ASHLAND DAflUT « D IN O S In Ashland— F W.''Moore of Harbor, Ore­ gon is in Ashland for a few days this week, visiting with old friends ' and acquaintances. Mr. Moore has been in California for sometime past, due to ill health, but is now returning to his home at Harbor. He was formerly one at The Plasa. 87-tf of Ashland, having lived here Front Dunsmuir— Mrs. Churchman has returned 23 years, and will be remember­ Mrs. Ed Wolters of Dunsmuir Preserve the days of child­ tram a few-days trip to Portland. ed as one of the leading real was in town Tuesday • to attend hood. A photograph never grows estate men of Ashland the Redlfer funeral. up. Studio Ashland. Dunce every Saturday night at Jackson H o t Springs. Mnslc Typewriter ribbons, carbons, hy the Ntte Hawks. 1 0 1 - tf Returned Home— paper at Elharts. Mrs. Josephine Poley and Saturday morning Jan. 2nd, daughters, Minnie and Eva, and AU-rlte butter toasted sand son, Wilmer, returned home Tues­ we start oar big annual Suit wiches— very popular— Nining day from Springfield, Oregon, and Overcoat sale with extra er’s Fountain Seratee. 99-tl peats free et Orrea Tailor Shop, where they attended the family upstairs. 102— ! • reunion held there December 27. From P o r t la n d - Charles 8. Mitchell returned Eat at Martha’s dining room. from Portland Wednesday morn­ Open 6:00 a, Mrs. Cora M. Dodge *has pur­ Vendome Hotel. m., to 9:00 p. m. 81-tl ing. where he went, to attend the chased the Klum home on the funeral of his nephew, James corner of Alida street and the Sanford Mitchell. The deceased Tanlac, $1.00— McNair Bros Boulevard. was struck and Instantly killed by an automobile as he was going Have your Sunday dinner at Meet Monday— borne from school December 17. The Parent-Teachers Council Martha’s Dlnnlg Room.— Ven­ will meet at the Library Monday derne Hotel. tl-tf Madden sells protected tires. afternoon, Jannary 4 at 2:30 63-tI o’clock. From O. A. C.— From San F r a n c is c o - Rosina Gallatin is home from Mrs. L C. Keith, o f San Fran­ jjS~AT C. to spend the holidays cisco is a guest at the home with her parents at Valley View. of Mr. and M rs.'W illiam Glenn » * W. H. Hodkinson and wife left of Valley V ie *. In A s h la n d - Tuesday tor Los Angeles where' Ivan Kilgore of Merrill. Is In Trinity Guild and Auxiliary they expect to spend about Un Ashland visiting with his father will serve one of their famous days with their m b , chicken pie dinners New Years E. G. Kilgore. Marcelling. Trimming, Sham- Day from five to seven at the Why do you pay Sewing Ma­ The Parish House. They have prepar­ pools*. Dyeing. Facíala. chine Agents from $120 to $130 ’ 102-1 Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store ed a delicious menu. for sewing machines, when you AÄA1 can get the YThlta here for $66 Yes, Thursday and Friday are Emil PelL «S-t1 d i ff Páyne makes truck bodies washdays too at the Ashland Laundry. Just phone 166 and we will get It back to you Sat­ Car Sold— The Park Garage reports the urday. 101-2t sale of a De Luxe model, Olfls- moblle sedan, to C. H. Vaupel FOR1 RENT: — 3 roôm fur­ nished house with garage. Phone 48ÍJ 102-tf CONVALESCENT JOM K — It Is astonishing how a week or two of our treatment.will reduce bloat In dropsy cases. We charge from $20.00 to $25.00 per week for these. SALEM, Ora., Dec. 31.— Auto­ mobile dealers who have , been compelled to repossess automo­ biles sold on the payment plan because of the failure O f the pur­ chaser to meet his payments, w ill find themselves 4n a most em­ barrassing position when It comes to obtaining a transfer license for the repossessed machine. FOB SALE:— Good stove. 163 Union St. heating 102-5* FOR SALE: — 1 U. 8. Cream Separator; 1 Slip Scraper; 650 ’ lbs. Seed Barley, reclaaned. Treat­ ed. Phone 44-0L Evenings. FOR RENT: — Steam heated office room. First National Bank. ’ ‘ . • 102— 3 The state law requires that before a license of the vintage FOR RENT: — 3 room fur­ of 1926 can be obtained for nished apartment, ground floor, any machine, the applicant must 3 block from Plaza, $20.00, water produce a certificate of title, paid. Phone. 432Y. 102-« showing ownership of the ma­ chine In question. It also pro­ FOR SALK: — Wicker sulky. vides that, In the event of the In good condition, call W. P. transfer of ownership of a car, Bellus, 606 Oak Street. 102-4* the former owner must indorse (Colnunuea from page 1.) the certificate of title, showing that he 'has relinquished his title to the machine in question. _ Now comes the rub. Some 200 would-be owners of automobiles who have failed to meet their payments and have thereby lost their cars have refused to indorse the certificates of title, showing ove~ transfer of ownershlc of the ma- . chine back to the dealer. In an opinion given to Secre­ dared. In the meantime, there will be no sales department here. tary of State Kozer, Attorney ; General Van W inkle holds that ' J MTcRTemTHs. ”dlfff«wvh an Indorsement ts absolute- t, .will build* <2 essential, under the law, to plant'. Sawmill the completion of a certificate of ; cutting 300,0000 feet a shift title which In turn is necessary with 300 men will run double to the issuance of a new set of license plates. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Julian and baby spent the Christmas holi­ LE T J.' L. Ketch write your days with Mrs. Julians parents automobil« Insurance. 71-tt Mr. and Mrs. L. Mlksche of Bellview. Mrs. Julian was form To Los Angeli . erly..Gertrude...Mlksche..of...this. _ Mrs. Eîtïabeth Clevenger left holidays. Bring your container. yesterday for Los Angeles, where 'Laaa’a on the Boulevard. 101-2 she will visit for some time at Order an Orthophonie Vlctrola the home of Her daughter, Mrs. for New Year.— The Rose. Charles Starbuck stockmen Wheeler - First National Bank to Port- here Is sold and will remove to Tflltynook. TOO LATE TO OUfflSITY In Eugene— In Abbiami— George H. Yeo left yesterday Misa Florence Stewart of Port­ for Eugene bn a business trip. land Is a, guest ât the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Mlkacbe of Bell- W HY PAY RENT? W ill build view. new home on well located lot. 658 Holly St.. Our Butter Toasted sandwiches Easy terms. Phone 317-L. 95-tf are growing In popularity. Try You hnve rounded a curve rtnd a new stretch of road lies before you. The Citizens Bank wishes you the bdst of luck and prosperity in traveling it Come in and- let us help you to màp out a real savings schedule’for the months ahead.’ The Citizens Bank of Ashland • Ashland, Oregon fainting of Crater Lake Glory of the Sunrise.” to bar brother' Lealle M. H Yakima, Washington. LAST TIME TONIGHT “LORRAINE OF THE LIONS’ Saturday SALLY n J ,. n r ltr P w P tl J.II McOEE THE S CONTENTMENT HEALTH, HAPPINESS BORN AND OF PROS- FERITY FIRST THE NATIONAL ASHLAND, BANK OREGON New Year’s Greetings to Our * Patrons And Friends W hatever your idea of happim the New Year bring it to you, hope that in our small way, we i to realize it for you. ATI we ask of thoTWcw Y ear nt to ho oi greater servioe to the people of this fine city; to give you greater values, lovelier inodes, larger assortments wherever pos­ sible, to make this Store the most en­ joyable plaee to shop in all Ashland. As the New Year unfolds so will our plans and we hope to be judged by what we offer to you. Convajescent Home ap* \ 1»,' 'Ji.ifïîâ - Happy New Yearl Love and good will to all. May God fill your hearts with joy, your bodies with health and your pockets with money, this year E. R. ISAAC & CO 1926 Mrs. Barber _ MRS. J. H .^ffTGG MAY T H E -Y E A R 1926 BRING YOU prices ___ Homs made Chill Beans and ASHLAND F R IT T AND 9 *9 0 - ■a» Tamales.— NInlagsr’s Foun­ n r c E ASSOCIATION tain Satvloe. 91-tt Continuous Show O L I » w ttt: RUBY MeN AMARA Poultry M eeting— Heasons Greetings The poultry men of Valley We wish to thank you most View will held their business heartily at this time for your meeting at the Gallatin residence many favors In the past and at Valley View tonight. trust that our business relations will always prove as pleasing to McNair's Cold Tablets. you as they have to us. Please except oar best wishes for a pros­ perous New Year. Orrea Tailors. Floyd Craig, and John Sum­ 102— 1* ner and wife, of Drain, and Ver­ non and A. C. Redlfer of Myrtle Fresh Typewriter ribbons Creek, were here Tuesday at­ Elharts. tending Mrs. Redlter’s funeral. E. W . Redlfer. ' who has been yvalk upstairs to Orrea Tailor here for some time, accompanied Shop and save $10.09. 78-tf his brothers to Myrtle Creek. Renting a specialty. List your Hot Tamales for that watch house with AHHIAND REALTY CO. ,rty— The Rose. 71-tt Better clothes for less at Paulserud's. * 9 8 tf In A s h la n d - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wells of Portland are spending a few days F ro m P ortlan d — In Ashland with Mr. Wells’ moth­ Mr. and Mrs? Kenneth Lansing er, Mrs. Roy Hosley. Mr. and of Portland are visiting at the home of Mrs. Lansing’s parents. Mrs. Wells are on their way Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Lennox, of to San Francisco for a short visit. Mr. Wells was formerly Valley View. of Ashland, and is well known here. For Flra Insurance see J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. Returned Home— , William Webster who has been FOR MORE AND BETTER very 111 at the Community hos­ CROPS TTun flwtefcwr. Lead—n«—*«» and pital for tome time with phneu- m onla, has sufficiently recovered Superphosphate to return to his home on North For Hay, Grain and Bulba j We can make you Interesting Main street. CHILDREN Matinee 10c — Evening 25c Adults - 50c till Welcopie to the New! No regrets for the Year that is told, All joy for the oue you’re to view! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL From .Montesano— Madden retreads tires. 53-tf Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Van Leer and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Glenn FOR SURETY bonds see J of Montesano, Washington are L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Glenn la Valley To G r e n a d a - View. Mrs. Mabel Russell Lowther will return today to her home in Trlntty Guild, will serve, a Grenada. California, after spend­ chicken dinner New Years day ing tbe Christmas .holidays In from 5 to 7 at the Parish House. Ashland with friends and rela- 71 cants a plate. 100-2 ilves. ir-, TO i __ L. TtJRN A LEAF OF THE NEW YEAR’S BOOK, AND IF YOU’LL DEIGN TO LOOK, YOU’LL READ OUR W ISHES BOLD AND C L E A R - “A PROSPEROUS, HAPPY AND GLAD NEW Y E W