f ND D A I L Y .T I D I N G S No secretary of finance in Mexico has any poi give security to investors in Mexioo. There is OS thing possible. The inherent psychology of the M< people Is against it. They will not respect thsfr crwi gains with foreign capital, and they have shown capacity to b’uild up their own capital power. Until Mexico can have a system < law that a indepeadeat, in its enforcement, of the particular ] who is called the President, Mexico will be a good for foreign investors to keep away from. knt «< Family Dinner-— Mra. Omen A Kadrewp sasat p ^ w ie ik r J»re were fath ered th«kWBeeIef From Ashland b u r , M / •< * * » * H. >. A * pws and Mrs. M nry L . M ntbrq», r the Christmas feast. M r. and M r» . H. P. A n d re w « HI Mr». M s ry I * Mathews expiwt , Lleave enrly la the aew year tor sojourn «1 several » o a th s i t Tb« membership of the A M Cteh I l held their C brietuiM B a ity . pnday eveutog, D attS ftH r & ¡ the Clrle Club house. Great «0 * » *» Two insertio ns a w e e k ....... — ............ ........... operations ere hola« mndg tor a event, and all tho » « » b a rs Sa Dally insertion * expected to bo .»i»..».....«...*...»*.-..'................. present. - •« The hostesses for this occasion Wi * Mrs.- Loáis Sehwein and Mrs. Ca Ratea for Legal aad Mlscellan Finte Insertion, per * point line ................ Bach subsequent Insertion, 8 p o in t l i n t LOOMCRAFT ... BATH ROOM RUGS C a r« o f T h a n k s ___ ______________ ________ DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise w ill be made in advertis­ ing er » printing — oar contributions w ill bq in cash.____________ W H A T O O M H U V T R S A D V E R T IS IN G c “ AH future events, where as admission charge is mads or a collection taki Is Advertising.** No discount w ill be allowed Religious or Benevolent O rd en . 1MB * ........ GOD W IL L PROV1CE:— Take no thought saying, W hat shall we eat» or. What shall we drink» or. Where w ltbal shall we he cloth­ ed» .B u t seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness: and i l l these things shaU be added unto you. Matthew 8.81,88. PR A YE R :— O Lord, we could live by faith and not by sight, for Thou hast given us Jesus Christ, and w ith H im Thou w ilt also freely give ns all things. NSW OHUBOH VOX AXXD 24x47 inches Calendar of Events— Monday, Deeember « «.-‘-Ashland Music Study Club. Lib rary, T i l t P. M. Monday, December 2S.— A rt Club. Hostesses, Mrs. Elb and Mrs. Louis Sehwelg. , Tuesday, December «0.— Mother's and daughters* Afternoon. Civic Club House. Committee in Charge: Mrs. H. K Tomlinson, Mrs. D. Perosst sad Mrs. P. K. Hammond. Tuesday, December 90,— Delphian Chapter Meeting Postponed. feature, with the table a Christ­ mas dream w ith Its centerpiece of Santa’a sleigh and five tiny reindeer; candy doll», unique la th e ir construction, and at each plgte dainty nnt cupa, so arrang­ ed aa to serve as candle sticks for the bright candles w ith which the table was lighted. Those present to enjoy the happy time together, were; the Misses Gertrude Blede, Helene Blade, Gladys Applegate, Rqth Osman, Emma Jenkins, Lets W alker. Geòrgie Coffee, Elsie A l­ exander, Calla Blegel, Mrs. Atleen W alker-K ay. and Mrs. Blegel and Mte. H. C. Stock. HOT SU77KRIH0 AH THHT THOUGHT It is hard for the thousands of hard coal miners who are out of work to understand why they do not got a speedy victory, under the promises of their leaders. They have been idle for months, now. Those who could afford to be idle, for a time, have become restive. Those who never could afford to be idle, have become sick at heart. And in the meantime they appear to be no nearer to a solution of the coal dispute than at the beginning. Each side to the controversy may have realized by this time that neither one had the grip they thought on the necessities of the people- The coal men thought that the ownere “ had” to have profits. The operators thought that the workmen “ had” to have work. Each side thought that the public had to have coal. The workmen were fairly well fortified with back ( h r is t n u i Party for Episcopal pay resources. The coal operators had figured on idle Sunday School— mines for a year, or until such time as the public would The Christmas party which is agree to market conditipns. And both have been disap­ an annual event at the Parish pointed by the facility with which much of the fuel us­ House tor the m«mhers of the Sunday School was held ing public has taken to the use of other kinds of coal and Episcopal Wednesday afternoon from four to oiL u n til six. Some of the public is suffering. But the coal strike > There were recitations, music is evidently not playing much part in the industrial life and delightful games and a great big Christmas tree to delight (be of the United States, yet. DOLLARS AT PARIS There is some sarcastic temperament being shown git Paris regarding the spending of American money there. • America has little enough reason to be prond of much n r m r ir n n h ic tiin t in < n r r c T li n l I n n fi* ▼ vnoi w on- der if some of the noisy Christmasing on the boulevards smacks of “ dollar«” and “ pounds.” The English tongue must much of the time be nauseating to the French ear. But who Invites and urges the spending of foreign money in Paris? Paris has become aa much a hotel for the entertainment of rasliing paying guests as is New York. Manhattan would still be a village, worth about the price that the Indians got for it, if it were not for the money that Iowa pork raisers and Alabama cotton grow­ er» «end there. So with Paris. The Paris that is naughty is the Paris that ip Imilt up for the foreign trade that spends AeUan and* pounds. HBW BID TOR RASY MONEY The secretary of Mnancc at Mexico City gays that he g drafting ’policies that wifi encourage investment for oreigners in Mexican industries- « Which ia the old smearing of mucilage to catch flies. J Ideal for Cold Weather 1 holiday tim e fo r a ll present, t entertained at a delightful Christ­ mas dinner Thursday. The din­ ner was a midday repast, w ith a jl the delicious things that gq to make a Christmas feast. Other than the fam ily. M r. aad Mrs. A. B. Tonnsr, Mercedes. La Voua and Charles Toaper were present to enjoy it and thq pleasant visit that followed. Friday, January l^—ftow Year’a It in announced from Los Angeles that Dr. Charles Dinner» at Presbyterian and F Aked is going to start a non-denominational religious M ethodirt Churches, fb r thu congregation»- organization there. It is probably to be called, he says, Monday, January 4. — Ashland ' ‘The Lincoln Community Church.” As Lincoln is dead Study Club. Afternoon. some years, and no one has a copyright on the namfi, there Monday, Jaanary 4. — fren ch Club. Mrs. G. M. Green, hort- is ao preventing Dr. Aked from flying under the Lincoln colors. However, there is no evidence that Abraham Lincoln teeday, January 8. — Civic Club M eaty Delphlana give program. ever believed, liberal and independent in religion as he was, in the sort of religions divgations that Dr. Aked fata Club Christmas Pasty— jgteJgL-.Q gcflsiOTalIy» people fin tor into diiyntos aa to — i f l se O p l l a R i egel w as hostess, whether Aked is a Congregationalist or a Baptist or a a t the annual Christmas tree and what not- It seems now that he is to become whatnot, as party of the Business Girls* Club neither the Baptists nor the Congregationalists are clam­ of which she is a member, on Wedhaadsy avaalng. The tree was oring to retain him. .* ■ '* beautifully decorated, as wars the ~ INot that it is impossible for an honest and sincere as rooms, T h e ty e e carried a weight well as intelligent clergyman to change hfr ehurch. That •of lovely gifts, almost a hundred happens too frequently to be denied, and. ltotween all packages were on and beneath sorts of denominations. But It is very questionable tt. Christmas greens made the a bower of beauty. whether the religious declamation of the Aked sort for rooms And there t u a rest Santa, the steadying of souls. As a mental course it ha» been too, who distributed the p resents. styled “ Abed and unashamed” by some witty phrase Bunco wgs the game of the evea- maker. As a force for the helping of men, It is of doubt­ tng and worlds of fun was the ful value. After all, progress as we must, there is some­ result. M i sa Gladys Applegate thing requisite in the “ Bock of Ages.” The clergyman secured first prise and Mias Elate the consolation. who becomes a law unto himself ceases to he a clergyman. Alexander, ■ The luncheon was the crowning »▼I iiTY i children’s hearts. A t the close of the two hours of fua -and frolic, refreshments were served the children by the committee in charge. The party w ill be a bright spot la the for a ll preiaut. .. M rs. Jo sep hine P o le y and SPECIAL «1.00 - Large «a is the dtafe« N o » , elover toWer. « U Mr». I. B the table extended in to the Bngg gave to U e h a dainty living roam to seat the /e a s ts etreage for the eegd. Baeh re­ assembled from fa r aad near. ceived a battle of portutoe from Holly and mistletoe, aad a won­ McNair Brothers and J. P. Dodge derful Christmas tree gave fes­ aad m as gave tw each a box of tive a ir to the rooms and glow* stationery. lpg red* candles and b rillian t Miss Helene Biode presented poinsetta le n t brightness to the each w ith two beautiful hand- beautifully appointed table, w ith kerchiefs; »«»w s a s » » « « •*-» M r. aad Mrs. T ..C . Ingraham of Augusta^ Mains, »enounce the engagement .o f their daughter. Mtsa Deborah Iugruham to Lowell A. Griffeth of Denver. Colorado. The dale o f the m erriece hee eot been announced. I t w B lb e remembered that Mies iageaheas visited M r. end Mrs. J. M . Nutter tor fc number ef mouths recently,.. and has many Ashland friends whe wlU he iu- temsted-to haow e f her happlneee- . Mies lagyuhem took aa aeUve p ert In eqatoty pud elvte a ttain among the youag people while her». Mra. Ingraham has also vteited la Ashland. . Miss Ingraham ie a eleee e» Mr. J. H . F atter and also of M rf. H. I Dr. and Mrs. Gordon MacCrack- en were host and hostess a t a'd e­ lig h tfu lly attractive fly» course Christmas dinner served a t oae th irty , w ith covers told tee seven, the mean embracing a ll the deli­ cacies of the season, turkey, the WESTEENAÍR WINTER SCHEDULE megA built into the ©T STACH» Te foribatf, 1« a t a r . s . 10:80 A. M. A pleasant one day tri the receipt of a. tetogram hear­ ing Chribtmae greeting» frdm the abeesrt so*. Chester mcCrucken, who is the gnent of cousins in In ­ dianapolis, Indiana. 1 Chester keltts a rteponefble position In Kansas, but Is on his vacation at <• rA T h « ■ s r a s E if i.« Z Ä Ä J x r s a i ' fi Hara AttUiad-HortlMA MAP and East Main &t D r. end Mrs. MaeÇrachen are tats tonight (ttnturdny) nt the »