jr * AILY MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive thrqe months in the rich osqne at Ashland. Pure domestio water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper, For. Nearly Fifty Years ,-Maa ASHLANT LIMATE .Without the ¿kec y dicine cures nine cas< x * fen of asthma. This * ^ v » * > n faet. (U nited Press W ire Service) VOL. XLIX Successor to the Ssmi-Weekly TIdtagg. Volarne « CO M M ISSIO N 10 HEAR S. P. CASE IN FEB. Entire Commission to be at Session to be Held February 4 and 6 NATRON CUT-OFF UP M atte r W ill be Cleared up as Soon as la Poetrible, Oem- ■ mission Declare« WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. —(Ip) REDUCTION MADE IN CRATER PARK FUNDS -\c ' ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, J AX 6, 1926 looks Like a Dry Year The in terior department appro­ priations bill, given to the House by the appropriations commit­ tee yesterday, shoved a slight reduction in the appropriation for the maintainance of Crater Lake National Park. * During 1925, the amount ap­ propriated for the Park was »38,- 3<0, while the new blit will ap­ propriate but »37,180, a re­ duction of »1180. APPLEGATE FUNERAL TO BE HELD THURSDAY Funeral services for Lucien B. Applegate, who died in Klam ath Falls Monday, will be held at K lam ath Falls tomorrow morn« ing. Pall bearers will be members of the Masonic lodge of which Mr. Applegate was a member. » Mr. Applegate Is survived by two sons, Elmer, of ^lam ath Falls, and Fred L., of Swan Lake valley, and two daughers, Mrs Charles Chitwood of Jackson­ ville and Elsie Applegate, a music instructor in the Klamath Falls schools. LICENSES POR POOL ROOMS DUE AT ONCE GOLF COURSE IS SURVEYED NEAR PHOENIX — The Interstate Commerce Com mission announced today, that all hearings, bearing upon the ap­ plication of the Southern Pacific Railroad tompany, and a sub­ sidiary company of the Southern Two Applications Received Pacific for permission to construct Two More certain lines of railroad In South­ ltetanding ern Oregon, as a part of the "Natron Cut-Off” w ill be held Although ail licenses for the here February 4 and 6, before operatoin of pool tables within the entire commission member­ the city, expired on December 31, ship. bnt two applications for the re­ This m atter has been hanging newal of hese licenses were re­ fire fo r several months, and the ceived last last night, at the commission and the railroad are first regular meeting of thfe year -endeavoring.. to clean ..ft up aa ^°r ike city cduhcIT soon as possible. The application of Jim Cook Washington is .going to be dry on every eve, if these ►copie have anything to say about it. Five thousand gal ons of liquor, of all qualities, have been confiscated and ru7t^7onÎH 7WbrQ