A SH LA N D V A I L E /T ID IN G S Now Comes the chaotic ; »Ufo of «paet U» prohibí- Atbatfc. «Mo tat totora«#»»» Squor «motsfor« ha» koe« 4*1«- 8* <J«Ä XMNWv' ’JW ä M > h ) W » - t h r m . Cobo. * . ■ Hid» Aerial 1CU L ■a'Poatoffit« M Second Ol FH««. Delivered to Gltf <* PW« a * * a » l > e » » » 8 » » 8 e f »S S* PA 1T K B SO N HAND COLORED PIC TU R ES OF Enter Lake - Ma Shasta - Redwoods and Hurnl E I. t o - a ^ w ^ c h A* VBKT18I*G * * * “ ia WMtruon, per intn ........... ......11 »» « ■ us lo»*sgyi 'Y ea r ly Contracta insertion M* Break insertions a treek r Insertion V> k 1 1 r I '7 and Ocean Surf > Framed f» d Unframed * i OcrffM Studio & Art Store 5 A 1 ■p' '■! ' < . Ralee Mr ¿égal and Wscellaneoaa .A4rort|siag t« n u O polat K ma ......r........ «i ' par 8 llae subsequent insertion, 8 point line .< ' > t II • thia Springs H otel B ld g .' > ** Patterson Pictures Not Included in T his Solo. lw»H« tu e rtia n i ~ , Aaathar to»*? raetori |i year aooo la too potato* a »“«• remedy to poOtod to tato rthto A M IG H T Y ’ ARM:*— l^ q u hast a mighty u r » : . atrpng |s th , tad, and high Is thjr rig h t hand. Justice a n d . Judgment are th i Lbitattan of Thy-throny* mercy and tru th ehall go. before T hy face, tolm 88: 18. 14. •' -' ’' • PR A YE R Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.” In th» >urts of Thy house w ill we praise Thee continuously. Fill op the Stocking with Oranges, Nuts, Dates and other Christmas Goodies GUARD T U E S AND FLOWERS W e should give good heed to the warnings o f thé date forester, against the indiscriminate destruction of free growth for Christmas. IjFith a city population that is now larger than the •ural òf most states, the people y?h<^ do not understand thp relation of tree life to farm life and to industry are 4 h s d l l i t n 14 IT*8 t v * « Vivi itimi iiittjvi rt/Jr• --- ............. .. . i -------------- r— Many of us think o f the, “ country ” <is a place we. co* Irive through, to look at things, to pick - wild flowers, :o pick peaches in the ■ summer,' grapes in the fall and lisistm a s trees and holiday berries in December, witb- mt permission from the Qwner of the land. The offense té -thh: èwner of'th e land-«day be mereljr i matter of m anners^ The offehse to the ^ te re sts of the entire public w ill l>< serious and permanent, unless tire cutting of natural ferowth is d on e considerately. • T The first step ArtM » should be to refrafarfrom any putting oftrfeeetof snrhbbery without the ¿onsent of the: X»wners. The pubHc> Interests can be to some extent ari- tiv e d at through the cooperation of state and property ^owners. They, c a n n o t be even .guardejj; with m illions of up>thinge. 1 i Mhn's biggest blunder I» lev;- I There, is no reason whv there sh o u ld pot be. plenty df tpg/xyond .bds snlgry. .ueçtl»: j ^ .r is t m a s M U « ,W e R W ? B o t t l e y sh ou tf lie.picked in the proper places, in the proper propartiout^ 'leavin g a remainder e f tp grow up fo r tim ber aim 'Ì Your oMhcleucu isayt ,f1 twice a soften ss R says have specialised pn the pedestrian problem alpe* sotolsts became so nuinerooa. V These pedagogues avrttch? arodad "from earner to corner throughout the capital’» By CHARI^ff P. W RYY } W&k Service Writer W A SHING TO N — The w in te r term of the Washington traffic departmie^t’g naw school for pedestrishs op44sd> a few ' daf^ ago. AttobdaSe« la . comptfaahK I w ith u high as a 8880 flue fo r lnattentjoa, insubordination, aaa- slng “ teaeher” or lunklfea&ed- No home is complete, It seems Prof Eldridge, the principal, (and traffic director) had son- aiderahle trouble persuading the) ‘ I t hachelbra h a * heir way, need lue would be made with big- District pf Columbia commis-. sloners to make his course ob- llgstory. They thought perhaps the pupils would profit by it, hut hesitated to penalize ¿ruftney. F inally, rather reluctantly,, they t» pitou consented', on eonlfltlon ' that Ithowkat least one divorce. e see and so. destroying, thp seed for next yea r’s w il lower*. ‘ *'■ / ■ • > ‘ -.j J i . « ; MAKE PUNISH M ENT CLEAR QUT ; . There seems to be seme*question as to wbat w ill tie - y? the instructors weren’t too ¿ h e effect of the sentence laid upon Colonel M itchell, if it TPsiMr ' strict w ith their classes until lis confirmed. . Bh the latter become somewhat, fa m iliar With the discipline and ; i f there is any ambiguity, it should be removed. T he m masculine, learn what’s expected of them. •sentence should be clear cut. It should be a puniihlnent, jwhere punishment is due. th should jidt be a string tied The traffic school*» faculty, in J to Mitchell, to regulate his future conduct. addition ta Prof Eldridge, eon- ‘ To whatever extent Mitchell hap been subversive of aieta of what Eldridge call» the •discipline, We should be punished. He ought pot^ of ¡course, to be punished for creative and helpful suggest-. Bong to his fellow citizens regarding the ponduct of the ♦policies of- the national defense. He should be punished •for his contemptuous and insubordinate treatment of bis ¡superiors. • face N uh \ P G AD’.WHuT 1 F U asout J It is not possible to discipline a man g f M itchell’p X A jR O * trrë » H /X /E ! ' N u H H w ow B o u t Tank, age and experience, in tha^ordinary sense a f dis- A LOOK” A T NÜK FORE T Û ç n SMBAUiM’ «eipline. He is not a child. In u lii rbspect, lie can no WE. HAU<j SORE. iM -r,‘ wh.L P o r e ¡longer learn. R u t he can be punished for the sake of OM -ltt FEWCE ! l u O ^ ’’ S m OKEW WHILE. . ¡example to others of what not B q 4<k , r , k . x Irtt’s SICH ABEOV J E R S m o HE s I WAE, 1 ‘ He cRn, jieYhaps Shoflld be, discharged from the army» HAÑ1M A Stooge •) A s h o r e m u st hev if that is a a te p neeceeapy to provide for discipline. He AGiKj'lMÎJ ought not merely be suspended, in a way to prevent hip doing urrov service or doing civilian service for him self. The punii|h<nent should be made clean out and direct }o the offense. . i - * . i • r Tx'f V be tffcd 6 f the thrffl and7prosperity and con-^ juent happiness of- any people, anywhere on the'globj}. E sp ecially'lét’b Hole, while we are gettin g such dis- 1 reports of the financial sitqntion in France, that thp manían gupernment atorlg off en its new year with A Iget that provides for a surplus o f five million d o ll« » . The BumanitutH are n jieople who deserve the sym- thy o f the rest of the world.' F o r they have gotten little Aide.help. They have maintdiwed them selves as a race, ’^•tottorirt/in spite of the UtMitMious imposed upon ■8 by stronger peoples. T hey are trying today des totety to build up a commonwealth that w ill defend •ÍLflB8W-MH overwhelming numbers o f adjacent Huslia. ■r VW* nUno^t crushed under th e w eight of German A o M ui Great W ar. Their added torr^ ne plaoe, now another, • • • * alntng is mainly ural, ited by an occasional Jah; to the, cases o f who’ toll to grasp read- »re’s significance other- reet-croaslng constituted By S. P. H O LLIN G S W O R TH ( United Press Stott Coryespoe- . . . dost) W A S H IN G TO N M >1— (IP) P .)— T h * fodsswl ywdletoi ma chinery has reached Us ps«k la the dlapaeitton of prohibition cues sad s M I t i o u l fudges and legal assistance are urgently needed to keeh »brpoef 8 f the COZY TOE FELTS A HIGH G R A D S ARTICLE THAT W ILL MAKE A N ID E A L GIFT FÒR D A D AN D SON. , brandt, assistant U. 8. Attorney General declared in the annual report of the Department pf Justice recently mads public. ( ^Desplt« utmost endeSyOr, t ip number of pending prohibition case» Increased fro m ,' Ffieefad A s previous fiscal OVERLAND SHOE SHOP of the curriculum— year to 88,884 at the close of do it ,, how to do It. the fcualne«« June A , I f « ,* ’ rt|d .tlpn of signals and the W tldebraudl. «The num ber ie of aVofdtag ob etru o d f oases term lnaO d * U 48,7X4 the thoroughfare' by shewing a considerable Increase in over. 'o v e r the previous year, hut the - ■ *■ —— —— number of cases filed Increased 18 BAY F R E N g g from 48,481 to s i .e s s . c am TO'. Q u lT “ i f - the dockets are to to ■ * ■ " blehred, and the number of pend , Dec. 8 l- * - ( D .’ P .) — ing cases kept at e reasonable were current today that figure It Is necessary thwt addl- M lnister Doupser would t^ n a, Meietanca, bptk Judldel .Uowing the vUJJ to him Bnd prosecuting, M gtos« s* rlo r M inister am lllo t he points where clogged dockets >s and M. Isray for the and B continuous Inrush of eases Of qemmuniedttag t*1“ „ a g , . t»ie speedy adm tutatrttien demands for financial j BBtfoe prwctlcally impossible.” X H UI * ■ ’ • < , Tu this opinion Attorney Oe»- Itattvs sources denied BrB, giygaat concurred, endore- >rs, however. . v tng IS his » a n a l report the r f- 1 • "lt---------- -- commendation of the senior c lt- Ipe In The Wdtog» t <utt judges that nine additions! , ___ federal Judges he provided along tom a S » e to A ^ tk * A tt o r n * Seaboard, « 4 r j commending again that CoSgrors ▼ T » H I M * * « * ? appropriate funds to retos the » * • (shristoMs (^oitfcOions ! W llIlA tT I^ — 3 3 » » — ------ . .. ' -'« v «Has of United Spates Attorneys s«d t h e * aaeistouts. «to t>e in terest ef efficiency and greater ’•My predeceeear invited at- toatloa,” said Sargent, “to U|a fact that the ertmteat torttoets of the federal government had t Increased M i l per cent el««« 1818 and over 888 per ceat^etoce 1818, and th a t Urn civil hetonee» had daabled since 1888. Thja great increaee in federal RUga- tlon neoeeaitotee United State» Attoraepe and their aaaUtoht» gtvtag tBeir to ll tim e to »be goverameat aad -does not per m lt of th e lt devpttag h ' port-of their tlp e to private practice aa they form crlp 0H |ld.” r Mr» w iu e b ran d t further OP- J plitled the deeerlptlon Of todrtOl court gonkeetlea. ’’United throughout State« the The Sweetest g ift to the, sweetest friend! - Sh e'll expect candy as a m atter ofwcourse. S h e’ll be doubly happy to receive fresh, fat chocolates; rich and creamy, with the iiglividual quality and flavor for which they are famous 1 ».».Ti . L . ’ _ # - ' Oo«ne 1» and select g boi& T h ey are all artistic and enticing. ' Our 1925 Christmas assortment can ’t be The Raggedy Ann Sweet Shop Attorney* eoontoy a«e handicapped by lp arttleleol !♦-) gal aad darlool orttotodto la toady dtotrtote Oto prgwen ed from promptly dtopootog of etl«»- tool proeecutiona hw W 8 , > atalltty of toe ceerte fo gfv» art flefe rt time 1« too koMiog '> > . > From Ashland ■ Additional Judge« agd togtoF ed rtftoe bolp »<• »W rt»t«ly aeeeaaory to »rfog oh««» 8 «tort apeedy r had bilto'h tour- * ol administrative difficulty rather , bc«^ ondenvoring.to pint it* d f ph nation it is working, rather than 1 -& 4B PROW LER dlapoeHion of orlmUal t eaaaa la th * eongoatad djalrlete? U t Tha w p r i «( Mto’ WUM- I braadt above* UMtt 711 Rto I amuggllng* »hip* WOrt , totor«* I by the «OYtromort to re ** dor- V, inn the fiscal year ended Juae I 80. 818 with cargo and t l T r - >u * «el •■■■ d rv m m s Motto ^-'todd p. Pichwicfc Stage Agen, O . L. Chrtis " Thverii*Osfe¿*97 E. Main St., Ashhmd, Oregon • n io n e .a i' ^ ; z