Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 31, 1925, Image 1

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iahnet survive three m eri
be rieh ozone at Ashlanfl.
omestio water helps. .
T idings
Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
een Ashland's
,tly Tiding». Velame
Sew I ce)
Sea Captain
For 54 Years
to Retire Soon
Lightning and Pire Adds to
Destruction of
Miners Trappe,! in Mine Drown­
ed bjr Heavy Floods. Hoi-
land Rainfall Heavy
LONDON, Dec. 31 — ( I P ) —
Flooif lightning add fire wrought
serious damage throughout the.
British Isles today, continuing
the devastation .which started
yesterday as the result of the
terrific floods.
'M any factories and dwellings
were burned when they were
struck hr »gbtnlag.
In the slums of London's east
end, a huge ohimney of a poor-
house - fell, burying forty aged
men. Inmates, who were s till
abed. One was killed and eight
vrttro- injured
BUDAPEST. Dec. 31 — (IP) —-
Thirty six miners were drowned
at liarosujver today, when' they
were trapped In’ a mine» which
w m b O n s S tl.-- 7hi—
recent stoini». Groat ici
anches have been repoi
the ' Roumanie mountains,
2— Prof J Bergonie. developer
of roentgenology
die» In
Bordeaux, a victim of the
X -ray
20— Supply of antl-toxtn leave»
PNennna. Alaska, for Nome
bv dog-sled
Leonard Sep
peia. famous dog-musher,
starts from Nome to meet
•earn to relay antl-toxtn to
town stricken w ith dlph-
t hería epidemic
Temperature Drop
to 21, No Change i
Weather Coming
M — John T Scopes found A i l t l l
anti-evolution law o n d ^ a e «
2C— WilHarn
■ '
4—Shipping Board - aaceptsl
H enry Ford's offer o f IR ffM .-f
SCO for 200 scrapped s*lr*i
IS—Stenmer Mackinac boH efead
ptodes near Newport,
Thirty passeng.
I j — flo y d Collins, imprisoned In
cave near Cave C ity. K y-.
found dead a fte r 17 days.
25—«Senator M edili McCormick
of Illinois dies. , , •
28— President Frederich Ebert
• f G erm any dies.
4—C alvin Coolidge Inaug u rai
1 ed
wvr, , th irtie
. th president.
_ - immaHS
«— United
when Are destroys »000 T o ­
Board' ousts Rear A d m iral
kyo buildings
Leigh C Palm er (retired! as
Tornado sweeps Illinois. In ­
president of the Fleet Cor­
diana. Missouri. Kentucky
poration. Capt E lm e r E
and Tennessee. Over »00
Crowley. Boston and Ijpw
killed. 3749 Injured. P ro p
York. Lakea his plací,— j —
ë rty ' t o i H »«.m.«»». '
f 10—Dead body of Charles Attoes.
Breakers and Palm Beach
U. S. airm ail- pilot. Cleve '
hotels. Palm Beach. F la., de­
la n d / O.. who disappeared j
stroyed by Are Loss Is over
10 days before. is fo un d in -
jj . _
~^4±t5em lTe& h'
bandit, convi
"o f Policeman
ford. Conn,
10—House W ays and Means
Committee completes work
on tax reduction and sets
Anal reduction total a t »»O».-
. »6«, 70».
12—C ourt-m artial tria l of W il­
liam T. MllcheU starts.
18— Senator Robert L a Follette
Wisconsin, dies.
2 2 -S fn a to r Edwin F. Ladd.
North Dakota, dies.
29— Earthquake destroys pari
of Santa Barbara. Calil.
1—Governor M iriam "M a " F er­
guson refuses to "throw
herself to wolves" by calling
special session of Texas
legislature. —_---------------------
5__W h its Plains. N . Y.. Jury re­
turns verdict In favor of
Alice Jones Rhinelander In
anndlment suit of Leonard
K tp Rhinelander.
S en a to r
Spencer, Ml«
■Fifty-nine n
explosion In
Glen. N . C.
b otto m o f th e o ffic ia l th e r ­
m o m e te r. A lth o u g h I t d id n ’t
q u ite succeed, I t
2 1 , th e low est
p o in t I t has
Jute Follows
Rubber to High
Price Levels
reached y e t th is y e w .
H o w e v e r, th e te m p e ra tu re
so m ew hat
h ig h e r
th is
y e a r, com pare,! w ill«
th e
sam e d ates last y e a r, .Jkt
t h a t tim e th e te m p e ra tu re
ra n g e d several degrees lo w e r
th a n th is season. T h e co ld ­
w e a th e r
re g is te re d las«
y e a r was (o u r degrees above
weather will continue cold
for several «lays, Louts
IteSg^ • off trial weather ob-
serrflr declared today. There
aw no indications for a
i ? m —g - in the weather, and
Dsdge predicts that the
heavy fogs of the past few
Says will continue for some
Two boys. Eart Harrader, 17»
and Roy Pruitt, 16, were arrest­
ed Tuesday night at.about 10:30
by Night Officer Walker, who re­
ports that be caught them In the
act of robbing the Smith ft
Thompson hardware store on
North 8txth street. Both boys are
members of well known families
o f the cRy..,___
------ i-
Entrance was gained through
a window In the rear of the store
room which was pried open with
‘an axe.
Portland-Munson - McCormick
Steamship line wll make weekly
sailings to Atlantic.
Waplnltal— 90 Carloads
shliffied'this year. ,
SAN PEDRO. Cal.. Dec.
31.-—Capt- Fruii S. Haye»,
piaster of the intercoastal
freighter Katrina Lukeh-
baeh, who Is 74 year« of
Dances, Private Parties, and tt nge and snld to be the 8 Car Crashes Through Open
Draw Into Tacoma
XX oldest deep sea skipper 8
Church Services to A t­
traete Many
_ _ j l _afloat, told his friends 8
hero today that he would
retire at the close of his
present voyage when his
U v e « A fte r
C rash. T » ll
P riv a te P a rtie s A rra n g e d . B ut
ship docks at New Or­
* T h r illin g S to ry of Escape
U tile
M e rry
M a k in g
F ro m W re c k a g e o f C a r
Streets is Expected
C a p ta in Hayes has been
XX at sea 54 years H e has
TACOMA,' Dec. 31. — (IP) -
Scores of parties, church »er 8 uot a single gray hair in
The body of John Dahl, carps
vices and dances will find hu,n 8 hts head, weighs ?SJBO
tor, was taken from the w-- •’
d r e d g -o f Ashland—pooplo tonlgh*— jj -pounds and —h r-re put e d t e , 8
bf the street car at T r
watching the old year out am’ g
one o( the strongoat 8
of the city water w
the new year In. In addition tr
men y|Bm ng this port.
divers at 12:05 p. m ♦<
the many public gatherings, man- g
With his third wife, he 8 Divers said there tn'ght h-
private gatherings will be hel-’ g plana to retire .to his 8 hodles In the mass of snl's
whe» g ranch n e a r
Houston, 8 wreckage, although rc
friends will gather to welcor- g Texag
have been repo 'ed •» m
the year 1920.
At many of the churches, sp1
.COMA. Dec. *1
rtnt watch- night - servlre.M htn-
Crashing through "..^serv**/"
been prepared, and hundreds wll'
on the Eleventh street br’d-
be in attendance at these gather
hefe, a street car durln" ♦*'
night plunged thro^g^A » ope”
Scores will bq attracted to the
dravA brld|ft,JnJi>Xh« city'«£Q »-
dinner dance a t . the Llthla
wa#»-X2A - A t Solow----------
Springs hotel this evening. A1 «
Bight peri y un s sssi M liis er£
most the entire lower portlor
when it went «over the bilidrt
of the building will bo devoted
fo u r -o f w hom Jived today -to
tw dancing and merry ■ maktrnct“'
tell the thrilling story of their
welcoming the new year.
escape from dea&. The witnesses
The annual Now Years dance, Opening Game of Season said that the car was shattered
Results in 28-26 W in
given by.Ashland Lodge No. 94 4.
to pieces as it struck the water.
for Battery B
B. Pr O. Elks will also draw a
The wreckage of the car aank.
largo crowd, as It always does.
Finishing with a drive during leaving the dates and uncon­
Private dinner parties, and
scious victims struggling '•a ,tk a
several private dances have been the last three minutes of play
arranged for the evening.
Fears have been expressed that
in the past there has been came from bohinti, • o v e rc o m m i there may have beam other vic­
but little merry „making on the a six point load, and handed tims of the wreck, a« R ta un­
streets of tho city on New Yeurs the high school five a 28-Zti known definitely bow many pas­
Eve, and the same condition will licking in the opening basket­ sengers were aboard the gar.
probably hold true this yoar. A ball game of the season. The John Dahl, a cSt»eote<. lgft t o
few automobiles with cut outs tussle was staged at the armory. his work, but he bail 4°t rA
Throughout tho first half, the
open, a few horns, and u few
ported at the mill wbme ho SP
machines dragging strings of tin ball was under tho high school employed, and So far has so t
cans compose moat of the noise basket most of tho time, but returnul home. Fear hga been
making apparatus used on the because of the miserable shoot­ expressed that he Slight have
Nov.12 8troets.
None of the wild enthus­ ing of the Battery B outfit, the been on the car.
. \
iasm, the streamer and confetti high schoolers wars leading,
The dead are: 0 . B. A. Fartww.
throwing end other such fea­
IS. * railroad conductor; Mrs.
tures, usually accompanying the Shota which should have bean Alloa Scott and her son, Louis,
baskets Were missed time after
1 Í*.
celebration are neen here.
i| * • Ï *> E p *
time by the Battery B boys. 5 and T. Obayashi, 67, a Jap­
I 1.
k Sr
That these shots wero not simply anese railway employe. Thoo«
hard luck misses was shown by who warn Injured are Chris Nel­
the fact that most of the time son. 3«. a logger, who suffered
the Battery B. tossers failed a broken arm and shoalder;
to hit the ring, let ^one drop Earl Hurd, a shop worker, suf­
fering from shock and bruises.
the ball through the hoop.
Hlmard. 22. who sustained
The High Hchool five showed
K. Kagnmoga. 40, Jap­
better ability at dropping the
ball through the ring, largely anese, a shop worker, who was
through tho efforts of A1 Marske, cut about the t o e .
Clyde Staley, the motorman,
who appears to be rapidly round­
that the mishap was In­
ing Into the great form he show-
| ed last season. Frulan, Aldo and evitable. Ho slammed on the
I Hoy Parr, Katser and Moore j i brakes and Jumped from the
' car as It toppled over the edge
showed nice work under the j
basket, while Gosnell, Beeson and 1 I of the draw.
Abbott played a nice defensive ’
Both outfits showed ragged
Chickdn dinner fans, and there
work In passing, with the high
are few who are not chicken
school doing a little better work ;
dlnper fans, will be accomodated
than the soldiers« largely be­
tomorrow evening by the Trin­
of more practice.
ity Ouild of the Episcopal church.
Coach Hughes ran two entire
The Guild and the Auxiliary to
* A lth o u g h bwt eleven cars
team 9 into tile game, using them
the Trinity Guild will serve one
w e re re g is te re d a t th e local
of their famous chicken djnners
o u t-o f-s ta te n y h Srs tlo n >mr-
In the Parish Hokae tomorrow
than 26 personal fouls being
esaalag, tram
five to
called on the teams. But few of
these tries for point w s re con­
A delicious m elh has been
prepared, and those In charge
of the dinner believe they will
receive a substantial patronage
from their many friends In the
IS 0 L 0 8 X D T H IS W EEK
The Babcock’s Gift Shoppe,
X— Dirigible Shenandoah de-
stroyed and 14 of 4*w
killed in atorm at ®m-
bridge. O.
25— A ll but three of crew m »6
die when submarine 8 m Is
rammed and sunh.
l« _ T w e n ty thousand homeless
j 5— Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles
AMSTERDAM, Dec. 31. — (IP)
.__ The present rain fall In Hol­
land 1« the greatest for Decern -
'ber for -75 years.
, '
W ithout th e use of m edians erfflb»
nine cases out of ten of asthma.
This is a proven fa e t
Grand Hotel
in Roseburg is
Reported Sold
Triftity Guild
ito Serve .Chicken
! Dinner Tomorrow
ROSEBURG, Ore., Dec. 31.—
T. B. Swearingen and J. F.
Jones yesterday completed nego­
tiations fdr the purchase of the
Grand Hotel In this city. Both
and W ebster Interests
al Ster Dealer Gets of the new owners are former Stone
ashington Are all
residents of Pendleton where Mr.
Larger Territory in
Swearingen was In the restaur­
Klamath County
ant business for a number Of
— Att Southwestern wasblnxluh
seven months Star, Flint and of
, the city’s most popular hos- utilities properties, controlled by
Durant dealer In Ashland will telrles,
haying 100 rooms well the Stone and Webster Interests,
and equipped.«The for­ have .been purchased by the
move to Klamath Falls, im- furnished
mediately after the first of the mer owner, W. O. Clinger, will Northwestern Electric «company
year. It was learned this morn­ retain his residence In Roseburg, and the Portland Electric and
ing. Hamaker has secured a lease but Is leaving temporarily for Power company,Mt was revealed
on a largo garage building there Ponca City. Okla, where he Is
here today.
and will deal in Stars and Dur­ to erect a theatre building on
The Northwester n'Electric com­
property which he owns there.
ants In that city.
pany took over properties North
"I am not leaving Ashland
of Kelso Including the Inland
because I do not think It is a
Light and .Power and the Puget
good business section, but be­
Sound .Power and bight compan­
Oregon and Washington
cause I bave g larger territory
ies, serving Ranier, Kalama, and
— Cloudy, with normal
at Klamath Falls. My.experlences-
J '
i ‘ '
temperature and moderate
hère have been the most pleasant
easterly winds.
Those who purchased cars from
llverton cooperative fruit can­
Hamaker durlna>-4ihSmSSripd In
nery canned produets worth
982 0h0 in 1925.
Seven States Are
Represented at
.Registration Office
a chain of factories there
Watch night services will h e 1 WASHINGTON. Dee. 31.—<l_P
held at the Free Methodist chnrch — Reports that General Persh-
thia evening, according to an an- lS(, chairman of the Tacna-
nouncement made this morning. Arlca plebiscite commission, will
Rev. Mrs. Thomson, who has leave Chile for this country aboui
been conducting services at that tho middle of January wore con
chnrch, will conduct tho watch firmed by Secretary of State Kai
¡night servloe this evening.
which has been operating In the belnff att’ac’ed
Wimer building, 397
Mein throvghoet ell
street, closed up this week, et- the year.
trlbutlng the failure of the ven-
Two of the
turn to lack of sufficient Inter-
reMstcred fre»"
est In an exclusive gift shop. ' This Is e acmes
It has not been determined b y . pereentefte frwa
those Interested in the Hqntde-r | then M a i. Tw,
tlon of the bur^ness aa to whati from Nevads. dl
disposition will be made of the
toss, wNh eft# ea
splendid stock of merchandise» «to, Cotoofta«
which the firm carried.
North OMPottas.