Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1926)
D A IL Y ,'WeOk’’ iS a tegular anhuM W*d- tutloh now. fcabbl Jack believe». $ }A l|.Y T ID IN G S Howareft, “ Better UadeiretandlnO, activities ^akWM.’t «maflaed t< t » official "Weeks,” bat go on aft the time.. "They're doiag •• great deal," said the rabbi, "to ward elim inating (edHaga et re ligious bitterness, in particular, lity Editor which prsVIbusly were prytty pre- vatefft lh «rkuusau, as Telephone 39 ■t■ ' It C «*; V V. J 'e F IN P L A Y x / 9 M l. F O S T O R IA IN MU . or otherwise w ill be made in advsrtls IM butlons w ill be in cash. WHAT QDH8TITVTR8 ADVERTISING "All future events, where an admission charge is made or a M oat «ft ob ere te*t»ng alen« Advertising. No diaconat will be allowed Religions or Benevolent Ordere. ttèeji your motith Closed and it Wcta’t bb «pah to -crttleiim. • «• ' • / People who five in rented JA N U A R Y B, 1020 F R IE N D L IN E S S — "J^jd the Lord came down to see the city • • • which the children of men builded.” Gen. 11:6. P R A Y E R —-Osant, O God, that whatever we do we may ever eeek Thy approval upon it first and then do it w ith our might onto Thee. SLEEP 12 HOUKS DAILY? — Sir Wiiliam Orpen adds his little mite to that con NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE fusion of advice given by successful men to those who BY VIRTUE of an execution love to listen. Sir William is one of the most envied and ___ — a ont of on foreclosure duly ■ laaned most prosperous pointers in the world. He comes into and under the teal of the Circuit the arena where notable men declare that their success . Court of the SU te of Oregon, In (tyam uui is due to concentration and to indifference to sleep. ' • aa n member and as a speaker.’ of intolerance haa prevailed in gnd for the C eu a tf of Jackien, __ Mr?. T^ngworth has a lorgnette tWs c o u n try — p e r h a p s th r o u g h II W e all know those stories. They t ell how tb it g r eat to me dl fe eSed i a l ed en the ogt the world— in recent years. arid makes frequent use of It.. 8nd day ot DecembCr, 1885, in a -general, or that financier, Or this writer, ot that scient • She always brings w ith her a The Little Roek (A r k .) M inister certain action tüeretn. whereln O OM M UNICATION ist arises at 4 a. m., and then never leaves his studio or handbag, which Is the subject of ial Association attributed It to Grâce E. Dtekey as P laln tttf re- laboratory’ until after midnight We are thrilled by the a lot of curiosity. Ot all monster a- lack of mutual Understanding Cltisens of Jackson County: ooreéed judgm eat Sgainst A rthur The 160th Annlv^rsaf-y o f tales, even though it m akes us heavy eyed to read them. handbags th a t handbag Is the agiong different racial, natlonel, 8. Welle, and M artha Wfelte, his -1---- Orpen has none of this5 He needs iris sleep. He getR gr ea l-g f sat-grsnam ot her, It's a k re lig io u s a n d social groups. W ith A s te u td b iiHiepentience wm oe vMfe, John B. Moore.' R. F. Meatfc most ks big as an old-fasHioned a'view to remedying this state of celebrated In 1826, which reminds gnd 12 hours of it every day, no matter what otherwise hap _______ Hehth, Ms v ite . affairs, the association Induced us or the debt which we owe to the défendants, fé r the ohm ot carpetbag. W hat in the world pens. To bed at 10 in the evening. And lip at 10 the hnndred -Înd no-108 doesy the speaker's wife have to the then governor, T. C. McRae, the founders of this greet re rtfte e n following morning. It sounds like a very lazy man’s i statewide “ Better public. Americans She workers. lug around w ith her that requires to proclaim ($1600.00) dollars, w ith Interest schedule. He says that it 1$ good ./or him and he must ’ A large number of worth-while such ah enofmous contraption T Understanding W eek." thereon from the 14th day of have it. With it, he produces the portraits that give him ' I t wouldn't b e polite t o ask, [As the "Weeks” chairman, the tasks aw ait ua la 1186. Peace September, 1684 a t I p srfeen t established between ptbbSWy, "»hut plenty ot people dBmclatlon dhdae Rabbi Emanuel has b^ea fame and cash and the chance to tell other people» about per. annum and tha fa rth e r earn nations of the earth upon a aUble are wondering. J. Jack; as its secretary, Father ef Thirty-eight and 68-100 his habit«. ' basis. ’ N arly a ll the tenators have James P. Moran. The former was (88 8 .6 8 ) dollars w ith Interest at Perhaps this should be noted about Sir William. The cities of Medford and Ash automobiles. Any number of the in Washington to attend the' re 6 per cent per annum from A pril He is now a man in the middle of life. He has not yet land, w ith their new 'high school representatives ride In street cars. cent Red Cross conference, and 4th, 1882, and the sum of F if reached that sere leaf stage when the ebb of energy W hy is this? Senators and rep while here, by the way set the re and new State Normal, to he teen and 86-100 (61 6.8 5 ) dol resentatives are paid alike. Gen cord of being the first rahbi In completed within a few months, lars, w ith internet at 8 per cent calls for much sleep, or when the other extreme strikes erally speaking the senators arc history to deliver the prayer are unquestionably entering into item September 16, 1828, and many men, when the creaking machinery of the body no richer than the repsesentatlves. which opens every session of the a new period of development and the further sum ot F o rty -fife prevents the healthy sleep of adolescence. Nor is he in progress. M orally and commerci No explanation seems to be avail- United States Senate. and 60-106 ($66,603 dollars costs that feverish energy of youth, when the drive can ,be ally we are growing into a greator able. I t ’s Just a fM t, With no Father Moran, myself and , all and disbursements and the fur made on the body, whether for work or play, that mid particular why or wherefore. the rest agreed ” related * Rabi,! community each year, else a ther sum of One hundred fifty and better country in Which to live dle age will not endure. Jaek, "th at the K u Klux must bo so-100 ($ 1 6 0 .0 0 ) dollars as at at Yale he-took a fancy to New and rear children. The future hi We suspect that the- advice of great men ,is of HaFen and stayed there. W A SHING TO N — To a consid represented on our general com torney's fees, which Judgment for this community. uo 'more value on matters df this kind than the op TJien, .claims as native sons both erable extent individuals of di mittee. W e fe lt that It would bo bright To the good citlsens of Jack- was enrolled and docketed in the inions of unknown men. Only the observant have op big party floor leaders In .tha verse races, national origins, reli tha height of inconsistency on son county we wish to extend C lerk’s office of s a il Court In inions that are of any value, those who observe what lower house of Congress. That Is, gions, politics and walks in life our part to preach ‘better under our sincerest thanks and apprec said County on the 38rd day of standing’ after having shown, many men do, rather than what they themselves liave indeed, the "Hog and Hominy" can unite for certain purposes right at the outset, that we our iation for thler loyal * support November, A. D. 1826. which a ll. recognise as good. Notice 1« hereby given that, during the year 1826. t o ’ do. What is one man’s healthy and constructive state's proud distinction. Generally, however, there are a selves didn’t mean a ’better un Your observance of the law, pursuant to the terms of the said sleep may *be the breakdown w asteiy’of another man’s Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Long- few elements which refuse co derstanding’ all around.” Arkansas’ firs t "B etter Under your assistance In law enforce execution, I w ill on the 8th day time, and opportunity for doing good. worth attends the sessions of the operation with some other few, ment and prevention of crime, pf January, A. D. 19$6. at 10-00 MORE fROM FLOOD THAN WAR , Significant is the statement from Brussels that Liege has been damaged more by the Rhine itself, in the last few days than it was injured by the flow .of humanly managed forces across the Rhine in the year 1914. And even if there happened to be less actual loss of life, there doubtless has been as mweh misery, from this water destruction, as there was from shell and bayonet in the Great War. ."[Let us not be .too cynical about our own failure, or*that of our governments or churches, to find a way to.human peace. * For we have u*ot tet, in the calm of everyday lift, been able to Bsc the vast forces at our command toiiinpound the waters we should save, from flood, for the storage of water and power .for all the year round hujnan energy. House of Representatives, as a upon any terms or to any end, no standing W eek" was in 1 9 2 4 ..H had a sefcond one, proclaimed h r signifies the confidence you have spectator, almost as regularly m atter how desirable. In your laws and your law entor«» I t ’s commonplace that a period Gov. Tom Terral, last May. The as her husband attends them, meat officers and thia to no small degree ’ is responsible in TEE LAW o r COMPULSION, DO WE WANT IT* I Inmwuirp today U purcluthcd witht/ut .the pressure, of «public autliQrity- Premiums are voluntary payments, made by the buyer for protection to his person or prop erty, or both. It is this alisence of compulsion and en-i ertating influence of bureaucracy which has permittee infurance to develop freely and to become a potent fnc- tof in the social and industrial development of the las oehtnry. To change insurance fcom the status of a vol- mgary association for self protection t f the status o* ah! involuntary association for protection of others means th | prostitution of insurance to meet jiolitical needs attt d<B« demands. If insurance can be made compulsory anil used for the* purpose of providing indemnity for certain highway accident victims, it may be made coin- paisory in a variety of other situations. The chief diff« •rence between the middle class and upjier class is that fewer things bore the middle class. ,AH Columbus did was to discover America. Txiok t other jieople have done to \it!—M inston-Salem. OUT OUR WAY By* Williams Í M "TW M A M 'N H O X PREVEM TED T H ’ \ R o B B tC N QA m K • O ’ïR t S X k ’ . d r o p p e d < k J "‘ urt collect T he T T housan k D O LLUH R E V 4 A R O « X S O U -^ O O > X 0 l 0 u f - \ S U E H » S F A C £ - 9 u r i'| V < A « r S T r t ID E N T IC A L 4 1 P E C U L IA R / B R O W N IS H ! I A R E ? M vSltR C Q A ^H E W R E JA N d I WHIPPLE, DOES 1 TH IS LOOK r L IK E T H E j < MAM ? . / - r r t t H H A k i ; P A N T ft t ö o » I ïc ? ® n b a r ’ h e t e < I keeping the crime situation at a minimum. The life « f a prosecuting o ff icer is anything but a pleasant one, and the whole-hearted sup port of the public is the one thlpg that inspires and raises the moral of the law enforcement officers and results In more efficient service. W ith an assurance of your continued co-operation fo r the year 1826,we wish to assure you that we w ill put. forth our 'heat efforts to make o u r county a sfffer place in which to live and to give yon tha desired protect ion which you deserve. To every one who has glten us gn encouraging word, we deeply thank you. W e sincerely appfee- or now have in and to the follow- lng described property, situated In the County of Jackaon, State of Oregon, to -w it:— Beginning at tha sobth- it corner of the southwest quart e r e f se Cti ea 6, t bwndB tp 88, south rungs 1. east o f the W illam ette Meridian, Oregon; thence west 18 chains; thence north 10 chains; thence north 88 degreee 64* east to the east K o e d fs a ld eeetion, IS chains; thence south 18 chains to the place of beginning, containing 10 aerm, mere or lees, all in Jackson County, Oregon. Alee, an easement for a right fto«a_aforesaid p rem ises fo r tha purpose ot main taining the pipe line for water purposes. Excepting and reserving from the above premise» a atrip 16 j feet wide for road purposes along the east and south sides. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,’ this 7th day of December, A. D. ___• ,• •• R A L P H O. JENNING S, Sheriff of Jackson County, Qregon. By Olga E. Anderson, Depnty. 78-6 Tnee. CUT THIS OUT— IT IS MONET WORTH Send this ad and ten cents to Foley A (So., 2885 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting your name and address clearly. You w ill re ceive a tea cent bottle of ro le y ’s Uoney and T a r’ Compound for coughs, colds and hoarsenesa, also fra«, sample packages of Foley l ’ilia, a diuretic stim ulant for the kidneys, and Folay Cathartic Tab assa. These wonderful remedies have helped millions of people. T ry them! Sold everywhere, lets for Constipation and Bllltous- A. M. at the front door of the ttourthouse In the City of Jack sonville, in Jackson County, Ore gon, offer for sAle and w ill sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy aald judgment, together With the costs ef this sale, subject to redemp tion us provided by law, all of the right, title and ihtereet that the eaid defendants, A rthu r 8. W ells and MarthS Wells, had on ( Corvallis — Benton County to the 14th day of September, 182$, build n e# ja il. TODAY - TOMORROW - tH UÉSDA extended by the flfae personnel ot ofttcefs and pledge >ou oftr hearty support in the fttttfte. For (he ensuing yekr, I «lisll endeavor to continue- ntt policy of ff careful and tlffdrhds «1- mlnlgt^Jxtlon )— B^asoned M t h contmbn sense. _ To each and every one * • Wish many happy and prosperous re turns to t «he ts e r 182«. N EW TO N C. d g A ^ H r D istrict Attorney Albany poetdftice reciepts for Éarfcaret Uvihgston—W t e r McOttùl—Eulalie jensen flavocf’/ia a tretaendcrtis»drama of society Woven into realistic background of the war. l i mouths were $88;OO6. Catftou ‘ New sawm ill puts on eccomi shift ot 40 n o o «0 meet lumber orders. Government w in spend $125. 4»0. to dredge Tlliam ooh Bay to Garibaldi. \ “ kRGlHxAR ADMISSION UOMlNfc "THE GOLD RUSH’ WITH CHARLIE CHAPLIN