1 I MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive thrw months in the rich osone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's \g Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Without tile use of medioiue cures nine cases o u * / 4«n of asthma. This is a .Act res» W ire Serrine) VOL. XI4X Successor to tbq Semi-Weekly. Tidings, WlU>e«SS ? ASHLAND, OREGON, Resolution Asking Coolit to Modify Sentence Introduced CHARGED a a a a a TO BE DEVELOPED JENE, Ore., Dec. 1» » (U . P .) — Eugene w ill » soon bare it» first movie a attldiO. -r-r------- V 7 ----------- The Cope F ilm Cor- poratlon, beaded by W . S. Cope, ha» announced It w ill »tart construction in December on a 1400,000 a plant, t h e . first unit of which w ill cost 11000,000 R epresentative Calls Jury “Boot­ ed and Sparred Inquisition” in Congress W ASHING TO N, Dec. 19— (U. P -)— The first reference to the court m artial of Colonel W il­ liam Mitchell, thorn in (he side of the arm y and navy officials, on the flo o r of congress, was made today In the House by Representative Tillm an, demo­ crat of Arkansas who charged that the sentence Imposed ou the flying colonel was “ an in­ sult to a free American." Tillm an charged that the court m artial was convened for tbo special purpose of ^getting Mitchell." “ This spurred and booted Inquisition got him in the repre- double quick time sentative declared. A resolution asking President Coolidge to modify the sentence which was imposed on Mitchell, and to restore “ his proper rank with its proper pay and all other emoluments” was lntro- duced into the Houhe by Rep­ resentative Black of New Y o rk, a democrat. A sentence of five years sus­ Excellent' Displays Made By All Merchants of City Christmas tims usually means beautifully decorated windows in Ashland, and this Chrlstmqs is no exception, ter almost every business establishment nas made a special effort to deck tlfelr w in­ dows out in the finest possible displays. Although most of the windows are arranged attraotively and de­ corated with goods which the es­ tablishments have for sale, a few pension was imposed on Mitchell by the Jury of generals, but it is believed this w ill be cut down by Coolidge. POUR CARS CRASH Four cars, the drivers’ names as yet unknown, crashed over th« edge of the highway in the Sis klyous yesterday afternoon, and although each car rolled more than th irty feet, none of the oc- pupants were injured. The smashup occured. it was learned when one car skidded over the bank. A second car stop­ ped to aid the first car, and then two more cars, coming from up the mountain, In attempting to stop, locked wheels and skidded Into the second car, all three ro ll­ ing over the edge. OARS CRASH, BUT NONE ARE INJURED have entirely left out the mer­ chandising end of the decorations, making their windows purely de­ corative. .using snow scenes, Christmas trees, Oregon grapes, holly and other w intry decora­ tions. One of the finest displays in the city is seen in the Western Auto 8upply company window. Much effort was spent by R. J. Woods, manager of the establishment, In arranging his window, which is made attractive, in spite of the small space available. Another beautiful window is the Babcock G ift Shop window. Here, a w intry scene has been worked oat to excellent advant­ age. Enders’, Isaac's, McGee’s, and the other department and clothing stores in the City have very at­ tractively decorated windows. V. D. M iller, of M ille r’s Tog­ gery, has worked out a beautiful and attractive display. • In fact, the windows in almost every business house are in ex­ cellent condition, and In many re­ spects surpass those of past years. A car, owned by J. L. Barn- thouse of this city, was damaged yesterday -exisning when a car owned by B. L. Delsman was driven into the rear of the Barn- thouse car. The accident occured on the Boulevard. No report had been made up to noon a t the police station, and the driver of the Delsman car was unknown. In his report, Barnthouse stated his car was still Medford building permits for when struck. 11 months total >882,836. Dec. 19— Confessing their efforts to have of the four alleged a co charged with m alicious' mischief as the re­ sult of much destruction of property in Weed following a raid by federal prohibition authorities recently, the mystot- lous sponsors of the accused have evidently agreed that the defendants may be tried In ’ a Siskiyou court. Hon. W . A. Beasley, former) superior Judge In California, re^ quested City . Attorney Horace V. Ley, yesterday to appear for him before Judge C lifford E. Butler, Justice of the peace for Yreka, and have a tria l date set Out of courtesy to Judge Beasley, Ley appeared before judge Butler and the date was fixed for Febrnary 1, thus bringing to an end a concerted action by the defendants to have the charges transferrod to the federal court* in San Francisco. District Attorney Jeaae W . Car- ter of Shast* county recently appeared before united States District Attorney George H a t­ field In San Francisco, w ith M. E. Kern, Charles H . M iller, H. B. W harton and B. L. Rlchard- sffn. Kern and M iller are at liberty on Individual ball of >600 each, together w ith J. G. Gilstrap and J. B. Cantrell, alleged leaders In the wrecking of the Hotel Savoy and other properiiee. Two "John Doe’* warrants for alleged prohibition agents have never been served by Sheriff A. 8. Calkins St the request of* Colonel Ned Greene, prohibition administrator, who promised a complete Investigation as to their near riot. complicity in NO. 93- DlsappoInleiK ilAIRYINC to Have Picture Studio, is Announcement tt a a a • the ■ F ll IN JACKSON CO. Offers Come in to Give Aid for Woman Pacing Poor Farm TO S T A Y IN HOME ‘G randm a” W ill Not be F orced to g o to P o o r F arm Hay Many L ocal P eo p le "Orandma isn’t going to th t poor farm .” This is the declaration of a number of Ashland people, af­ ter they read la The Tidings of the case of a little old lady here, no longer able to support herself, but who is determined to remain in her home, in spite of a ll efforts to remove her to the poor farm. “ I've had a home all my life, and I want to stay in that home now,” said the little old lady, and those who have taken up the battle in her behalf arc squally determined that she is going to stay in the home she worked so hard to build up, ami in which she has lived for years The Tidings office has been beselged w ith calls from gener­ ous people, inqhlring as to the identity of the lady, who is af­ fectionately known as “Grand­ ma” to those who are intimately acquainted w ith her. One of those who called a well known local business woman said, “ 1 am w illing to contribute to a fund to keep her in her home, and I know there are many others in- Ashland who feel the same as I do about- the m atter." “Grandma.” was long one of the leading civic workers . of the city. Every effort to Im ­ prove her city found her w ork­ ing with a ll her m ight. Now. no longer able to be actlve,.those who have the advantages o f.tb e city she helped to make a bet- ter place la wjilch to live, are determined that she also, Is to enjoy the fruits of her labor. NEW MARK IS SET POR REGISTRATIONS Yesterday, w ith a total of 27 out of state registrations, is the high mark for the month of De­ cember, since the opening of the local registration office it was learned today. The high mark for past Decembers was 20, set DOHENYS TURNED DOWN IN APPEAL W A S H IN G TO N , Dec. 19. — (IP) — The District of Columbia court of appeals today denied Albert B. F ail. Edward L. Doheny and Edward L. Doheny Jr., a rehear­ ing on bribery Indictments re­ turned agqlnat them. The court recently held the indictments valid reversing the lower court. Hi ¥ Clubs to go After Older Boy’s Conference Thursday night of this week the Ashland H l-Y club of the lo­ cal High School had their reg­ ular bi-monthly meeting in Pio­ neer H all. This meeting took the form of a supper followed by a business meeting. About 16 boys wera In attendance. The deVOTtonai periàd was WXffl by M r. Howell, whose subject was "Petering.” The thought which was le ft w ith the boys was that so many people, and Institutions today want to start with a whoop and a hurrah and finish with a gasp rather than take the accepted rule that great oaks from acorns grow. I t Is the steady plodder that gets to the finish and not one who goes bÿ spurts. Other Items off business IJransaoted were the adoption- of a Constitu­ tion w ith state affiliation and standardisation. A motion frae passed to the effect that a Md be made for the older Boys’ Conference of Southern Oregon an annual a ffair sponsored by the «tâte Y. M. <5. -A. To Give Report at Annual Meeting to be Held on January 9 Big Ranch Near Talent is Sold to Tillamook Man CONTRACTS FAVORED W I L L S E L L ST O C K Many Schem es Offered. B ut N one M eet A pproval * ta t G rowetn ‘ And M em bers o f A ssn. Much o f Land Under T alent Ir­ rigation D istrict W ater, Which O w ner Hays He W ill Use ------- -— I A fte r a long conference, in That a great development In which growers, directors of the the dairying Industry in Jack- Ashland F ru it and Produce as­ son county will take place In sociation and a dumber of busi­ the next few years in indicated ness men took part, a committee, by a recent real estate transfer composed of three business men, Involving irrigated farm lands. three growers and three direct­ Vast Improvements are contem­ ors of the association was ap­ plated, which will result in pointed to endeavor to work Jackson county’s milk produc­ out a ’plan for the betterment Adelaide Cody, 21, Is a Hollywood ing herds being of better stock, She fell In love and being Increased in numbers. of the association. This Plan movie actress. E. Two weeks ago, Dr. J. E. w ill be announced at the an­ with an electrician at the lot. i love affair affair hit a a snag. snag. Reedy, nual meeting of the association, Then i the love Reedy, veterinary veterinary _ ’ surgeon surgeon of of She took poison and is In a aer-1 Tillamook, purchased the 27S to be held on January 9. <„ Several schemes have been sug­ lous condition, i acr° EI118 ranch near Talent gested, but none have met w ith from John Shattuck. Seventy- the fu ll approval of .the associa­ five acres of land on the ranch tion of the growers. One of DAWES PLAN PAIL8. Is in the Talent Irrigation dis­ GERMANS DECLARE trict, and is under irrigation. these schemes would have the present association, the stock Dr. Reedy has announced his B X R L IN . Dec. 19— (U . P .) — Intention of making full use of in which is held by both grow­ A message to the farmers i f the country was delivered by ers and local people, retire from Misgivings ns to the feasibility the water rights, and now has President Coolidge at Chi tago, where be addressed the business, w ith a new association, of the Dawes plan were express­ men working on cultivating the National Farm Bureau Fed fration. Photo shows the presi­ made up of growers, to lease the ed for the first time, openly land. He plans to put 200 acres today, by the government of­ dent and Mrs. Coolidge on d e platform with bureau offic­ plant from the present asso­ ficials. Speaking In the Relch- under cultivation in the near ciation. In this way It was felt ials just before Mr. Cooli ie began to speak. 0 . K. Brad- the 'association would have the serat, the government spokesman future, planting it in alfalfa and grain. Improvements In fute, president of the oi enization, stands next to Mr. united support • of the growers. said that the funds from taxes farm buildings are planned, and Coolidge. I t appeared to be the con­ were unavailable for the Dawes a new barn w ill be constructed. census of opinion that without plan payments In 1927 and there- In the past two weeks since contracts w ith the growers, the he has owned the farm , tin TWO ARE HURT IN Revenue from other sources Reedy has shipped five cars of association could not exist, prof­ AIRPLANE SMASHUPS itably. A t the present time, would be necessary, the speaker well bred Tillamook dairy stock th© association has contracts added, contending that industrial to Jackson county, selling t ie ZA N E S V IL LE . O., Dec. 19— with no growers, and for that taxes, already -heavily saddling stock to dairymen in the Talent (U . P .)— Sergeant Lawrence must he re­ district. reason, the growers market their m annfaeturou, I t Is Dr. Stipe of Saginaw, Mich., was v themselves, and turn duced! l Aln sg o ■! tention tu uptiB HS ' S tnir best produce fcrobaTSIy fatally tnJiTrtd art« to the association their sec as a central station M the sale ■Lieutenant James Hewings of over ond class products. W ith con- OAN’T PAY PINES. TO of TUlamook dairy stock. In Boston Mass., was seriously hurl tracts, the growers would find addition, he w ill conduct a LABOR ON STREETS when their plane crashed, eu It necessary to turn over all dairy ranch of from 50 to 60 route from Aberdeen, N. D., to their produce to the association From no on, according to Judge Dayton, Ohio and in this way, the good pro­ Frost, who presides over the city Dr. Reedy Is now in T illa ­ Show to be Given Again on duce marketing would aid In the court, those who cannot pay their mook county, and w ill return ■ TAsraAxy Evening, it is expense of marketing the poor fines w ill be sentenced to work on to Jackson county in a short Announced produce. the city streets. In the past, those time with his family, to mako Those oppolnted on the con»- who did not have the money to his home her*._______________ Z_ In spite of the heavy raine, mlttee to work out a plan are: meet the fines were sentenced to which made the toads very slip­ Peters Evans and Gallatin, as­ the county Jail, where they re­ pery, and undoubtedly kept HOSPITAL GOES TO sociation directors; W iley. Horn?» mained. with the city paying for many who otherwie would have MISS J. AITOHISON and Howell, growers and McCoy, their upkeep, until the fine had attended, away a house packed Smith and Brommer, business been served out at tho rate of >2 A t a special meeting of the to its fullest capacity witnessed men. per day. city council, held last night, the tho presentation of “ F ud on Four youths, under 21 years lease for the Community Hos­ the Podunk Lim ited,” the first of age, caught playing pool In pital, over a three year period, of a series of entertainments by Reinhart’s Pool H all, were re‘ was let to Miss Jeanne Altchlsoa. the people of Bellview, in an Land Office Sale Nets Fed contly sentenced to labor for five Although her bid of >>00 per effort to * raise funds for the eral Government. Total days in lieu of paying a >10 fine year was not the highest of construction of a Community of $60,280.33 assessed against each. the list submitted the members House in the Bellview district. The youths were Janies Heer. of the council favored Miss ROSEBURG, Ore., Dec. 19— In fact, so many were turned Ix>e T u ttle, <*dltor o f The Wayne H ill, Frank Moore’ and Aitchlson because of her lone a w a y that those in charge of T h irty million feet of timber Jack son C ounty N ew s X»f experience in hospital manage­ Vernon Phipps. the a ffa ir have decided to have from 1000 acres of land were M edford, und H .H . W ither­ ment and the fact that she is a another showing of the farce sold yesterday to nine bidders spoon o f E lg in , Oregon, graduate nurse. Monday evening, when It is in a public sale conducted by Advertís«1 w ere In A shland Friday. hoped that all who could not the Roseburg land office.’ The Mr. W itherspoon, w ho 1» attend last night w ill witness sale of timber from O & C and a m em ber o f tho state Coos Bay wagon road grant the show. h o rticu ltu re board and one More than . >130 was realized land, netted the g o ^rn m e n l o f th e la rg est apple grow ers A ll of the timber from the performance last >60,280.33. In th e sta te, attend ed th e night. The food and candy Is In Coos and Lane counties. fru itg ro w ers’ m olding in sales aided In this total, which M edford. was far beyond the expecta­ HEAVY RAIN FALLS H e w as d elig h ted w ith tions of those who sponsored THROUGHOUT NIGHT tile A shlam l territory anil sah l th a t th e fru itgrow ers’ Homer Billings carried the Frlday, December 18, at Pi© Over a quarter of an inch of m eetin g In Medford luwl been ncer H all, the Aahland Boys' hoys with him lu a brief sum­ rain fell last night, in fact, .32 o f gront valu e to th e raisers, Clubs held the first of a aeries mary of what "Christmas Spirit’* of an inch, to bo exact, according a s som e o f th e best growers of rallies. Following the sea­ Is. to figures by Louis Dodge, of­ In th e country hail given son’s demand the meeting took ficial weather observer. A l­ Tha final scene was enacted th e ir experience • at the ou the form of a Christmas ra l­ w ith Santa* Claus, playing the though this total Is not extremely m eetin g. ly. About 60 boya were In at­ chief role as good old Ntek high, in comparison with othsr tendance and all spent a very is supposed to do. This was giv­ storms of the past, the total fall enjoyable evening. was great for the time the rain en by the Beavar Pioneer Club The rallies are planned by" a of the Methodist church as their fell. group of boys called the Boys stunt. Several atreota In the lower SWOPPING A fter thinking that his Council. This council la a rep­ r~tsf"«» aids a * were flooded Mff8 necessary, therefore, to raise w ith water for a few minutes, resentative body of alt the Pio­ ride through the clouds and only the funda necessary tor the w ith water running over the gut­ neer and Scout groups In the rain to get here old Santa purchase of the materials nesd- town. Those which have beeu found them and bad a candy ters. » selected by their respective clqbs bar for all thoee present. as representatives are as fol­ HEADS SAY DENVER Tbs Boys* Couacll have v a lows. BANKS MAY REOPEN great many such good times, Stag -Pioneer Club, Dick Hitch­ planned fo r ' ths future. TWO ARRESTED ON They cock; Beaver Pioneer, Raymond plan to have besides the month­ LIQUOR CHARGES D E N V E R , Dec. 19. — (IP) — (Rennet ;< Bear ’Pioneer Club, ly rally one other item of la- Officials of the five banks that K eller Mabbett; Soout Troop No A. V enturi and b . Catallnl were closed here Thursday and yes­ terday were making efforts to­ yesterday afternoon lodged in the county Jail, charged with tho day to reopen their Institutions. transportation of liquor, follow­ Gordon H o llis/ president of the ing their arrest by State Truff 16 Grovers National Bank and the Officer C. P. Talent *on the 31e- Broadway National, the first two to close, said .that work was un- kiyous. WEATHER Venturi and Catallnl eonftused dor way to reopen the Broadway. Oregon and Washington that they were returning to their Officials o f , the Metropolitan and — Cloudy. Not mu ph Capitol H ili'S tate banks said they homes in K lam ath Falls after * change in temperature., trip to Weed, where they obtained believed their bank* would be M elerete southerly winds. open soon. ten gallons of wine. Elgin Man Has Much Praise for Ashland District MORE PAYE