L. N. Brainerd of Portland was Mr. Salisbury of San Francisco w ill be the house gueat of Calvin a business visitor in Ashland yes McCelland for the Christmas holi terday. days. « i received Nero Navajo Scarf sets for winter at * F or F ire Insurance see J. L. Simons, 26 S, Pioneer Ketch, Ashland H otel Bldg. 38-3 67-tt Renting a specialty. Liat your house with A SHLAND R E A L T Y CO. Have your Bunday dinner at Martha’s Dtnnig Room.— Van- 71-tf dome Hotel. 81-tf Candy Und— We are prepared Crater L a k e Picture to handle your Xmas orders with »1.26.— McNair Bros. fresh confectionery of all kinds. FOR SU R ETY bonds 82-eod-tri L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Stated Convocation, Thursday evening. Dee. 17. Election and installation of officers. Routine business. A lt companions in- vlted. Meet at 7:30. O. W . D U N N , H W , H. DAY, Secretary; * Mre. H. S. Newton baa returned Francis and Joe Byrne left last evening for Southern California home from K lam ath Falla after where they w ill »spend the Christ visiting for several weeks with Mr. Newton is stilt mas holidays with their parent«. relatives. visiting’ In Klam ath oounty. C liff Payne makes hall trees. 20 per cent reduction on to bacco. Woods.— S76 E. Main Officera Elected— Returned Home Left Last Evening— Business Visitor— Visiting H e re framed Bibles and Testaments The T rin ity Guild w ill hold gifts.— E lh a rt’s. a Food Sale, Thurs., at 10:30. A ll good things to eat at store Have yonr broken windows room In Butler Bldg., formerly repaired. Large stock of glass oAupied by Sugg M illinery. ja hand. Jordan Sash and Cab inet Works. Phone 161. 36-tf The T rin ity Gnlld w ill hold, a Food Sale, Thurs., at id:30.J When passing by stop and see A ll good things to eat at store our Guaranteed Used' Cara with room in Butler Bldg., formerly thirty days Free Service.— Hani- aker Motor Co. Oak S'.reet occupied by Sugg M illinery. Garage. 90-2 When passing by stop and see The home of the Ashland Ta- Styleplus clothes at Paulser- onr Guaranteed Used Cats with The W . B. -A . form erly the th irty days Free Service.— Ham- ud’s. Our suits arq guaranteed. male.— The Rose. Perfume in. g ift boxes.— Me Lady Macabeea are giving *a card a k ir Motor Co. Nalr Bros. 86-tf Oak Street party. Wed., D m .,’ 16 at 8:00 p. Garage. To San F r a n c is c o - 90-2 m., at Odd Fellows H a ll. Re Call 130 for Powell’s famous Ted Lockhart left last evening Expected H e r e - freshments w ill be served. Every Returned H o m e - Mrs. Elison is expecting her son for Saa ' P r a n d io , where he w ill apple cider and wa deliver. one cordially invited. Admis Louts Dodge returned home to Ross, to arrive some time this enter the hospital for medical 69-1 mo. sion 60c. day from a weeks business trip week from Calgary, Alberta, to treatment. in Portland. He also visited in spend the Christmas holidays in Started Building— v , Eugene for a short while with Ashland. W hy not buy It at the A rm y Preparation has been made and his daughter, Edith. Goods Store? Even though you the carpenters are at work on Cou You should see Mrs. Fred do have to pay less. the first floor of the new gram- L E T J. 1». Ketch write your Homes as the st/ffragist, and pon tickets with each 60c sale. mar school building. automobile insurance. 71-ti Mrs. Norma Reeder a s . the suf Army Goods Store fragist’s naughty little girl, at C liff Payne makes panel doors. Madden retreads tires. Bellview, Dec. 18, at 8 o’clock • For him, a beautiful Reming Admission 35c and 26c. 90-1 ton pocket knife from 60c to FOR MORE AND BETTER make Suits overcoats »5.00.— Army Goods Store. It CHOPS -Paulserud’s. practical Smart-new models in topcoats Use Sulphur, Land Plaster and Paulserud’s. 85-tl When passing by stop and see Superphosphate our Guaranteed Used Cars w ith « For Hay, Grain and Bulbs Candy Land— Our special »1.00 Our Butter Toasted sandwiches th irty days Free Service.— H ani- W a can make yon Interesting and 60c cartons of assorted are growing In popularity. T ry aker Motor Co. Oak Street chocolates make a nice Xmas one at The Plasa. 87-tf Garage. 90-2 g ift. 80-1 Mo Bargains In Edtson Disc phonographs, prices cut in half. When passing by stop and see Records with each deal.— Tho onr Onsranteed Used Cars with Rosa. • thirty days Free Service.— Ham- a k rr Motor Co. Oak Street Returned to A sh la n d - Oarage. 90-2 Fred M erritt and Mansle Byden returned ywterday from a two Anaco cameras months visit In Nevada. »26.90.— E lhart’s. Complote line of Christmas candles at The Plasa Confoo- tlqpery, 20e per lb., and up. Calvin McCelland retornad the firs t of the week from San Fran cisco where he has been work lag for the past six months. Tear Trees We have a good supply W alk upstairs to Orres Tailor top and save 810.00. 78-tf Boxee filled from your sele¿- I f you’re hungry, come to Bellview, Dec. 18 at 8 o’clt^k. tlon from stock at Candyland. AU kinds of eats after the show. Admission 36c and 26c. 90-1 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 6 Marcels, »5.00 A ttra ttiv e coupon gift books (Lim ited number of books.) The Vanity Shoppe MeGee's S ta re .----------- Phone U M W h y do yon pay Sewing Ma chine Agents from »120 to »160 for sewing machines, when you ean get the W hite here for »06. ■asU Pell. 61-ti ’ Mrs. Charles B rolll who has been quite ill at her home on H el man street Is Teportqd as. Improv ing. Eat at Martha's dining room te n d o n e M o te t Q pea<:00~-kk m., to 9:00 p. m. 81H1 that Gifts of photographs bring Paul- hearts closer together.— Studio •O jtf Ashland.. - \ 8elect G ift Stationery.— McNair Deas Hardsell was a business visitor in Ashland yeaterday from AU onr confections home made H ilt, California. and freak dally at Candyland. L Merry Christmas! .< . y ..... protected — ...— _ —J —_ J The Men’s Shop Miller’s Toggery The picture that baffles descrip • Candy canes, all alias a t reas tion— words cannot describe It! onable prices.— The Rose. You must see this marvelous, thrilling, breath-taking produc tion whose graribeur and tense drama will smsse snd startle you. See “ The Phantom" whose weird power will grip and surprise you! See the mask ball scene, the most exotic, the wildest of Parisian revels, shown In full natural col or, the most striking, beautiful scene ever thrown upon the F O R R E N T — Three room house modern. Garage, chicken house. Apply. 1166 Ashland St. 90-2* Your Christmas Gifts from these— Ladies Rayon and Lisle Hose Leather driving gloves; cuff or slip-ons, fur lined Priced from $2.25 to $5.50. Our Shoe Department Offers Hundreds of pairs of comfy slippers—soft padded Soles lined forms; suff tops and very flexible; any color. See our windows and on the tables. Priced for all the family, $£25 to $2.50. offers the choicest lines of tâBTê runners, tapestry or jewel cloths at $1.50 to $2.98. Collar and cuff sets in lace or linen, a big assort ment at $1.00 to $2.98. — J Fancy kid gloves in black, browh, fawn, tan, champaign, white and greys. Cutout or stitched cuffs; all sizes at $2.75 to $4.50. Ladies and Children’s LEATHER BOSTON BAGS, UP TO 89.00 A Coat Getting Ready For Christmas We have the Laundry service you desire. room house, barn. Bellview dis tric t. »1,000, W . W . Robison, 63 N. Main. 90-2 and purses. Our line is big, broad and the range is complete. Blacks, brown, tan and light shades at 50c to $10.00. Ums 6 t-tl Are you planning and preparing those glad surprises that make this time or year a joy to yourself and others t or gre you putting in the time scrubbing out the clothes that were soiled last week! Let us help make possible the real Christmas spirit in your •W A S H IN G T O N . Dec. 16, — (IP) — Senator Jobes, republican of Washington, baa bean assured LOST— A green gold Shaffer that the w ar departments request for two A dm iral-O riental ateam- fountain pen. Finder please leave 90-2* era for« transport service w ill not at Tidings. Reward. be granted, he paid a fter a cpn- W A N T E D — Auto Salesmen, ference w ith President Coolidge H udsoa,- Essex, Overland and today. W illya Knight. Must furnish bond.' See Mgr. at Lithla Springs garage. ' 90-tf WASHINGTON 80L 0N Mr. and Mrw. Irvin g Finley, O L Y M P IA . Dec. 18— (U . P .) accompanied by Mr. Finley's sis — Thomas W . Hemp, 60, state ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and legislator from W hitm an county, Mrs. H. W . Potter, returned to died here today of apoplexy. He Ashland yesterday for a few days worked at the legislature until visit. On their trip they have 8 P- m., yesterday, and then at- “Hab-a-dash-Inn” Hot tub sulphur baths. Day or night at Jackson Hot Springs. . 60-ti telle JON1S W IN8 FIOHT ON ADMIRAL SHIPS Our Dry Goods Department Don’t fall tp s m Ed Dunn. A f it guaranteed. I t costs no He’s the groom at Bellview school iore. Psalserud’s for suits and house Friday. Dec. 18 at 3 rercoats. 86-tf o’clock. Admission 36c snd 26c. 00-1 Madden tended the leciatetora' bell . He wee salad w ith the attack a b o rt!/ a fter leaving the dance,* and died thia morning in a boapitgT, without regaining conadouanaat. a w ife and' fam ily aurvive him. Hla home waa at Palouae. ’STRICKEN SUDDENLY When passing by stop and c m oar Guaranteed Used Cars with th irty dayr Free Service.— Ham a k rr Motor Co. Oak Street From Hilt— TODAY — TOMORROW I f you need aa office or small storeroom,, the room next to The Tidings office la ready for you. Apply a t. The Tidings of fice. 62-tf vialted Seattle,' Vandbuver and Portland. On their wax to their home la Long Beach they w ill vialt in San Franctace, and Sacra mento. , • here is the best buy of the season. We,have them in colors of black, cordovan, log cabin, beige, peach and champaigne, 6 pairs to the box at $2.95 Paulserud’s fo r cleaning. Improving— The officera elected at the O. A. R. meeting on Saturday even ing are aa foliowa: Past Comman der, G. O. Van N atta, Senior; Vice Commander, J. E. Coder, Jr., Vice Commander, J. P. Say lee, Quarter Master, O. W . Benedict, Officer o f the Day, G. W. Nobel, Chaplain A .' C. Thomaa, Doorkeeper, J. L. Oxford. - leather Cowhide traveling bags; heavy reinforced corners and joints, (Brass Mountings) any price from $10.00 to $30.00. « and Suit Gases A Dress 24-26-28 inch sizes; all grades, heavy mountings; priced at $1.50 to $16.00. for the price of of a good coat alone That Ought to Make Her Christmas ductions in our Coat Clearance » .TUSH PHONE 165 WE DO THE REST Will save ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO nice dress for her ^>u enough to buy a BLANKETS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Standard cottons, white, tan and gray. Colored borders; sizes 54- 76 f 60-76; 70-80. Priced at $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00. s Wool naps—in plain and fancy; 18 patterns to choose from. 66-80 Part Wool double blankets, in heavy weights; fancy and, warm; da i n ty « cotons. Priced at $5.90 and $7.75. Copyright ip iy All wool blankets; either single or double; Ore gon City make. Light and soft shades. Size 66-80 and 72-80; prioed at $10.90 to $16.00. ROBE BLANKETS; ANY PATTERN Heavy fleece and wool. Colors of rose, blue, gray, tan, Navajo patterns. Priced at $4.98 to $9.90. SHOP EARLY AT SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE RENDERED BY GEORGE ÜONVEHSB zr* i'i 6 Oregon City Woolen M ill« c i f » 4 773