t in charge of the operation of t p hospital; that the city Is deeply grateful to M r. Wlnhurn for the gift of the hospital, but that since the city accepted the gift, and’ its care, It Is essential that thb ad ministration freely use their best discretion la leasing a n * improv ing the same. Christmas In Klamath Falle— In P o r tla n d - John. Dawson, manager of Charlie Woods of the Twent Cash Store bnjoyed ieth Centnry Grocery will enjoy Stones (Continued Prom Page One) a weeks vacation 4n Portland with Christmas day In Klamath Falla with friends. , ', - hia parents. Spencer, Artro Swlngle, Gehet- vieve Swedenbarg, Caroline Tip» For Fire Insurance see J . L . Have your Bunday dlnw ton, Ramona Wise. Marcua Ketch, Aahland Hotel Bldg. Martha’s Dfoaig Room.— «Woods, Chester Woods, Robert doma Hptel. Wrlght, Paul Wagner, Liste On apd, after D ec., 22» I will Wcptner, Donald W rlght, Wehi visitad la Talent Dance, Jackeoa Hot Springs not be rosponaiblc for spy debts ster Werts, Hsrvey Woods, Frank K LAM A TH M AN LOBT IN with hia parents oa Christmas FOG OR T U LE LA K E S a t, n ight Music by The Nite contypgtad ,hy the Çpœjnunity Walker. day. Hospital/; NeUla L o o » l » ,^ .I M (Cointtnued from page X.) In Rogne River— Can you do It? New ¡Tears Charlea Robertson and family companions. resolution No. 1, Resolved that " Lee McMichael came from Butte Mr«' a n d " Mrs. Dwight Beck I will have that long neglected Falls Thursday evening to spend and i «hlldren of Medford and spent Christmas day With Mr*.; Daylight found Moore and photograph made at once. Stu the holidays with his daughters Mrs„ J . A . Tomktoa of this city Robertson’s parents, M r. and Pruitt a tftfle apprehensive, " y it dio Ashland. * ' Mrs. J . K . McClareu, at R oga* positive that within a short time, who are in Ashland going to enjoyed p-vdry pleasant Christ River. they, would again mpet - Oflbve. mas eva with the Dodd family school. Ledgers, Journals, everything They shouted. . They could hear A t the yendome hotel. tor the office.— Elbert’s. no answer. They discharged thplt- C L A IM S “ O U ST IN G " Better e O F M R S. LO O M IS IS guns. > Home For Holidays— Paulserud’s, G IG A N T IC O U T R A G E Grove, realising he was lost yet Laura and Earl Pemberton of hearing the shots, stumbled con Dwight Gregg, who has been From Oakland— Willamette University and Carl (Cdntlnned from Page One) fidently in their direction. The attending the University of Ore Clark Payne of Oakland, Cali Pemberton of the University of going Was ektremely difficult, and gon Medical School, la home for fornia Is here visiting with his Oregon Medical school, are the holidays. Mn spent, Christ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Payne.. home for the Christmas holidays during the time she has been n e mud apd-fog combined to make mas day In Northern California. He will return home Sunday e y e with their parents, Rev. and gotiating for the hospital lease; It unpleasant as he .wandered on. and as as she knew, was still, 'I Later in the day Grove’s two ing. Miss Marjorie Payne will Mrs. Pemberton of this city. her attorney. ling, Trimming, Sham- also return to Loo Angeles tomor companions abandoned their hunt - A ll those who received wired ing, feeling Dÿàiag, F id a la . ‘ The row. fear concern for In Grant« F ng~~ ' from Wlnhurn declared they Grove’s welfare. Throughout the Jhoppe .McGee’s Store. The Methodist choir of this could not understand his refer day and into the evening they )S.. - »8-tf city will give this cantata which ence to «the position taken by Thd continued their search. was given here on December Tidings concerning the matter. Wednesday night Moore return 20, in Grante Paaa, Bunday eve From Hilt— Absolutely no stand has been ed to Klamath Falls» prepared to E. A . Babcock whb has been ning, December 2?. taken, the management of Thd working In Hilt. California spent Tidings remaining neutral con., Christmas day in Ashland with corning. the deal. Those who read P O LIT IC A L A N N O U N CEM EN T his wife apd brother. Our Butter Toasted sandwiches new home on well located lot. Mr. Wlnburn’s, many wires de are growing ib popularity. Try Easy terms. Holly St.. 668 JA M E S J . C R O S S L E Y »6-tf clare he must be gifted with a ona at The P l u s . 17-U Phone 317-L. second sight to • he able to read Portland, Oregon between the lines so well. Candidate for the Republican From Belem 1 Mayor Johnson, when Inter. nomination for United States Sen Brick Moody who has bean 1 Miss Alice Walker of Salem. Viewed In regard to the above ator at the M ay 21st, 122«, Pri spending severer days bare with Oregon, spent Christmas hers telegram stated that he had made maries. Office supplies at the Elhart’s his parents returned last night to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. no promises to Mr. Wlnhurn a a td Will alwayt be. present When r-f Him »IP r > m m * 1 Y ) a s t l t t e > W n l l r A I * Saha w ill r O - IJ U V ltJ i W O in C I . to a a v j w aea * Book Store. *»osoV1110, Who should have the h o sp ita l the Senate la In Session looking turn to Salem Sunday. lease; that alt of the bids for after all the Interests of a ll the C liff Payne makes forms. the leasing of the hospital ware people of Oregon Just as loyally Jerry O’Neil who have to r t To Portland rejected at the meeting held on as he did when State Senator, U. working for some time In Klam M rs. F . R. Merrill and »on. the fifteenth of December, 1»26> S. Attorney In Alaska and a sold- ath Falls has returned to Ash Mias Marte Walker of Klamath Harold, and wife, are leaving land to spend tto'reet of the wln- Fans spent Christmas day with today tor Portland to visit with that the Mayor and Council syh^ jer In France. - pfopreeenls no sequently entered into a least roeclal Interests. Pd. Adv. her parent», Mr. and Mm. Butler relattyto with Miss Jtfan Altchlson for thd Walk»r. Mrs. Jessie Corrtllo held No. hospital; that the Mayor* and Council have only tried to exerclw Call H B tor Jmwatt’s tomona I l l , the lucky number In the their beet Judgment ip the mkt diamond ring contest at White’s appia elder aad we deliver. Christmas Eve. ter, • and they felt that It wouM 88-1 mo. Jewelry More. hotter tri have a. gradnaKbi U PO N of Ashland, 4 Finishing Today MARY PICKFORD “Little Annie Rooney” I f there are any Kansas hers that waat to return. I a home la Hutchinson to you. J . C . Hopper. folks have trade »1-4 Like a Raincoat On a Cloudy Day CHICAGO» Dec. 1«. — (IP) — Bitter' cold gripped the Middle Wert today, with temperatures as low as top below sero. No, relief 'was In sight. In Chicago tbs tber- mometor was at sero» More, than » hundred fires frog» oyer heated stoves and furnaces ware report ed. A t Duluth, the temperature Mr. aad Mr». W . O. Smith and daughter, Margaret Hargus of Subscribe For The Tidings. Klamath Falls and Buford Hargus who has be»n attending the Uni versity o f Oregon, spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mm. Bmll FOUND IN P A ST U R E — Plel of this city. They returned Jumped in my pasture Dec. 22, to Klamath Falls this morning. red .and white heifer. No marks« or brand. Owner may have same by paying for add and feed. W. Miles, Boulevard Road. »1-1 Left For Tm tlkad * Mm. Hiela Churchman and daughter, Margaret, and Mm. Churchman’s mother. Mm. Anna Patterson, left for Portland last evening for * few days visit with frlendb and relatives. * L E T J . L . Katok write •utamoblla tasut-anee. W AN TED — Stock saddle, must be cheap. See J . L . Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. »8-2 W AN TED — Man with family to work on ranch. Sea J . L. Ketch Ashland Hotel Bldg. »2-2 " F O R R E N T O R S A L S — 6-room house on Palm Ava. Ingulre 427 Palm Ava. • •» -•• W A N TED TO From M e d fo r d - writer, reasonable Mr. and Mm. Allan Autry Phone 2SC-Y. and little eon of Medford spent Christina« day with Mr. and F O R BALM— Chevrolet tour Mrs. Hodklnaon o f this city. ing In good condition. Price ills . Phone 214-R, or call at 77 Sixth Bt. »2-2« A S SA U L T room« without stoves these Chariot Trio GOOD PR O G R A M R E A D Y TEACHERS’ MEETING • F V-i.’ i J • Jr, (Continued From Page One), : Ai Roller, Portland, Classical Teachers; W , V . Oraan, Porti land, Science and Mathematics', Mrs. Maude Berry, Marshfield, Art;- idas Maud Covington, Sa- “ The children and I had colds," writes «Mrs, Nancy Ma ther, Richwood, Ohio, “ and the first dpse of F O L B T ’8 HONBT AN D T A R helped us right away. We surely get Quick results. I shall keep It on band all the time." Thousands of mothers have found F O L E Y ’S H O N E Y AND T A R the Ideal cough and cold remedy for their children; Contains bo opiates. Children like it. ‘ Bold by aM druggists. Sold everywhere. B Coming t o Ashland Hear them at the Church of the Nassrens Music and Binging The Ashland ElectricShop 346 E. Jalain Street LITHIA SPRINGS HOTEL ASHLAND Watch Party yo«. •I» Y o u r -H o u s e “ — OUR NEW YEAR DINNER WILL BE Wired For SERVED NEW YEAR EVE. Protection? 5:30 to 8:30 ’ S * f Possibly a few dollars spent in re-wiring your house would . be a sound investment. D a n c in g in o n r ballroom to g o o d m u sic u n til m id n ig h t $1.00 for Dinner and Dance MAKE TABLE* RESERVATIONS , k Do you really think that Trav elers Accident Insurance Is worth while?" one of our policyholders - w a s asked. “ Didn’t you »ay that you’ d< car ried that policy fot ten yearn and never had an accident?" ¡"fifteen yekra." he answer ed, and I ’ve never made ja. claim. And what’s more, I in tend to carry it fifteen more, and I hope I never will have to make a claim.. Why. I ’m really beginning to believe that this, policy has k ep t me frbnl having an accident. Works like a raincoat oh a clo u d y day. Carry it, and it clears. Go with out It and It rains." Wa can’t guarantee you ex emption from Injury, but we can assure you that you won't lose if you áre hurt. are' mighty ooiy in the cold days. a w Mr. aad Mm. J . H . Turner have returned horn« from a three weeks vacation spout in Southern Calif. lem, Librarian»; Miss laa Bot ten, Portland, Meste; Leon p*bre, -jr. Portland, Physical T r a l n i a » ; ' V -^»ttoanae, Mc- MinnvUle, Vocational Education; WUllani F . Cyra», McMinnville, Agriculture; H. T. Vanee, tíre- to a Agricultural College, Com- merce; Mis» Allee Felke Wle- COUNT Jban, Home Economies; L . * A. f r i g h t , Bugene, Industrial Arte; Clara Lynn, Seattle, N . E . A ., Department of Classroom Teaeb- arrange • searching party and re turn. Aad it <»b )>ut a few mia ute» before they ware to leave that Grove, picked np by another group of hun(era, arrived here, very weary, but unharmed. Murphy Electric Bzraw«ßH«®Ba«ftß«Hs COME IN AND SEE THE CARLOAD HAS JUST ARRIVED Ask Dr. Angell what he thinks of them, or ask any Wlllfaas SenricQ StgtiM is the only station yi Ash land selling the Shell Company Gasoline 61 Per Cent Gravity which is the highest grav ity in 10 years. Give it a trial and judge for your self. General Gasoline, Also With permanerà top and-Rex )ne who has tried them Enclosure WHITTLE TRANSFER CO rHE ONLY CAR IN THIS PRICE CLASS WITH A REX PERMANENT TOP AND ENCLOSURES A Closed Car at an Open Price Phone 37 “Service Worth While” Nite Hawks FRATUÄ1 SINGING Extra Music at Christmas FOR THE HOLIDAY PARTIES give her a corsage of our She thought she had married a millionaire nobleman, but ho was only masquera4¡Dff~- beautiful flowers ’ ' ASHLAND FLOWBR SHOP at Li thia Springs Hotel Bldg. 85c A REAL 85c CHICKEN DINNER Johnnie Natto, Singer and Entertainer, formerly of the West Coast theater circuit and Orauman’s the ater of L ob Angeles’ S u n d a y a t T h e P la z a 12 Noon to 8P. M. Saturday Dec. 26