hardy, tbe new president, Thia ruling greatly lessened Pennsylvania. a chain, Perkins climbed off the 8 for dismissal. substitute for paid space. wee introduced by J. W. McCoy, the objections of dealers to the truqk, *nd started back to pick ’ A display advertisement with the retiring president. Mr. Mc­ law which has forced them to it up: He walked almost a mile BELIEVE WINBURN suitable illustrations, and copy Coy stated the value of the club spend much time and money in TO CONTINUE FIGHT and a half before finding the was Increasing as the members Is the best investment." he de- Showing flashes of real team effort to* trace involved owner­ chain, and then started back to "The old idea o i news work, that old touch which-comes ship of ' used CBT8 and Id get became more familiar with the Rumor has It that a Medford hit truck. After walking but a stories. Illustrated articles, feature from long hours of practice, the signatures in the case of re­ ideals and purposes of the associ­ attorney has been retained by short distance back toward the stories and kindred publicity Battery B basketball team last ation. He thanked the officers possessed cars. Jesse Winbnrn to carry on hta truck, Perkins’ foot flipped In a being made on the basis of an night handed the Ashland high an«] members of the various Kozer also announced that his DES MOINES BISHOP fight against tbe removal of Mrs. rut In the road, throwing him to advertising campaign has been school hoop squad a 47-36-trou^- committees during 1926 for their department would not be through Nellie Loomis from tbe manage­ the ground, and fracturing hl^ COMING TO OREGON exploded long ago. They are In­ ring In the second tussle of the cooperation in making the various issuing licenses before February ment of the Community Hospital. leg, Just above the ankle. season here. formative. educational and-Inter­ campaigns successful. He re­ Mias Nellie Dickey, formerly Crawling the remaining dis­ DES MOINES. Jan. 9, — (LP) Throughout the first half, the 16. The rule making a certificate esting, but they never create commended the adoption of the of title prerequisite to Issuance — Bishop Thomas W. Drumm, Wlnborn’s attorney, declined to tance to the truck, Perkins .was action, they never sell. It Is the high schoolers showed real class, new by-laws as outlined aa the Bishop of the Des Moines Catho­ take action against the city recent- able to climb to the driver's seat, of a license is the reason for the and lead by a comfortable mar­ paid ad that asks for a reply and national organization; arranging lic diocese, ts scheduled to be delay. ly.and today she stated that she but was unable to drive the ma­ Josephine County Licenses gin most of the way. The sold­ gets it, that urges one to buy a programs for several months In had been Informed by Winburn chine because of his injured leg. Total 6180 During Past Owners can be arrested for Archbishop of Oregon City, ac­ ticket, that suggest a trip and iers appeared unable to get start­ advance and the appointment of that he would retain a Medford For fourteen hours, he remained failure to have a receipt for ap­ cording to advices received here. , Year ed, although Bryant and Butter­ that g^a results.” a special committee for child attorney to carry on the battle. with the truck. waiting for help. field showed flashes of their plication for a 1926 license be­ Drumm is now in Rome. Mr. Cuthbert gave the items of welfare work St eel head fishing in the Rogue Yesterday afteifioon.a (prom­ Finally, a young tramp came real form. fore that time, but not for fail­ Mr. McCoy complimented the was a big drawing card for expenditures of the All Year inent Medford attorney searched upon Perkins, and brought the Starting the second half, the ure to display plates, he said. MINERS. OPERATORS club of Los Angeles and the Cali­ club on having Mr. Hardy as Its sportsmen of other states dur­ IN MEETING AGAIN the records ’ of the city, giving Injured man to this city. Battery B tossers covered little The ruling as to affidavits, the fornian's Inc.T of San Francisco, new president and then presented ing the past season, 276 anglers Perkins was reported to be A 1 Mnrske, high school forward, special attention to the hospital dealers declare, will save fre­ showing that the majority of to the new qfflclal a “president’a” NEW YORK. Jan. 9. — (LP) from points outside of Oregon their funds was spent on paid smothering him continually, and quent court action, otherwise, provisions. However, It has not resting comfortably this morning. button, as well as a new gavel — Representatives of the coal the high squad lost its power necessary to quiet title. having taken out licenses during advertising space. been determined whether any fur. which, with the new Kiwanls bell miners and operators, attempting Meanwhile, Caldwell, Butterfield 1926. Three hundred and ninety ther action has been taken. t Such affidavits should be made to settle the anthracite coal will enable him to keep order. and Bryant, broke loose with a Oregon fishermen availed them­ SCHWEIN SERVICES President Hardy said .there OREGON ISLANDS ARE series of baskets which shoved as specific and complete as pos­ strike, went into session again at selves- of tbe opportunity to fish, HELD YESTERDAY sible, it is pointed out by James 2 p. m. today, in another effort was "plenty for the club to shoot TO BE MADE RESERVES them out in front. MEXICAN CITIES that many anglers’ licenses hav­ H. Cassell, secretary of the Ore­ to reach an agreement. at during 1926” and that this AGAIN FLOODED Hughes used a lot of his squad WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. — (IP) Funeral services for the late should be a productive year. He ing been purchased were issued gon Automotive Trndes associa­ In the game, while but six men MEXICO CITY, Jan. 9. — (IP) Louis Schwein, who died at his complimented the retiring presi­ which would bring the number — President Coolidge, by execu­ got Into the tussle for the sold­ tion. Subscribe For The Tidings. — Fosa Marla, Tuxpam and sev­ home, 171 Church street, Tues dent. giving credit to hlsileader- of Oregon anglers taking licenses tive order, today set aside for iers. eral smaller placés in the state day, following an illness of sev­ shlp for many of the successes of here to 680. County angler's li­ government reservation, a num­ Those who started the tussle of Nayarit have been washed eral years, were held yqsterday the club. Then an "Immediate censes amounted to 34, these ber of small Islands of rocks off for the high school were, Aldo away by the rising floods of the afternoon from the Masonic Tem­ past president” button was pre­ permitting angling only within the coast of Oregön. The purpose of this reservation was to avoid Parr, Marske, Moore, Roy Parr River Santiago, according to ad­ ple. A Knights Templar and Elk sented to McCoy. the limits of this county. and Abbott. The lineup for the vices from Ngyarit today. Port escort accompanied the body to Hunting was more popular in private exploitation. Hardy recommended tb a t Cove Rocks, Haystack Rock. soldiers was Butterfield. Cald­ San Bias was reported to be un­ the Mausoleum, where inter­ during 1926 tbe usual custom of Josephine county, the number Birds Rocks, Cull Rocks, The well, Bryant, Clary and Young. der water, with a number of ment was made. having the members furnish a of hunting licenses Issued to Needles. Archcape Rock, Rocky houses washed away. Governor Hundreds of friends of the de­ "present” each meeting be dis­ Oregon residents reaching 4 46. Cap, Seal Rocks and other small De La Pena reported that an ceased gathered at the Masonic pensed with and. In Its plaea, a With the 290 combination. 28 extensive stretch of territory has Temple to pay last respects to sum equal to the cost of the non-resident and 48 county li­ islands along the Roosevelt high­ A. J. Eddy, former Ashland Ion of tbe 169th Infantry. It way, were included in the reser­ been submerged. their friend. present be assessed against one censes, It would appear that 8l4 vation. man, and formerly a member of was a hard task In those days to ♦ member each week, this mono- hunters were In the mountains the local National Guard Com­ get things started, and the ser­ The government biological sur­ being used in child welfare won?, at some time during the year.. vey desires to cover some of pton?, serving as corporal and vice needed a man of the caliber possibly In the purchase of ad­ sergeant here, wag, recently ?*' of Colonel Eddy to organise tbe Receipts from hunting and these islands into permanent bird ditional equipment for the play­ fishing licenses amounted to *5,- reserves. moted from Lieutenant f olone! communities. Jnuary 10 to 16 is National to Colonel of the 169th infantry, grounds In Llthia Park. 198.76 In thia county during "Colonel Eddy started his ser­ Ford Demonstration Week and accordnlg to word received here This waa approved and Randall vice with the Oregon National (Continued on Page Four) ih«' local agency. The Claycomb Jw W giL lfc— —, J. Woods was tho "lucky" person RUM CHASERS PUT O U B flÉ I 1 AT COLUMBIA MOUTH Motor company, wfll TTuve on dis to contribute the first dollar The "California Guardsman lng as ts Corporal and Sergeant play several of the sport models official organ of the California toward the fund. from 1900 to 1904. When the ASTORIA, Jan. 9, — (IP) of Fords, -Including a roadster, National Guard organization, re­ Those Introduced were George World War confronted the United The officers .Installed at the M. Green, a new member, to Two high speed coast guard rum coupe and others. A group of officers of the Cen­ cently had the following to say of States, he entered the O. T. C., chasers will be placed op duty tral Point lodge of Odd Fellows local lodge are: Ford Is now putting out sonic Eddy's promòtton. represent the Dally Tidings; C. May 16, 1917, graduated aa 1st Milton Nichols, N. O.; H. G. at the entrance to the Columbia sporty models, including wire ' attended the mdetlng of Ash­ A. Howard, of Marshfield; J. M. ""California Guardsman” takes Llqutenant > C o a s*t Artillery, River, it was learned authorita­ whAlS, variegated colorings and land Lodge No. 46, Odd Fellows, Hazelwood, y. 0.; C. E. Hooper, Harrel and J. L. Ketch of this pleasure In announcing the pro­ August 1917; promoted to Cap* tively today. They will work in other specials which transform installing the newly elected of­ R. 8.; E. C. Payne, F. 8.; Guy city, and Lee E. Smith of TU1&- motion to Full Colonel of A. J. tain November 80. 1917. and pro­ conjunctipn with other patrol the regular Ford models Into cars ficers of the local lodge, Thursday Randall, Tress. mook. Eddy who has been Lieutenant moted to Major, Coaat Artillery, ' O. Frobach, of Juily Appointive officers, H. O. Wol­ boats'at Willapa, and Grays Har­ which will please those desiring evening. C. A. Howard, superintendent Colonel of the 169th Infantry for wh#n lf rrBnM,' wlt„ cott, Wdrden; O. A. Inlow, Con­ Frohach, 'General g«**g bor. something novel. the past two years, and also the Following are the pfflears o f ductor; L. R. Hatcher, Inside of schools of Marshfield who is distributors In this dis«, The Claycomb Motor company promotion of Major John U. dtttonary Force on November | , the Central Point lodge, .w ho Guardian; J. W. Stump, Outride a candidate for the Republican Ashland Frldny has issued a general invitation Calkins, Jr., to the grade of 1919. had charge of the InataHstlon. Guardian; L. W. Moore, R. 8. N. nomination of state superintend­ reports that Ju*t He was commissioned Cap to drop in and look the models Lieutenant Colondl. J. E. Vincent, D. D. O. M., and O.; Lee Schoneger, L. 8. N. O.; ent of public schools, stated he ■terday his Co. H. 1st Sep. Bn. Inf.. Cal. Oregon and Washington 1 over. "Colonel Eddy organised a grand officers. H.. Mayfield, O. M. J. Wolcott, R. 8. V. G.; G. was chairman of the welfare making