! < PACK ASH LA ND D A IL Y of various interests have been try in g io stampede 0 gress, as well as legislatures, into wiping o#t cert taxes. , ,; f v Every such proposal should be scrutinized. The w ing out of one tax means a heavier drain op the soun E TURKEYS, GEESE', CHICKENS . ' DUCKS Work Basket» ........SOo—SB Perfumes .................. BI— B® Toilet Seta ............ Toilet Water ........... ........BI Xmas Stationery YBc—• « Brass Jardinieres B2-B0 - BIS Recipe Clipping« ...^ gJAlO Bridge Score Pad Set« BBc Book E n d s................ «2—9« now.” ' TWO GOVERNMENTS TREMBLING More and more voices are heard in England denounc­ ing “ peace by raiding the public treasury.” This refers to the temporary settlement of the coal strike some months ago by voting from the treasury a bonus to com­ pensate the miners for the refusal of the owners to raise wages. Some people in the United States are priding them­ selves that we know better. The residents of the eastern part of the United States are enduring a coal strike now. It lias not been avoided by any such process as keeping tlie mines going by a government subsidy. As it is, the cost of mine idleness is paid by the owners, the coal min­ ers and the patrons who suffer for lack of coal. If the mines were kept going by a subsidy the cost would be paid by all the taxpayers of the United States. In this pleasant business of flattering ourselves that we do differently from the English, we should not forget tlie time when we did this very thing. It was when, by the Adaiiison law we kept the railroads going by the enact­ ment of wage raises taken out of the treasuries of the railroads and during the war a t least paid out of the treasury of the United States. The principle, that of fix­ ing of wage scales by government fiat rather than by economic give and take, is exactly the same. In England they are saying that the taxation system of the United Kingdom can not enduro the burden of the coal subsidy, whatever may be the political morals of the provision. The burden of maintaining, from the treasury, the difference in advantages of markets lietween British and foreign coal, is too great. Something must break. As it is, Great Britain and France are each facing a crisis iln one of a breakdow n of industry under the cost of coal, the other a breakdown of the government under the stress of militarism. WATCH THE ANTI TAX AGITATION The warning that has been raised nbout the intrigues to alwlish the inheritance tax, should point to the danger of various lines of propaganda regarding all taxes. » F o r there is quite too much confusion betwoon tax reduction and tax abolition for the benefit of special in ­ terests. It should be possible to attain greater simplicity of taxation 1n two ways. People .will learn more abont taxes and therefore will think of them as simpler. And* taxes will actually l>e abolished where they hurt, or be reduced, thus removing irritations. B at the inheritance tux ought not lie abolished. It should lie made more equitable. And it should be levied, if th at can be attained by either the states or the nation hut not by both. Under cover of urging the reduction of taxes agents r- ----- -— Diaries it? in 10 yea«. Give i t f tnal' ana judge for your- self ' ' , ; • I "vP & w Osnsral G mo B ub , Alio Choicest Kinds of Meats .......... Body Powder ......BI— Tourist Tablets ........ Ivory Comb and Brush ■ Sets ............. I .... BY-BIB Myrtlewood Not Bowels Imported Vases ....BBo S B Hand Painted Dishes Photo Albums .......-91—94' which, is the hugest gr&v Mincemeat Fresh Oysters Pen and J Letter File. Steel ORDER FOR YOÜK CHRISTMAS Respectability: Palling down the curtains before starting a family ecrap. Hes Heck says: ‘‘Dodgin’ taxes puts less strain on the con­ science than any other trans­ gression I kin think o’ right Conklin .Gold Cigarette Hold' D IN N E « NOW • Snobper: One who hopes to WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING find things ten times worse than **AU future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection, taken is Advertising.” they really are. No discount will he allowed Religions or Benevolent Orders. Gumption: Knowing where you - DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise wiU be made In advertis­ don’t belong andi*leeplng away ing er Job printing — onr contributions will be In cash. from the locality. Parker Duofold Pen and Corona Typewriter Brief C«ses -----..a Camera .... Myrtlewood A»h Ti Bandits in Chicago got >3000 ( J iverlooked 130,00p. shows you ’rruin Klamath Falls— t never pays to hurry too mnch; .v Oscar Larson and family of 'glamath fraljs, who spent ' leef About'all a rolling stone gatb- sight with M W. Hamakar of Obituaries, per line CHRISTMAS TRADE The stores of Ashland have made every possible ef­ fort, both to provide a wonderful stock of holiday and winter goods for Christmas trade, and to provide all the help necessary to handle tho rush and give the public satisfaction. There is no place where the people can get more for their money than right here. The stoeks carried by these stores for the Christmas season here are very much larger than they used to be. The buyers for our stores keep in close touch with the lines being carried elsewhere, and if an idea on a certain style is popular, you will find it possible to satisfy it here just as well as anywhere. The costs of operating a store in a city like ourg are not as great as they Are in the m etropolitan centers, In those places expenses are boosted to a high level be cause of the general scale of costs in these places. Also you can get more personal attention in stores like 35 First S t » Phone 63 Rainbow COAL GIVE THE CAR Something Tor Xmas PISTONS PINS A Guarantee of Maximum Gold and stiver medal bull, the only hull to qualify for a gold medal with first calf daughter!, sire of St. Mawes Ftfoop 20 Medal ot Merit, gold and silver medal bnll sire ot 48 B. of V. daughters includ- ing Lads Iota 1048.07 lbs. of fat, ex-world’s record cow. 'They are on t ie accredited H et ot the Federal Bureau of A&tmal Industry. They ere tree from dlbeSse, e recent blood tept far abortion »bow» every animal lh the herd clean. Ap Ideal opportunity to secure foundation females or a herd bnll. Qualify Uniform in every pound qf Dress up the H< FOR THÉ HOLIli $♦11 Papering and Painting . v »if» ' ' a Insist Vß9h Aéhlapd - Made Butter Lad’s Pride, world's record claas leaders. Also younger stock from the same proven breeding. These cattle are from a practical producing herd and will he Bold in just good working condition with­ out special fitting. POR EVERY GAR I Forty head, registered .Jersey?, heavy producing cows, with gold and silver medal production records. Heifers bred and open, young service bulls, a p art wit« show records and all from the most popujar breedings. The sale includes daughters of such bulls as, ROSAlfeE OLGA LAD Lada* Lady and St. Mawes Heat Sudden Service J. G. RIGG Medford, Oregon, Saturday, December 19, 1925 •BINDA LAD OP g. B. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY 384 Oak SL Across R. R. Tracks^_____ ' AUCTION Cold and silver medal bull. Complete Reconditioning Ask your Mechanic Protect your radiator, but if it freeses, for quick Rack of Thf Western Auto Supply Go. LEEDOM’S BEARINGS 8400.00 Strödt •al Batata A Real Inaurane stab. 1883 41 B. Main St Phone «11 . RINGS Chevrolet Coupe-1923 THE OVERLAND GARAGE It It you are hurt and unable to WQrk, your expenses are in­ cluded by doctor’s bill*—and you're fortunate If you come through by drawing on your savings alone, and not falling up to your neck in debt. It is this costliness of accidents that makes Travelers Accident Insurance so popular. Carry this insurance and you know before your accident hap­ pens just how much it will cost you — merely the very reasonable sum that you have already paid as your premium. Wishing you had Insured won’t pay the bills after you are hurt. Get it today. Billings Agency P 1 Driven Only 7,000 Miles SHOP