Cannot sàrvivé thrçe months in Iho deh i nanu «mj**« VOL. X L IX I '. The Tidings Has Been Ashland* s Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years . . W ire Service) .Sr- , - - f ASHLAND, OREGON, I Successor to the 8«nl-W«ek]y Tidings, Voin«« 41 KILLED 1 Their Daughter BYCOLLAPSEOF Was Shot ' GRAND STANI Pasadena Ha* Tragedy to Remind of Tournament of Roses 8 H Q 0 K K I L L S TW O One Handled Eighteen Treated in Hospital* for Injuries Re­ ceived W hen Stand* Fall PARADENA, Jan. 2. — (LP)— Tragedy 1« the sorrowful remind­ er today of the Tournament of Roses, the first time such an oc- cnrance has taken place since the pageant was Inaugurated, 82 years ago. The collapse of a tem­ porary grand stand, erected for the benefit of thoee who wished to view the colorful spectacle exacted a toll of three f dead and many Injured yesterday morning. One hundred and eighteen per­ sons were treated at 'hospitals w ithin the city, a recheck taken today showed. Mrs. Bessie Bar- rlck, 84, succumed shortly after the accident, from injurlee re­ ceived In the fall. Two others were killed for the shock of witnessing the terrific collapse, although they were not la the stands when they went down. Mrs. C. W . Bowen swooned and fell from the ropf of a nearby buildTh* When she saw the stands 8 ROCK -IS L A N D , 111., 8 Jan. 2.—-Constance Russo 8 in a h ospital'here recov- 8 .ering, from serious gun- $1— shot wounds inflicted by 8 a Jilted lover, must regain 8 her health w ithout the 8 moral support of her par- 8 ents. Police said that the 8 g irl had been living w ith 8 her assailant, Coslmo M il- 8 onl, a former husband ef 8 her sister. 8 Today the parents, M r. 8 and M r*. Gabriel Russo, of 8 Centerville, Iowa, sent 8 this message to the g irl: 8 "M other and father 8 glad. You should have 8 been shot long ago.” DeftHIle MUCH LIQUOR DESTROYED BY LAW OFFICERS guvj Gallons, unuiuu Eighty Taken Dur ing Past Summer lummer in County, Dumped MEDFORD, Jan. 2.— Approx- lmal*ly 80 gallons of moon, ahtoe were destroyed Thursday after noon at the City dump with r t - Pfvsuntatlves o f the district at- torney'e and sheriff's offices and fbdera land state officers pres • n t — The Mquor was salt during the past summer and fall BLKS TO ENTERTAIN months and included one sets FOOTBALL PLAYERS uro of SO gallons. The liquor destroyed Ik Hem » -s r*. of the Ashland -Ugh School fotffq of the fOrmer owners: SO gallons. ball squad during the past sea­ W a lter Dyrebprg ' and * John son, Will be gueets e f the Ash­ Bughner o f Sacramento, C alif., land Lodge. No. *4 4 . B. P. O. ten gallons moonshine and five E. Elka nt a dinner this evening gallons wine, O. Cataline and A. at the L lth la Springs hotel. The Vantura of Klam ath Falls; 12 dinner w ill be served at 4: SO. gallons, W . L. Blakelley, Sams Jay Gore of Medford, accom­ Valley; one gallon, C. L’. Spen plished legerdemain artist, w ill cer, Klam ath Falls;’ three bottles, appear on the program. Music moonshine, Claude McCormack, w ill be furnished by Harvey and Seattle; one pint gin, F. I. Green*, Marcus Woods. local; one quart, Heath Childers, AlT Elks who wish to attend local;"and one ¿hllon, W . C. the dinner are invited to attend, B arker, local. Is the word given out a t the Each of the above violators Elks Club. ' been disposed of through the W A S H IN G TO N , Jan. 2. — (IP) — The act providing for regional representation on the Shipping Board called for a member from the Puget Sound district, Sena­ tor Jones of Washington remind­ ed President Coolidge today, in renewing his request for the ap­ pointment of H- Y. Saint ef Seattle to the Board. Senator McNary of Oregon has been urging the appointment of Marshall N. Dana of Portland to the vacancy. Subscribe For The Tidings. iv h isjPrettier ASHLAND FACES PROGRESS FOR CONING YEAR district attorney’s office. Prison and Jail sentences were imposed and fines assessed, ranging from 80 days to five years and from $100 to $500. Three cart, as a result of the arrests were con­ fiscated by the state. W alter Dyreborg lost a large Stude- baker; C. Cataline, a Chalmers roadster and W.* C. B arker a Ford touring. , State Special Officer T. A. T a l­ ent and Federal Officer. Cletus McCredie, who took p art in a m ajority of the arrests, were present at the liquor destroying party, 'together w ith D istrict A t­ torney Newton C. Chaney, State Traffic O fficer C. P. Talent. Sheriff Jennings and others. irrtgitlnn—dtalrtct neat Bend Deschutes county this week wher a new settler from Sterling Colorado, a Mr. Helbert, decided after looking over the project to advice his fam ily to sell im ­ mediately In Colorado and move hero. Mr. Holbert was sent out here by his father, mother, brothers and brother-in-law for the pur­ pose of looking over the coun­ try. He had only tWo days In which to let them know whether to . (some or not, as they had to decide whether or not to lease the place they were on, no later than December 2$. There are twenty-four In the party coming from .Colorado to Oregon to settle, and If they are ill like Mr. H elbert, -they w ill e more than pleased krlth their nove to Oregon. T h a r* are other ttaw settlers ontinually locating on the Tum- ilo. Twenty-three were reported rom September 18 to November 10. Since then a number have located and Inquiries, according to D. J. McLellan, manager, are .coming In all the time. A few weeks ago, Dolph G. and E. R. Falkenhagen, brothers, who were Interested In the Tum ­ alo. called at the Land Settle­ ment Departm ent, In Portland for Information. They made » trip to the project and bought eighty acres. Already they have their shack built, and a radio, and are hard at tt, w ith a vim and enthusiasm, which seemingly Is a characteristic of the settlers on the Tumalo. IN CITY JAIL Ed Miller Taken From Train Here, Carrying Explosive A - - - i - TOOLS A R E F O U N D Had Four Ounces of Nitre Gly­ cerine on Person When VtllllU'M ServiccM Show Increase in Population. RpRu<* River Taken by R. R, Police V alley in Good Shupe • . Armed with enough nitro gly­ cerine to level a city block, aqd with a ful set of burglar tools packed away inside his clothing, Ed M iller, 45, was arrested, here early yesterday morning by C. Ashland may well enter into the year 1924 w ith confidence an optimism as to the future business prosperity. At the be­ ginning of the new year, every j W. Priest, Southern Pacific m li- barom eter o f business and every l way officer. Index of future conditions, bas­ Priest came upon M iller as the ed on purveys of 1925 and sound latter was attempting to steal a Judgment as to the trend of all ride. ~ H e was hidden In a box lines of endeavor, point to an car when Priest, who was work­ ¡era of steady improvement and ing over the yards. Inspecting dependable activity. The close empty cars for those who were of 1925 w ith its large totals of attempting to steal rides, found bank clearings, construction pro­ him. As Is- his practice, Priest gress, agricultural Improvement, started searching M iller. stabilization of real estate val­ ’ The latter snatched the bottip ues, and growth of utilities ser­ of “soup” from his pocket and W ith a pimuu .t.n i of 15 years When the students’ year book at the Oklahoma State Agricultural college conducted, vice should suffice to convince tnrew it from tow cor. Fortun­ a Beauty contest it sent pictures of forty-three co-eds io Cecil De Mille, movie di­ even the most skeptical that the hanging over "Bis"KSafi? ~ Roscoe ately, the nitro glycerine was W arren, 48, of Kansas City, Mo., led all but these two, saying past year has been one of steady has married Miss Dorothy DeCrof, frozen, and although it fell 'on rector, asking him to select the most beautiful. He I prominence iir the book. progress and is indicative o f fu r­ 19. She says she Is willing to hard ground, it did not explode. he couldn’t decide between them, so th ey ’ll get advancement toward what In addition to the “soup" They are, left, Miss Mary Janet Turnbull, Wood Okla., and right, Miss Lor ther face whatever the future w ill Ashland and the Rogue River bring. Warren is out on bond several skeleton keys and s long ene Rayburn, of Clovis, N. M- /a lle y have been taught to re­ pending appeal. He is convicted piece of rubber tubing, thought gard as normal condittous. o f k illin g John C, Deskto.------------ to have been intended tor use tn Services of the Southern Ore- running the explosive Into th* gon Gas company office here, the crack in the safe door, were fonnd V. local Pacific Telephone and Tele­ on M iller. graph exchange, ’ and the city M iller is now In the city Jail, water and light department* show i awaiting action by the district a .healthy increase over last »ear. These increases indicate a cor- that a formal charge w ill be I responding increase in population made against him this morning. * B E R L IN , Jan. 2. — 8 ! for the city. Increased facilities . U si ,wa ■■■■<*-. J 8 Criminals in Prussia m«y 8 ffo r the education of children have fin d themselves reduced 8 JOHNSON TO RETIRE been made necessary by I he In­ * to'"* 4*-*« -* I ■ • ’4b.'* .«r Í to a state e l b al p lseewasa « È I m £A| creased population, nnCTl uow It through laughter instead 8 8 Timber Prom Pour Ranches 8 of by the impact of the 8 Alabama Beats Huskies, is necessary Jor the construction O. H. Johnson, local Jeweler, is of a new grade school building, Sold to John Cogan, While Hawaii Tops copper’s, blackjack if plans 8 announcing io this issue an auc­ 8 to relieve *he ..congestion in the Wash. State Gold HUI Man of the minister of the ln- 8 8 Italian Cities Report Trem­ tion sale, which he state is the schools. 8 forerunner of an effort to close « , terior work out. or. No Casualties Are These figures, of course, havb H ONOLULU, Jon. 2. — (IP) — As the result of a dost con- out his jeweiery stock in order He Instructs the police 8 8 Reported •um ated early this week, two W h ile the University of Washing­ to do with progress during 1925, to be able to enter- into some 8 to "select all humorous 8 new lumber mills w ill be In oper­ ton went down to a 20-19 defeat but nevertheless they have laid activity which will permit him Utterances, whether spok­ 8 8 ation in the Green Spring during before Alabama yesterday at a solid foundation for a general ROME. Jan. 2.— (LP)— Several to be outdoors more than is 8 en, w ritten or pictured, 8 the coming summer, It was learn­ Pasadena, the Washington State condition which materially af­ Italian cities yesterday reported possible in bis present occupa­ 8 coming to their attention 8 ed this morning. , College suffered a 20-11 defeat fects the prospects of further earthquakes, but the reports s-v tion. 8 in the official or unofficial 8 John Cogan, Gold H ill lum ber­ at the hand* of the University {advancement during 1934. In­ that the damage Wan very slight. For some time Mr. Johnson's contact w ith the popula­ 8 8 i' creased population has added to man, who has been operating a of H aw aii. Venice, Calabria, Milan, Bologna, health has been seriously im pair­ 8 tion.” 8 i the potential buying power that m ill at that place for several Ravenna, Udlna and Trlest felt ed, he states, and he thinks th« These choice bits w ill be 8 8 ‘ University of Hawaii is coach- J will react to the advantage of all years, has purchased the timber the shock, which lasted but a change from indoor to outdoor assembled and distributed 8 8 from four ranches on the Green ed by “ Proc” k lu m , former Ash- 1 Unes of business during the new very short time. There were no work would prove beneficial. 8 periodically to the entire 8 Spring and w ill immediately land High School coach, who ¡year. casualties reported fro many of He has been in the jewelry force, much as ammuni­ 8 8 start construction on his mills. Close scrutiny of . the horizon these cities. has been guiding the gridiron business for 40 years and con- tion is issued. The min­ 8 8 The timber was purchased from for this year reveals to the care­ Is Venice, a number ot roots aiders that period sufficient: Forty ister believes the coppers 8 destinies of the Island school for 8 the Lane ranch and from the ful observer that th* outlook and ceilings collapsed in the years ago last June Mr. Johnson can “ successfully master 8 several years. 8 three Davis ranches on the Green For the past three years. Haw, for 1926 in all industries in the twelve-second tremor. There entered the Jewelry business oa the most difficult situa­ 8 8 Spring. Rogue River valley Is more prom­ were no deaths the same spot where his brother 8 tions if possessed of the 8 all has been undefeated, and this The m ill w ill be in operation ising than it has been for years. year, the only team to cross the A considerable panic was the now conducts a jewelry store in weapon of humor.” 8 8 on the Lane property early in Dean’s goal line was the Wash­ The dairy industry has been result of the quake at Nurleste. Medford. For 16 years he has May. and, according to Cogan, ington Cougars. Haw aii has been considerably stimulated and new In this city also, a number of bad bis store st his present lo­ he w ill start sawing timber on the scored upon already this season, impetus has been given the poul­ roofs collapsed. cation. He emphasised that he Davis ranches by June 1. but only by means of field goals. try Industry. Farm lands have would not under any circum­ About forty men w ill be em­ The Islanders have defeated begun to move again, at sound stances leave Ashland. (Continued Un Page Four) ployed at the two mills, and all three mainland teams so far this values, and colonization of this lumber w ill be marketed through year, winning first from Occiden­ district is developing rapidly. Ashland Cogan stated. tal College. In a' game played at The deals for the timber Los Angeles, and then trouncing purchases by Cogan were Hfade the University of Colorado early through E. T. , M errill, well In December. The final game known local lumberman, who re­ o f the season, against Washing­ presented the Lane and Davis ton State, ranks them as one of interests. the greatest gridiron aggregations The annual meeting of the in the country. The Cougars were Jackson County Chapter of the rated as one of the most power­ M EDFORD, Jan. 2.— The snow Pheasant season in Jackson men present, wo« harnsoolous, American Red Cross, w ill be held ful elevens in the Pacific Coast is but two feet deep at Anna county would be closed for two and unanimous Ih aU discussions, at the Medford Hotel In the small conference, having trimmed the Springs o«nipi Crater National years If the state game commis­ those -present agfeethg to the dining room at 12.15 p. m. Jan­ University of Southern Califor­ park, according to a telegram sion acts favorably upon a re various recommendations readily uary 16. Representatives and nia, 17-12. U. 8. C. defeated Iowa received via F t. Klamath here ommendstlon agreed upon st the with but f*W-exceptions. workers from the different com­ io a regular 'season game. Jate Thursday at th* lacol park meeting of the Jackson County The association .frowned upon munities over the county are In­ offices, from Park Ranger Welles, O a m e the liberating of steelhead front Protective association vited and urged to be present. The month of December who left Medford last week on a Wednesday in Medford, where a at the present age schedule, when B rie f and concise of the year’s BRISCOE WILL ^PJSAK broke all records for postal’ several days tour of lnspctlon nt number of other suggestions to they are but a tew Inches ft» work w ill be made and plans AT CHAMBER LUNCH the park. As the snow depth is the state commission were also length. They requested the corn- receipt* in the history of laid for the coming year, new of­ the Ashland postoffice. Postal always a foot or more at the made In regard to fishing and mission jo furnish food for one ficers chosen and other necessary ______ The first forum of the ch fund receipts for the month to Sout h s « H e« y ear f ee 5«i999 s t the ft eh s i t b s i Business transacted This L a i her of commerce for 1926. io be w ere IB per ren t above esmp, which is much lower down gon. These recommendations are Elk creek hatchery. A t the end been one of the beet years in held on Tuesday, January 6, ac­ those of December, 1004. than the rim five miles away, il to be acted upon at the commis- ; of the year they would be dlstri- the history of the organization, cording to an announcementj Postmaster Wagner reports. i Is thought that there mhst be a* slon's meeting January 11. ; buted In Southern Oregon officials say. The outcome of the made this morning. Receipts of the calendar year least three feet at the rim. Several streams in the county streams. Oae-hslf million eaat- drive gives promise of greater The speaker will be G. H. Just closed showed a gain This w inter’s snow fall so far. would be .closed to fishing and era brook trout, at the Butte efficiency for the coming year Briscoe, president of the cham-1 for the year of four per cent Is much lighter than during Ds- one would be opened, if the asso- Falls hatchery, would he given and shows a fine spirit every­ ber, who has Just returned from . over those of* 1024. when at Anna elation’s wishes are csrrlad out. ‘ the local association for dlstrl- 4 __ « . . . i f'OTODFT 1924» where toward this country wid«, the State Teachers Association ( Springs camp* It measured 66 Eastem brook trout would be lib -i button In the tributaries to tho — ! i worthy, benevolent organization. meeting, held In Portland. • Inches on the fifteenth and 59, crated In local streams a n d , Rogu* River. TER OF . I t Is expected, that Briscoe will the thirtieth. January of pheasants would be Increased b y The closing of the Applets*« IS DEAD on, also soupd the keynote as to the the Importation of H ungarian1 river for two years was «4 1925 witnessed'a snowfall ot 101 WBATHEEfc I desired activities' for 1926, s l-t Inches there, following a steady birds. A request was made for togethef with the middle fork < W A SHING TO N, Jsn , 2 — (IP>— though the fiscal year for the Major Gdfieral W illiam H. H art, 8 fa ll that continued for thff first all available cutthroat trout and thé Rogue. The opening Oregon and Washing- 8 ohamber does not close until 15 days of that month, according quartermaster general of the 8 an express|pn of thanks was made Four-bit creek «ear ton — Cloudy In the east 8 March 1. for the commiaslon's action pie-1 above Bntie Fells, United States Arm y, died this 8 to heodiincrtors offices here. portion. Unsettled, fo llo w -, 8 paratory to hsvlng the Savage after having be4n morning at the W alter Reed 8 ed hy rain late tonight 8 hospital here. Death followed a 8 Rapids dam aeresMd. thereby years. Into the eleeed or Sunday In the West 8 Newport— Lumber and log eutthroa* treat relapse, after a mkjor operation 8 Astdrla $100,000 worth of eliminating what to said to be a all portion. W arm er, with * shipments for 11 months aggrer, I would he liberated, ee« for stomach trouble, which 8 fresh southerly winds 8 gated 4<'288.I8S feet, 71 per powerful fishing boats being mcnsM to fish Ilfs. r The meeting, with $$ sports- ! association plans. was performed five weeks ago. 8 along the «oast. 8 oent gain-over 1924. built this winter. NE» SAWNILLSi“ Not Bullets GREEN SPRING » ^ , COAST TEAMS TAKE BEATINGS ON GRIDIRON ANNUAL R. C. MEET »ILL BE HELD JAN. IS EUROPE CITIES ARE HIT BY EARTHQUAKE Light Snows Are Reported From Crater Park Receipts TUMALO IRRIGATION DISTRICT Postal Here Show a IS BEING SETTLED RAPIDLY Healthy Gain PO RTLA N D, Jan. 2. — A re cord for quick land settlement mark was made on the Tumalc gg suspect POPULATION INCREASE • - ► HELD AJ 15 Years Indications Are City En- - taring One of Best Years 8 collapee, and the hundreds of humans sink to the ground. Mrs. Caroline Sherman died from a heart attack, a fter witnessing the aaeldaat. _________________ WANT SEATTLE MAN ON SHIPPING BOARD ¡¡DAY, JAN. 2, 192& 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 nine casos out of t y <, This is < proven. ■ a SPORTSMENS CLUB»OULD . CLOSE PHEASANT SEASON