j MATARIA, GERMS Cannot fnrvive thrnp months in the rich ozone nt A&land. P u re doowstio water halpa. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's g Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years Wire Service) ASHLAND, EIGHTY MEET VIOLENT DEATH OVER HOLIDAY Five Penohs Drowned on Christmas nt Orescent - City THREE M URDERED One Child Borned to Death bi Fire W hich Destroys Oak­ land Calif., Home The celebration ot Christmas dost 80 lives In 2? American cities, a survey by the United Press today revealed. Fatalities In other cities and towns probably w ill brine the f (cures to over ?00. F ifty - three are dead as the result of traffic accidents, thirteen ware fatally shot and seven died as the result of liquor. OA K LAN D , Calif., Dec. 26— (U . P .)— Ona child was burned to death and four other chil­ dren and three men serloaaly Injured when firp destroyed the cottace of H arry H all here to­ day. Edgar H all, 4. was killed when he was trapped in the home. William—Mitchell,—their grands. father. Patrolman * Charles O. Erhow and Fred Allen, was was passing when the fire broke out, were a ll hurt trying to rescue the children. • . Rabbi Wise Declared to be Heritic Uses Whip O b Hobby CLAIMS “OUSTING” Legal Tilt Faces City as Result of New Lease With Miss Jean Aitchison. Attorney Retained Here to Protect Interests, Winburn Declares- Mrs. Loomis Resigned Jrrom xiospiv&i ivt&n&gentoui 1/vCeiuDer zo. * AGED CENTRAL POINT M A N S TT IzlLaz DIED THURSDAY Ilivtiul/n. 1 W ÍATH1R - SOCIETY Oregon and Washington — Generally fair, with light, variable winds. was at her bedside, and ad­ ministered to her the last pos­ sible comfort before she closed hey m ortal eyes In eternal Sleep. The funeral arrangements' are in charge of H . 0 . Stock. The funeral service w ill take place from the fam ily home in Central Point» tomorrow at I p. m. Interm ent w ill be In the Central Point cemetery. EHAMBERPLANS LUNCHEON FOR ALL STUDENTS PROGRAM POST OFFICE SETS HARR IN HANDLING MAIL : It’s Happened Forum Tnehiay Will Fea- ture all Students From Ashland As the result of the leasing of the Community Hos­ pital to Miss Jean Aitchison, -graduate nurse, the city now faces legal action, brought by Jesse W inburn, donor of the hospital to the city. This Was learned this morn­ ing by wires received from Winburn, who is now in New York. According to the wires received here, Winburn clnims he had an agreement with the city, and w itb Mayor Johnson in particular, in which it was specified that Mrs. •Nellie I-oomis, who for some time has had the operation o f the hospital Jn charge, should remain in charge of the hospital as long ns she -desired. - A t the regular meeting of the council on December 15, bids were received for a three year lease on the bùild- ijag and equipment. Mrs. Loomis’ bid was the highest of the three received, but Mayor Johnson intimated that he would not sign a contract with her» claiming that he desired a registered nurse Itt C harge uf Uiu huspital. As Mftt Nettle Taylor, 28, of Indlangpoila, Trot; heard- a result, Miss Aitchison’s bid, which was the second, high­ her husband had been in company with another woi est was considered, but finally all bids wero rejected, All Parcels Delivered IveradB Before So she took this blaeksnake whip and flogged him through a downtown street. She hasn’t seen him since, and now and later the council negotiated a contract with Miss Christmas Holiday is -is. Declared Aitchison, leasing the hospital to her for three years. she wants him back. Employees of ¡the Ashland postoffice established a record in the handling of the qsual eluding Christmas eve. When ing the tea day period to and in­ avalanche of Christmas m ail dnr- the office closed on Thursday evening for the Friday holiday all parcels were out in process of delivery and Postmaster Wagner was able to report to the department that the Ash­ land office had earned its holi­ day, -r„ Not only wore extra city de­ liveries made but the ru ral car­ riers out of the office volun­ teered to make an extra trip BROOKLYN. Dec. 28-— (U . P.) over their routes In the after­ — A Christmas dancing party In noon while a ll clerks and car­ a hall on Twentieth street, riers were In "high gear" all ended in a quarrel In which the week and on duty many three men were shot to death, extra hours, w ith a number of police discovered today. extra temporary employes called None of the dead were Iden­ in to help. tified. Patrolman Richard Mor- As usual there were many ano discovered the killings when straggling ’ Christmas parcels he stumbled over the body of which arrived on late trains one man, lying 1n a gutter in Thursday night and on Christmas front of the dune© hall. He m w | day v hlch were delivered this the train of blood, followed It i mornjng. i t {a believed that the through th© doorway, and found intensive “shop early, m all the bodies of two more men early," campaign sponsored by the Post Office department has already proven a great success S TO ooope OBfVZ U, S. HELP in all parts of the country In helping relieve the holiday malls WASHINGTON, Dee. <8. — (IP) congestion. — The Federal Trade Commis­ ____________ _____ e sion today atarted an lnvestlga- tion of farm cooperative m arket­ ing enterprises . in the United States, with the view to advise and help detelop successful farm products marketing by farmers. Commissioner Houston Thomp­ son was on his Way to Denver to hold a series of conferences w ith cooperative leaders, ordered by the ee m m l ss lon to osi the tenns o f the Senate resolu­ tion, adopted last spring. Sarah Aan Bradney, aged Central .P o in t wompn, died at MARINIS ORDRRE P TO SAIL FOR CHINA the home of her daughter, Mrs. W . H. Fergusbn, at Central MANILA, Dec, 28— (V- F .)— Point on ' Christmas Eve. Two hundred American marines Mrs. George Robison, an in­ received orders here today to tim ate friend of the’ family, ■all on the transport Chaumont at midnight for China. It is believed their destination ia Tien Tsln. Radio reports reoslved hourly indicate chaotic coédi­ tions there. , - SATURDAY; DEC. 26, 1925 S P R IN G F IE L D , Masa., Dec. 28— Rabbi Louis Silver , cht^f rabbi of thia city who haa juat returned fA»m a confer­ ence- of the Union ,o f Orthodox Rabbis of the United, SUtes In New York, said today that the recent statement of Rab­ bi S. S. Wise of New York was discussed and declared heretical and that a aUtem ent to that effect Would be sent to the Zionist organisation with a request that Rab­ bi Wise be removed from the chairmanship of the 16,000,000 fund cam­ paign. Rabbi Wise haa stated the belief that Jesus Christ was an ac­ tual peryon, not a myth, 22 and that the Jews must 22 follow bia teachings. tt CRESCENT C IT Y . C alif., Dec. 24-— (U . P .) — The holiday spirit was stilled in this city today, and surmounted by grief over the Christmas drowning of -five persons, two men and three boys. Dr. C. E. Graham, 28, and Edwin Morrison, 22, were drowned by an undertow dur­ ing the annual Christmas swim of "Sons of the Beach." Meanwhile E arl Lewis, p 9, Theodore Branca and Joseph Letshman, 9, were drowned when their skiff overturned In E lk Creek. ASHLAND CUMATE ' Without tbi use of medicine cu._^ nine car t of ten of asthma. /ven fact » .1________ ■ - IS READY List of Those From City Who Are A ttending Schools o f Higher Education, Given The old newspaper axiom has It that when a dog bites a man It Isn't news, but if a man bites a dog, 11 Is. James M. Johnson, ot Los Angeles, has finally done it. His dog bit both his hands, and Johnson got the animal's throat between his teeth and held on until It died. KLAMATH MAN LOST IN FOG OF TULE LAKE In accordance with a vote of the directors of the chamber of commerce, an invitation has been extended to all young peo­ ple, who are studying at sorqe iastitutlon away from Portland, and who are home for the holi­ days, to attend the forum lun­ cheon of the chamber, to be held at the Lithia Springs hotel Tuesday noon.--------- ------- Secretary FuNer has compiled a partial list of those who are away at school, and states that there are ovqr 70 such student*. I f any names are left out of his list, he requests that they be handed to him at the rh -m . ber offices. An interesting program haa been prepared, principally par­ ticipated In by the gue s t s . ___ _ The names of Ashland people, attending institutions or hlghor learning, follow: Ruth Aiken, Gertrude Brown» Verne Blue. Ethel Bryant, Hugh Bates, Grace Bowman. Meredith City officiali- declare ■ that ‘Beaver, Lewis BeMftn. Chrtfc there has never been an agree­ May Briggs, Edgar Buchanan, ment with M r. Winburn as to Kee Buchanan, Katie Buchanan by< Found by Hunters os Search- who should be in charge of the George F. Barron, W illiam ing Party Leaves to hospital, and declare that the Briggs. Albert Cotter, Loren 0 jjrla tm a 8 w eddingw assolem ­ Continue Hi unt for Him administration should be free Culbertson, Gaius Crosby, Paul nised Wednesday afternoon at to exercise Its best Judgment In Esther Church, K L A M A T H FALLS, Dec. 26. - - Culbertson, two th iriy , In Chico, California, the operation ot the building Caldwell, Carl Dryad, To have been lost nearly 12 hours Cleon when Miss Lola G. Kelley, daugh­ and equipment, Edith Dodge, Eugene Detrick, in the vastness of the treacherous ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Kelley Winburn'» wire, received by A new paint store w ill Of Chico, was married at a church the Tidings thlB morning, fol­ Tule lake country— and lost while Jean DeCarlow, Herbert Doran, be opened In Ashland In the almost constantly within shouting Donald Fraser, Frances Fahl. wedding to Mr. Chester F. Phil­ lmnuxliate future, accoiding lows: M arjorie Fraser, John Galey, lips. “ Mr. Moses has Just sent ma distance of friends who sought to «n unconfirmed report Gray. Dwight Gregg, The bride is very well known a clipping from your good pa­ vainly to locate him— was the ex­ George which was given to Ttae- Roslna Gallatin, Beth Johnson, perience Wednesday of Qharles In Ashland, having lived here sev­ Kozer Says No Temporary per, showing that the Mayor and Dally Tidings today. The Marion Leach. Vernon McGee, Plates to be Issued for eral years. She was a student at council are trying to oust Mrs Grove, 2028 Wantland ^avenue, May nautea o f those w ho con­ Mathes, Helen M errill, M ar­ who Wednesday night returned Ashland High School. Loomis from hospital. This ,s Old Owners tem plated opening the garet McCay, Frank Nelson. to Klamath Falls just as a s c a th ­ Mr. Phillips Is the son ot Mrs. contrary to the Mayor and Mr. store could not be ascer­ Pauline Plummer, Lucille Per- ing party w in about to leave to SALEM , Ore., Dec. 26— Secre- L. A. Phillips of East Main St., D ietrick’s promise. You recall tained, hut th© party giv- . ossl, Thelma Perotsl, Marjorie tary of State Koser Wednesday, Ashland and the grandson of the when they had experienced train ­ begin a new quest for him. ing the unofficial inform a­ Payne, Minnie Poley. Laura Grove, accompanied by Vernon »ent a letter to sheriffs and other late E n k . Anderson. He was ed nurse conducting the hospital, tion to The Tidings said Paul Pemberton. Roy Pemberton, peace officers of the state ad- aj8O a gtudent at Ashland schools, It was a disgrace to Ashland, Moore, of this city and they w ere experienced vising them not to issue tein- and iater attending Mount Ta- and that Mrs. Loomis gave her Pruitt of Medford, left Klamath Earl Pemberton, Frances Prstf paint men. Ruth P u rd ’ the blackness of the Marie Prescott. porary automobile licenses to maipBiS M ilitary Academy In Call- services and time to straighten Falls In Catherine Pittenger, Lillhtn morning Wednesday. The fog owners whose tars have been fornia. things out, after I took It over, previously licensed. ) Mr- and Mrs. Phillips will be without any pay. Your clipping hung heavily, and It was only Reimer, Charles Rush. Edith Alice short tlmo after the trio roach- Robison, George Rosa, “ When an applicant for a at home after j anuary 1 In Chico, states that although Mrs. Loomis Lloyd Shrlner. Lyte 1926 motor vehicle license pre- where M r Phillips Is engaged in I ,B highest bidder, Mayor John- d the vicinity of Tulo lnko that : * » « • * . trove becamo separated from his ! Sems, Margaret Schell, Roberi sents himself to the sheriff with bu8|ne88. | 8on has promised to give lease an application fo r such license.“ , ' t< gomeone else. This Is an (Continued on Page Four) says the letter, “he must ex- ____________— I outrage and I have telegraphed (Continued on Page Four* hlbit to the sheriff a certificate Governor Pierce. Have also re­ of title or the certificate and tained Nellie Dickie to protect receipt o f registration issued nt Mrs. Loomis' Interest and pro­ the time and , in conjunction tect deed that I turned over with such certificate of title a3 to the city of Ashland. I can evidence that such motor vehicle read between the lines of the owner has compiled with the law article In your paper how you Files Affidavit of Prejudice compelling him to secure certifi­ feel about It. I f this sort of in Circuit Court at cate of title for his vehicle.” thing continues In Ashland they Klamath The letter concludes with the had better have the officials statement that “ motor car own- EUGENE, Dec. 28— That the of the higher educational in­ of Medford show them how to K L A M A T H FALLS, Dec 2 6 . - operatln< Oregon Sta'te Teachers’ Asso­ stitutions will take part in the run their town. I shall be very W illiam Cole indicted state pro- Six Boys Pass First and Sec­ glad to receive a reply by wire, ciation w ill have the largest departmental discussions. hlbltion agent, took definite steps and who have not made appli­ ond Class Scouting at my expense, as to your at­ attendance In Its history when Those responsible for the na­ Thursday to strike back at his cation for 1926 licenses will be It convenes In Portland, De­ tional programs are Dr. M. BH- Tests titude in the matter. WHh you accusers. Held on an Indictment doing so In open violation of the and yours compliments of the cember 29-31 IS Indicated by wood Smith, Oregon Agricul­ charging him with assaulting motor vehicle law of the state reports coming from all parts of tural ollege, Higher Education: Several ot the Scouts of Troop season." Frank Pecholt with a dangerous and subject themselves to the the state* accor3lng eto E. F. Superintendent No. Two Journeyed to Medford Miss N ellie Dickey, who has Percy weapon, Cole was at the office of penalties Imposqd thereunder Wednesday night to attend the been retained by Winburn to pro- Carleton, chairman of the com- Klamath Falls, City District Attorney E llio tt Thurs- fo r rio la tlo n of such law.' Court of Honor tor this Southern tendenta: Mias . Yld* (Tay ifliPTiUffn to (TciTiunn • w» - In addition to a most excel­ Portland, Oregon district. Six of the boys terests, this morning stated that Classroom Teacher: rant for the arrest of C. Schults, were ready for advancement she had started no proceedings. lent general program on which Miss Susaane Homes Carter, of the Klamath Moulding com­ and are quite proud of the new She declared that she had been w ill appear Miss Mabel V. W il­ county superintendent, Jackson pany, charging him with reckless badges which Indicate that they unable to locate Mrs. Loomis, and son, president of the Orade County, Rural Schools; A- M. driving as a “ hit and run” auto- W A S H IN G TO N , Dec. 26. — (IP) have completed the work re­ therefore could not tell what ac­ Teachsfra* Club. Seattle; Dr. Zevsty. eonaty superintendent. 1st. , • » E ll wood P. Cubberley, dean, Sherman county. Boyu’ and ORri? — The dispatch of five Amerlc«# quired In the second or first tion would be taken. • Cble, throughout the Pecholt School of Education Stanford destroyers from M anila to Chin­ class tests. Clubs; Charles H. Boyd, Port­ Mrs. Loomis -»signed the man­ affair, has maintained that Pech­ Cornelia J. land. School Principals; M m .* » * These tests include elemen­ agement of the hospital, r-nd her University; Miss ese waters Was announced to the olt was struck by an automobile navy department from the Far tary first aid, woodcraft, th rift resignation took effect on Decem­ 8pencer, president ef the As­ W Jameson, Oregon when he was endeavoring to. evade Eaet. The Stewart, the John D. and other useful things which ber 28. H er contract had almost sociation; Mrs. J. F. H i l i vice- tural College, Desna o f arrest on a liquor charge, and Ford, the Truxton ,the Pekry and require considerable study and a month longer to run when her president of the National Con­ Frederick Berchtold, Or has insisted that he did not strike the Pillsbury made up the con­ practice, and all of which are resignation took effect. Mise gress ot Parents and Teachers, rlcultural College, Btnta Pecholt In the heed with a sap or tingent, the explanation of the Intended* that the Scout shall Aitchison Is now In charge of the and Fred W . Steiwer of Pen­ of English? Mies KA gun, as was alleged. dleton, representing the Ameri­ buthnot, Oregon move said. I t Is believed this Is "be prepared" for life and the hospital. As another move in hie contem­ emergencies which anyoae may hut the ordinary, shift In person­ Connell e f Miss Aitchison, this morning can Legion, moot Interesting State plated defense. Cole Thursday f il­ nel, as no Americans are report­ meet in common life. C. stated that she did not know her programs have been prepared Teachers; ed an affldarit of prejudice against Those receiving the first class status In connection with the hos­ by each department head. Portland, ed In danger In China. Circuit Judge Leavitt, In.w hlS h R ural school teachers, city riagton. were James Hartley and Wes­ pital. She declares that Miss he sets Yorth the belief that he and eounty superintendents, d a b Modem Canby — 8000 Clackamas Co.. ley Hoxie; second class: Emer­ Dickey has been representing her cannot procure a fa ir and Impar- leaders, class aroom teachers, Christmas trees were shipped to son Pratt, Harry Borah, Hugh and representatives from all (Continued on Page Four) Garter and E arl Llnlnger. (Conttnued on Page F o ur) California. Say New Paint Store to Open in Ashland Soon auto : owners r°ESRRIEDLÍNNCtíÍcO I® PURCHASE NEW LICENSES COLE DEFENDS HIMSELF UFON ASSAULT COUNT LOCAL SCOUTS AHEND COURT OF HONOR MEET GOOD PROGRAM READY FOR STATE TEACHERS' MEETING