Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 28, 1925, Image 1

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    MATAMA « a f a » ■
Cannot survive thrçe menthe in
flw ridi ozone at Ashland. Pure
domeetio water halpa.
The Tidings Has Been Ashland's
\g Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
Without the nee of medfcuie c o m
nine eases oat of
x asthma.
This is a prove^
frei» Wire 8ervlce)
George Mattia, veil known lo­
cal cattleman, was thia morning
exhibiting “The West Shore,’* an
old magailne,. laaned In 188»,
jrhlch contained much history of
Jackson county of the early days;
'•, Ashland and Jacksonville were
featured In the magazine, and sev­
eral views of each city were print-
Seven Frozen to Death in
Mr. Mathis received several
Chicago. Montana City
28 Below
copies of the magazine from an
elderly man of this city, who Is
destitute,, but who refuses char­
ity. It was suggested that the
magazines might be sold for him,
and to this he agreed.
A number of the old timers of
Ashland purchased the magazines
A greater part of the nation but at noon, Mr. Mathis had sfiv-
continued in the elutchee of the
cold wave today. Thirteen cities,
reported >a persons Who have
dled, either directly or Indirectly
from the freezing weather.
The weather bureau predicted
relief for the North Atlantic and
Middle West gonlght, but held
forth ao relief for the South.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. — (IP)
— The climax to the sero wave,
which haa gripped the entire na­
tion, from the Hockey Mountains
to the Atlantic seaboard, will be
reached tonight, the weather bur­
eau predicted thia morning.
Temperatures will fall five or
six degrees below the lowest levels
reported last night. The wave Is
moving eastward, the bureau says.
The lowest temperature last night
was twenty eight degrees below,
reported nt Miles City, Mont.
This remarkable photograph shows part o f a locomt
a mountainside near Cresson, Pa., after the Philadel;
sylvania railroad was derailed. More than a score
Road Houses Raided and
Hoste Held. Guests Al­
lowed to Depart
Christmas spirit and Christmas
“spirits’’ received a decided set­
back Friday nlfeht when state
prohl officers raided a couple of
notorious Klamath roadhouses and
arrested the ostensible propriet­
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. — (IP) —
ors on charges of possessing li­
Seven persons were frosen to
death in thia yldntty during thfi
The Motor Inn, which has been
past 24 hours, making a total of
operating out beyrind Mills addi-
thirteen to.succumb to the suh-
trim was netted by the slewths
sero weather during the past 48
just as about 20 of the Jovial pa­
Morton Grove, a suburb of this trons word dancing and having
the time pf their lives. The of­
eity, reported a tenyjerature of
ficers reported they confiscated a
22*below last night.
* gallop 9t wine and a gallon of
NHW YORK, Dee. M . — 4Uri— tpooxtshlne whlakqy- -
Harry Slatqr, reputed owner,
The mereary ei imbed from seven
and Louis Stapac, said to be an
degrees above sero yesterday, to
employe, were placed under ar­
23 above today. Three men In
New York and Yonkers were rest, although the guests were
allpweg to riepart without mo­
found dead from tbe cold.
The arrests were made by State
BOSTON, Dec. 28. — (IP) —
Agents McBride, McMllls and
Two persons died from exposure
Paulson and County Traffic Of­
during the extreme cold during
ficer R. E. Knowlese. Paulson, an
the past 24 hours in New Eng­
under-cover man, was Inside the
land. Stewartstown, N. H., re­
roadhouse enjoying the hospital­
ported a temperature of 26 be­
ity when he suddenly flashed a
brace of guns and annonneed the
ATLANTA, Go., Dec. 28. — (IP) place was "pinched." His brother
A cold ware swept the South last officers then filed in and com­
night. Atlanta was six degrees pleted the job of spoiling the
above. Four degrees above sero
were recorded at Asheville, N. C.
An aged man, giving the tyune
of S. C. Wood, appeared at the
Community Hospital last night for
treatment of an injured foot, and
this morning, was unable to tell
the police where he lived or the
names of any of his relatives.
The victim of emmesla Is being
kept In the hospital, while the
police are endeavoring to locate
Representatives from almost
all of ,the major colleges and
universities of the Pacific Coast
will speak at the forum lun-
cheon of the chamber of com­
merce, to he held tomorrow at
the Lithia Springs hotel, In
honor of the many Ashland
people who are attending In­
stitutions of higher learning.
The students st the „various
schools, who are now home for
the Christmas holidays will be
guests at the luncheon.
A representative from each
school will be selected by Sec­
retary Fuller of the chamber,
to uphold the school which he
or ahe attènde. Probably three
minute* will be - given each
speaker, In which he mast tell
of the good qualities of his ln-
*e and its tender sliding down
a Night Express on the Penn-
pjersons were injured.
A short time later the same
quartet of officers visited the
Pelican City roadhouse, where
Eddie Mathews was holding forth
as host. The guests had all de­
parted for the night, but Eddie
and one or two of his aides were
on hand to greet the officers. A
quart bottle which had been drop­
ped down a drain pipe as the of­
ficers entered was recovered un­
broken, and was exhibit "A" when
Mathews appeared Saturday morn­
ing before Justice of the Peace
Emmltt. He pleaded guilty to a
charge of possessing liquor and
paid a 3600 fine with a smile.
have already been selected.
Among them are Walter Mlksch,
who will represent Pacific Uni­
versity, Verne Blue, who will up­
hold Ute tlnlverskty of fcall-
fornia, and Earl Pemberton, who
will enumerate the good qual­
ities of Willamette University.
In addition to the speakers, a
special musical program fea­
and ’ Marcus
Woods and George Francis Bar­
ron, all Ashland boys, who aro
now attending the University of
Oregon, will be given.
A partial list of students st
the various colleges was given
In The Tidings Saturday. This
was far from a complete list,
and those whose names were
no^ inelrided In the list are In­
vited to attend tke luncheon,
along with those wrie were te-
Deputy State Game Warden Moy
Parr today, January 11 Is the djkte
set for the hearing by the gatoe
commission on the proposal for
closing certain streams and lakes
to fishing, and the closing of «8r-
taln areas of the state to Chinese
pheasant hunting.
The closing of the Rogue River
to winter flshfng will be taken rip
at the meeting, which win be Mid
School and Battery B
ivez to Meet in First
Gome of Tear ■
' in the commission offScêi la '
The first basketball game of
the season will be staged Wed­
nesday evening at the armory,
whan the Ashland High School
hoopmen tangle with the Bat­
tery B ft»».*»-* —
PIttock building in Portland, i
It is probable that a number
local yportsmen will attend '
gathering, to urge that the c<
mission lenye the. river Open
winter fishing.
That the gam e will be a real
tussle Is certain. The Battery
B outfit lx made up of former
high school stars, and the squad
has been working out steadily
for the past month.
Three members of the first
string five which represented
Ashland High last season v ll ba
In the Battery B lineup. These
men are Ramsey, who starred
as a running guard; Bryant,
center, and Butterfield, flashy
These three men were stare
with the Ashland high flvel
last season, and have been going
well so far this year. *
Coach Walt Hughes at the
high, school has about ten men
who are running as first string­
er«. He has not selected a line­
up as yet, and probably will not
until the night of the game.
Of these men. Markka, hold­
over from last year. Is probably
the most outstanding. This fast
little forward was one of the
mainstays of the outfit last
season, ’ the steadiest man In
the lineup, And he will be a
world of strength to Hughes in
steadying a green team. Marske
will not be eligible for lnter-
acholastlc games until the end
of this school term.
The other men from whom
Hughes will select his starting
lineup ate Frulan, Moore, Gos­
nell, Katzer, Tilton, Aldo Parr,
Roy Parr, Abbott and Beeson.
Pioneer Woman
is Severely
Injured by Fall
Mrs. Ellen H. Wagner jn«t
4rlth quite a distressing acci­
dent at her home at 25 Granite
street, yesterday morning, >whlch
resulted .In a' broken bone In
the left ankle and also a fracture
of one of the smaller homes in
the left wrist.
She waa leaving her home for
Sunday school when ahe slipped
on the porch step and fell on
the paved walk.
Mrs. Wagner, who la one of
the pioneer residents of Ash­
land Is 84 ysara Old, but she
hue rallied well from the shock
of the accident
broken bones will naturally be
slow In mending In one of her
years. She la at tho homo of
her daughter, Mrs. A.
Twenty Eight Convictions
Are Made During Year,
Report Shows
tentlary terms from this county
by Judge C. M. Thomas, in the
circuit court. These were Alvin
and Victor Richey. H. L. Pap­
ineau and U. O. Buck, held on
moonshine cWArges. Henry Breas-
eale was convicted of driving his
car on a public highway while
he was intoxioated. The Buck
case was appealed.
Three year penitentiary sen­
tences were metted out in three
instances while a fourth was given
a one-year term. Another was
sentenced to 100 days in Jail and
a 360 fine. Others were 50 days
in Jail arid a fine of 3100. one 325
fine, a 310 fine, onh 3150 fine
and a 90-day sentence. Five other
360 fines were given. BdfidiUT
31000 were forfeited in one In­
— Brigadier General Smedley D.
Butler, former police dictator of
Philadelphia, today personally
withdrew his resignation from the
Marine corps, and accepted the
post of commandant at the mur­
ine base nt San Diego.
Dreaeed In civilian clothes, But­
ler culled upon Major General
LeJeune, and after a hand shake
and a slap on the back, dictated
Ashland people were exception­
ally well behaved over the Christ­
mas holidays, the records of the
police department and the city
judge disclose. During the past
Jiaar days, not an arreat has been
i made in Ashland, and not one
caso has been brought before-Clty
Judie O. M. Frost for trial.
This is something of a record,
according to Chief of Police Mc­
Nabb. The chief declares that
the Christmas holidays are un­
usually the time when liquor
cheer flows quite freely, and that
during the past, Christmas has
been one-of the big times when
arrests for intoxication and for
the possession of intoxicating li­
quor were made. •
"Perhaps,” said McNabb, "the
blockade put into effect by the
federal and state prohibition of­
ficers Just before the holidays,
was responsible for the unusual
“dryness" of the season. At any
rate, there wasn’t as much ^rioon"
and wine this year as during the
For several days prior to
Christmas, an officer was on guard
day and night at the junction of
the Ashland - Klamath Falls
highway, where all cars were stop­
ped and searched for liquor. But
few arrests were made, however,
and most of these were for poss­
essing small quantities of liquor,
none over ten gallons. None of
the reputed “bonded stuff” which
la usually associated with the
Christmas trade, was taken.
Secretary of State Says Ho
is Now Considering En­
tering Race
No Further Word Received
From Winburn Concern­
ing Hospital
Portland Mayor Declares He Will
Not be Candidate. Kozer
Collecting Information
Mrs. Loomis Declare« She As Out
of Hospital, and W ill be no
Part in Any Action
PORTLAND, Dec. 28. — Santa
Claus having taken his departure,
George I<. Baker, mayor of Port­
land, rises to remark that rum­
ors that he is to be a candidate
tor the republican nomination for
governor are without foundation.
As a post-Christmas card to the
electorate, 8am A. Kozer, secre-
tary of state, admits that he Is
seriously considering whether he
should enter the. contest for the
gubernatorial nomination.
Off and on, recurrently, for sev­
eral months there have been re­
marks to the effect that Mayor
Baker had his eye on the execu­
tive office in the statehouse at
Salem and that when the primary
ballot Is printed ill May his name
would be thereon. The mayor let
’em talk and Ignored the rumors.
He feels now, however, that It Is
the appropriate time to knock the
rumor on the head and put It to
In spite of the fact that Jesso
Winburn, donor of the Conr-
inunTty Hospital' to' th e c lty h g a
retained an attorney to defend
what he claims are her rifchti
to remain In charge of the hos­
pital as long as she deslrex
Mrs. Nellie Loomis, until a few
days ago In charge of the te-
night that she would refuse to
take any action fn the matter.
Mlsa Nellie Dickey, local at­
torney, retained by Winburn,'
Saturday mornnlg stated that
ahe had been unable to locate
Mrs. Loomis,
could not say what action would*
ha taken. However. Ute Safe.
urday afternoon. Miss Dicker
Ideated her Client, but after s
conference, Mrs. Loomis declared
that . she was out of the hos­
pital, and had no desire to fore”
her services upon the city.
Mrs. Loomis resigned from
the management of the h os pit ST
on- December 23, after it was
learned that the council had
rejected her bid for a three
year lease of the hospital, anj
had— entered— 8—contract with
“I am seriously considering tho
governorship." oaid Mr. Kozer
while in Portland Saturday. “I
have not decided that I will not
be a candidate, nor have I con-
eluded to run.— I im IblihlBg It
over, and I do not know when
I shall decide. Rut”—and the see-
retary of state emphasised this—
“if I do become a candidate, 1
will issue a clear-cut statement
of exattly- wbeap I stand,-so that'
everyone will know what to ex-
s. E. W. Redifer *0188
After Long Illness.
Many Friends Here
The desth of Mrs. E. W. Redl-
fer. of Myrtle Oreek, Oregon,
occurred » i - tutt ThlTty, Sunday
morning, December 27, after a
long illness at the home ot
her sister, Mrs. Fannie Cooper?
on Scenic Drive. Mrs. Redifer
has' been In Ashland for oev-l
erai nsaatht sHMesijp W> an i
der the cars of her sisters, Miss'
May Benedict and Mrs. Fannie,
From many sections of Oregon Cooper.
Miss Pina Benedict was born:
have come mail to Secretary
Kozer suggesting that he he a in Elkton. Oregon, January J,
candidate, making offers of sup­ 1887, coming to Ashland with
the family in 1903. when but
port and predicting success.
Here she at-
“So many of these letters have a small child.
A denial of
been received," continued Mr. tended the city schools, and the as she desired.
mads by city
Kozer, "that I*ani in duty bound Southern Oregon Normal. When
to give them consideration. One I it closed, she finished her course
As the matter rests. MUa
can do ho less. I am not cam-1 at Monmouth, and received her
is in charge of as
palgnlng, although there may be j life certificate.
hospital, starting on her three
such an impression because I have
year lease term; Mrs. Loomis la
been on* a trip or two, but I am
no longer connected with the
trying to gather enough informa­
and the city official«
tion on which to make up my
arc awaiting any further move­
mind." I do not ask people what
ment! by Wlnbvrn. „
they think of my chances, for
when a man does that the aver­
age individual tells him what he
In Asliiaiul—
thinks will please the tentative
J. M. Burnside, of Baker county
There is plenty of
is visiting in Ashland with rete*
time, The primaries are in May."
Uvee, and in also Inspecting
Entrance of Secretary of State
Southern Oregon.
(Continued On Page Fon»)
Kozer, it Is generally agreed
would muddy the waters more
than the appearance of any other
prospective candidate.
Ashland on Air
Route Marked by
Standard Oil
IS AGAIN STRICKEN Tile Standard OH company of
California announced today It
had awarded contracts for the
painting of the ‘roofs of its
buildings from 8eattle to San
Diego with aerial marks tor
In cooperation with
the air service of the army and
navy buildings of the company
<n more than 100 cities aa<'
towns of the PacKtc coast will
be marked for the guidance of
fliers. The < name of the town
and an arrow Indicating true
north will be designed upon each
Towns which have been select­
IN JERSEY BURNED ed for sigas Include:
Washington: Seattle, Issaquah,
JERSEY CITY, N. J.. Dec. Bentos, Tacoma, Olympia, Cen­
23— (U. P .)—Fire breaking out tralia, Kelso,
Longview and
in the Salvation Army Maternity Vonoouver.
Hospital today, drove eighteen
Oregon: Portland,
mothers with new born babes Woodburn, Salem. St
from the hospital into the cold. bany, Eugene. Cotta
Sixteen mothers were taken Drain. Roseburg, On
Medford and Ashland
PLYMOUTH,, Vt., Dec. 28—
P .)—Coionel
Coolidge, - father of President
Coolidge, was stricken last night
with paralysis, affecting his
right leg.
He has been or­
dered by his physician, Dr. Al­
bert M. Cram, to take a rest at
ones. The doctor aowr nut euu-
sider the Colonel’s condition
Immediately serious. The Presi­
dent has been notified.
When Private Norman Barnes, U.
8. A., entered the home of Lieu­
tenant Colonel Arthur Seaman In
San Francisco and attacked him.
Mrs. Seaman came to her hue-
band’s resoue and laid out Barnes
by a blow with a poker. Barnes
now waits courtmartial.
Subscribe For The Tidings
With Santa Claus In retire­
ment for 382 days, following his
annual visit to Ashland last
Friday, the folks of this city are
now busy preparing their New
Year resolutions, which will go
Into effect on January 1, 1923.
•That these resolutions will
be promptly broken by most of
those who make them matters
little. It Is an annual eustom,
much the same as Tom and Jer-
Vie Mills— "I'm going to quit
telling etorlee. The'y are only
appreciated by a certain elate,
and what 1 want Is quantity
appreciation, not qaalfty.”
Bert Miller—"I resolve dar-«
Ing the oomlng year, never to
argue with anybody, not even say
wife. It doesn't pay.”
Earl Crhwe—"I resolvte te
reduce the price of gasoline la
(Edltor’a Note—
day season.
Like Christmas
neckties and socks, they are a
necessary evil, and for that rea­
son, must be tolerated.
There are a lot of resolu
tlone, which, If kept, would
marie .this world a hotter place
la which to live hut the trouble
la that those who should make
these resolutions refuse to do
never to build another hotel.
Louis Dodge— "I’m thro
as a bear hunter."
Dick Price— "I’ll never J
A number of local people,
when Interviewed today, declared
that although they wore op*
posed to resolutions, that since
these resolutions '«put A be brok­
en, they would marie them, just
to please us. A few of thorn
follow "
Louis Dodge hunt hears.’
Wagrier— "I
never to read another poet «
sent through the Ashland 1
' •
Mayor O. H. Johnaoa—
more adjourned mooting! of
city connoll."
* ,
All tho Oonnel lm un "H
rah." -
Thorn were a Mt more,
some of them wees worse t
thoeo above, no We decided
quit. Anyway, ww had to I
eomewhnm. so v h not here