malaria germs hSSBU&fti CLU Cannot «arrive three month« in the rich oaone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helped / TWw« Has Been Ashland'8 Without the use of med nine cases out of ten < This is a proven feet. Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years Wir» Servie») Sncceeeor to ther 8eml-W 6ekly Tiding», V o lo » » 4S ASHLAND OR PAY, JANUARY 8, Ï926 Charwomen Set New Styl in Strikes Started in ¡4, Goto TO REGAIN PROPERTY H ig h Officiala o f Baptist Church Expected to Testify nt Coming T ria l The suit of the Ashland Baptist church of this city, against the F irs t Baptist Church, Inc., of Ashland, for possession of the church property, w ill be heard in circuit court next Monday, Judge W alter M. Evans , of . Port­ land, presiding. The »alt is a factional fight between two wings of the Baptist church, the fflain- tltts upholding th<$ established Baptist tenets, and the, defend­ ants being followers of the "Almee McPherson F o u r Square gospel." In hearings before the state and county bodies of the Baptist church, the plaintiffs have been sustained. — Th« s u ttw a s filed In Decem­ ber 1924. and alleged that "mem­ bers of the established Baptist church, were stricken from' the membership rolls, defcied admis­ sion to the church, and that the Baptists, Inc., wings ‘ indulged In unseemly conduet. under what is called, "H oly Rollerlam." Last July the plaintiffs seised the church, and stood guard to prevent retaking. The suit has attracted wide at- terrtton through northwest church circles, because of the religious principles Involved, and apron g witnesses w ill be high Baptist church officiala to explain the " ^ la r e t lo n s * fclth ." The split spilt in the church, the suit says, followed in the wake of a revival meeting held in Ash­ land In 1922, by Charras Price, so-called ‘‘divin» healer.’’______ AMERICAN PEIEST GIVEN PROMOTION ROME, Jan. 8. — (IP) — Mon­ signor Edward Mooney, chaplain of the American College, was to­ day nominated Archbishop and assigned as apostolic delegate to Bangaloye, India. This regarded as an exceptional promotion for Rev. Mooney, for he is only 40 years old. TAX REVISION BILL AMENDMENTS ARE IN W A S H IN G TO N . Jan. 8. — (IP) — A series of amendments to the federal tax revision b ill was introduced today in the Senate by Senator King, democrat of Utah.. The amendments would pro­ vide for a reduction in the cor­ poration tax from 12 1-2 to 10 per cent, and a complete repeal of all tax on admissions, auto­ mobiles, and capital stock. tt 8 tt tt 'tt N B W YO R K . Jan. 8. — One hundred and fix charwomen went on btrike and the building at No. 61 Broadway went un- tt tt tt tt tt tt 0 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt cleaned today because■ t t they figured. «10 a week tt waa more pay. than «66 tt a month. tt The building' auperin- tt tendent thought he was O giving them an increase tt when he recently put tt them on a monthly pay tt basis, but they wouldn’t tt' accept his explanation tt and walked out this morn- tt lng when the pay en- tt v,elopes for the half tt month, containing «28, tt were distributed. The tt strikers sa|d they would tt not be back until the «10 tt a week pay was resumed, tt Egger stage line under an as- knmed name for the pest tw o weeks. He was arrested on F ri­ day et 7 a. m- by Fred Morley With extrsd|tlon pepeps signal by Oovernor Richardson of Cali­ fornia and Oovernor Pierce of Oregon. Morley, special sgsnt turned Mayen over to C. S. M orril, super­ intendent of the bureau ot Ident­ ification at Sacramento, who has tt tt tt tt tt Car Owned by A. C. Will Stolen From Lithia Breaking (he lock from the door of the L ith ia Garage, on W inburn Way, thieves last night entered the building and re­ moved a Stndebaker automobile, d F B e a b y A. C: W ilh ite, local automobile dealer. The theft was not noticed until this morning. The thieves care­ fully closed the door behind them, but threw the broken lock on the. ground. Just outside the door. Passersby this morning noticed the lock lying in front of the building, and notified E. F. 8mtth, owner ot the* garage. The latter notified W ilh ite, and th in re­ ported the theft- to the police. W ilh ite failed to report the loss of the car at the police of­ fice, and except for the noti£e given by Smith that his building had been broken into, and the car removed, they had no know­ ledge of any th e ft.' Smith explained that W ilh ite had been storing several cars in the building for some time, but last night, had bnt two cars in the garage. W ilh ite formerly used the gar­ age as his headquarter» for, the Bulck agency, but Smith stated that for some time he has not rented it regularly, except for storage purposes. HARDY. INSTALLED HEAD OF KIWANIS The Kiwanis club held its first meeting in 1926 today at noon, with J. W . McCoy retiring as president in favor of J. H. Hardy, who had charge of the meeting K L A M A H FA LLS , Jen. I . — Fred Mayen, said, to have been the right hand man of “ Big swindler who has directed the national gaze of police officials and federaj men since bVeaking hie parole from California ' was taken to San Quentin Friday of last week from Klam ath Falls. Mayen has been working in K lam ath FaSk w ith the H. P. Remembered I! Report of Special Committee is Ready For Stockholders * Andy Smith, Developer of Wonder Teams, Dead Bitter Session of Washing­ ton Legislatore Olosed Today MEETING TOMORROW IS PNEUMONIA VICTIM HARTLEY IS DEFIANT B usiness Last Henson Hhows Hub. •tan tlal Gain Over Average For Fast Years One o f W est's Great Conches Dies A fter Ixnig Illness. Wee Fenn. Htar Moet Desperate Neaslon of Isffr Makers in Hlstory of Stato ; of Washington That it w ill be necessary for growers to assign all of their crops to the Ashland F ru it aud Produce Association, if that or­ ganisation ia to continue to com­ pete, successfully, in the open m arket. Is the repoort of the spec­ ial committee, appointed to work out a plan for the continuance of the association. On the committeo werp local, businessmen, growers, and directors of the association, making it a representative group of a ll interests which ere tied "up w ith its operation. Following is the report, sub­ m itted by the members of. the committees, to the association P H IL A D E L P H IA , Jan. 8 (IP)— Andrew L. "Andy” Smith, University of California's famous football coach, and former Penn­ sylvania foqthall star, died ,at six a. m. today at the University of Pennsylvania hospital. .Smith had been ill since the middle of December with pneu­ monia. He was taken 111 shortly after he came to Philadelphia to take part in the national coaches meeting held early in December. — Fuhnonary abscesses, following an attack of bronchial pneumonia, were given by the attending physicians as the immediate cause of Smith’s death.__________ _ Smith was recognised as one of the leading football coaches of the West. He developed th« firs t of the so-called "Wonder teams" of California, in 1920 This team went through the sea son, rolling up 610 points, the h tgho o t t o tal ev e r r ecorded by a team in America, and ended the season by winnig from Ohio Statr University, 28-0, in a New Years day game at Pasadena. Smith’s teams wt«it khrougli O LYM PIA , Wpsh., Jan. 8.__ (IP)— A fter sixty days of the most bitter sessions oh record in this state, the Washington legislature adjourned, sine die, at 1:2« -a. m., today, a committee informed Oovernor Hartley, the storm center of the present special, ses­ sion of the legislature. Hartley replied, returning his greetings to the legislative body, hut made no effort to appear in person before the assembly of law makers. There remained plenty of ip- minders of the unhappy session in the records today, but there were also signs as well to recfgl the brighter spots. Floyd D. Denskin of Spokane, speaker of the House h ad Jb - handsome gold watch and cnam presented to him by the members yf the House of Representative«. Lieutenant Oovernor and W. Lon Johnson eeie pieeealnd with a chest of silver by the mem­ bers of the Senate. "T h a t to make it possible for the Association to operate auccess- fu liy the growers should assign aU th e ir crops through the As­ sociation as provided in the original-by-laws, thus being able to direct all sales—s o* the cull stuff w ill not come in direct con­ tact and lower the price of the better grades. More carload ship­ ment is the logical way to m arket BATTERY B -HIGH n o ^ a n d in the near future and -----TEAMS TO-TANGLE Grater Park Superintendent tne years from 1920 to 1924. can best be handled at Ashland to Appear on Forum Inclusive, undefeated, losing theli The second basketball game of agency such aa the Ashland F ru it Program first game of this year to th< the season w ill be staged he«» and Produce Association. We Olympic Clyb of San Franc Isen ‘.his evening, whan the High therefore believe it to be highly and later being defentod by ______ __ __ ________ Jchool and Battery B. N ation« profitable for a ll growers aud Washington and Stanford. . , Resourowb” 4 « ! he the feature tff stockholders to lend th e ir moral •»**»• «•«*• X. I t was shown at the anneal the program of the chamber of ory *n * return engagement, LONDON, Jan. 8. commerce forum luncheon, to be lB tb® tussle, the told- and financial support to the Ash­ Plans of the Prince ot tt held at the Lithia Springs hotel *®r8 w® °’ After trailing land F ru it and Produce Associat­ ion? Wales for another for* tt next' Tuesday, it was announced ior m o,t of the game. They he- elgn tour during 1926 tt loday by J. H. Fuller, secretary ” ®T® th®y * re ,B b* tter ,h *A * It w ill he shown at the annual have been abandoned. It of the chamber. for th.® «‘ m® t®»‘«1“ " and • * meeting of the stockholders to­ was stated that the prince Colonel C. G. Thompeon. super- pect to w,n by * comfortable morrow that for the past five probably will not leave years, the average yearly bus­ Anto Salesman, Arrested Eastern brook , trout eggs, intendent of Crater Lake National Bad Check Charge, the British Isles during Coach W e lt Hughes has been iness transacted by the association numbering 600,000 wore received Park, and George C. Sabin, man- Gets Probation the next year. ager of the Oregon Caves resort. w®rking his high school tossers has been «137,740.88. This year, this week by W. T. Berrlan, head This Is taken by many will be the speakers at the gather bMrd ®T®ry and hM the total business transacted has of the Butte Falls hatchery, from C h arlA Lloyd of Ashland, fur­ as confirmation of reports lng. th is will be an extremely tb®m round’A »»»<> falr »•»»«*• been «149,606.70. an increase of Eastern Oregon in the viclhlty of ther auto salesman, was sentenced that the engagement of » nock ° f ®* «11,766.32 over the yearly ave­ the Blue Mountains. W ithin a Interesting meeting . since Col- H ® h" to a year In the county Jail y<«- the heir to the throne will and Thompson will be able to • bout ®®nal ablUty’ ™ d ~ far » rage. However, this Increase has | I terday on his plea of guilty on c year the fry from these eggs will be accomplished within tell o( the achlevments of the undetermined whe w ill start the not been large enough to insure I be large enough for liberation. charge of obtaining money under this time. successful operation of the asso­ It Is' not generally, known that park during the past year, with b® ab,B to run thB ° , of contributing to the delinquency to death, turned on the gas, and — Heavy property damage, and of minors, involving two 16-yenr- committed suicide by cutting his The own throat. the destruction of 400 house» old Ashland school girls. boys arc to be sent to K elly Butte, The odor of escaping gas lead by floods in the state of Nah.irR was reported by telegram to he Portland to serve out their sen- to the discovery. The baseball Wales Will Stay at Home Half Million Trout Eggs Received at Butte Hatchery > Williams Found Guilty on Second Ballot bat was found, spattered No.16 train Friday night at 3'o- clock. Extradition papers authorizing the return of "Big Hutch" Hutch­ ing» td California have been signed by Oovernor A1 Smith of New York end ' the sudden re­ voking of the parole o f Fred Mayen, alleged partner of Hutch­ ings in the bunko operations, occasioned the belief In Sacram­ ento Wednesday that Governor Richerdaon Intends to take both men south to confront District Attorney Keyes end the Los An­ geles grand fury with evidence that he hopes w ill's u p p o rt his charges of wholesale protection of *‘hkneo rings" by officials of Los Angeles county. Mrs. Wilhelmina Fagnani, 17, of San Francisco, could not dance -the ( ’liarlpatoii. And when her husband got another woman to teach him how, she took poison. She recovered, k however, 7 - and • hubby promised to confine himself to the waltz and fox- it rot hereafter. Forty-six years ago two boys li Mecklenburg, Germany, agree«: that the first one to* die would leave the other all he ownad Now Carl Schmidt of 8prlngfield 111., has been notified that the other boy, W illiam Schroeder , has died and made him sole heir to his ' m illion-dollar estate Schroec«er was a bachelors Schmidt is married and has a SPOKANE RAID NETS MUOH BOOZE, DOPE SPOKANE, Jan. 8. — (IP) — Led by "Lone W o lf" B ill Burnett, Spokane’» one man nareotic ■quad, federal officers end the police raided the Inland Club, a negro dive, end arrested twelve negroes end five whites, includ- lag two w h ite , women. The au­ thorities »»lied a large quantity of liquor end drug». with The girls, whose names are blood and covered with matted withheld, are said to have been truants from schoot tor seven hours Monday, when taken enr riding by Perry and McCurry. LOCAL BOYS ON ORE. The complaints were filed by the AG. RIFLE SQUAD of the girls upon the eve­ THERMOMETER DROPS fathers OREGON A G R IC U LTU R A L TO LOW MARK HERR ning of their return. have spent their tlmg 1,1 COLLEGE, Jan. 8.— Artro Swin­ Last night, second coldest night since. gle of Ashland has been chosen d f thetlyeA r, thermomotgr a member ot the second rifle dropping 'to, f t degrees wbnve team by Lieutenant A. R. C. sero, according to Louis Dodge, Bander, assistant professor of official weather observer tor ’ his m ilitary tactics. The official district. The coldest night occtr- . Oregon and Washington tt gallery rifle season begins with s ed several weeks ago, when the — F air tonight and Sat­ tt match against the University of thermometefi registered 21 deb urday, with considerable tt California, for tha week begin- greet abeve aero. tog in the valleys. Fresh tt ning Monday, January i l . easterly winds along the tt Swingle Is registered a fresh- coast. tt man and is taking engineering. THE WEATHER Several new members were ad­ ded to the roils of the Ashland Floral Society, at ths second meeting of that organization, held a« thf* City Library last night: I t is believed, however, that there ere many more flower growees In this city who will be interested in joining this organi­ sation as soon as it Is well un­ der way. changes are made* the constitu­ tion w llll be acceptable to the club members. No date was set for the next meeting of the club, but a seealon will probably be called w ith in 'th e very near fa- t ure. No plane for the holding ef A ¿lower _show were taken et the meeting, ‘since most ot the evei- lag wee spent in dleeuaelag the constitution, end in ether i Because there were a few ganlslng work. ; ' m inor changes which are to be Officer^ ot the elnh i made in the club constitution, no Lewis H. Jacks, preald vote wee taken on It last even­ Hosier, vis» president. ing. I t wee the concensus of op­ Frank Jordan, 'eeenti inion, however, that when tbeee erer.