í MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive thrçe months in the rich osane at Ashland. Pore domastio water helps. * A S P ^ / d CLIMATE Withoi/ '^ a s e of medicine caree nine / ? ' out of ten of asthma. Thif'y . proven fact. Tbe Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading fiewspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (United Press Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, .THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 192G Sister PeJdl CS Papers; Brother 8 M ONT C L A IR , N. J., Jan. 7. — W hile Irving B erlin, composer of popn- j 8 la r songs, was on his I 8 honeymoon today, with 8 his bride, the former Miss Say Charges on orthwest 8 E llin Mackay, society girl, Shipments 8 and member of a wealthy 8 fam ily, Mrs. A. B. Kahn, Illegal 8 sifter of Berlin, attended A S S O C IA T IO N S JOIN 8 to her newspaper delivery 8 route as usual. She de­ Idaho Wool Growers and North­ ft livers papers on a route west Livestock Association 8 for a small store in this Together In Protest 8 city. ' 8 • Mrs. Kahn said the ro- W A S H IN G TO N , Jan. 7.— (LP>— 1 mance started between her The Idaho Wool Growers associa­ 8 brother and Miss Mackay tion. and the Northwestern Live­ 8 a year ago. stock association, two organisa­ tions which Include « about two thousand sheep raisers in the Northwest, today filed a supple- ] mental complaint with the In- te n ta te Commerce .Commission against the present freight rates on wool, which is shipped on the Western and* Northern railroads. association charged , in their complaint, that the present rates from points of shipment, in Oregon, Idaho' and Washington, to the points of delivery, in Chl- Letter Sent to Congressmen, cago, Omaha and other Middle Demanding Probe at Western points, were "illegal Once and unreasonable K L A M A T H FALLS, Jan. 7— Senate investigation of the man CALIFORNIA MAN TO U8E LOCAL BUTTER ner in which the affairs of the Klam ath Irrigation district have Ashland butter made an lin- been handled by the United States pressoin upon one California reclamation service is asked by man, It is indicated by a message the directors of the Klamath ir r i­ received today by the Ashland gation district in a leter mailed Creamery, to Oregon representative? in con Rewman MacMJnnfleld. .or gress. . ' • Memo Park. California, a former The letter sets forth that re­ Ashland visitor, was so delight­ peated hearings before officials ed w ith the local hatter that he of the interior department have Me sent to r another consign­ failed to bring redrees.------------- ment. -I * . , In their letter the directors In his letter, M aelflapfleld ask especially that thorough tn- eaid, "About three- weeks ago I veettgatton be made of the man­ called at your place and bought ner la which the California Ore- four pounds o f -b u tter to bring gen Power company acquired use on heree w ith me. We like It so. of water from a government re­ well I should like you to send me servoir without charge, together with control of the main source snother four pounds." of supply, of the K lam ath pro­ ject for a period of fifty years. I t is also asked that a probe be made of the sale ot two power Funeral services for the late canals to the power company for Louis Schwein, who died Tues­ what is termed a "vastly inade­ day'afternoon, following an ill quate" consideration. nose ot several years, w ill he held Charge is also made that the at the Masonic Temple Friday a f­ bureau of reclamation ' has at­ ternoon at 2 o’clock it was stated tempted to influence elections today. Members of the Masonic in the district by publishing con­ order are requested to meet at fidential reports from Washing­ the Temple at 1:30 p. m. tomor­ ton with a view to discrediting row. irrigation district candidate« soleum, with . Masonic honors. known to be not in favor of the Interm ent w ill be at the Man- manner In which affairs of the Tbere w ill be a Knight Templar district had been conducted. A total of seveh charges are and E lk escort. Friends of the fam ily are in­ listed and the letter states that full proof regarding each of them vited to attend the services. has been secured and is now ready for presentation. IE FELT SHOOKS lit 18 IN C TRAL ITALY CATANZARO, Ita ly , Jan. 7, ¡8 — (IP)— Strong earthquake shocks 8 were felt at Geracemarlan today. 8 A panic ensued, but no damage ¡it was reported. 8 Oregon and Washington — F air tonight and F ri­ day, w ith normal temper­ ature. "Moderate north to east winds . along the coast. Although finishing on the short end of a 28-27 , score in their first tussle w ith the Battery B tosaers, the Ashland high school engagement, ions of a, They have the Medfori they w ill finish in front When they tangle brtth the soldiers in a return engagement tomorrow night at the Armory. five from H ilt, and, two or three other tnsslea lined up, which w ill make them hustle- through­ out -the season. They have prac- ticed faith fu lly for the battle, and believe they w ill have an even larger margin of victory to­ morrow night than they secured in the first go. Caldwell, Bryant, Clary, But­ terfield and possibly Ramsey will start for the soldiers, while Hughes hap not determined who w ill represent the hifch school. I t is probable that the high acho^l,' mentor w ill start about the same outfit which faced the Battery boys in their last game, and w ill them run In his entire sqnad. The high schoolers led through­ out the game in the first tqaale, but blew up in the closing ihln- utee, and the Battery B hoop- gtera, coming with a rush, closed up a six point lead and went out in front by one poAt. The stead­ iness of the soldiers, most of whom are form er high school stars, stood them in good stead, and although a couple of them were in rotten eondltion, they managed to stick it-o u t and Irin. The soldiers h are been ttain - ing seriously for their return Snows Below Normal in High Altitudes, Says Water Head Black Declares Tire Makers Use Hoover to Boost Prices Minority Members Hope to Hold Session Together Longer SURVEY BEING MADE SCOFFS AT THEORIES VETO IS OVER RIDDEN Late Snows do Not F reest and Pack WelJ, an— Adjournment Is looked for some time late this afternoon or tonight. city water superintendent. "This winter has been an ex ceedingly open one." Hosier said, and unless heavy snows fa ll in the higher altitudes during thU month we are liable to be faced with another dry summer." Hosier explained that so fai this year there has been very little snow recorded in the higher altitudes, in comparison with pre­ vious seasons. Usually, be ex­ plained. the snows which are best for the summet* water supply, fall during late November, Dec ember and early in January. There has been almost total lack ef heavy snowfall d u rin g these months this winter, in some /ears Hosier explained, when there has been a light fall, there have been heavy winds which drifted the snow on this side of the water­ shed, and have made conditions fairly satisfactory. However, 'this year there has been but-very fittle wind. On optimum year ie the year when heavy snows fall. sad heavy winds d rift the snow.Hrt«i— riiis propellor is 17 1-2 fed long and weighs only 140 PAT GRAOE AGAIN )Qiuid«. 11 was made hythi? L'. S. air service at McCook IN ON DRUNK CHARGE Field, Dayton, O., for the Jiew army dirigible RS-1, un­ Grace, recently released der construction at Scott- Field, HI., and weighs less from Pat the county Jail, where he than half as much as it would weigh if made of the was serving a term for drunk and wood usually used. It ia of balso wood, the lightest disorderly aonduct here, last night Dean Frowns onPaintedFace at Altar 1. : 8 8 8 8 8 James C. Burger, of Denver. 8 Imperial potentate of the Mystic 8 Shrine who visited oflcially in 8 Officers Elected Dor Visit of Shrine Head Here Dodge Motor Car deduction is Announced Today A substantial reduction in tbe price of Dodge motor cars was announced today by the Eakip Motor company of Medford, Jaçk- son county sales and service rep­ resentatives of the Dodge Motor company. The average reduction on the cars Is 1101, according to^ the new price schedule. Prices on the varions models, under the new price list are: touring, 1796; roadster, | 7 » i ; type B sedan 9896; type A sedan. 81016; coupe, 1846; panel com­ mercial car, 1886, screen com­ mercial car 8810 chassis, 8886. ASHLAND STORE HAS FINE WINDOW RECORD The Ashland store of the Western Auto Bupply company was one of the two stores, lo­ cated outside of California, which placed in the recent Christmas window decoration oontest held by the company. In the first class, the Deliver store took second place, while in tffe second class, the« local store placed third. In the same class with the Ashland store, the Anaheim, California store was first and the Fresno, California store second. These tto re a are located in cities mnch larger than Ashland. — 8 8 -evMto ’ 8 faced £ and painted lips has been started by Rev. A rthur Welle, dean ef a fash- ionable church. Although other and equally fash- Ionable churches of the metropolis contain special rooms In which the bride may carry out cosmetic de- corations. Dean Wells us- aerts that he w ill not Ashland, Monday, carried horns 8 with him a Southern Oregon 8 souvenir presented by the local 8 temple of Shrlners. It was gl handsome cane of native woods, "disfigured." the main part ot polished man- The dean has not per­ xanlta, a gnarled oak piece formed a marriage cere­ furnishing the handle. A prop­ mony for several weeks erly engraved gold band com- pleted the memento, which tha distinguished visitor e&press- d the highest appreciation for and promised to treasure among hie most prised* personal belonging* Officers of H illah Temple were, elected during Burger’s visit hers Ths following were elected’ Illustrious potentate, Fred D- Wagner of Ashland: chief rabbax. Sajn H. Baker. Grants Pass; as­ sistant rabban, Phillip K. Ham­ Pierce Sets Election Date For February 16. To mond, Ashland; high priest and be Great Aid prophet, E. C. Jerome. Medford; Oriental guide. R. E. Detrlrk. SALEM, Jan. 7.— Governor Ashland; treasurer C. H. Vauixl. Pierce yesterday signed a pro­ Ashland; recorder, W . H- Day, Ashland; first ceremonial master^ clamation fixing Tuesday, Feb­ H. Q. Enders, Jr., Ashland; see- ruary 1C, as the date for a special ond master, Carl Y. Tengwald. election in Jackson and Jose­ of Medford; captain of the guard. phine counties on the question W . C. Van Bmon. Klamath Falls: whether the Siskiyou highway shad bt trustee, three year term, W. H. -Improvement district formed. A petition from the res­ McNair, Ashland. George R- Chapmen, Gold H ill. W. E. New­ idents of the proposed district hae comb, Grants Pass, and.' F. G. been filed with the secretary ask­ Wagner of Ashland were elected ing for the election. Formation of the district lb de­ as representatives to the imperial sired for the purpose of building council. a road up W illiam s creek from JNTOOK WILL IS IN LITIGATION CHICAOO, Jan. 7.— (U>>— Both sides rested to d a y'In the famous McClintock million dollar «'Hl salt, la which W illiam D. herd seeks to obtain tife o«iate of B illy, M iC llatock, "million­ aire orphan." Attorney« for the nine courina of B illy and Miss Isabelle Pope, S illy ’s fiancee, put on no »8» nesses, depending upon argn« meats to prove that Shephard used undue pressure In havia* B illy sign his w ill In Shepherd’s favor. ■» Th. birth rata of tbs United States is ‘decreasing. gon Caves. Federal forest road aid is expected.» I t Is claimed that ths proposed road would give Medford a direct route to the Oregon Caves shorter than the present road by the- way of Grants Paaa, and also give that city direct connection with Cres- eent City over the RedVood highway. « In pouglas county an election w ill be held January 26 on the question of forming the Umpqua highway improvement district. \ Since the pasage of the act in 1921’' providing for the forma­ tion of highway Improvement dis­ tricts several elections have been held, but the proposed districts have always been rejected by O LYM PIA. Wash (IP)— While most of the members were preparing today to wind nj| their affairs, in anticipation of of un adjournment of their spe­ cial session, which is now closing its ninth week, a few disappointed minority members were bnsv de­ vising means to make higher ed­ ucational institutions finance measures the means for holding ths legislature in session.______o. These minority members are bitter agaiust those minority re­ presentatives who strayed from the fold yesterday, to vote with the m ajority members, permitting the House to over ride Governor Hartley's voto on the millage bin, a supplementary measure to the appropriations bill. -> Court action., in an effort to havq the whole proceedings de­ clared unconstitutional, is threet- was arrested by R. J. Schrader and Chief of Police G. W. Mcuabb following an automobile accident Noted Evangalist to Con on North Main street. duct Six Weeks Meet- Grace, driving while drunk lt ____ iiJg.ThisSumm§r___ . . uaud by theae minorlty inember«. s aald, ran into the rear end of but the members of the m ajority Definite arrangements have do not take their threats serious­ a hay truck, badly damaging his car, and suffering minor In­ been completed for a revival ly. campaign to be carried on here juries himself. When the officers attempted by B illy Bunday, noted evan- OLYMPIA. Jan 7. — (LP) — to arrest him. Grace resisted. gatlst, according to an announce­ Reports were circulated about -” »4 - MnNahh was fprqpd .tp use ment made this morning by of­ the capital flits morwhur Mat «•»- force to. bring him to the police ficers of the Ashland Minister- ernor Hartley expected to deliv­ station. ial association. er another special message to It is probable that Grace will The services will start about thé Legislature before its ad- be turned over to the state to b* May 30, which ia the tentative Jonrnament. Governor H artley tried on the driving while drunk date set, and will continue for would not say definitely what he charge, McNabb said this morn­ six weeks. This time was select­ had in mind, and declared there ing. ed by Sunday as (he best sea­ were "still some matters that son of the year In which to con­ needed explaining. duct services In Southern Ore­ gon. The evangallstlc meetings will CARDINAL MERCIER SAID NEAR DEATH he held under the auspices of the M inisterial association, with BRU8SELS. .Jan. 7. — (LP) — the churches of the city uniting Although there la no danger of to bear the expenses of* the Members of the recently organ­ his Immediate death, according ized Ashland Flower Club will meeting. Union Sunday morning services to his physicians. Cardinal Mer­ gather at the city Library cier has been administered the this evening at 8:00 o’clock. are to be held by Sunday. It was last sacraments, at his own re­ for the second meeting of th' declared today. There will be at least, six quest. club, with much- business to be Flower Clyb to Hold Meeting This Evening transacted during the session. Mrs. Lewis H. Jacks, president of the club, declared today thu the constitution and by-laws, which are to be presented thiq , evening, have been drawn up, and it i-s expected that the club will adopt them, and the organi­ zation put under wp.y at once. A t the first meeting of the club, which was simply an or­ ganization meeting, there w erj many flower growers of the city who were unable to attend be­ cause of other engagements. However, notices have been seat out for this meeting, and It is ex­ pected that the membership of the club w ill be doubled, at least, by the new enrollment tonight. Plans for flower shows and for Interesting school children In the growing of flowersi will be taken members In the Sunday party, Including the evangalist, and his musicians. The services w ill be held In the Chautauqua building, ar­ rangements for the securing of that structure having been made with the Park Hoard. A platform will he erected for Sunday, and with the large seating capacity available. It is belfeved that the services w ill attract the great- (Continued On Page Three) VESUVI0U8 BREAKS ... ARE SAID NOMAL NAPLES, Jan. 7. — (LP) — Two eruptions of Mount Vesuvloug, which occured yesterday, are normal, according, to Professor Malladra, of the ,Vesuvius lab­ oratory, who said there would be no outbreaks at the side ot the mountain. Advertise In Tb« Tidings up this evening, MARGHERITA TO BE BURIED ON SUNDAY MEGAN LLOYD GEORGE GOES UNDER KNIFE PO RTLA N D, Jan. 7. — The his family and their future pros- fame of Oregon has penetrated pacts, he feels impelled to seek the Orient, and from the pro- elsewhere for a prominent home, vinca,, g t (ihttlUl.. Mortharn fihlBtu.— Adilsed bp .a ¿stead, who nt far beyond the Yellow 8ea, comes present ia visiting in China, Glen a letter to the Land Settlement has written for information on Department of the Portland the opportunities of Oregon, chamber of commerce. The voice from far off China, A fte r years spent In the Mon- not a,#B® P ^ ic t s a year of rqgl gotlan land. John Erskine Glen, ,and " t t U » e a t activity for Ore- an European, I . about to retire,