< » MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ostme at Ashland. Pure domeetio. water helps. i Newspaper For N early Fifty Years The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Lead . VOL. XLIX T idings •. / Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, V o la n e 41 - (U nited Wire Service) U Third Message Sent Solons by Governor of Washington ATTACKS M ETHODS Not Question o f fidala, But i Methods" li O L Y M P IA , W hih., Dec. 22— (U . P .) —»Governor H artley to­ day sent his third message Of the special session to the Wash­ ington legislature, and again spent almost the entire message attacking the methods employed In the selling of the state tim ­ ber to private interests. “The issue which has been raised by me is not one of men, but is one of the methods employed by men,” the govern­ or’s statement declared. In this statement. H artley was alluding to the resentment expressed by Commissioner Bavidge CHICAGO, Dec. 22— Mrs. Luelnda A. Blodgett today celebrated her one . hundredth birthday by making her first speech over the radio. “Children should re- member that ‘early to bed and early to rise,’ 22 0 22 22 22 22 22 rule ” she skid. “That’s 22 abogt all ’ the rules I 22 know to live to. be 100, 22 except being temperate 22 , in everything you do." 22 She was born December 22 20. 1825 at Denmark, 22 New York. Two half 22 brothers, 81 and 89 re- 22 Side in California. Congress 22 a 22 28 22 It 22 2fc 22 (2 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 ,22 22 Spaniards Bid Farewell to U. S. Ambassador j Scientists to Back Flight, to be Made by Aviation Society DETROIT, Dec. 22— (U, P.) — A north pole airplane flight, In behalf of the people engaged In the study of geographical science, and for the advance­ ment of aviation,' w ill be started soon, it was announced at the gathering of noted scientists of ths natlan, at the meeting of the National Geographical So­ ciety here to«lay. In case land Is discovered, it prill be claimed for the United tho- members of the D etroit Aviation w ilt "Society, who w ill have chargo of the, flight, la conjunction w ith the association of scien­ timber lands common carriers tists. » The flig h t la projected for next spring, hi con junction with the American Geographical so­ ciety' 'of New York. Members of the latter society have for several years been studying the possibilities of land lying aronnd bunch o f youngsters who the north pole, and they de­ have » cn ix l you faithfully clare they are convinced that throughout the year. Kain nuch Is the case. or shin«*, In «»mmi-r or w inter these fellow s liave delivered your papers to your doors. And they have' ixx-n glad to do this work. They are TT»e Tidings car­ rier boys. In many cities, it Is the custom for subscribers, w ho feel that they have been given good service through­ out tlie y«*a.r, to remember thtnc carriers on Christmas. Last year, the custom was started here, and many left remembrance« for the car- The m anagem ent o f The Tidings w ill remember the carriers this liriatmaa as la past year«, for th e splen­ did service they have rem- dered. W ill yon? opes for “ White” Christ­ mas Evidently Blasted by Sunshine Today Hopes for a “ white” Christmas faded rapidly last night, when a heavy rain started falling. The rain fall continued until this morn­ ing, when It was succeeded by a fog which lasted until after ten o’clock. Then the sun came out and the atmosphere was warmed up, precluding any possibility of snow, at least for today. A remarkable contrast has been noticed between thin holiday sea­ son, and Cbrtetmae last year. A year ago the streets were coated with Ice the result of a prolonged cold spell, and during the early part of Demmber, snow fell upon several occasions. , Today, Wednesday and Thurs­ day w ill see the frantic rushing UJ0N*T MOO HAME «30HB MOttB CHI6KBH, 5 RUSSIAN-TURKISH TREATY CONCLUDED B E R L IN , Dec. 22. — (LP) — The Soviet embassy have confirm­ ed today to the United Press the conclusion of the Russo - Turkish neutrality treaty, which presum­ ably la calculated to counteract the British Influence in the Near East. TRIBESMEN WIN IN PALESTINE BATTLE LONDON, Dec. 22. — (LP) — Agency reports today claimed new successes for the Druse tribesmen, who were reported to have taken the town of Khym, and attacked two other towns near the Pales­ tina border this morning. of the last minute shoppers. And there w ill be quite a bit of rush­ ing by those who shopped early' but who, during tljelr shopping forgot some friend or relative. Now they w ill be dashing about madly, trying to make an ade­ quate selection for the forgotten party. Yesterday and today were tho big days at the post office. The heaviest outgoing m all of the sea­ son was sent from the office yes­ terday, and it is expected that the heaviest Incoming m all w ill be experienced today. Santa Makes His Annual Visit to Borgerson’s Store cruise rather 22— r ye^- board axes of In- amath tlm - r. tlm - g In such as has already been ln*> auagnrated. He would include uncruised timber lands such as have come under private owncr- ahlp put of the public domain since the cruise of 1910. And he believes that such a survey could be accomplished for muck less than 220 000, and used as a base for a horizontal increase a new >rov«d e re- they i t tke pendi- 10,000 9 has need- of valuations. "I cannot sea, where It Is possible to get an increase of more than three and two-thirds per cent out of the results of this new cruise,” said Lee. "That means an increase In the t»xes on thia 100,000 acres of only |l6 8 0 . I-w ish «omoone* would toll mo -when the eonnty can get back an expenditure of ¡heck” ®*®»®®® tor >181®* Mo,t Idlnga timber may be* cut before erntaa wa ean gat that money hack.” Was One of Moat Powerful Men in Country at Time of Death Most Counties Show De crease in Farm Values During Year O W N E D 17 P A P E R S JACKSON LEADS STATS Relaps«* After Operation Perform­ ed on 73 Year Old Publisher Is Cause o f Death Counties With Lumber Industry Slowest Show Greatest Defla­ tion In Fann Values N EW YO RK, Dec. 22— (U. P -)— Frank A. Munsey, news­ paper and magazine publisher, died at the Lenox H ili hospital here today, after a short 111- nes8, following an operation. rallied for a time original operation, wrich performed last Sun- day, yesterday a second Samuel H. Thompson is the new operation became necessary. president of the American Farm During the uight, he suffered Bureau Federation, winning the a relapse, and died at 6:30 a. election over former president O. E. Bradfute of Xenia, O.. He was Munsey was 72 years old. He 22 M A D R ID , Dec. former president o f . the Illinois earned the sobriquet of “dealer 22 Alexander Pz Moore, Agrictfliural Association. ' in dailies’’ having owned at 22 retiring Ameriean different times seventeen news- 22 bassador to Spain papers, but at the ttme of his 22 given' a touching send- 0 death, he published but two, Donald Kelly Again in Toils 12 off when he left Madrid 0 the New York Sun and New of Law as Result of 22 for Paris op his way York Telegram. . , Robbery’ 22 home. 0 Munsey came to New York 22 The railway station 22 SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22 — just as hundreds of boys do 22 was crowded w ith soldiers 22 22 and statesmen headed by 0 Donald Kelly, alias Ernest Young, every year with a few dollars 22 General Prime de Rivera 0 and L. O. Gillian, alias Jack Ray­ in his pocket and grip sack full 22 and his entire cabinet, B mond are being held In ja il here of manuscripts, He was born in Mercer, Maine, 22 who hade the ambassador 22 on charges of attempted robbery. 22 Godspeed. . The diplo- 22 Both are ex-convicts to -police re- in 1854 and started his business career in a country store. He 22 -m atle corp«, laalad la g ■ -0 -cordx-------------------------------------- . then became an expert Morse 0 Kelly was released from Ore- the papal nu H. E. Gale, Manager, Here 0 gon state penitentiary on a con- telegraph operator, but the lure were present, Arranging For Equip­ 0 dlttonal pardon last July. Gillian of literature was strong within of the royal 1 ment Needed 0 was convicted of robbery here in aim so one day in 1882 be pack­ represented, ■ 1922 and was ^released on two- 'd up all bis reject««! manu­ fonso sent t W lth the arrival here today of * yéara probation. Both men, said scripts und decided to seek fame H. R. Gale, Southern Oregon dis­ Moore • 22 , they had been working in Óre- >n the metropolis. farewell letter. trict manager for the Oregon Munsey was often called by I gon before, coming to Oakland State Motor association, came the biographers a thoroughly mod­ where they were arrested. ?nnouncement that the local office He was R ally’s wife, Grace, atep-dangh ern “ Down Easter.” of that organization would be ter of A. V . Stonn, of Medford tall and slender and as sanguine opened within a very few days. Oregon, is being cared for at r in literary color as hr disposi­ Gale is here making arrange- detention home.. She married tion. mepts for the equipment neces­ From behind the counter of K elly at Medford December 7. sary for the office,* and securing Lena, Gillian's wife, is beinr the country store he came to be an attendant for the information housed by the Salvation Army un the publisher of a big group of desk. When these have been se­ til she can find employment. Bott newspapers and magazines, with cured, ho declares, the office will women declared their lntchtion of assets in the millions. be put Into operation in the Munsey could not convince standing by their husbands. Lithla Springs hotel. the publishers that his manu­ There ore more than 180 mem­ scripts wore good but he did con­ Three Hours After Loss Dis bers of the motor association in covered, Thief Reported show that a marriage license wn vince many persons that he had Ashland now. as the result of the issued on December 7th to Don pluck and so he founded his Caught • drive staged here by the associa­ newspaper. the ’ ’Dally aid Kelly,, to wed Grace 8evere first tion during the past few weeks. M ED FO R D. Dec. 22. — Three and L. O. Gillian appsared as : Continent,’’ In New York, in the The Ashland offlc«, w ill be one The paper for­ hours after Samuel Nelson, 16, witness. The couple, the marrlag' late eighties. of the most important in the stole a Chevrolet touring car, own­ return shows, w eft married by merly was the old Tammany state. W ith more than half the organ known as "The tar.” But ed by H. Anderson of Coquille, the Rev. E. P. Lawrence, pastor of from a city street here Saturday the First Presbyterian church of his venture into the publishing out-of-state cars coming into Ore­ afterhoon, he was arrestqjl In Medford, at the parsonage, the business proved unsuccessful and gon registering here now, it is expected that the Ashland office Yreka, Calif., by officers acting same day, the witnesses to the he dropped It. w ilf be the most widely used In In 1889 Munsey formed "The on phoped Information." Sheriff ceremony being listed as Mr. and tho state, with the exception of Golden Argosy” a Juvenile maga­ Ralph Jennings brought tho boy Mrs. J. II. Raymond. to Jacksonville Sunday where he Tho police have requested Cali­ zine which he later converted In­ the Portland office. Almost every tourist, especially was scheduled to have a prelim­ fornia authorities to question Don­ to “The Argosy” a/id put - it inary hearing. ald Kelly and L. O.« Gillian, held over as his first big success those from California, are mem­ The boy has been a local resi­ In Styi Francisco for attempt««! About the same time he or­ bers of automobile ciubs, which Munsey's Magazine, dent for a month past, coming robbery relative to the holdup In ganized (Continued On Page Six) here from C alifornia with rela­ Medford early this month of J. which ho later converted into tives. The sheriff stated several W ilmont, service station proprie­ Munsey's Weekly. Munsey’s doctrine of publish­ automobile keys were found on tor, who whs relieved of 260 at his person, leading him to believe the point of a gun. According to ing which he once analyzed to the boy had been engaged in ear Chief of Police Adams of Medford an audience was:-. “ I do not think that any man stealing for sometime. the pair were known to him, and succeeds as a publisher who 'T h e stolen car had Just been suspected of the hold-up after Its publishes simply what he thinks parked by Its owner when Nelson commission the- people 'ought to have. He drove It off with Its load of . car­ must give them what they want, penter tools and equipment. Thirty subject, of course, to rules f t minutes later the officers of Klam­ decency.” # W ASHING TO N, Dec. 22. — (IF) ath Falls, Grante Paas and Yreka Munsey was Often referred to __Despite the movement la Eng­ were notified* « , as the Lord Northcliffe of land for the abolishment of the America. He hit thd popular submarine, the United States ATTHNTION MINISTERS taste In magazines and suc­ Navy la now planning the con­ ceeded In giving the public what struction of two additional fleet All church announcements, giv­ JLa wanted, a t the ««mu time ■iihwavhina Assigned tax althar ing Infuimatlufl 1» to T ire ser­ amassing a fortune. fleet or Independent operation, the vices in the various churches on A t another time, Munsey de­ annual report of Rear A dm iral J. Christmas Day, muat he In at clared; " I t Is clearly more im­ D. B e ire t, chief o f the bureau of The' Tidings office by Wednea-J portant that the newspapers construction and repair revealed day n igh t Programs and out- j should study deeply and serious­ today. • lines of any special services ly the needs of the poor rather “ The prelim inary work on theee should accompany the ih - than the needs of the rich.” designs Was canrted on concurrent­ nonnoemeat*. * Many critics of Munsey have ly with the prelim inary work on* chided him for what they say is the designs of a proposed light hts policy of “k illin g ” news­ cruiser and It la estimated that i OTS oooudg papers. No less than fifteen they w ill be ready for tsaue In D A W ll ATIOV publications have gone out of about two months.” Beuret de­ business after they were pur­ WASHINGTON' Doc. 22— (U. clared. P .)—«President Coolidge today chased by him. Of the total of 17 vessel» list­ Publications which passed out withdrew b in , nomination of ed a t "under construction” last of existence after his purchase Vice President Dawes to be a of them Included; The New York year, «two light cruisers, five sub­ brigadier general la the officers Here hre the three new women members of the new Congfews. They are left to right, Mrs, Mary. T. Norton of New Jersey, Mrs. Florence P. Kahq of California, and Mrs. Edith Rogers of Massachusetts. From the way their eyes are 'cast down, it ap{>ear8 they aren’t as used as most congressmen to having their pictures taken against the governor’s second piessage, In which he attacked the meth­ ods of timber sales. “ I t Is n o t-a question of hon­ esty or o f the integrity of the men who are responsible for tke saley, or of the good Intent of these public officials, but whether the state of Washington Is getting fu ll value tor Ita timber. I have attacked no person, but I do attack the methods by which the public officiala. Into whose hands granted lands are entrusted, erate, ” H artley declared. The governor said that « ASHLAND, OBEQONJ t I'KSDAY, DEC. Woman, 100, Makes Speech Over Radio 22 22 ASHLAND UUMAT»' \\ nhout the use of medici' uine cases out oi lea/" This is a proven ftk > 0 : reserve qaaat aorpa, at Dawes* ro- The nomination <>• transmitted to the terday. Clustering around active cen­ ters of the lumber industry are the only Oregon counties whose farmers did not write off huge sums in the aggregate value Of farm lands between 1920 and IS IS , according te what is ré- vealed by the 1925 Farm Cen­ sus. Deschutes is thé only Eastern Oregon County showing an ac­ tual gain in per acre values. I t is the leading lumber county east of the mountains. Its neighbor, Klamath, where lum- ber has been feverishly active, showed little loss in farm value« aa epthpared' with Eastern